today i woke up at 7.15am.
then i just have the chocolate cereal as my breakfast and continue to check the draft related things.
around 8.45am we make a move from hostel and went to attend the Product Innovation and Creativity (PIC) lecture at Stoddart building.
well, the tutor just show the "World's first lab-grown burger is eaten in London" video before the lecture start which might probably leave us the question about how to market such product since it is still hard for the society to accept such product as it seems like an artificial product.
somehow i just feel that this technology might be able to cut down the slaughtering rate of animals if everyone support to eat such meat.
anyways, the lecture class was all about teaching us the guide for the group's assessment coursework.
after the lecture ends, i went to the seminar class to wait for the next class.
well, the seminar PIC lecture was the continuation part of the 20 minute consultancy of the group business plan for our coursework.
around 1.10pm i arrived back home and went to collect the laundry together while checking my mail box.
it seems that the camera battery where i bought from eBay few days ago was finally arrived and just feel that the service was more efficient as shown below.
besides, i also received the free first Graze box that have the honeycomb crunch, tomato dipinetti, marvellous macaroon and jaffa cake inside as shown below.
somehow i just feel that their "marketing skills" seems to be quite good as their did not mention need to pay for the second box as they only state the fifth box will be Free too in the brochures.
moreover, they also have the affiliate program to let all of your friends try a free graze box and claim rewards for every one that signs up with my "9WF7F33D" code as shown below.
anyways, i just canceled the deliveries option after i received my first box for free since i just want to try out whether it is real or not although it sounds quite "cheapskate" in some ways.
around 1.50pm i make a move from home and went to Brenda's Traditional Fish & Chips restaurant to have my lunch when i heard some friend sharing about the place was quite nice to eat in Sheffield.
besides, my brother just Whatsapp me and i do feel a bit not good when he thought i simply spend $$ in UK as i already decided not go to the extra 3 places such as Scotland, Barcelona and the London with friends as i would go to London during September as shown below.
well, i was influence by him that i would still have the chance to go UK in future.
honestly, i just feel quite contradict and it is very subjective when others people say that you would not come to UK in few years time, then why not spend all the money traveling around UK?
moreover, i did feel a little "frustration" because i understand the fact that when i back to Malaysia, i would be startbegging looking for jobs whether which company will hire me to work.
in the end, it is just depend on your own decision about what to do in your life because no one would understand better than yourself.
during the walking journey to Brenda's Traditional Fish and Chips restaurant, i just took some picture along the way and finally reach there at 2.10pm as shown below.
well, there was no people at all when i arrive and just wondering how they can survive when there is so little customer in my first impression.
somehow i just choose the Cod fish with chips cone that cost for £4.20 in total because the Haddock fish is currently out of stock from the menu as shown below.
when the food arrived, it seems that it was quite big portion as you can see picture below.
anyways, it was quite nice to eat with its potato chips and i can say it can compete with the fish and chips restaurant in Whitby that i went to during June.
anyways, below was the details of Brenda's Traditional Fish & Chips shop in Sheffield.
Address: 2 Earl Way, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 4QA, United Kingdom
Phone Contact : +44 114 249 3035
overall i would recommend anyone to try it because the chips is definitely tastier than the Chino's fish and chip that cost for £2.50 although this shop is slightly expensive than Chinos.
around 2.45pm i make a move from there and went to check out the Wong Ting Chinese (金煌庭) restaurant because it was my last month in Sheffield as i wish to eat/try most of the restaurant i here instead of keep eating the noodles/burritos wrap at home.
well, the menu seems to be quite expensive than Hong Kong Wok and Noodle Inn in London Road but i still wondering whether want to try the "Eat as much as you like buffet from over 100 dishes to choose" for £16.95 or not as shown below.
somehow i just wondering myself seems to be like "Sean" who is a food blogger in Malaysia.
after that, i walked to Aldi supermarket to buy the iceberg lettuce and crab stick for £1.30 in total.
then i make a move from there around 3.10pm and waited the Freebee bus to come although there was some delay this time.
finally i arrived back home at 3.50pm and just watched the 17th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
well, there is one sentences that i feel quite meaningful was "how do you really know that next time world be better than this time" during the London eye scene because i feel it was like referring to myself.
during the evening, i just search some information and saw one of my friend's still earning some advertising money from the Reviews Wonderland website.
somehow i do feel a little "sucks" for myself as i did not take the effort to make new website for making Google Ads other than continuewhining writing in my blog post.
seriously i still did not have any actual goal in my life at this moment of writing other than "inspiring" Tarcian junior for not following my mistaken footstep.
moreover, i seems to be hinting people to do illegal stuff just like explaining the way to "cheat" an iPhone 5 for RM300 blog post yesterday.
during the night, i went to my friend house and help a little to cook some food as there was some vegetable, tofu, chicken drumstick and fried eggs as our dinner.
then i just pay another £5 for sharing the food ingredient as i don't really much comment about it although having some other thought.
around 8.30pm i arrived back home and just feel that the time passed so fast especially need to balance between the group's coursework and leisure moment when the time seems to be "limited" nowadays.
on the other hand, feel free to check out the "Senior Advice For Sheffield Tarc" and my "Academic Stress" blog because there was some other senior sharing their UK experience with me.
before i end my post, i would like to share a meaningful short film video about "My Shoes" as shown below or the link >>> Here.
well, the question here was do you want to have a nice shoes or a freedom leg that can walk?
anyways, the moral value was you can't really have everything in life although some people may seem to have MOST of it but NOT everything.
in fact, we shall be grateful for all the things that we have and should not compare our life with others because we don't know the story behind and what they are going through.
therefore we should love ourselves more live our life to the fullest as we just live once. (self comforting)
(Self Expenses note: Today £10.50, Yesterday total £22.30, Total up to date £32.80)
then i just have the chocolate cereal as my breakfast and continue to check the draft related things.
around 8.45am we make a move from hostel and went to attend the Product Innovation and Creativity (PIC) lecture at Stoddart building.
well, the tutor just show the "World's first lab-grown burger is eaten in London" video before the lecture start which might probably leave us the question about how to market such product since it is still hard for the society to accept such product as it seems like an artificial product.
somehow i just feel that this technology might be able to cut down the slaughtering rate of animals if everyone support to eat such meat.
anyways, the lecture class was all about teaching us the guide for the group's assessment coursework.
after the lecture ends, i went to the seminar class to wait for the next class.
well, the seminar PIC lecture was the continuation part of the 20 minute consultancy of the group business plan for our coursework.
around 1.10pm i arrived back home and went to collect the laundry together while checking my mail box.
it seems that the camera battery where i bought from eBay few days ago was finally arrived and just feel that the service was more efficient as shown below.
besides, i also received the free first Graze box that have the honeycomb crunch, tomato dipinetti, marvellous macaroon and jaffa cake inside as shown below.
somehow i just feel that their "marketing skills" seems to be quite good as their did not mention need to pay for the second box as they only state the fifth box will be Free too in the brochures.
moreover, they also have the affiliate program to let all of your friends try a free graze box and claim rewards for every one that signs up with my "9WF7F33D" code as shown below.
anyways, i just canceled the deliveries option after i received my first box for free since i just want to try out whether it is real or not although it sounds quite "cheapskate" in some ways.
around 1.50pm i make a move from home and went to Brenda's Traditional Fish & Chips restaurant to have my lunch when i heard some friend sharing about the place was quite nice to eat in Sheffield.
besides, my brother just Whatsapp me and i do feel a bit not good when he thought i simply spend $$ in UK as i already decided not go to the extra 3 places such as Scotland, Barcelona and the London with friends as i would go to London during September as shown below.
well, i was influence by him that i would still have the chance to go UK in future.
honestly, i just feel quite contradict and it is very subjective when others people say that you would not come to UK in few years time, then why not spend all the money traveling around UK?
moreover, i did feel a little "frustration" because i understand the fact that when i back to Malaysia, i would be start
in the end, it is just depend on your own decision about what to do in your life because no one would understand better than yourself.
during the walking journey to Brenda's Traditional Fish and Chips restaurant, i just took some picture along the way and finally reach there at 2.10pm as shown below.
well, there was no people at all when i arrive and just wondering how they can survive when there is so little customer in my first impression.
somehow i just choose the Cod fish with chips cone that cost for £4.20 in total because the Haddock fish is currently out of stock from the menu as shown below.
when the food arrived, it seems that it was quite big portion as you can see picture below.
anyways, it was quite nice to eat with its potato chips and i can say it can compete with the fish and chips restaurant in Whitby that i went to during June.
anyways, below was the details of Brenda's Traditional Fish & Chips shop in Sheffield.
Address: 2 Earl Way, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 4QA, United Kingdom
Phone Contact : +44 114 249 3035
overall i would recommend anyone to try it because the chips is definitely tastier than the Chino's fish and chip that cost for £2.50 although this shop is slightly expensive than Chinos.
around 2.45pm i make a move from there and went to check out the Wong Ting Chinese (金煌庭) restaurant because it was my last month in Sheffield as i wish to eat/try most of the restaurant i here instead of keep eating the noodles/burritos wrap at home.
well, the menu seems to be quite expensive than Hong Kong Wok and Noodle Inn in London Road but i still wondering whether want to try the "Eat as much as you like buffet from over 100 dishes to choose" for £16.95 or not as shown below.
somehow i just wondering myself seems to be like "Sean" who is a food blogger in Malaysia.
after that, i walked to Aldi supermarket to buy the iceberg lettuce and crab stick for £1.30 in total.
then i make a move from there around 3.10pm and waited the Freebee bus to come although there was some delay this time.
finally i arrived back home at 3.50pm and just watched the 17th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
well, there is one sentences that i feel quite meaningful was "how do you really know that next time world be better than this time" during the London eye scene because i feel it was like referring to myself.
during the evening, i just search some information and saw one of my friend's still earning some advertising money from the Reviews Wonderland website.
somehow i do feel a little "sucks" for myself as i did not take the effort to make new website for making Google Ads other than continue
seriously i still did not have any actual goal in my life at this moment of writing other than "inspiring" Tarcian junior for not following my mistaken footstep.
moreover, i seems to be hinting people to do illegal stuff just like explaining the way to "cheat" an iPhone 5 for RM300 blog post yesterday.
during the night, i went to my friend house and help a little to cook some food as there was some vegetable, tofu, chicken drumstick and fried eggs as our dinner.
then i just pay another £5 for sharing the food ingredient as i don't really much comment about it although having some other thought.
around 8.30pm i arrived back home and just feel that the time passed so fast especially need to balance between the group's coursework and leisure moment when the time seems to be "limited" nowadays.
on the other hand, feel free to check out the "Senior Advice For Sheffield Tarc" and my "Academic Stress" blog because there was some other senior sharing their UK experience with me.
before i end my post, i would like to share a meaningful short film video about "My Shoes" as shown below or the link >>> Here.
well, the question here was do you want to have a nice shoes or a freedom leg that can walk?
anyways, the moral value was you can't really have everything in life although some people may seem to have MOST of it but NOT everything.
in fact, we shall be grateful for all the things that we have and should not compare our life with others because we don't know the story behind and what they are going through.
therefore we should love ourselves more live our life to the fullest as we just live once. (self comforting)
(Self Expenses note: Today £10.50, Yesterday total £22.30, Total up to date £32.80)