today i woke up at 7.05am.
somehow i just write back my yesterday post as i still have some time while waiting for the 9am class.
then i just have some cereal with a little milk as my breakfast although i don't really like to drink milk.
around 8.30am we make from home and walked to Adsett centre for attend the Strategic Marketing Management lecture class.
well, this subject was teach by a Liz tutor as she was a full time lecturer teaching in SHU for almost 7 years and major in marketing.
the first impression that i get from the her was she asked "where are we going wrong?" and i like the quotes which is "It's about getting as excited about audience as we do about artist, Fred Bolza, Vice President, Sony Music" from the slides.
anyways, i couldn't recall much about the lecture since this blog was delayed on a day.
after that, we went to the Hubs center to take our medical card and there was a lot of people queue up.
however, we was lucky to get it earlier since there is another seminar class later in Stoddart.
around 11am i went to attend the Strategic Marketing Management seminar class and was teach by a tutor named "Giovanna" as she was an Italian who was born from Manchester.
one quotes that i like from the book was "What the student does is actually more important in determining what is learnt than what the teacher does" because only ourselves know what we study for.
frankly speaking, marketing management seems to be not the things i really want to learn but there is no choice since i already pursuing my e-commerce and marketing on the half way because until now i still feel that programming and technical skills is more important than "talking skills" for introvert people.
besides, i just feel myself tends to be not very sociable or "friendly" in real life as i don't interact much with people although a marketing guy must be very talkative and extrovert.
somehow i don like like to join back same group because it is hard to know new people and i just feel it was true that when you're going through you diploma until advance diploma in Tarc, the group that you join tends to be last longer unless the tutor or lecture select the group randomly.
furthermore, the assessment for this strategic marketing management subject was 50% coursework and 50% examination mark.
basically this was the three subject i learn for the SHU summer program which is Product Innovation And Creativity , E-Business Management and Strategic Marketing Management to get my BA Hons Degree in e-commerce and marketing.
after the class, we went to Sainsbury's bakery to buy the milk chocolate cookies because they was a promotion for just £0.50 as shown picture below.
the first bite for this cookies was totally awesome until can "fly into heaven" due to it's sweetness but after taken second piece, i start the taste was not nice after drink some water.
when i arrived home, i walk out with some friends to Castle Market near Yorkshire bank to buy something.
well, there was seafood which caught my attention was the Fresh Spider crab that cost about £4 for one crab and it was very big because usually it would cost around RM50+ or higher when you buy in Malaysia as shown picture below.
anyways, i just bought a 100grams of peeled prawn from the Castle Market for just £1 to put in the instant noodles that i will cook later.
as i arrived back home, i just quickly cook my instant noodles with the prawns.
around 5pm my friend went to the church for free dinner but i did not join due to "religion issues" as i know there might be need to listen to some "Christian song" and etc.
somehow i do feel a little "jelly" when see some food picture posted by friend from the church such as the dumpling with others few dishes which is quite mouth watering.
anyways, i just cook the instant noodles with prawns again as my dinner.
on the other hand, i did feel a little "down" when walking pass outside the hostel door to go to the laundry floor when i heard the sound of "cheerful" from the another group at other hostel room.
during that moment, i really think how it would be if i join this program last year and suddenly recall old classmate memories which make me continue to dwelling again.
therefore it seems that no use to think about it since i might be just another hypocrite guy.
during the night, i phoned my brother using Viber and chat about 25 minutes although it was already 1am in Malaysia time.
well, his advice was same as usual just like the "no car issue" as i should not use more money in buying food but buy more things that can use/see or can bring back to Malaysia.
in addition, he can't recall back much about the things is useful to buy as he came here 4 years ago.
somehow my sore throat still haven fully recover although i had eat the Chinese medicine and drink a lot of water as i hope it would not become serious because consulting a doctor in UK is very expensive.
around 10.30pm is the "Chan Fong" (大城心事) sharing program again although i am following it in UK time and below was the podcast recording of the story.
1) 第一位:佩燕~她在工作上和上司發生的誤會和爭執對她耿耿於懷,就爲了一些上司對于人事和辦公室裡頭的職位安排而找老闆理論。【陳峰大哥勸她做工凡事別太過於斤斤計較還有把自己個人的情緒和脾氣發洩在工作上】 >>> Here.
2) 第二位:溫先生~方向感有些混亂,問題一直存在重複發生,他自認自己是個執著的人。【陳峰大哥,執著如果是在工作上希望想把使命和任務發貨和表現得最好那是值得讚賞的,但是對於朋友的執著或許就會換來別人的反感】 >>> Here.
3) 第三位:Jia Ng(28歲 / from:追[峰]一族)~她本身的職業是Admin,但是興趣是化妝,很想嘗試接觸和化妝有關的行列但是又怕會失去自己原有穩定的收入。【陳峰大哥聽到她目前的成就,大致上是在鼓勵她應該勇敢地嘗試直接從本行跳出來全心全意投入這個自己想要衝刺的行業,只要挨一段時間將來必定會有所作為和看得見的成就】 >>> Here.
4) 第四位:Angel(從新加坡打電話回來的)~五年前曾經做過眼科手術,五年後的今天她又再一次回去做檢查報告出來后發現需要再重複再做一次類似矫正手術;前提是會有風險甚至患上種種的後遺癥甚至是癌癥等等。【陳峰大哥認為她應該嘗試去問別的醫生意見看看是否意見一致或者再做決定,但是他個人的角度是認為如果做這個手術之後(如果)可能會換來其他犧牲的代價似乎有些不值得也很冒險;感覺上是一物換一物的情況】 >>> Here.
5) 第五位:阿德~之前曾經有打過電話進來的,陳峰大哥叫他放棄自己的兼職然後專心投入本行的那位。【陳峰大哥到最後說了一句,就是叫他只要有任何新的嘗試機會都不應該放過,因為那很可能就是一個全新改變命運和機會的時間已經降臨】 >>> Here.
6) 第六位:Cooldy(大概二十出歲)~他和拍拖四年的女朋友剛分了手,他自稱懷疑可能是自己平時服的健身藥產生的副作用導致影響自己的情緒不穩定。【陳峰大哥那他的那番話純屬是個藉口,幸好他發現覺醒得早不然可能自毀人生】 >>> Here.
7) 第七位:小琪~家庭糾紛,因為生意上的競爭最後先生也因此和她家人鬧翻了。【陳峰大哥覺得人情是人情,生意是生意,不應該感情用事把錢和情混淆;畢竟她的親戚也有權利選擇生意的經營模式還有合作對象】 >>> Here.
8) 第八位(最後一位):阿Jack~他說和女朋友分手了半年但是還是很想念對方,他很自責自己當初提出無厘頭的分手理由,現在他很想和她回到過去像是恢復到像之前那樣的狀況。【陳峰大哥提醒他應該將自己的事業先搞來來,畢竟他自己本身也要供車供樓還有自己的日子要過,目前先解決了負擔搞好基礎比回頭找舊情人重要】 >>> Here.
overall i just listen a few of it and just can say the world is full of different type of problem.
on the other hand, i do read some article like "Why Men Aren’t Really Men Anymore" and "The Reasons Why Nice Guys Always Finish Last" from Elite Daily as i am still finding the answer for my so call "love".
therefore it might be true that social media platforms have taken away the need to interact face to face, taking away the need for actual interaction where you can now keep in touch with friends and family all over the world from a handheld device which might be bring a lot disadvantage soon.
around 11.20pm i went to wash my clothes with the 2 token as one token is for washing clothes 35 minutes using the washing machine while the another token is for drying clothes for 45 minutes as i finally done my laundry at 12.30am.
in conclusion, i feel that everyone have their own "dark secret" including myself as i tend to be another "attention seeker" when i write more about my life.
perhaps what i really want was just to hope someone to care for me but i have too much weakness on myself that resulted me to use an anonymous identity to express my feelings.
in fact, the article that i read tends to be quite true about men that instead of going out into the real world and meeting women, they stalk women on Instagram which is much easier to talk to a woman online than in person as men now prefer to hide their faces behind their monitors for some reason.
(Self Expenses note: Today £1.50, Yesterday total £222, Total up to date £223.50)
somehow i just write back my yesterday post as i still have some time while waiting for the 9am class.
then i just have some cereal with a little milk as my breakfast although i don't really like to drink milk.
around 8.30am we make from home and walked to Adsett centre for attend the Strategic Marketing Management lecture class.
well, this subject was teach by a Liz tutor as she was a full time lecturer teaching in SHU for almost 7 years and major in marketing.
the first impression that i get from the her was she asked "where are we going wrong?" and i like the quotes which is "It's about getting as excited about audience as we do about artist, Fred Bolza, Vice President, Sony Music" from the slides.
anyways, i couldn't recall much about the lecture since this blog was delayed on a day.
after that, we went to the Hubs center to take our medical card and there was a lot of people queue up.
however, we was lucky to get it earlier since there is another seminar class later in Stoddart.
around 11am i went to attend the Strategic Marketing Management seminar class and was teach by a tutor named "Giovanna" as she was an Italian who was born from Manchester.
one quotes that i like from the book was "What the student does is actually more important in determining what is learnt than what the teacher does" because only ourselves know what we study for.
frankly speaking, marketing management seems to be not the things i really want to learn but there is no choice since i already pursuing my e-commerce and marketing on the half way because until now i still feel that programming and technical skills is more important than "talking skills" for introvert people.
besides, i just feel myself tends to be not very sociable or "friendly" in real life as i don't interact much with people although a marketing guy must be very talkative and extrovert.
somehow i don like like to join back same group because it is hard to know new people and i just feel it was true that when you're going through you diploma until advance diploma in Tarc, the group that you join tends to be last longer unless the tutor or lecture select the group randomly.
furthermore, the assessment for this strategic marketing management subject was 50% coursework and 50% examination mark.
basically this was the three subject i learn for the SHU summer program which is Product Innovation And Creativity , E-Business Management and Strategic Marketing Management to get my BA Hons Degree in e-commerce and marketing.
after the class, we went to Sainsbury's bakery to buy the milk chocolate cookies because they was a promotion for just £0.50 as shown picture below.
the first bite for this cookies was totally awesome until can "fly into heaven" due to it's sweetness but after taken second piece, i start the taste was not nice after drink some water.
when i arrived home, i walk out with some friends to Castle Market near Yorkshire bank to buy something.
well, there was seafood which caught my attention was the Fresh Spider crab that cost about £4 for one crab and it was very big because usually it would cost around RM50+ or higher when you buy in Malaysia as shown picture below.
anyways, i just bought a 100grams of peeled prawn from the Castle Market for just £1 to put in the instant noodles that i will cook later.
as i arrived back home, i just quickly cook my instant noodles with the prawns.
around 5pm my friend went to the church for free dinner but i did not join due to "religion issues" as i know there might be need to listen to some "Christian song" and etc.
somehow i do feel a little "jelly" when see some food picture posted by friend from the church such as the dumpling with others few dishes which is quite mouth watering.
anyways, i just cook the instant noodles with prawns again as my dinner.
on the other hand, i did feel a little "down" when walking pass outside the hostel door to go to the laundry floor when i heard the sound of "cheerful" from the another group at other hostel room.
during that moment, i really think how it would be if i join this program last year and suddenly recall old classmate memories which make me continue to dwelling again.
therefore it seems that no use to think about it since i might be just another hypocrite guy.
during the night, i phoned my brother using Viber and chat about 25 minutes although it was already 1am in Malaysia time.
well, his advice was same as usual just like the "no car issue" as i should not use more money in buying food but buy more things that can use/see or can bring back to Malaysia.
in addition, he can't recall back much about the things is useful to buy as he came here 4 years ago.
somehow my sore throat still haven fully recover although i had eat the Chinese medicine and drink a lot of water as i hope it would not become serious because consulting a doctor in UK is very expensive.
around 10.30pm is the "Chan Fong" (大城心事) sharing program again although i am following it in UK time and below was the podcast recording of the story.
1) 第一位:佩燕~她在工作上和上司發生的誤會和爭執對她耿耿於懷,就爲了一些上司對于人事和辦公室裡頭的職位安排而找老闆理論。【陳峰大哥勸她做工凡事別太過於斤斤計較還有把自己個人的情緒和脾氣發洩在工作上】 >>> Here.
2) 第二位:溫先生~方向感有些混亂,問題一直存在重複發生,他自認自己是個執著的人。【陳峰大哥,執著如果是在工作上希望想把使命和任務發貨和表現得最好那是值得讚賞的,但是對於朋友的執著或許就會換來別人的反感】 >>> Here.
3) 第三位:Jia Ng(28歲 / from:追[峰]一族)~她本身的職業是Admin,但是興趣是化妝,很想嘗試接觸和化妝有關的行列但是又怕會失去自己原有穩定的收入。【陳峰大哥聽到她目前的成就,大致上是在鼓勵她應該勇敢地嘗試直接從本行跳出來全心全意投入這個自己想要衝刺的行業,只要挨一段時間將來必定會有所作為和看得見的成就】 >>> Here.
4) 第四位:Angel(從新加坡打電話回來的)~五年前曾經做過眼科手術,五年後的今天她又再一次回去做檢查報告出來后發現需要再重複再做一次類似矫正手術;前提是會有風險甚至患上種種的後遺癥甚至是癌癥等等。【陳峰大哥認為她應該嘗試去問別的醫生意見看看是否意見一致或者再做決定,但是他個人的角度是認為如果做這個手術之後(如果)可能會換來其他犧牲的代價似乎有些不值得也很冒險;感覺上是一物換一物的情況】 >>> Here.
5) 第五位:阿德~之前曾經有打過電話進來的,陳峰大哥叫他放棄自己的兼職然後專心投入本行的那位。【陳峰大哥到最後說了一句,就是叫他只要有任何新的嘗試機會都不應該放過,因為那很可能就是一個全新改變命運和機會的時間已經降臨】 >>> Here.
6) 第六位:Cooldy(大概二十出歲)~他和拍拖四年的女朋友剛分了手,他自稱懷疑可能是自己平時服的健身藥產生的副作用導致影響自己的情緒不穩定。【陳峰大哥那他的那番話純屬是個藉口,幸好他發現覺醒得早不然可能自毀人生】 >>> Here.
7) 第七位:小琪~家庭糾紛,因為生意上的競爭最後先生也因此和她家人鬧翻了。【陳峰大哥覺得人情是人情,生意是生意,不應該感情用事把錢和情混淆;畢竟她的親戚也有權利選擇生意的經營模式還有合作對象】 >>> Here.
8) 第八位(最後一位):阿Jack~他說和女朋友分手了半年但是還是很想念對方,他很自責自己當初提出無厘頭的分手理由,現在他很想和她回到過去像是恢復到像之前那樣的狀況。【陳峰大哥提醒他應該將自己的事業先搞來來,畢竟他自己本身也要供車供樓還有自己的日子要過,目前先解決了負擔搞好基礎比回頭找舊情人重要】 >>> Here.
overall i just listen a few of it and just can say the world is full of different type of problem.
on the other hand, i do read some article like "Why Men Aren’t Really Men Anymore" and "The Reasons Why Nice Guys Always Finish Last" from Elite Daily as i am still finding the answer for my so call "love".
therefore it might be true that social media platforms have taken away the need to interact face to face, taking away the need for actual interaction where you can now keep in touch with friends and family all over the world from a handheld device which might be bring a lot disadvantage soon.
around 11.20pm i went to wash my clothes with the 2 token as one token is for washing clothes 35 minutes using the washing machine while the another token is for drying clothes for 45 minutes as i finally done my laundry at 12.30am.
in conclusion, i feel that everyone have their own "dark secret" including myself as i tend to be another "attention seeker" when i write more about my life.
perhaps what i really want was just to hope someone to care for me but i have too much weakness on myself that resulted me to use an anonymous identity to express my feelings.
in fact, the article that i read tends to be quite true about men that instead of going out into the real world and meeting women, they stalk women on Instagram which is much easier to talk to a woman online than in person as men now prefer to hide their faces behind their monitors for some reason.
(Self Expenses note: Today £1.50, Yesterday total £222, Total up to date £223.50)