today i woke up at 7.30am.
actually i still remember yesterday night i was having difficulties to sleep just like how i gone through my Entrepreneurship exam that day partly because of my room mate.
in fact, it is almost the same like that day whereby i sleep around 11.10pm yesterday and woke up by his call with from his "girl girl" at 12.30am.
eventually i told him that i need to sleep rather keeping inside heart or need to "pretend" that i am sleeping.
however, i just can't fall asleep back and this have made me to drag until 2am and again he phone call with his girl again.
then i don't feel to "scold" him again and just went outside to read the SMDM examination thing.
finally i am able to sleep around 3.20am midnight and that's how i woke up at 7.30am today.
around 8am i get myself prepared and walked to the PA block to wait for the exam.
as i read the SMDM exam question around 9am, i was feeling quite happy because most of the study guideline had came out.
during the moment when i answer question, i seems to be "stuck" at reading the case study and it had eventually took me about 1 hour to finish just the first question 1)a which it made me start to feel panic.
in the end, i manage to finish it but my confident level keep dropping when the time seems to be keep running very fast.
moreover, i just feel that no matter how great the tutor can give the study guidelines, if i can't related those theory with the case also seems to be no use right?
somehow i do feel moody after the exam because i have a bad feelings of my answer is wrong.
seriously i also asked myself that "Tarc college exam question got so hard or not? Even tutor got give some tips i also cannot do?" and it left me having a "down" mood when i came out of the exam while my friend keep say that it is so easy.
in deed it is no doubt that the question is easy but i just don't really can write it much and just hope that i will at least pass my Tarc Strategic Marketing and Decision Making repeat examination so that no need see the ABDT5134 code anymore.
upon back home, my housemate keep talk about the Ragnarok Online 2 OBT Malaysia server but i just don't have much interest to talk about it after the exam.
after having my lunch, i just my phone's timer for 40 minutes timer because i want to rest a while before continue to study for the BF final exam paper tomorrow.
the moment i woke up again was 4pm and i decided to go to Tarc library for study.
as i reach the library around 5.10pm, i was difficulties to do the calculation part for the BF exam.
then i asked my current classrap whether have any group study or anyone can help in revision and he gave me few number.
after some moment, i finally get a friend that can help but she was a girl.
around 6.30pm i went to Tarc Papparich express to have my favourite curry noodles with chicken slice that only cost for RM3.80.
then i went to a friend house to study the BF exam related things.
somehow i just have an awkward feelings when my classrap send me a message that the girl complain to him that don't simply give her number to guy but the fact is she is teaching me beside.
moreover, i also feel myself tends to be so "thick face" by keep asking those people that i never talk before to teach me.
anyways, i just quickly study as my as i could and hope that the guidelines will help much as it was my last hope to pass the exam.
finally i arrived back home at 9.10pm and feel quite tired.
somehow today was known as "Love day" as it is good to confess to the people you like because it it means "I Love You Forever" (我爱你一生一世) in Chinese for the date [20130104]
besides, i would like to share an interesting video about "17 Reasons You're Single" and why you're still forever alone until now as below or the link >>> Here.
some of the reason mentioned in the video sound like reflecting myself.
well, the reason might be true as those "lonely" people are too childish, too creepy, too geeky, too loud, too soft, too picky, tooth picky, height problems, too emotional, emotionless, not hot enough, not cool enough, mommy's boy, too desperate, overly attached, friend-zone and too shy.
lastly i would like to listen to Chan Fong (大城心事) story but i can't since i want to concentrate study for my last examination paper for tomorrow.
anyways, i can still listen back the recording podcast of the story after tomorrow as below.
1) 第一位:阿超~他太太覺得他幫朋友的忙幫得太過份不管什麽大小事和問題從來都沒有理由拒絕還有說“不”,很多時他自己都覺得很為難;可能是他的心腸太軟導致。 >>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿輝~他從瑞士打電話回來的,話說自己在那裡這樣跳飛機當客的工作生涯也已經有兩年之久,可能是因為本身患有賭博的惡習所以打拼到今時今日都還沒有存到足夠的金錢回國(他很想回家只是身不由己)。>>> Here.
3) 第三位:Jenny~她是從新加坡打電話進來的,故事的內容大概是在公司裡上班受到老闆身邊紅人的威脅令她覺得很不服和不甘心。>>> Here.
4) 第四位:Wong~問題(1):他和太太一起做生意的,但是最近他覺得最近生意越變越差沒有突破,可能是自己的要求太高所以認為生意還沒達到預期理想中的要求和進步的業績。。。~~~問題(2):他在煩惱自己父母最近鬧離婚的事情。>>> Here.
5) 第五位:阿媚(越南人 / 育有一個孩子 / 全職家庭主婦)~丈夫在新加坡做工一個星期只回家三次,自從她嫁來大馬之後就一直和家公家婆同住,時常會不經意發生很多爭執和摩擦;她曾經有對丈夫要求搬出去一起同住但是卻遲遲沒有消息也沒有任何的改變令她覺得極度難受。>>> Here.
6) 第六位:阿怡~她身邊有個同事和她在同一個部門一起工作,但是對方經常製造問題給她收拾,她已經忍無可忍想要向對方宣戰展開攻擊。>>> Here.
7) 第七位(最後一位):陳先生(自雇人士)~是他工廠裡有兩個大小頭手的關係,因為大頭手在外面搞了一些生意所以經常就藉故提早下班,加上大頭手可能會隨時帶走另一個技術成熟的員工的緣故所以兩頭煩,小頭手更是為此感到非常不滿。>>> Here.
in conclusion, i just hope everything will be fine because after my exam, i shall be busy sending resumebegging finding for job as my financial funds will be run out soon.
actually i still remember yesterday night i was having difficulties to sleep just like how i gone through my Entrepreneurship exam that day partly because of my room mate.
in fact, it is almost the same like that day whereby i sleep around 11.10pm yesterday and woke up by his call with from his "girl girl" at 12.30am.
eventually i told him that i need to sleep rather keeping inside heart or need to "pretend" that i am sleeping.
however, i just can't fall asleep back and this have made me to drag until 2am and again he phone call with his girl again.
then i don't feel to "scold" him again and just went outside to read the SMDM examination thing.
finally i am able to sleep around 3.20am midnight and that's how i woke up at 7.30am today.
around 8am i get myself prepared and walked to the PA block to wait for the exam.
as i read the SMDM exam question around 9am, i was feeling quite happy because most of the study guideline had came out.
during the moment when i answer question, i seems to be "stuck" at reading the case study and it had eventually took me about 1 hour to finish just the first question 1)a which it made me start to feel panic.
in the end, i manage to finish it but my confident level keep dropping when the time seems to be keep running very fast.
moreover, i just feel that no matter how great the tutor can give the study guidelines, if i can't related those theory with the case also seems to be no use right?
somehow i do feel moody after the exam because i have a bad feelings of my answer is wrong.
seriously i also asked myself that "Tarc college exam question got so hard or not? Even tutor got give some tips i also cannot do?" and it left me having a "down" mood when i came out of the exam while my friend keep say that it is so easy.
in deed it is no doubt that the question is easy but i just don't really can write it much and just hope that i will at least pass my Tarc Strategic Marketing and Decision Making repeat examination so that no need see the ABDT5134 code anymore.
upon back home, my housemate keep talk about the Ragnarok Online 2 OBT Malaysia server but i just don't have much interest to talk about it after the exam.
after having my lunch, i just my phone's timer for 40 minutes timer because i want to rest a while before continue to study for the BF final exam paper tomorrow.
the moment i woke up again was 4pm and i decided to go to Tarc library for study.
as i reach the library around 5.10pm, i was difficulties to do the calculation part for the BF exam.
then i asked my current classrap whether have any group study or anyone can help in revision and he gave me few number.
after some moment, i finally get a friend that can help but she was a girl.
around 6.30pm i went to Tarc Papparich express to have my favourite curry noodles with chicken slice that only cost for RM3.80.
then i went to a friend house to study the BF exam related things.
somehow i just have an awkward feelings when my classrap send me a message that the girl complain to him that don't simply give her number to guy but the fact is she is teaching me beside.
moreover, i also feel myself tends to be so "thick face" by keep asking those people that i never talk before to teach me.
anyways, i just quickly study as my as i could and hope that the guidelines will help much as it was my last hope to pass the exam.
finally i arrived back home at 9.10pm and feel quite tired.
somehow today was known as "Love day" as it is good to confess to the people you like because it it means "I Love You Forever" (我爱你一生一世) in Chinese for the date [20130104]
besides, i would like to share an interesting video about "17 Reasons You're Single" and why you're still forever alone until now as below or the link >>> Here.
some of the reason mentioned in the video sound like reflecting myself.
well, the reason might be true as those "lonely" people are too childish, too creepy, too geeky, too loud, too soft, too picky, tooth picky, height problems, too emotional, emotionless, not hot enough, not cool enough, mommy's boy, too desperate, overly attached, friend-zone and too shy.
lastly i would like to listen to Chan Fong (大城心事) story but i can't since i want to concentrate study for my last examination paper for tomorrow.
anyways, i can still listen back the recording podcast of the story after tomorrow as below.
1) 第一位:阿超~他太太覺得他幫朋友的忙幫得太過份不管什麽大小事和問題從來都沒有理由拒絕還有說“不”,很多時他自己都覺得很為難;可能是他的心腸太軟導致。 >>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿輝~他從瑞士打電話回來的,話說自己在那裡這樣跳飛機當客的工作生涯也已經有兩年之久,可能是因為本身患有賭博的惡習所以打拼到今時今日都還沒有存到足夠的金錢回國(他很想回家只是身不由己)。>>> Here.
3) 第三位:Jenny~她是從新加坡打電話進來的,故事的內容大概是在公司裡上班受到老闆身邊紅人的威脅令她覺得很不服和不甘心。>>> Here.
4) 第四位:Wong~問題(1):他和太太一起做生意的,但是最近他覺得最近生意越變越差沒有突破,可能是自己的要求太高所以認為生意還沒達到預期理想中的要求和進步的業績。。。~~~問題(2):他在煩惱自己父母最近鬧離婚的事情。>>> Here.
5) 第五位:阿媚(越南人 / 育有一個孩子 / 全職家庭主婦)~丈夫在新加坡做工一個星期只回家三次,自從她嫁來大馬之後就一直和家公家婆同住,時常會不經意發生很多爭執和摩擦;她曾經有對丈夫要求搬出去一起同住但是卻遲遲沒有消息也沒有任何的改變令她覺得極度難受。>>> Here.
6) 第六位:阿怡~她身邊有個同事和她在同一個部門一起工作,但是對方經常製造問題給她收拾,她已經忍無可忍想要向對方宣戰展開攻擊。>>> Here.
7) 第七位(最後一位):陳先生(自雇人士)~是他工廠裡有兩個大小頭手的關係,因為大頭手在外面搞了一些生意所以經常就藉故提早下班,加上大頭手可能會隨時帶走另一個技術成熟的員工的緣故所以兩頭煩,小頭手更是為此感到非常不滿。>>> Here.
in conclusion, i just hope everything will be fine because after my exam, i shall be busy sending resume