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STA Travel Agency Malaysia (Tour East)

today i woke up at 8am.
well, i still have the feelings about "refuse to wake up" although it was the last day before weekend arrived.
anyways, i quickly get myself prepared to work and it still left 2 more working day for me to get my salary in this month.
while waiting for the bus, i saw the "internship" guy again and we have some conversation.
somehow he was quite an active person when i saw he seems to know a lot of people just like few day ago but this time is with another group of friend.
after his friends left at the KLCC station for working as a Dior perfume promoter, i ask the same question again about how he able to get to know so many people.
then he just say that he likes to communicate with people and i can foresee he will have a good future.

in fact, what he told me in Chinese word was "有些人喜欢静静,可是无论如何认识多人肯定对你有好处" which means that some people like to be quite but no matter what, the more people you know, the more benefits you will get while he was preparing for his unit trust examination.
around 9.10am i arrived KL Sentral and went to buy the sandwich as my breakfast.
during the morning, i was planning to do my own research since my superior seems like don't care much about what i am doing. (can't blame since i am leaving, no use for them to teach me more right?)
anyways, i was grateful that i was able to work for quite "flexible" time and i was not regret for making this decision to choose full time work instead of part time work.
actually there is a reason i don't feel like doing part time because most of it was doing as a promoter which need to face real people and seems like keep "begging people to buy your thing" with your selling skills.

moreover, working in part time might get cheated/scammed by some agent and there is no EPF contribution if compared with full time work.
anyways, there is no true or wrong when you decide to work full time or part time because you will eventually learn something no matter how good or bad about a company.
during the afternoon, i decided to go to STA travel agency Malaysia to ask about my flight tickets information for next month.
then i quickly make a move by taking monorail to Imbi station.
around 12.55pm i arrived to the Amoda building and meet a friend as shown picture below.
upon arrived to the office, i saw a lot of people and most of them seems to be going to the same place as me when i saw their SHU form.

anyways, the agent just explain the related information about my flight and i hope i will able to sit the latest Airbus A380 flight instead of the Boeing 777 as shown below. (click picture to enlarge)
after that, i just submit 2 the photocopy of my SHU unconditional offer letter, 2pcs passport size photo, fill up the insurance document just like the booking condition information as show below.
besides, there is an additional Dubai stopover optional tour to visits the city and dessert safari but i still thinking whether want to go or not since it would cost additional RM560+ as shown below.
on the other hand, i do feel a bit "dislike" about my friend for "accusing me" something although i told him directly that i dislike "the things" but just feel unhappy during that moment since he was my classmate from diploma till now and he know that i got this blogging habit. (hopefully he don't come see this)
perhaps i start to realize that i might like to doing things alone since no need think about others?

at the end of from the travel agency conversation, i think what was important was also $$ because it is like "no money no talk" and the total fee for this flight+taxes+insurance+others cost about RM4,700 total and i still need to pay them RM4,400 (minus RM300 deposit) by the end of this month.
below was the details of the company and hopefully everything will go smoothly.
TOUR EAST (2009) SDN BHD (formerly known as STA Travel).
Unit 10.05-10.06, Level 10 AMODA, 22 Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Phone : (603) 2148 9800
Faz : (603) 2143 3046
E-mail: sales@statravel.com.my
Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00, Sat 09:00-12:30

somehow i do have a "jelly" feeling when see how other people can earn so much money for travel company.
for example, if you imagine the commission they get for 1 people is RM500, then 100 people go UK use their service means they earn about RM50,000 as a middle man?
moreover, this haven include other's place that they offering instead of the student package.
in addition, this might explain why our country's currency flow so much to other country just like when a student spend around RM30,000 at oversea.
after that, we went to the one of my favourite fishball stall that near Lowyat to have our lunch.
around 2.15pm i reach back office and it was quite a rush most since i using my lunch time to do my personal stuff when i don't feel like going STA agency tomorrow. (Saturday)
then i just continue my working related stuff although my eyes was keep closing as i feel so sleepy.

around 6.35pm i make a move from office and took LRT to Masjid Jamek to meet my sister.
upon arrived at Bandar Tasik Selatan station, i was feeling even more tired when need to walk some distance before reach my sister's car.
while we on the way back home, i do have a lot of great conversation with my sister.
for example, when i told her that i saw a lot of Nigerian at the STA office this afternoon, she also said that she saw a lot of Nigerians that wandering around some hotel area.
then i just said maybe those Nigerians was a "duck" because i heard some friend said before those "lonely old aunty" will "want" (保养) them for XXX service. (sorry if i get anyone offended or accusing them)
another story that my sister share was about some of her friend's experience when they go for plastic surgery treatment which is quite "geli" (gross 恶心) as she said more.

for example, imagine if you heard those "cutting+machine" sound during the "double fold eyelid" (双眼皮) surgery process because that moment you're still awake, just that you don't feel hurt or pain when the doctor is "cutting" your eye's skins which is like washing your teeth process. (feeling so "geli" when writing this)
moreover, she said that if a girl really want to go for a plastic surgery, she need to do a lot of research about before and after treatment process as you need to differentiate the different between Beautician hospital (美容院) and plastic surgery hospital (整容院) and it is strongly recommend to go for plastic surgery hospital because failure rate is lesser compare to beautician hospital.
anyways, i think we should blame the man's fault for causing girls to go for plastic surgery and reduce body weight because people like to see beautiful stuff based on first impression but many people say it is no use to see the appearance (外表) of a person. (including me? 讲一套,做一套 ? LOL~)

talking about beauty, there is a meaningful video that i would like to share which is Dove Real Beauty Sketches although it sounds like advertising as below or the link >>> Here.
the next topic that we talk about was related to politic and my sister suggested me don't talk so much about it because it might cause some trouble to me or even get fine RM50,000 for causing propaganda or misleading information when listened to the radio.
in fact, i do feel a bit really unfair because it is okay for BX to talk bad about opposition but not opposition to talk back about BX just like how those Pro-BX blogger share so much bad news and did not get arrested while those opposition blogger has been arrested and end up in jail.
perhaps i should be happy until this moment for using an anonymous name rather than using real identity because i might get myself into trouble when people know about this.

honestly, i do feel a bit happy when some people use the picture that i make in my Vote for Change 505 post because it can help to spread out some news although is just less than 10 person really read it.
other than that, i feel that people shouldn't blame 988 radio FM for voicing out BX advertisement because every company also need to earn money just like i said before that if BX give you one million for advertising fee, i don't think anyone will reject it.
after that, i just share a sad story with my sister about the "My mom, my hero" post which is about a daughter's tribute to her mother who was stabbed in front of her by some attacker that happened recently.
seriously this is so sad and i don't think i will understand the writer feelings since it did not happened on me.
perhaps we should blame the government for "bring in" so many "banggla/foreigner" to our country or the local business owner for wanting cheap labour.

therefore i can foresee that in long term, those people who have higher education or smart enough will eventually leave Malaysia one day.
in addition, this also explain why "Chinese child" is so expensive to raise nowday when compare with and those olden day where Chinese can give birth to 10 child but not for this generation.
while asking myself, i was hope to have more children as i could but it sounds impossible with current economy as you can see some Uncle said before 10 years ago their degree salary already earn RM2,500+ but it still haven change much until now.
finally i arrived back home at 9.30pm and mother cooked some simple dish as our dinner.
then i went to surf some information online and would like to share the "Now or Never, Do or Die" video at the link >>> Here. (sorry it is in Chinese)

around 10.15pm is the Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing program and below was the podcast recording of the story.
1) 第一位:Fish~她說自己不開心因為和四年感情的男朋友分開了,她說很難過和不能接受、更不能原諒男友之前和別的女人有染。【陳峰大哥建議她要先去瞭解對方基本的性格到底是什麽人,然後再分析他到底是不是個玩玩的男人;但是自己也要站穩本身的立場】>>> Here.

2) 第二位:阿May~兩年前曾經打過電話來的,她說自從家父過世之後也漸漸令她和家人的關係從原本的不愉快回到從前的融洽了。>>> Here.

3) 第三位:Sandy~家庭問題還有感情問題,家庭的問題是說自己的爺爺四五年前留下了很多房地產的資金給她父親和叔叔平分;結果卻被父親一人獨吞甚至還倒欠大耳窿一大筆巨債最後還演變成父母關係不合。【陳峰大哥認為如果是她父親的問題,她們身為子女的也不能過問太多,但是唯一能做的就是儘量趁機會在一起吃飯的時候多找機會讓他們有機會開口說話或許有機會慢慢舒緩對大家的關係】>>> Here.

4) 第四位:愛玲~她想分享的故事是想鼓勵之前那位聽眾,她希望她可以通過自己本身的故事堅強面對家裡問題的一切。>>> Here.

5) 第五位:林先生(31歲)~他說他的女朋友今年大約十八歲,和他在一起上班,偶爾也有一些小摩擦,本以為計劃打算要結婚的但是女的家裡人反對。【陳峰大哥認為可能是那個女的還很年輕,還沒有見識夠這個社會和世界所以需要一些時間去慢慢改變,如果可能就儘量給她多一點自由或者放手讓她得到喘氣的空間】>>> Here.

6) 第六位:阿蓮~她說她弟弟(37歲)經常不做工還向家人和母親要錢,每次一拿就是過萬塊為此令她母親也很失望;她們不知道要怎樣幫助這個弟弟才能令他學會自己經濟獨立和長進點。【陳峰大哥一口氣就回答她說不能繼續這麼縱容她的弟弟了,否則永遠不會改變什麽甚至也會害了他】>>> Here.

7) 第七位:Mandy~工作上的問題,她說和同事之間無法相處融洽和親近,她自稱可能自己也並不是太會看人說話和兜圈子,很多時候可能是一時大意得罪身邊的人。【陳峰大哥建議她不用太介意別人的閒言閒語,還有處理事情也不用太過於著急和追求最好的成績與表現;同時也不要抱著輸不起的心態去面對所有事情、凡事平穩按部就班的跟著次序走】>>> Here.

8) 第八位(最後一位):Jessie~她覺得自己的小孩子很難教,她之前接到學校打來的電話認為事態嚴重開始覺得有些擔心了,據說她孩子的在學校好像有威脅和勒索同學要錢的可能,她本身也不懂問題到底出現在哪裡。【陳峰大哥覺得這是道德的教育不夠深入,還有父母也要負起全責重新看緊孩子的行為,同時也不能給孩子看太多大人的電視節目】>>> Here.
somehow i suddenly fall asleep while listening to it but luckily i still can listen back tomorrow.
the moment i woke up again was 1.30am and don't feel like sleeping.
therefore i just start to write this blog post while listening to Hatsune Miku song although "the feeling to say bye bye" keep coming.
seriously i feel that life is too much information to read and sometime it is great to don't know so many thing as it can make someone stressed up.
anyways, today was a World Intellectual Property Day which celebrated on 26th April every year in order to promote discussion of the role of intellectual property for encouraging innovation and creativity.
well, i do feel that blogging seems to be not helping much for me to improve my English level because sometime i don't even understand what i am writing and it sounds "super broken English" like i am still in my secondary level. (how to find someone to teach us for improving our English?)
overall this whole weekdays i had been sleeping almost 4 hour+ daily which make me felt tired easily. (what miracle energy that keeps make me writing? no idea)

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