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Happy Wesak Day 2013

today i woke up at 11.40am.
well, it was a Wesak Day and i would like to wish anyone who celebrate this day a Happy Wesak day.
actually when writing this post i still feel like writing an annual report again because i will look back the Wesak Day 2012 post to see what happened to me on that day.
somehow i do feel quite funny when reading back the last year post when talk about girls related things.
after i get myself prepared, father fetched us to the Klang Coast Buddhist Association (滨海佛学会) for prayer related things and my mother was at there too doing a volunteer work.
around 12.30pm we arrived there and it was full of people.
then we just have the vegetarian lunch at there although it taste not very nice. (>.<)
besides, there was a lot people queuing up to "bath the Buddha statue" but i did not join.

anyways, i just pray to the Buddha with praying stick as shown below. (picture taken from last year)
honestly, i start to feel myself seems to be having lesser faith to God. (OMG if i say such thing don't know will get any karma or not).
finally i arrived back home at 2.30pm.
then i just continue to watch some Hunter X Hunter anime and check out some latest news.
during the evening, i start to feel tired and fall asleep after that.
the moment i woke up again was around 7pm and my mother wanted to have dinner at Miao San Yuan vegetarian restaurant but i did not follow.
at the end, i just have KFC as my dinner although it is advisable to eat full day vegetarian during Wesak Day as a sign of respect.

during the night, i just looking more information and see some Anime as i was like waiting my time to end fast  this coming day although there is so much things that need to be done.
in fact, i keep recall what my sister told me that the best time to learn new things is during student time because we are most free and if we came out work, we probably don't have much time to learn new things as after work, we will eventually feel tired and continue to repeat again and again thinking about those office work that need to be done.
around 10.20pm was the Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing program and below was the recording podcast from the story.
1) 第一位(已婚四年 / 無小孩):阿明明~感情問題,可能是因為她和丈夫性格不合加上自己幾度教唆他不要給家人那麼多錢而導致丈夫開始對她反感。(電話說到一半忽然間斷線)

2) 第二位:Apple~感情問題,和男朋友相處了三四個月左右開始出現狀況,因為她沒有向男朋友坦白說自己還有和前度男友聯絡,所以無形中間接產生更多的故事和誤會。【陳峰大哥認為她的男朋友很小氣,大男人注意,而且目中無人;所以她必須認清楚這個事實才能決定到底應不應該繼續和他交往下去】Part 1 + 2 >>> Here.

3) 第三位:Amy~感情事,她和老公結婚多年,自認丈夫是一個比較性格孤僻內向甚至也不怎麼愛說話的人,她擔心他可能是工作壓力的問題可是對方卻選擇沉默時常搞得家庭的氣憤很死氣沉悶。【陳峰大哥認為,她丈夫可能是因為在事業上得不到認同感,所以可能心情比較過得不踏實和不安】>>> Here.

4) 第四位:阿平~想問問關於做生意的問題,是關於所得稅的事項。

5) 第五位:Win~他說自己已經兩年沒有安心入眠,曾經嘗試吃過安眠藥也是沒有效用。【陳峰大哥認為這是他個人心理或壓力所導致,可能是自己的心裡在工作上有很多認為擔憂的事情和問題;不止沒有安全感而且還要求最尖銳和完美】Part 4 + 5 >>> Here.

6) 第六位:Kelvin~他想告訴之前那位聽眾說,如果他再這樣下去猜疑自己的太太結果就是只有離婚收場。

7) 第七位:阿凱~他覺得自己讀錯書了,因為時常無心向學也無法專心念書。【陳峰大哥給他的提示就是安排好自己的讀書時間,學會自律】Part 6 + 7 >>> Here.

8) 第八位:阿鐘(四十歲 / 已婚七年 / 銷售員)~他說自從和太太有了孩子之後就一直被太太頭不信任票,動不動就查他手機和問長問短。【陳峰大哥認為是他之前有過多次的犯罪記錄累積的前科,導致太太會時常懷疑而且對他的一舉一動沒有信心】>>> Here.

9) 第九位:阿文(在籍學生的年輕人 / 就讀法律系)~因為之前和老闆的一些誤會所以對方一直避開也不和他聯絡說話。【陳峰大哥認為這可能是他的性格太直率衝動,希望他再收練一些,時時刻刻保持清醒和冷靜的態度處事待人】>>> Here.

10) 第十位:Alice~她說她的老公也是很小氣的男人,每次吵架之後都是不會主動來挽回討好關係的那一方,她是不甘心每次都要自己成為先讓步的那位。【陳峰大哥讚揚她很疼愛自己的孩子,雖然每次和丈夫有很多小摩擦但是整體來說她的家庭生活還是美滿的;也可以借此機會當做是上天安排下來給她的一個修行和考驗】>>> Here.
well, i just manage to listen few of it as i was doing other thing else but will continue listen back tomorrow.
besides, i feel it is so true about guy that don't ever let girls know that you're have a stubborn attitude and other negative stuff. (做男人不要那么小气和固执)
moreover, the number 5th guy sharing seems to be quite same with me as i keep worrying about the things that haven happen yet.

however, what i can say was it is not easy to keep think logically when you're in a stress mode.
one thing i found about myself was that i often need to depend on this kind of sharing to have a better positive feeling about myself because my mindset was not very good just like the picture below.
often time, i seems to like to focus and magnify the negative such just like how i receive the negative feedback from my yesterday post and when thinking deeply, only myself will feel hurt in the end right?
perhaps this is so true that a "concept" need to be often practice in order to keep have the same positive thought about it.
frankly speaking, i feel that writing this blog was quite insecure for me as i have a thought that i "die die also must delete all the content in this blog once i having a relationship" because no girl will like any guy who was so obsessed with something and being such a negative mindset will truly bring a lot of disadvantage to me.
at last, what i learn from the sharing program was don't always use those word "Hope" and replace with Will" because HOPE AND WILL have a VERY BIG DIFFERENT mindset.
therefore i WILL definitely be happier, i WILL not think back my past and definitely enjoy myself the most from the UK trip if i apply his sharing to my own concept.
before i end my post, it was so true about the Anonymous sharing regarding how we look at the water inside of a glass just like picture below.

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