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First Time Flying With Emirates Airlines Experience

today i woke up at 9.50am.
then i just do the final checkup although yesterday was my final preparation of my stuff.
after that, i went out to cut my hair and bought some food that i like to eat near my house as my lunch.
when my brother reach home as he had taken a half day leave to accompany me to KLIA airport.
around 3.50pm we make a move from home as my family will go together to the airport.
besides, one of my friend phoned told me that the traffic was very congested on the way to the airport.
anyways, we did not face any difficulties going there and reach the KLIA around 4.45pm as below.
upon arrived there, i was lucky to meet a friend as i joined his queue instead of waiting from the beginning since there was a lot of people as below.
after check in my luggage, i was having the last gathering with my family in the Mc Donalds.

in addition, i also saw a lot of people having great gathering with some friends while some go together in a big group of friends.
around 6pm i went to check in after saying the last goodbye with my family and the scene i saw was below.
however, it seems that i was require to take another train to reach the terminal gate as shown below.
upon finish check in, i was quite nervous as it was my first time to sit the Airbus A380-800 as below.
then i just took some picture inside the airline although i did not went upstair to see as picture below.
moreover, i was enjoying the flight experience when it's start flying from the track as the monitor allow us to see 3 type of current angle from the aeroplane as below.
after the plane successfully fly on the air, we was served with some dinner food as shown below.
well, the food was just taste moderate but the Bega cheese was quite awful to eat.

furthermore, there was a lot of latest movie available to watch at the plane and i just watched few different movie such as Jack the Giant Slayer, Wreck It Ralph and others that i missed last time.
after few hour pass, there was another round of food served as shown below.
moreover, they will continue to serve different type of drink upon your request but i did not order the wine.
somehow i have a thought about going UK seems to be just to make more contact (connection with people) when the person beside me talked to me about this matter although i was the type of quite person.
around 10.30pm my phone's rang about the reminder for Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing program but i couldn't listen it since there was no such radio channel.
below was the podcast recording from for that day although i start to feel that i tend to obsessed with listening other's people story.

1) 第一位:Yuki~她說這兩天做工好累所以提早睡覺,她說自己的婆婆忽然間懷疑她要對她下毒手殺害她。【陳峰認為那是老人家的心裡作祟,需要年輕人更多的的關心和關愛】>>> Here.

2) 第二位:文仔(24歲)~他兩年前和朋友合股做生意結果被人把錢給騙光捲走了,大約五十萬左右,他到現在還是耿耿於懷不能接受被朋友騙的事實。【陳峰大哥認為他創業的處理方式太過馬虎,太多小細節疏於留意又太心急】>>> Here.

3) 第三位:榮德~他打電話來是要紀念自己的表妹過世的忌日,因為是一場車禍悲劇。【陳峰大哥唯一能做的也是安慰他,希望他的表妹在天之靈能安息】>>> Here.

4) 第四位:陳風~她打來純粹只是打來問陳峰大哥的名字怎樣寫。

5) 第五位:阿May~家庭事,因為弟弟和老婆鬧離婚然後現在因為弟弟得不到家人的支持而跟她和媽媽吵架翻臉,理由是因為她們不幫弟弟爭取孩子的撫養權導致弟弟的心裡不平衡關係鬧僵。【陳峰大哥認為她的決定和做法是對的,不能因為自己的個人情緒和報復心態而影響了孩子的前途發展和成長環境】Part 4 + 5 >>> Here.

6) 第六位:Miss Wong(已婚 / 有孩子)~她說自己沒有做工了,又患上女人病(雖然都已經動手術了)她只是在抱怨自己因為病情的影響導致短暫被逼休假養病。煩惱心事2:她身邊有朋友的老公和兒子都是病態賭徒,她想問怎樣幫這位朋友解決煩惱。【關於第二個心事,陳峰大哥認為病態賭徒最好能及早接受心理醫生給予戒賭的治療和輔導】>>> Here.

7) 第七位:李先生(怡保人 / 35歲 / 未婚 / 從新加坡打電話回來的)~家庭問題,因為金錢糾紛,事件牽涉到自己和父母的親子關係。【陳峰大哥勸他凡事不要等到失去了才來後悔當時沒有爭取和把握機會向父母表達心意,留下人生的遺憾渡過這一生】>>> Here.

8) 第八位:楊先生(最後一位)~他父母目前是退休兼職的補習老師,母親最近好像患上憂鬱癥,令他們一家人不懂如何應對和處理。【陳峰大哥建議他們鼓勵母親多多參與社團活動或者選擇去瞭解一些宗教信仰瞭解和吸收其中的觀念以打發神經避免胡思亂想的可能】>>> Here.

anyways, i would listen it back when i have the internet connection as the Wifi in Emirates airlines need to pay money before can use it.
around 2.05am in the midnight the plane successfully landed in the Dubai airport.
then i took some picture around the area inside as shown below.
besides, i just realize the currency exchange for Dirham (AED) was 1 to RM1 and i feel the item price there was quite expensive as i just bought a 1.5 litre of Alainwater for RM6.
however, we need to wait for around 4 hours+ because the time zone is different and we need to follow the departure time of the country.
in fact, i was writing this post using Malaysia time as the Dubai and UK time is different as it was my first time to encounter this problem after writing for almost 5 years. 

around 6.50am i manage to go inside the Boeing 777-300ER flight before it start to depart at 7am and i realize the controller was a little different with Airbus A380-800 as below.
actually i was having some mixed feeling again as this post was delayed one day and i would update the next feeling on my next post since i just arrived to Sheffield.
honestly, it was about those "old stories feelings" again and i was trying to overcome it.
besides, i don't really like to being accuse on something and really have a contradict feeling as my ex-classmate since diploma know that i got this type of writing my blog feelings long time ago.
perhaps what i really don't like was it might ruin the purpose of expressing my feeling without any concern using an anonymous identity.
anyways, i just keep told myself to focus on the things that important first and the main objective was to get my degree certification.

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