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Sometime My Opinion Might Be Wrong

today i woke up at 8.15am.
then i quickly get myself prepared to work and i was lucky that the bus arrived just in time.
when i reach Wangsa Maju, i walk together with some friends and just know that one of my friend's house was quite near to Chan Fong DJ house as they were neighbour when he live nearby Carrefour last time.
around 9.20am i arrived to office and just check on some email and news before doing my task.
somehow i just saw a news about the H7N9 virus as there was a person die but i don't know true or not as shown below.
anyways, i think it is better leave it to "fate" that if "God" want us die, we can't really escape it right?
around 12.15pm i followed my colleagues to have our lunch at Burger King KL Sentral.
well, i just start to listen to a lot of "gossips" and office politics related things.

perhaps it has been a "culture" for us to talk bad about other's people when they was not around.
moreover, it is so true that working in this company is good for temporary but not in the long term partly because lack of skilled people.
besides, when i thought that i used a lot of marketing funds, it seems that it was just a small matter because those senior/supervisor use more than the amount i use.
in addition, i was quite agree with what the HR said regarding "marketing" was actually seems to be keep spending money but you must be "smart/clever" to answer to your boss with the planning and execution.
maybe she was true that sometime you must pretend like don't know such as "Well boss, you ask me advertise, but when the campaign did not run as planned, you can say if we never try also don't know the outcome right?

basically what i understand marketing now is the capability you can "twist and turn" (死都咬反生) a things but it might not able to sustain long using this kind of tricks.
overall i feel that this company is good for gaining experience because all thanks to the Japanese boss who have a rich financial resources to support the company overhead cost and i think i have learned something i never experience before using 5 digits marketing fund.
well, the thing that make me "stress" was probably because if you no spend $$, might get scold for doing nothing; if spend $$ but not effective, might get scold as under perform or even sack if the strategy is wrong.
in short, no matter you got spend $$ or not spend will also might get "scold".
upon back office, i just research some stuff and suddenly have the "urge" (冲动) to buy a new domain name with hosting plan but don't know what to do with it.

somehow i do saw there is so much script available no matter what kind of website you want to create from A-Z but need a lot effort to learn it yourself.
therefore it is so true that almost everything can be buy as long as you got the $$ and you just need to hire capable people to do the script edition with the marketing part.
moreover, i feel that most of the time we just like to follow what others people do to earn money, just like when see other people can make $$ through blogging, somehow my heart had been "moved" a little.
regarding the political news about democracy, don't know why i just feel it is like "doing a drama" for others people to see. (might be some conspiracy happening?)
guess it might be true that some people just live according to what their mind perceived, that's why people seems to be easily get brainwashed. (including me kua)

around 7.10pm i make a move from office because this week i follow brother car instead of sister car.
during the moment on the way back home, i just listen what my brother and his girlfriend talking about getting some RMX,XXX salary at certain age seems to be just common.
therefore it might be true that why some people can earn 5 digit figure before 30 years old.
finally i arrived back home at 8.50pm and quickly have my dinner before doing any other thing else.
while checking through my email, there is a Tarcian junior asking me for advice whether want to take sport science or finance as shown below.
I'm just look around at the blog randomly about Tarc and just read all yours related blog.
I did my SPM last year and going to Tarc in weeks time.

From your blog, I can see some you are regreting of choosing business programme, can I know what you currently taking?
And why you are so disappointed for that?
I just sign up diploma in Sport Science due to my passion towards sport and I"m accepted but I'm not from a science background back to my secondary school.
And recently I'm so mess as a lot of my relatives said that this course wouldn't bring me to a professional status as sport don't have a stable or high income.
I know its never late to discover what suit you.
And I find finance and investment is quite suit me.
Don't you mind to share your opinion about what I said?

well, in my opinion, i don't really have the guidance because myself seems to be consider as a "failure" as i seldom interact much with people during my college life and had make a lot of mistake.
for example, i did not take the initiative to find out the reason of a thing that happened but choose to "avoid" it until today although i slowly try to be "positive" back.
as for the "chasing girl" part, i don't really have much comment on it as i don't feel like recalling back old memories as i had done a lot of "stupid" things which eventually end up blogging to express my feeling since not much people i can tell to.
therefore i rather stay anonymous because there is nothing to brag about or want people to feel sorry for me.

anyways, my friend's answer was everyone or young people should choose whatever you like when come to study because passion comes first while money can come next time as it depend on your brain determination and everything depends on whether you're smart or not to find the opportunity.
besides i would like to share a picture about "Smart girls are the over thinkers, the insecure ones, the different ones. They know what the real world is like. They analyze every little thing in life. Why? To avoid getting hurt. To find happiness. They stay up at night trying to think about every possible situation to get through all problems. They think too much. They trust less people. Their insecurity proves their respect toward themselves. Of course they live away from a drama-filled life. Smart girls know their worth, now that's the ones worth keeping by your side" as shown picture below.
seriously i feel the message is like saying myself although i am a guy because think too much.

on the other hand, i just install the "Top Commenter" widget and found the statistic is quite true but i don't know how they can scrape all the data to count the comment from beginning of this blog back in 2008 as shown below. (specially thanks to anonymous)
around 10.20pm is the Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing story and below was the podcast recording.
1) 第一位:阿May(雜菜飯攤主)~她打電話來是專程感謝陳峰大哥的,因為她之前曾經打過電話進來問陳峰大哥一些夫妻之間等等問題和生活上的意見。【陳峰大哥聽完她這些日子的故事之後也覺得很替她感到高興,並且勸她不好超勞過度】>>> Here.

2) 第二位:Kieve(三十歲 / 已婚 / 無小孩)~他打算和太太離婚,他本身自認到了像他這個年齡層屬於事業無成而且經濟能力也不穩定,加上之前又曾經有做出過一些傷害對方的事而導致連續得不到“她”的信任。【陳峰大哥覺得基本上他是一個比較不夠定性和沒有耐性的人,凡事應該多花點心思和耐性認真在一份自己認為有能力做到最好的工作上全心全意地去付出和打拼】>>> Here.

3) 第三位:阿華(將近29歲)~他想問關於男人的事業之類的問題,有想過自己出來創業,甚至是經常跑去上一些直銷的激勵課程,問題是因為他到目前為止還做不出什麽成績和表現令他的太太也對他開始懷疑和失去信心。【陳峰大哥建議他可以減少上那些激勵課程,重點是哪個方向裡頭是包含著有些什麽解決方案和實在價值在內。另外,他也應該事先多做足功課和收集資料以便應付對於顧客的需求和市場等等】>>> Here.

4) 第四位:阿仔(已婚六年 / 育有一名四歲的女兒)~自從他們夫妻倆人在結了婚加上有了孩子之後就很少再有什麽性行為和親密度了,他想問這是否屬於正常的。【陳峰大哥的回答說基本上是的,但是也建議他應該要嘗試做出一些新突破還有儘量經常製造一些生活上的情趣以及新鮮感和氛圍以做出一些改變和協調,最終的方法還是要自己去找的】>>> Here.

5) 第五位:Amy~她之前有打過電話來說自己有感情問題的,故事的開始是兩年前她認識了一個有婦之夫對方是個新加坡人,接著現在對方可能是和她玩膩了卻反倒過來要開始對她忽冷忽熱也漠不關心。【當她把故事講到一半時,陳峰大哥和各位聽眾不難探測到那個所謂的“男人”可說是個百分百的絕種賤男真要不得】>>> Here.

6) 第六位:Simon(已婚 / 育有兩名孩子)~他老婆是個外國人,一起出來自立門戶做小生意,他說自己的子孫根好像發育不規律令他老婆為此感到不滿和抱怨。【陳峰大哥建議他應該尋求醫院裡頭的醫生比較理想,畢竟這個問題需要有一些較專業的人士去回答才能真正解決該問題】

7) 第七位:阿康(已婚將近十年 / 未有孩子)~他說自己好久以前也曾經打過電話進來的,當時《大城心事》的節目是在星期四播出的(他撥電話進來純粹只是要和陳峰大哥閒聊並且感謝他之前提出給過的一些解決方案之類的事情等等)。Part 6+ 7 >>> Here.

8) 第八位:【《無名氏》】~她打電話來竟然想要問陳峰大哥拿電話號碼,莫名其妙。

9) 第九位:Kelvin(已婚十多年 / 目前育有四名孩子)~他說十多年前自己也是曾經打過電話進來尋求協助過的,今天純粹只是打回來要感謝陳峰大哥當年的提醒和意見,令他能夠擁有今天的婚姻美滿和生活,最後他想說的是:“自己終於找到沙灘上裡頭的鑽石了”。

10) 第十位(最後一位):Judy(之前曾經離婚)~目前認識過另一名新歡,對方也是個有婦之夫,雖然對方說了打算要和太太離婚而且也給了她很多承諾。【陳峰大哥不贊成也不鼓勵她為了愛情把自己鑽進入瓶子裡找出路和依靠,免得到最後害了自己也害了對方家庭破碎;這個解答希望她會瞭解和明白】Part 8 + 9 + 10 >>> Here.
once again i feel there is so much story to listen and it is still up to us whether how we can see it when listening to others people story.
in fact, sometime my opinion might be wrong because life is full of possibilities.
in addition, i just left something out about a friend who came back from SHU last year and worked in one of the competitor company for my ex-company last time but i gained a lot of information from her.
later on, i just listen to my brother briefing about the things i need to prepared before departing to UK.
somehow i just draft a "marketing plan" for myself about what i shall do next as shown below.
hopefully everything will goes smoothly and i will get good result this time.

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