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Man Short Animation Film By Steve Cutt

today i woke up at 10am.
then i just check on the job application website whether there is any job available and found some but also feel quite "down" to see that having a degree is the minimum requirement to enter the big company.
around 1pm i went to have economy rice as my lunch and print my resume as i will have another interview during the afternoon.
after that, i get myself prepared and took bus to Wangsa Maju LRT around 2pm.
the moment i arrived KL Central was about 2.50pm and the weather was raining quite heavily but i just quickly head to the Plaza Central as my appointment time was 3pm.
well, i have walked wrong building at first but still manage to arrived there although it is 5 minutes late.
as usual i fill up the employment form again and waited their staff to interview me.

after some moment passed, i was quite nervous when saw 3 people came in to interview me as i thought it would be "1 on 1" interview process.
anyways, i do feel quite confident during the moment i "selling myself" (presenting) all those data and analytical related things where i used almost 40 minute+ to talk about myself.
somehow i was feeling quite interest to join the company as it is related to gaming industry and it is a global company although some people might say no future to do this kind of job.
moreover, one of the interview was a Japanese guy and i feel he seems to be quite professional.
at last, i just hope they can consider my application as it is very convenient for me to working at there.
around 4.30pm i walked back to KL Central although the weather still raining.
then i just bought an ice cream to "treat myself" before going back to my hometown.

during the moment when i was in the train, i just keep listen on the "Ai Ni Mei Cha Jay Chou" (爱妳没差 周杰伦) song using Youtube although it has used quite a lot of bandwidth of my U Mobile data.
somehow my feeling was going "down" again when listening this kind of song.
around 5.50pm i arrived Klang KTM and my brother have waited me there.
after his girlfriend arrived, we went back home and quickly go out again as we will have our dinner with my Aunty at V Garden Chinese restaurant Klang.
well, we just ordered 6 dishes and i have eaten a lot again just like yesterday as i just having 2 meal per day.
however, i just feel the restaurant was quite expensive as it cost us about RM240 in total which i think we can eat even better food at another place.
finally we arrived back home at 9.20pm.

then i just surf the internet as usual to see some latest news and information.
well, i would like to share a meaningful video about "Man Short Animation Film" made by Steve Cutts as below or the link >>> Here.
basically the video started with a "Welcome man from 500,000 thousand years ago" and reflect about how we tend to destroy the nature world that we live.
overall i would rate the short film a 5 stars as it is very meaningful about how cruel a humankind can be "killing other animal" as we want to satisfy our needs and wants.
on the other hand, the hot topic today was about the news of the 6 years old kid - William Yau Zhen Zhong (小振忠) was found dead in the Klang river when their parent went to identified the decomposed body.
somehow it was quite sad to listen this kind of news as how can the kidnapper can be so cruel.

however, there is another story about this case that i also don't know is true or not as some people said it is their parents lied as they was the one who kill the own child. (such ridiculous rumors?)
it is because some people said that the dad hate his kid because since the kid's birth, everything the dad do did not end up well and always beat him up, hence there is injuries all over his body.
in my opinion, i think media do play an important role because if too many people post up the kid's picture, the kidnapper might even more afraid to surrender the kid and ended up killing him right? (don't know, i just simply said only)

around 10.30pm i tune on to 988 to listen Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing story but he had went to vacation and replaced with another DJ.
therefore i just turned off as i was quite "bias" that i just want to listen to the main host voice.

anyways, below was the podcast recording from the another host if you understand Chinese language.
1) 第一位:美琪~她對小振忠的失蹤深表難過,也想去令尊當年離開時的心情。>>> Here.

2) 第二位:Joi~她也是為小振忠的遇害深感哀悼和心痛難過。>>> Here.

3) 第三位:xxx~他說有位朋友有個喜歡的對象是遠距離的感情關係,女方甚至因為男生決定搬到男生家附近住,但是男生似乎還沒做好心理準備和女生在一起。>>> Here.

4) 第四位:晶倩~她說無法再看見自己一家人坐在一起吃團圓飯,其中有一個部份是因為婆婆和母親關係不融洽,還有姐姐也跟她們因為錢而爭執;加上媽媽又一直站在姐姐的立場替她撐腰令她覺得很無奈。>>> Here.

5) 第五位:小李~她之前也是高齡產婦冒著巨大的風險生孩子(幸好最後經醫生的檢驗證實孩子能正常發育成長),她能感受一個身為母親對如果面對失去孩子的痛苦。>>> Here.

6) 第六位:xxx(已婚 / 育有 4 名孩子)~他說他擔心自己的老婆知道他外面有個小三,對方和他的甜蜜地下情已經發展四年了,他說老婆最近好像變得行為和情緒有點怪異似乎察覺自己有精神出軌的跡象而開始覺得害怕事情會被揭穿;但是他又不願意放棄現在的女朋友;希望想說同時擁有兩個(愛)女人。>>> Here.

7) 第七位:曉玲~爲了孩子補習老師的事情而煩(故事有點亂)。>>> Here.

8) 第八位:阿May~她是想勸之前打電話進來的那位男聽眾儘快和身邊的小三分手劃清界限以免家庭破碎到時後悔莫及,因為她的丈夫本身也是和她也落得這種關係,只差還沒離婚。>>> Here.

9) 第九位:小小~她也是針對剛才那位男聽眾的那種貪心和羞恥的行為做出譴責。

10) 第十位:阿佩(別人的小三)~兩年多前也曾經播過電話進來給彪民的,話說當時才懷孕幾個月,現在她要逼孩子的爸爸做出決定但是(【“他”】)到現在還是無法兌現承諾,前提是現在對方的大老婆也已經知道這個男人在外面的所作所為了;雖然她一直希望孩子能得到父愛。Part 9 + 10 >>> Here.

11) 第十一位:余先生~他打電話進來只是想勸之前的那位阿佩過著簡單的生活,如果可以的話就把屋子賣掉以減輕負擔。

12) 第十二位(最後一位):【《“無名氏”》】(女人 / 已婚 / 育有 2 孩子)~她老公外面有小三她是大老婆,其實她一直希望老公能離開外面那個女人,只是老公卻無法答應她徹底地離開那個小三;她很傷心也找不到堅強的理由(曾經想過自殺)。Part 11 + 12 >>> Here.

well, if you would like to listen last week of the Chan Fong story sharing, you can click the link >>> Here.
actually nowadays i am trying to be more "reality" when facing my finding job journey.
the reason i am so eager to find job was because i know i will face a pressure when my relative/friends/secondary classmate/aunty/uncle ask about how am i doing recently as Chinese New Year coming soon.
somehow i do have a "funny" though again as if i want to be success in the printing field, the only way is to print "hell money" as everyday also got people die and it is definitely have a huge demand on it. (OMG)
lastly, i do receive the Scomi (7158) about the notice of extraordinary general meeting (EGM) for this coming 31th January at Tropicana Golf and Country Resort as shown picture below.
anyways, i don't think i will go there as a super small investor like me will not give any impact but i might go if they got provide free buffet. (so cheapskate loh lonelyreload~ LOL)

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