Channel: ! A Growing Teenager Diary !
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Fairy Tail Anime

today i woke up at 10.25am.
somehow i was awakened by a dream again but luckily it was not happening real.
well, what i still still remember in the dream was about i was forget to bring my luggage while waiting the flight to UK and was sad when saw some of my ex-classmate was farewell to each other but not me.
so when i saw the date was 20th May, i suddenly woke up and just wrote this into my phone note.
after having my breakfast, i just surf some information for some time and take a nap.
the moment i woke up again was 3.20pm and went to have my lunch as today was a vegetarian day.
honestly, i do recall me something about eating vegetarian can remove your negative emotion as i heard someone said the reason we have those anger, bad emotion was due to eating those "animal".
anyways, i just feel myself was quite hypocrite saying pity for animal but end up still eating those meat.

after that, i just watched the latest episode of Naruto anime as it release every Friday.
besides, i was attracted with Fairy Tail anime as i saw one of the character which is Plue as shown below.
it is because Plue was appeared in Rave Master anime from Japan which is the cartoon that i like most during secondary time.
however, the Plue series from Rave Master anime does not related with Fairy Tail anime.
basically the anime was about Lucy Heartfilia, a celestial wizard who joins the Fairy Tail guild, and Natsu Dragneel, a fire wizard known as a Dragon Slayer who is searching for his adoptive dragon father Igneel.
according to Wiki, the venue of the series take places in Fiore Kingdom and those who practice magic as a profession, referred to as wizards (魔導士 madōshi), join guilds where they share information and perform paid jobs for clients.

frankly speaking, i spend all of my time to watch the Fairy Tail anime from 1st to 21st episode but there still still 155 episode to go.
around 7.30pm i went to have the vegetarian meal as my dinner and continue to surf the internet again.
well, iProperty has shared the views of 2275 Malaysian people point of view about the property market as 70% people want the government to curb rising property prices in the country after the 13th general election as shown picture below.
iProperty.com Malaysia - #1 Digital Property Advertising Business in Malaysia
Created by Iproperty MY, the number one website in Malaysia, whether you have a house for sale or are looking to buy.

in my opinion, i just feel that it is so hard for younger generation people like me was not able to buy a property with our own capabilities if we did not depend parents.
well, what i really means here is that using a normal way to count our capability as when we come out to work at age of 21, imagine your monthly salary is RM2,500 but after deduct all those food, education loan, car, entertainment and etc, you would probably left RM500~RM1000.
so let's say you have a clear profit of RM1,000 and able to save RM12,000 for a year, how long it would take to buy at RM300,000 property?
by the time when you have the money to buy, the property price goes up again.
anyways, the above is just my opinion about it and i surely someone will able to earn more especially selling house, car, insurance, direct sales/mlm and others sales related business.

around 10.20pm is the Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing program and below was the recording podcast for it.
1) 第一位:阿星(34歲 / 自雇人士)~他在手機界已經混了十年覺得很難請人,而且工人每次請回來做了不久就離職,她曾經想過要轉行去打工希望能夠是一份比較不會太困身的一份工作。【陳峰大哥的建議是:不如試著找一個學歷不高的年輕人但是卻有一種很好的學習態度,然後加以巡邏和栽培他使他有能力掌管和打理店面,最後就要看他平時怎樣對待員工了】>>> Here.

2) 第二位:Gary~事業的話題,他想問髮型師這行到底能不能在這個社會上找到收入或生存,他也在考慮要不要繼續在新加坡發展或者回來大馬開店。【由於電話說到一半就斷線了,陳峰大哥最後想告訴他的是可以嘗試找一些比較有打算做久的員工逗留,像是野心不強烈的那一種】

3) 第三位:林先生(35歲 / 在新加坡做工)~事業問題,他之前是做會計的但是現在想轉行去從事保險界。【陳峰大哥認為會計師的生活圈子可能和保險業有太大落差,畢竟兩者之間的生活圈子性質完全不同】Part 2 + 3 >>> Here.

4) 第四位:娜娜(四十多歲歲 / 單親媽媽 / 育有三名孩子)~她目前的新對象是個逼她還大年約三十來歲,雖然他們交往了十多年但是心裡還是覺得很掙扎不知道是否該分手好。【陳峰大哥認為他們如果是真心相愛的話就不應該太過顧慮和在意太多外在的眼光,因為害怕人家的眼光而退縮也是一種心理障礙的因素而照成解決問題的絆腳石;最後她必須勇敢地】>>> Here.

5) 第五位:婉儀~目前和男朋友拍拖將近四年左右,她曾經問過對方什麽時候要和她結婚但是對方的答案是不:“不”。【陳峰大哥建議她應該找個時間和男朋友坐下來好好的談這個問題,必須給自己這段糾纏不清的關係設下最後期限免得拖著太久對自己也沒有好處】>>> Here.

6) 第六位:Sam~自從女兒出世之後,他就開始和太太的感情開始變質。【***】>>> Separate two part >>> Part 1 and Part 2.

7) 第七位:Sam(延續剛才之前那第六位)~他說之前自己做錯事,並沒有騰出時間來陪太太間接不小心的忽略了太太的心靈需求和安慰等等。【陳峰大哥覺得也有可能是因為女人在生產之後會把重點心思和精神都投射在孩子的身上】【陳峰大哥另一個建議就是叫他可以試著把孩子帶去給太太重新相處一段時間,然後再把孩子接回去自己的家(因為目前雙方處於分居狀態)希望對方可以慢慢重新接受他善意誠心的改變】>>> Here.

8) 第八位(最後一位):Nicholes~感情問題,他拍拖兩年的的女朋友是個馬來同胞,家裡人是反對的,而對方的家人卻沒有任何意見;其實他自己本身也是有所顧慮關於入教的問題。【陳峰大哥建議他要先想清楚是否和對方性格相近相處和睦甚至也沒有什麽摩擦,另一方面是雙方達成的共識到底有多少;還有雙方生活文化差異和背景等等】
somehow the world is full of various type of stories again while i continue to watch the Fairy Tail Anime.
on the other hand, i was finding excuses again for "delaying something" as i still haven go find the grammar books as my reason was no car which make me unable to go out.
anyways, tomorrow will be outing with my parents to KL and hopefully can done something useful.

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