today i woke up at 8.45am.
then i just quickly get myself prepared and "walk+run" to attend the Strategic Marketing Management lecture in Stoddart centre although i know i would be late.
actually i had wake up around 7am+ but slept back as i was still feeling quite tired as i only sleep few hour but i was lucky that i can automatic wake up at that time instead of skip my lecture.
when i reach the lecture hall, luckily the lecturer haven start to teach and i saw not much people attend party because yesterday's Viva La Fiesta party event that resulted can't wake up early.
well, this morning lecture teaches about the buying behavior of business and organisation while focus on market segmentation using the segmentation matrix by Williams. (2006)
in fact, there is still something that we need to refer back using the SHU Space blackboard website.
after the class end, i walked to Sainsbury and bought the double chocolate cookies although they no longer offer half price discount from £1.05 as below.
then we just walk back to the Stoddart centre to attend the SMM seminar lesson.
well, the seminar discuss about the case study for bread market in UK and we need to find out the customer using the "Key Questions" between the independent restaurant and large manufacturer such as Marks and Spencer organization.
after some break, it is continue with the segmentation matrix where we need to list all the possible factors that influencing customer's choice of supplier/brand (CCF) by choosing any 3 type of situation such as going to the pub, shopping for groceries and buying a laptop.
around 1.10pm we went to Mc Donalds to have our lunch.
finally i arrived back home at 2pm and Skype with my parents in Malaysia.
somehow i do feel a bit "emos" within myself when my parent asked me whether i am happy or not in UK as i need to pretend to be very happy at the moment being here.
in fact, i do know it was just my "own personalities" problem about the "lonely feelings" as i had some "weakness" that resulted the "me" of myself today.
sometime i just wondering whether the main reason that caused me to feel "lonely" might due to express too much feeling using blog as i did feel that the more i write, the more i feel lonely without an actual long term benefits that can make me think of although it sounds like "influence sadness" to people.
on the other hand, "sense of belonging" seems to be quite important too when i arrived UK without much of my previous college classmate from last year.
guess it is probably due to seeing other junior classmate hanging out with a big group doing things together because they had already become friends since diploma until this stage.
therefore what i really want to say at this point of studying so long in Tarc College was the friends that you make during diploma really important because it will bring a long term effect on you later on.
somehow i had "decided something" to follow the big groups because in order to "overcome something" about myself as an introvert person.
moreover, it was true that the Tarc summer 3 month program in SHU does not have much exposure with foreigner because all the "guai lou" (foreigner) already go back home and we attend class/hang out with Malaysians friend most of our time while the place we stay might consist of a little China, Taiwan, Hong Kong people.
besides, i would like to share a meaningful picture from Zenpencils comic that talks about "Make Gifts For People" because your responsibility is not to the people you're making the gift for, but to the gift itself as shown below.
well, the comic really did make me touched because no one would really understand the intention of my writing everyday as it might sounds boring and pointless post.
moreover, a smile was the most important to make other's people hang out with you just like those girls who always smile tends to be getting more attention although i know this apply same to guy but my "long term emos face problem" had resulted me to be ugly.
in fact, i realized that i often "emos" about the things i did not have and always live in what other's people want in order to be accepted although knowing i will "lost myself" someday.
for example, when i listen about how some people say that some guy "take advantage" by "touching touching something" (抽水) to some girls at the nightclub yesterday, i do wonder why the guy was not me and shouldn't complain so much for being the so call "good guy" (滥好人) that is quite "disgusting" in someway.
frankly speaking, i was dwelling on the past again think about how "someone" being "搭讪" (flirt) by other people last year for the same Viva La Fiesta event and discover it is no use to think back.
as i grow older more, i must accept the fact that every girl had been chased by other guy as if you did not care for a girl, other's guy will do the job but this is only apply to 70% of the beautiful girl and the left is only "below normal look" just like me.
therefore this might explain why some guy rather choose a not very beautiful girl because it will lesser down the competition from other guy.
somehow i think i shall aim for a not very beautiful girl although it seems like having a lesser self esteem or condition and look like a "loser" in someway.
well, if really want to talk about using money to fulfill the "loser stuff", it can be a lot of way such as buying academic certificate, cheating girl and go for prostitution with a lot of different stories.
during the night, i just have the Carlos American Style deep pan BBQ chicken pizza that i bought from Aldi for £0.99 as my dinner as shown below. (using oven cook, feel so full although it is not tasty to eat, regret)
then i just check out some emails and read some terms and condition for the Barclay's bank as below.
after that, i went to wash my clothes and played some ping pong with friends while waiting the 1 hour+ laundry session of washing and drying my clothes.
furthermore, i feel that exercise is good as it can release some stress.
it is because until this moment i still stressed over the product innovation and creativity individual coursework presentation as there is still a lot of uncertain question need to be answer and the deadline is next Tuesday and today already Friday.
seriously my feeling at this moment is just like "stucking" in a cage (hostel room) thinking the way to solve this coursework. (feel like shouting)
anyways, i just refer back to the previous guide that i get last year and hopefully can solve it by tomorrow or else i no need to graduate for my degree certificate for this year.
before i end my post, below was the Chan Fong "大城心事" sharing program podcast recording.
1) 第一位:Jessica(育有两名孩子)~婚姻问题,自从她丈夫失业后就令他们的关系变淡,因此丈夫忽然间向她提出离婚的要求。 【陈峰大哥从交谈中发现到她和丈夫的沟通方式出现很大的漏洞和问题,必须要试着改变用另一种方式去表达与对方互动和相处】>>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿玲(之前曾经播过电话进来的)~她的家人个个都劝说她改教,既是改变宗教信仰为基督教;可是她还是习惯了目前的宗教信仰。 【陈峰大哥劝她尽量要再放轻松点,无论如何一切就让它都顺其自然】
3) 第三位:阿兴(已婚)~打电话进来纯粹是和陈峰大哥闲聊。【--】Part 2 + 3 >>> Here.
4) 第四位:阿Lyn(自雇人士)~她自称自己也是个小小的老板,但是她的一班伙计经常和她一起出去吃饭都是吃大餐令她有时候觉得花钱花得有点超出公司预算范围不甚至有时候不能在预估范围之内。 【陈峰大哥听了之后认为是她另一个股东花钱比较阔气而导致员工用尽所有公司给予的一切福利和好处,另一方面赏罚分明的制度也没有妥善规划出那个必有的规则】>>> Here.
5) 第五位 >>> Here.
6) 第六位 >>> Here.
7) 第七位:阿莹~她刚加入一家新公司上班不久,大约两个星期但是发现那些旧员工全部一个接着一个的辞职离开,这种现象对她的觉得这家公司靠不住。 【陈峰大哥认为是她个人比较害怕承担责任,所以不敢接受公司给她的任务和挑战;另一方面她自称自己是个比较不能适应大变化的人】>>> Here.
8) 第八位(最后一位):阿Choi~他说他的朋友成为了别人的第三者,虽然他觉得他某个程度上是很开心,但是他总觉得良心上认为是不赞同这种第三者的行为。 【陈峰大哥基本上觉得他的朋友是没有什么不对的地方,毕竟他的这位朋友把人家的女朋友抢了过来时也是在对方还没结婚的情况下开始重新选择新对象而成立】>>> Here.
somehow i do know that i shouldn't "whine" about my student life with this assignment because working life tends to be more stress than this.
(Self Expenses note: Today £2.10, Yesterday total £280.30, Total up to date £282.40)
then i just quickly get myself prepared and "walk+run" to attend the Strategic Marketing Management lecture in Stoddart centre although i know i would be late.
actually i had wake up around 7am+ but slept back as i was still feeling quite tired as i only sleep few hour but i was lucky that i can automatic wake up at that time instead of skip my lecture.
when i reach the lecture hall, luckily the lecturer haven start to teach and i saw not much people attend party because yesterday's Viva La Fiesta party event that resulted can't wake up early.
well, this morning lecture teaches about the buying behavior of business and organisation while focus on market segmentation using the segmentation matrix by Williams. (2006)
in fact, there is still something that we need to refer back using the SHU Space blackboard website.
after the class end, i walked to Sainsbury and bought the double chocolate cookies although they no longer offer half price discount from £1.05 as below.
then we just walk back to the Stoddart centre to attend the SMM seminar lesson.
well, the seminar discuss about the case study for bread market in UK and we need to find out the customer using the "Key Questions" between the independent restaurant and large manufacturer such as Marks and Spencer organization.
after some break, it is continue with the segmentation matrix where we need to list all the possible factors that influencing customer's choice of supplier/brand (CCF) by choosing any 3 type of situation such as going to the pub, shopping for groceries and buying a laptop.
around 1.10pm we went to Mc Donalds to have our lunch.
finally i arrived back home at 2pm and Skype with my parents in Malaysia.
somehow i do feel a bit "emos" within myself when my parent asked me whether i am happy or not in UK as i need to pretend to be very happy at the moment being here.
in fact, i do know it was just my "own personalities" problem about the "lonely feelings" as i had some "weakness" that resulted the "me" of myself today.
sometime i just wondering whether the main reason that caused me to feel "lonely" might due to express too much feeling using blog as i did feel that the more i write, the more i feel lonely without an actual long term benefits that can make me think of although it sounds like "influence sadness" to people.
on the other hand, "sense of belonging" seems to be quite important too when i arrived UK without much of my previous college classmate from last year.
guess it is probably due to seeing other junior classmate hanging out with a big group doing things together because they had already become friends since diploma until this stage.
therefore what i really want to say at this point of studying so long in Tarc College was the friends that you make during diploma really important because it will bring a long term effect on you later on.
somehow i had "decided something" to follow the big groups because in order to "overcome something" about myself as an introvert person.
moreover, it was true that the Tarc summer 3 month program in SHU does not have much exposure with foreigner because all the "guai lou" (foreigner) already go back home and we attend class/hang out with Malaysians friend most of our time while the place we stay might consist of a little China, Taiwan, Hong Kong people.
besides, i would like to share a meaningful picture from Zenpencils comic that talks about "Make Gifts For People" because your responsibility is not to the people you're making the gift for, but to the gift itself as shown below.
well, the comic really did make me touched because no one would really understand the intention of my writing everyday as it might sounds boring and pointless post.
moreover, a smile was the most important to make other's people hang out with you just like those girls who always smile tends to be getting more attention although i know this apply same to guy but my "long term emos face problem" had resulted me to be ugly.
in fact, i realized that i often "emos" about the things i did not have and always live in what other's people want in order to be accepted although knowing i will "lost myself" someday.
for example, when i listen about how some people say that some guy "take advantage" by "touching touching something" (抽水) to some girls at the nightclub yesterday, i do wonder why the guy was not me and shouldn't complain so much for being the so call "good guy" (滥好人) that is quite "disgusting" in someway.
frankly speaking, i was dwelling on the past again think about how "someone" being "搭讪" (flirt) by other people last year for the same Viva La Fiesta event and discover it is no use to think back.
as i grow older more, i must accept the fact that every girl had been chased by other guy as if you did not care for a girl, other's guy will do the job but this is only apply to 70% of the beautiful girl and the left is only "below normal look" just like me.
therefore this might explain why some guy rather choose a not very beautiful girl because it will lesser down the competition from other guy.
somehow i think i shall aim for a not very beautiful girl although it seems like having a lesser self esteem or condition and look like a "loser" in someway.
well, if really want to talk about using money to fulfill the "loser stuff", it can be a lot of way such as buying academic certificate, cheating girl and go for prostitution with a lot of different stories.
during the night, i just have the Carlos American Style deep pan BBQ chicken pizza that i bought from Aldi for £0.99 as my dinner as shown below. (using oven cook, feel so full although it is not tasty to eat, regret)
then i just check out some emails and read some terms and condition for the Barclay's bank as below.
after that, i went to wash my clothes and played some ping pong with friends while waiting the 1 hour+ laundry session of washing and drying my clothes.
furthermore, i feel that exercise is good as it can release some stress.
it is because until this moment i still stressed over the product innovation and creativity individual coursework presentation as there is still a lot of uncertain question need to be answer and the deadline is next Tuesday and today already Friday.
seriously my feeling at this moment is just like "stucking" in a cage (hostel room) thinking the way to solve this coursework. (feel like shouting)
anyways, i just refer back to the previous guide that i get last year and hopefully can solve it by tomorrow or else i no need to graduate for my degree certificate for this year.
before i end my post, below was the Chan Fong "大城心事" sharing program podcast recording.
1) 第一位:Jessica(育有两名孩子)~婚姻问题,自从她丈夫失业后就令他们的关系变淡,因此丈夫忽然间向她提出离婚的要求。 【陈峰大哥从交谈中发现到她和丈夫的沟通方式出现很大的漏洞和问题,必须要试着改变用另一种方式去表达与对方互动和相处】>>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿玲(之前曾经播过电话进来的)~她的家人个个都劝说她改教,既是改变宗教信仰为基督教;可是她还是习惯了目前的宗教信仰。 【陈峰大哥劝她尽量要再放轻松点,无论如何一切就让它都顺其自然】
3) 第三位:阿兴(已婚)~打电话进来纯粹是和陈峰大哥闲聊。【--】Part 2 + 3 >>> Here.
4) 第四位:阿Lyn(自雇人士)~她自称自己也是个小小的老板,但是她的一班伙计经常和她一起出去吃饭都是吃大餐令她有时候觉得花钱花得有点超出公司预算范围不甚至有时候不能在预估范围之内。 【陈峰大哥听了之后认为是她另一个股东花钱比较阔气而导致员工用尽所有公司给予的一切福利和好处,另一方面赏罚分明的制度也没有妥善规划出那个必有的规则】>>> Here.
5) 第五位 >>> Here.
6) 第六位 >>> Here.
7) 第七位:阿莹~她刚加入一家新公司上班不久,大约两个星期但是发现那些旧员工全部一个接着一个的辞职离开,这种现象对她的觉得这家公司靠不住。 【陈峰大哥认为是她个人比较害怕承担责任,所以不敢接受公司给她的任务和挑战;另一方面她自称自己是个比较不能适应大变化的人】>>> Here.
8) 第八位(最后一位):阿Choi~他说他的朋友成为了别人的第三者,虽然他觉得他某个程度上是很开心,但是他总觉得良心上认为是不赞同这种第三者的行为。 【陈峰大哥基本上觉得他的朋友是没有什么不对的地方,毕竟他的这位朋友把人家的女朋友抢了过来时也是在对方还没结婚的情况下开始重新选择新对象而成立】>>> Here.
somehow i do know that i shouldn't "whine" about my student life with this assignment because working life tends to be more stress than this.
(Self Expenses note: Today £2.10, Yesterday total £280.30, Total up to date £282.40)