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Happy International Women's Day 2013

today i woke up at 8.05am.
as i saw my awakens time, i quickly get myself prepared and went to work.
around 9.20am i reach KL Sentral and quickly walk to the office.
while waiting for the lift, suddenly a 40 years old+ woman approached me and asked me whether got play any Forex or buy shares and asked about what do i work where her office located at 16th floor.
during that moment, i was quite "stunned" since i seldom talk to stranger but i just keep say not interest when she wanted my contact number where i refused to give.
anyways, i think i learned something from her which is "a person need to be thick face to talk to anyone without afraid of being rejected" and i can foresee she sure can find someone who interest with that is just a matter of time.

besides, i encounter a stomachache during the morning where i think is probably because i did not have any breakfast before come to office.
after that, i just continue my working related stuff despite it look like i did not contribute nothing much.
well, today was a International Women's Day (IWD) and i would like to wish all my reader who read this post a Happy International Women's Day 2013 although i am a guy.
according to Wiki,  IWD was a general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements but also become a day for men to express their love to women which falls on 8 March every year.
somehow i do feel myself seems like "attention seeker" as my topic post did not relate much to what i really want to talk about for today.

around 1 pm i went to have my lunch with one of my colleague at KFC Kl Sentral.
somehow he do shared a lot of good information with me and i appreciate it so much.
for an example, he say that if you want to buy a property, you will always find a ways as he shared his own experience whereby if he did not make the decision to buy the RM450,000+ property that near Wangsa Maju area last year, he would not able to buy it this year or later because the market price have raised to RM600,000+ and will continue to increase.
so lesson here seems to be never ever think too much because you will never achieve your goal.
well, how he was able to buy it was to borrow some $$ from people and pay together with his girlfriend for the down payment with EPF savings since he had worked for almost 5 years+.
actually i did tell him that my plan is to buy car first before buying a property.

then i just feel what he say was quite meaningful when he asked me "Why do you want buy car? You really need to ask yourself whether you really need it or not as car value will keep depreciated every year at the moment you buy it. If you want a car just for go some place to watch movie, i suggest you to take taxi because it is more cheap which is like RM30 per day x 4 weeks = RM120 per month if compare with car installment. Moreover, if you use RM700 for monthly installment+petrol for car, you might as well spend it to buy a RM140,000 flat property which also cost around RM700 monthly installment with 40 years repayment period right" which is sound to right.
therefore i think i should be thankful to my brother for advised me not to buy car in a hurry which mostly due to my own "ego" where i saw most of my friend have their own car at this age, i also wish to have one.
so it might means that my dream to have a own car at age 23 seems to be vanished.

perhaps i should do some part time job as one of my friend told me that his brother sell Streamyx package at KL Sentral also can find 1 customer to sign up in a day where the commission is at least RM100.
around 6.40pm i make a move from office because need to meet my sister at Masjid Jamek (MJ) station.
while waiting inside the train, i do "whined" to my brother that i feel myself quite useless in the office because it is like waiting to be "fired" (sack) and his reply was something like below.
somehow i think i should be appreciate to have someone to cheer me up whenever i feel "down" despite my thought seems to be bad/negative thinking.
as i arrived MJ station at 7pm, i waited a while for my sister and we went to took another train to Bandar Tasik Selatan where i reached there at 7.35pm.
then i drive back from there to my hometown since my sister say she was quite tired to drive.

however, i still continue to talk anything i want to whine express my "unhappiness" to my sister since i seldom talk much with other's people in real life.
finally i arrived hometown at 9.20pm and have my dinner prepared by mother.
well, i just received a RM195+ cheque from Nuffnang after "My First Nuffnang Payment After 4 Years" blog post and this time i have took about 7 month+ to accumulate this amount as my second payment.
somehow i think i have understand why they can't pay out so much like Google Adsense (GA) because they do not have much big advertiser and yet so many blogger complain their payout is so less.
furthermore, i think i have get something clear about Nuffnang ads whereby your blog need to be "liked" by advertiser to be eligible for Buffered Earning (BE) as most of my earning come from BE from Microsoft Ads to introduce their latest smart phone product.

in fact, my "Nuff PPC" was same like normal people whereby i get around RM0.25~RM0.75 per clicks and that's explain i took so many years to cash out my first payment.
on the other hand, i feel that "whining/complaining" is my major problem because when i keep say i had been banned by GA for so many years ago, i did not take any action to solve it other than whining.
anyways, the GA ads i have now was on my friend account where started to test it few day ago where it seems like so far so good.
perhaps it was true that "Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won't make us happier" when one of my tutor said about it.
in fact, i feel quite "emos" again as i seems to wasted a lot of time.

on the other hand, HB have invited me for the Blogger's Breakfast gathering session at McDonald's Sri Damansara this coming Sunday but i had rejected with a "busy" excuse.
actually the real reason was i really can't face the public because i shared too much of "can share/cannot share thing" in my blog and i also afraid my "picture" will be shared out.
guess not much people will truly understand why i want to stay "anonymous" but if you think in my point of view such as "will you want your real life friends know about you actually have such childish/immature thought despite i am already a 23 years old guy? how my future girlfriend will see me if i written such things? how can i share my diary in such a public way?" and so many how this and how that question in my mind.
if you ask for my opinion about blogging, there is actually many advantage than disadvantage if you use it in a right way instead of talking your own private/personal stuff.

around 10.20pm is the Chan Fong "大城心事" sharing program and below was the recording podcast of it.
1) 第一位:Auntie The(七十多歲)~自從她女兒(39歲)被強姦后就患上精神病,她很擔心將來的日子女兒逃不出困境,話說故事的發展是女兒從當年十多歲開始時被一個男人影響;她知道那個男人還曾經騙過她女兒甚至懷疑那個男人對女兒下了降頭。【她說到最後,陳峰大哥的意見是建議她去報警還有尋求政治人物的協助】>>> Here.

2) 第二位:陳小姐~她想問如果一個男生追求者的學歷到底重要嗎,。?作為伴侶合適嗎。【陳峰大哥認為她是面子問題,也向她說明其實學歷並非全部;顧家疼她才是重點要素】>>> Here.

3) 第三位:阿盈~交往已經三年多感的情問題,她覺得男朋友一直不會遷就自己。【陳峰大哥聽完故事之後認為她純粹只是小題大作,說穿了就是她性格小氣】>>> Here.

4) 第四位:阿順~感情問題,他問:“是不是每對情侶分手之後都是不能做回普通朋友”。【陳峰大哥覺得是因為他單方面個人心裡障礙,導致女方害怕擔心與他繼續保持聯繫之後會發生不必要的意外】>>> Here.

5) 第五位:阿Jack(29歲)~他目前是自己出來創業,想聽聽看陳峰大哥的意見。【陳峰大哥基本上是鼓勵他趁年輕出去闖蕩的】

6) 第六位:Ms Lim~她想放棄了和對方的感情,一直投訴男友的不體貼,她擔心如果和對方結婚的話會有可能產生後遺癥等等之類的問題一直存在。【陳峰大哥覺得她是已經快要受不了才會打電話向他尋求解決問題的方式,實際上她自己也是心裡有數只是不敢面對現實又狠不下心做出分手離開的決定】

7) 第七位:阿熙(二十來歲)~她說自己的母親很嘮叨,家裡的大小事都一直念念念。【陳峰大哥認為問題不大,至她們少是一家完整;要妥善處理家人的關係就必須找出一套能夠令對方滿意的方式去應對】

8) 第八位:Vicky~她想奉勸之前那位聽眾要多多和母親溝通和孝順,不要一直處處都和媽媽頂嘴和鬧架。

9) 第九位:(最後一位)(已婚 / 育有三個孩子)阿婷~他老公有外遇不捨得抽離,她很願意接受老公把小老婆接回家一起生活就只是爲了要維護這個完整美滿的家庭生活。【陳峰大哥建議她離婚,或者要丈夫做一個選擇和決定】
sometime i just feel that listening too much story seems to be making myself feeling quite worry because i will ask back myself that "am i that kind of people" despite most of the people said just treat those story as a reference about life.
for example, those "whining/complain/jelly" emotions is usually exists in girls but not a guy like me.
when think in the long term by using blog to express so much "negative energy" as my rubbish, it might affect me to change to another person in real life right?
it is because whenever i am trying to find happiness, there is always two thought being generated in my mind.

anyways, i feel that the definition for happiness is different in every person because as for my sister, she feel so happy whenever she see her baby every weekend and will eventually forgot all the stress she faced at office.
in addition, i think my thought seems to be influence by other's people and i keep doubt whether what he say is true or wrong which is quite meaningless.
some people might say we're just a having a typical Malaysia mentality whereby we always compare with those people who having lesser capabilities or less fortunate than us to boost our ego in order to feel better for not being successful than other's people.
while updating this blog post, i just keep listening to "Ai Ni Mei Cha" (爱妳没差) [Love You, No Matter What!] song as shown below.
at last, i would like to share a meaningful picture about "Life" as shown below.
sometime i do asked myself does it really necessary to update a post a day despite myself already know the answer that i might not be able to make it in future. (so why i still writing? for money? if yes, then it shouldn't be anonymous right? somore is broken english~ LOL)

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