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The Old Queen's Head Restaurant Sheffield Review Experiences

today i woke up 7.50am.
then i just have chocolate bread as my breakfast before make a move around 8.45am to college to attend the Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) lecture at Adsetts centre.
well, the morning lectures teaches about the corporate social responsibilities which related whether is there a need to be ethical and having moral values when doing business.
one simple question that is quite worth to think about when the lecture shared about "Is is wrong to eat bananas?" from the slide as the answer was quite obvious that it is not wrong to eat bananas from most of the people point of view.
however, if you think deeper, who would really know that somebody is underpaid or working long hour when picking bananas and if people stop eating bananas, those labor worker would lose their jobs.

another example from the slide was "If you're buying a T-shirt for £2, someone's not being paid much to make it" which might probably refers to Primark which explain why they can sell those clothes for so cheap start from £2.50 to £7 per pieces from normal shirt to formal shirt.
anyways, it is hard to determine whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) will bring more good than harm because behind everything happened has it very own pros and cons.
after the morning lecture end, we went to the seminar class to wait and somehow i quite like the "Wedding Dress by Tae Yang" song when friend open it which recall me back some memories.
well, the SMM seminar class started with friend's presenting the Icicle Works case study.
then it is continued with the "Fair Trade in Action Business Fashion" as the tutor shared the video as below.
the video shown above was just a preview as i couldn't find the full 29 minute length source on the internet.

well, i was quite agree with what being shared that the easier way to be success in life was by exploiting people who less educated than us for producing cheap product such as paying a low wages to poor country places or hiring labor child for the Nike case study in order to maximize profit.
moreover, i feel that it might be true that most of the people would not really care or support the company who had done CSR or not which probably related to "human selfish" attitude.
however, it says that there was one company who would do it which is "People Tree" through the video sharing but the clothes that they sell was quite expensive when i view their website.
besides, i agreed that the advancement of technology can lead to more people lost jobs and i start to understand why there is a need for creating more jobs in the world instead of keep depending on machinery although it is quite contradict in some ways again.

anyways, i do learned a new word which is "corporate philanthropy" that is giving out money without having any expectation or return by being kind and nice when compared with the "CSR" because company doing it for a benefits that it hope will increase it's own brand that might help their business in future.
overall i just can say that the moment we having something "good or cheap", some people might get hurt in some ways.
in fact, sometimes i do feel myself quite "hypocrite" in some ways and did not appreciate much the life i have when i did not think about those poor people country who don't even have a basic needs to survive just like the Bangladesh factory collapse incident happened not long ago.
after the seminar class, we went to the Penny Black restaurant around 1pm as there was some promotion during Friday but it is not really available at that moment.

therefore we went to the Old Queen's Head restaurant when the was a lunch promotion of 2 main meals for £6 chosen from the menu below. (£3 each person)
anyways, i just took some picture about the surrounding while some is adapted from the website as below.
well, i just ordered the fish and chips and the portion was quite small as you can see picture below.
maybe it would be bigger if order from another menu that range from £6~£10+ as shown below.
well, below was the detailed information about The Old Queen's Head Restaurant as my Sheffield review.
Address: 40 Pond Hill, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2BG, United Kingdom.
Opening: Mon - Sun from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm
Phone: 07983 559073
Website: http://www.theoldqueenshead.co.uk

finally i arrived back home at 2.30pm and went to take the eggs from the group as they bought in a big bulks for a cheaper price as i just paid £1.20 for 20pcs eggs.
after some moment, i just watch the 20th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
once again i do really enjoy watching it although it might sounds like "wasting time" or procrastinate for not doing a more productive works.
around 4.50pm i did set an alarm to rest 15 minutes for my "power nap" skills but failed when the moment i woke up again was 7.05pm.
then i just went to my friend's house and cook instant noodles as my dinner when other friends had went to St Andrew's URC Church since i don't feel like going to get the free food.

around 8.10pm i reach back home and continue to search some related information.
well, it seems that today was the National Day of Singapore that is celebrated every year on 9 August and i saw a quite funny "Happy Birthday message from Malaysia to Singapore" at BFM page as shown below.
around 10.30pm (Malaysia time) is the Chan Fong "大城心事" story sharing and below was the content but there is no recording since i had missed it at UK time.
1) 第一位:阿平~他打电话来只是和陈峰大哥聊关于新书的事宜。

2) 第二位:黄太太~她想谈关于那天星期二的话题,是说孩子不应该对父母大小声。

3) 第三位:钟女士(已离婚)~她想谈关于亲情。她之前在外国跳飞机12年,是为了让孩子将来的生活费,但是自从她女儿大学毕业出来了之后,开始工作了一段时间甚至也自己买了屋子,怎知道现在她的女儿搬家后却说不能长时间和她同住;她很伤心。【陈峰大哥希望她不要先和自己的女儿计较过去,把当时供养她读书的责任要求任何回报】

4) 第四位:Sky(已婚/育有一个孩子)~他说他和他的太太时常时常吵架,原因是他的坏脾性所致,直到四个月前他们正式的分居了。【陈峰大哥劝他,如果还想挽回这段婚姻就必须尽全力向太太认错和沟通,并且将她重新接回家】

5) 第五位:Miss Yap~她是之前陈峰大哥的“常客”,话说她每次跟人讲话都很容易紧张。【陈峰大哥对于她这次再度的来电分享表示慰问】

6) 第六位:阿力(同志)~他是有感情问题,话说他的另一半已经染上了毒瘾成了习惯,他很想帮他戒毒但是却有心无力。【陈峰大哥认为他需要放手,离开他或许是种解脱】

7) 第七位:Sharon(32岁)~失恋单身了五年,在过后那段期间也是一直不断有男生的出现想要追求她的机会但是都被她拒绝了,现在她很怀疑到底是自己的问题还是其他因素所照成。【陈峰大哥整天来说认为她算是蛮清楚自己本身在想什么,所以没教他怎样找男朋友;只是告诉她需要加把劲多努力和给有机会发展成为伴侣的男生多交流和沟通的空间,多给别人机会才是最终的关键;最后把心情调整对了就立刻重新出发】

8) 第八位:邱小姐~她打电话进来是想问陈峰大哥民宿的生意到底能不能做。【陈峰大哥所想的是两个问题:1-地点适不适合的问题2-她的民宿内有什么特色】

9) 第九位(最后一位):阿兴~刚转行不久,他很不习惯这间所谓的大公司里头的同事和上司都很冷漠无情,还时常搞办公室政治在人背后打毒针放箭。【陈峰大哥建议他以后别再轻易地尝试转行(尤其是自己没有经验和把握的),还有教他搞清楚公司的文化背景是否能够容得下他继续在那里生存】

before i end my post, i would like to share an article from Elite Diary about "The 50 Life Lessons New York City Has Taught Me" although it is not applicable to Malaysia but i had found 10 life lesson that similar to what i feel when i live in city area as shown below.
1) Most people won’t think twice about taking advantage of you.
I’d like to believe that most people are good people at their cores. However, many people have skewed ideas of what is ethically permissible and what is not. Life teaches us all the same lessons, but we interpret them differently. What it comes down to is that everyone is looking out for themselves first. If someone feels that they can benefit from you and can somehow justify doing so, then they will.

2) You’re not alone.
Whenever you are feeling lonely, you can simply look out your window and see dozens of people walking around and living their lives. If you wanted to, you could go over and introduce yourself to any one of them.

3) If someone does you a favor, they expect something in return.
No one is so nice that they’ll do you favors simply because they feel like being nice. They will always expect either a favor in return or are looking for a way to connect with you. If someone interacts with you, then take it as an opening; if it’s someone who you think you’d like to get to know, then do so. But be on guard for those that are going to ask for favors.

4) Having friends is important and sometimes difficult.
Having good friends is important in a city like this. With all the stress and the craziness that is every day, you need someone to talk to and to blow some steam off with. However, friends can become a bit of a headache. They can also be too busy with their own lives to be a part of yours. Making real friends in the city is difficult and keeping them can be even more difficult.

5) If you want to make money, then you can make money.
You always hear people complaining that they can’t find a job and can’t make money. I think that’s bullsh*t. If there is a will, there is a way — it may not be the way you want it to be, but still: there is always a way.

6) Having our faithfulness tested is not something that goes away.
Some people start to worry when they find their imaginations wandering from their lovers to other attractive people they meet. The fact is that human beings are attracted to those they find beautiful. If you find other people beautiful, then you will be attracted to them and the thought of sleeping with them will cross your mind. This never changes. You just have to know what you want and not allow yourself to veer off track.

7) If you don’t ask, you won’t receive.
People don’t give handouts, but if you ask, then you may very well receive. Ask; it won’t kill you.

8) Getting off track happens.
Staying focused is essential, but difficult. You will get distracted and fall off track from time to time. What’s important is being able to get back on it as quickly as possible.

9) Losing yourself happens.
There are moments in life when you think you know yourself and then the next, you realize that you and the person looking back at you in the mirror have never met. Life is one long journey of losing yourself and then finding yourself again.

10) No one really gives a sh*t.
They really don’t. They may say they do. They may even make fun of you for it, but at the end of the day, they care more about their own problems and will forget about yours shortly.
later on, i just get "shoot" (criticized) from forum by "defuser" gaving me some feedback as shown below.
Simple question, how many job applications have you submitted since you landed in UK ? 

I got a lot of friends that came with me same batch to the UK, all also say want to find job here! But what they do everyday in the room? Play Dota, watch movie and go trips every weekend. When they are not doing that, they will be searching to trips to Spain ler, France ler, Italy and Swiss and will go when long holiday. At the end no job and go back complain say cannot find job here ler, too hard ler, but in actual fact they didn't even look for jobs, so how the hell do you think they can find job?
well, i couldn't argue much back but one thing for sure was we was not allowed to work during our summer degree program.
moreover, he might be right too as you can see i seems to be so "free" wasting doing nothing much such as blogging the Howard pub restaurant or some others weekend trip experiences.
in fact, he was right that other friend keep searching trips to other places instead of studying.

anyways, i just feel that the reason i writing this blog seems to be a confession of a boy who regret for making the decision to study at UK.
frankly speaking, if someone can blog about the whole experience for studying the continued program for Tarc SHU summer degree program, i don't think i would make the decision to spend the RM40K to come UK because i seems to be not really gain much knowledge in term of extra academic knowledge skills that can help in working environment other than the "open mind" feelings because most of the subject was related to what we study at Tarc advance diploma.
honestly, i do asked myself that "is this all UK experience was worth or not just for want to know about what is the feelings of "someone" (ex-classmate) who came here study last year although i know it is also for my own good to get a degree certification.

furthermore, no people would "compensate" me back the $$ that spend here after i feel "not worth" in some ways or i shall "jump aeroplane" (跳飞机) working in UK to earn money?
seriously every second moment here was so limited now and somehow it does remind me about the my very own "RM10 story" although i know i should not think about the past.
over time, i tends to be discover more and more "ugly truth" about myself and it just make me demotivated to continue blog about it although i was just using an anonymous identity.
perhaps it would be true that i will not longer update after i had completed this 90 days summer degree program and the Europe trip since it might be just a waste of time for doing nothing from the beginning of my blogging experience.
in fact, i still depend on those motivational quotes such as "Don't waste your time looking back for what you've lost, move on for life wasn't meant to be traveled backwards" to get myself cheered up for having a happy emotions.
(Self Expenses note: Today £4.20, Yesterday total £49.40, Total up to date £53.60)

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