today i woke up at 9.20am.
then i quickly get myself prepared as my father told me that he need to go office first before fetch me to Klang KTM for taking train back KL house because there's a SHU briefing tomorrow.
around 9.45am we reached the office and i just waited him for quite some time in there.
somehow i still recall back "something" that i seems like still caring so much about how other's people point of view because if i success by depending on father, it will become useless, so i just work for others people and feel as it is no more potential for the "printing" related things.
when i arrived Klang KTM at 10.10am, i can't find my Touch and Go card and just queue up to buy the ticket.
moreover, there was a lot of "outside foreigner" (bangla) taking the train while i was waiting there.
honestly, i do feel a little "down" as i still need to take train or KTM/LRT because seldom Chinese will take train whereas most of my friend already have their own car at my age since i was like "no money buy car" that kind of guy.
during the moment at the train, suddenly my stomach feel so pain and i need to "endure" it until i reach KL Sentral which is a very hard task for me to "hold on" until i do my "big business" at there.
around 11.20am i reach KL Sentral and quickly run to the toilet but it was full of people which make me run into another toilet to "settle" it.
after that, i went to have my breakfast at Subway as there was a RM7.50 promotion everyday for different type of 6-inch sandwiches which made on freshly baked bread.
somehow i just think about my ex-company when i was eating at there as it just happened few day ago.
then i just went to buy the "coins ticket" from the LRT station to back Wangsa.
during the moment at train, i saw someone very familiar and when i look closely, it was "A. Samad Said" (Abdul Samad bin Muhammad Said) which is one of the famous Malaysian poet and novelist.
somehow i was "shocked" when saw him just siting there reading a book but not much people notice about his present. (maybe other's people don't know who is him)
suddenly i just have the courage to approach him to have some talk because i recognize his face from one of the video that i saw from Youtube as shown below or the link >>> Here.
well, i just start the conversation by asking "hi, are you A. Samad Said" and he just replied "yes".
then i told him that i had read his literature and poem during my secondary school as i recalling something start with "i was fresh air for my younger children who gasping from air". (forgotten some)
after that, he asked me about what i am doing now and i just answer that i am a E-commerce and Marketing student from Tar College graduate and will be going UK soon.
then he further asked me about whether got go for voting this coming Sunday and told me to "Vote".
furthermore, he said that "PTPTN" will be abolished if opposition win but i still not very believe into it because so many people said it is our duty to pay back the money that we borrowed from people.
anyways, i had forgotten to take picture with him but i recall he was wearing a green colour shirt, holding a book and stop at KLCC station.
seriously i just feel unbelievable to see him take LRT as i thought that he must be rich and having security guard to protect him but there is no other's people know him except 2 Malay guy who give him "salam" (greeting) when they was going to another place.
overall this feeling was quite special because i believe it was a pleasure and fate for me to meet such a noble and humble man in real life especially in a short and coincidence time although it is not like the feeling of seeing "Jay Chou" taking train with me.
around 12.20pm i arrived Wangsa Maju and took taxi back KL house.
after some moment pass, one of my friend arrived my house and i was planning to go to Tarc Marrybrown to have our lunch while i need to go to SBS office to take something.
somehow i saw one of my lecturer and have a little conversation.
besides, my friend told me that in order to get a degree certification after graduate as advance diploma, you need to take one more year study at Tarc College since it had become a Tarc University College.
anyways, i feel grateful to able to go UK this year as it might be the last year to go for this short semester.
after that, we walked to the Marrybrown (MB) Tarc college and i just took some picture as shown below.
somehow i do feel not very worth for the "Chick a licious" meal set as it cost about RM12+ and there is no student discount.
well, i don't think they can "survive" in the long term with such a high price or nowadays Tarcucian had become very rich already?
anyways, i think i had almost blog every food corner at my college from Tarc Papparich Express, Tarc Red Bricks cafe, Tarc RT Pastry House, Tarc Library, Tarc Toastmaster, Tarc Counseling, Tarc Mushroom Cultivation and so much more until i can't recall all of it.
perhaps this is why Tarc is such a great school which left me so much of memories although i ended up with a quite "sad" story as i know it was my own problem at first.
besides, i do feel a little "emos" when saw so many new Tarc beautiful junior girls because i don't really know why last time i so easily "emo for a girl" and abandon the "whole forest" like no any girl remains.
so my little advice for any Tarc junior is don't keep think on the past (although i am) especially if the problem is about relationship because if a girl really like you, she will eventually come for you and don't be too concerned about others people and just go with the flow as there more you care, it might become no value for others people when they know you're so obsesses with something.
anyways, what i am trying to said here is if there's anyone facing the "lonely sickness" like i did, i think the best way is to find someone in real life to talk about it, if you really really find no one, you can trust the Tarc counseling department as it is a great experience to express your feelings although some people might say you must be having "crazy" or having psychology problem if you see the help from there.
after that, i walk to the Tarc Cyber Center to print something and went back home after that.
during the night, i played some games with my friend and search some information online.
around 10.20pm is the Chan Fong "大城心事" sharing program and below was the podcast recording.
1) 第一位:心瑜~打電話進來純粹聊天。
2) 第二位:阿Wai(之前未婚先孕)~目前問題嚴重到要離婚了,動不動就吵架老公還會出手打她。【陳峰大哥聽完故事之後因為考慮到她老公因為有過多次的打老婆記錄,并勸她離婚會比較理想以趁年輕脫離苦海】Part 1 + 2 >>> Here.
3) 第三位:BB~她說她媽媽多年前就開始很喜歡買東西和收東西回家,因為家裡的空間有限,令她們覺得在生活上帶來許多不便和困擾。【陳峰大哥建議她帶母親去找個心理醫生或者輔導員開導一番】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:小宇~一直抱怨她班上的同學(泰國人)讀書成績優異然後就吃醋不爽。【陳峰大哥覺得她的問題比較大,打電話進來純屬發洩;該檢討的人應該是她本身是否太小氣】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:林先生(上個星期五才打電話進來的)~他說今天又和女朋友吵架了,他打算要放棄這段關係分手了,但是自己心裡又放不下。【陳峰大哥認為他本人有點性格固執,有些東西是時候該放手的時候也必須學著放下】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:來自大山腳的阿B~三年前中風惡劣情況相當嚴重到嘴巴歪一邊的那種,他想通過空中告訴大家,他是以中醫的針灸方式來醫治病情的;不過現在已經好得七七八八並無大礙了。【陳峰大哥對於他的求生意志感到敬佩】
7) 第七位:Steven~他自小就看爸爸打媽媽這種暴力傾向,他非常討厭這種打女人的男人,他更因為害怕自己會步入父親的後塵而幾度看心理醫生接受輔導和治療。
8) 第八位(最後一位):阿木~他喜歡上一個女人,問題是對方目前有個已經拍拖六年的男朋友感情也算穩定,他很掙扎不知道要怎樣決定但是內心有很不捨得。【陳峰大哥勸他要儘早抽身而出離開這段三角關係,畢竟那個女的目前可能只是因為貪新鮮而跟他嘗試偷偷發展地下情】
somehow i was quite agree with the DJ saying that a guy that beat his wife is definitely not a good guy.
besides, i do feel myself having the personality of a girl when i always have the "unwilling" (不舍得) attitude.
anyways, i managed to record until number 5 as i went to have my "dinner" at midnight.
however, it seems like i was still having those unhealthy food such as Mali's Nasi Lemak, Satay, chicken pie and others all in once because it was my last day to stay at this KL house.
before i end my post, i would like to share an interesting picture as below.
well, i would like to wish all people who came into my life to be happy although i am still trying my way to become one of it.
then i quickly get myself prepared as my father told me that he need to go office first before fetch me to Klang KTM for taking train back KL house because there's a SHU briefing tomorrow.
around 9.45am we reached the office and i just waited him for quite some time in there.
somehow i still recall back "something" that i seems like still caring so much about how other's people point of view because if i success by depending on father, it will become useless, so i just work for others people and feel as it is no more potential for the "printing" related things.
when i arrived Klang KTM at 10.10am, i can't find my Touch and Go card and just queue up to buy the ticket.
moreover, there was a lot of "outside foreigner" (bangla) taking the train while i was waiting there.
honestly, i do feel a little "down" as i still need to take train or KTM/LRT because seldom Chinese will take train whereas most of my friend already have their own car at my age since i was like "no money buy car" that kind of guy.
during the moment at the train, suddenly my stomach feel so pain and i need to "endure" it until i reach KL Sentral which is a very hard task for me to "hold on" until i do my "big business" at there.
around 11.20am i reach KL Sentral and quickly run to the toilet but it was full of people which make me run into another toilet to "settle" it.
after that, i went to have my breakfast at Subway as there was a RM7.50 promotion everyday for different type of 6-inch sandwiches which made on freshly baked bread.
somehow i just think about my ex-company when i was eating at there as it just happened few day ago.
then i just went to buy the "coins ticket" from the LRT station to back Wangsa.
during the moment at train, i saw someone very familiar and when i look closely, it was "A. Samad Said" (Abdul Samad bin Muhammad Said) which is one of the famous Malaysian poet and novelist.
somehow i was "shocked" when saw him just siting there reading a book but not much people notice about his present. (maybe other's people don't know who is him)
suddenly i just have the courage to approach him to have some talk because i recognize his face from one of the video that i saw from Youtube as shown below or the link >>> Here.
well, i just start the conversation by asking "hi, are you A. Samad Said" and he just replied "yes".
then i told him that i had read his literature and poem during my secondary school as i recalling something start with "i was fresh air for my younger children who gasping from air". (forgotten some)
after that, he asked me about what i am doing now and i just answer that i am a E-commerce and Marketing student from Tar College graduate and will be going UK soon.
then he further asked me about whether got go for voting this coming Sunday and told me to "Vote".
furthermore, he said that "PTPTN" will be abolished if opposition win but i still not very believe into it because so many people said it is our duty to pay back the money that we borrowed from people.
anyways, i had forgotten to take picture with him but i recall he was wearing a green colour shirt, holding a book and stop at KLCC station.
seriously i just feel unbelievable to see him take LRT as i thought that he must be rich and having security guard to protect him but there is no other's people know him except 2 Malay guy who give him "salam" (greeting) when they was going to another place.
overall this feeling was quite special because i believe it was a pleasure and fate for me to meet such a noble and humble man in real life especially in a short and coincidence time although it is not like the feeling of seeing "Jay Chou" taking train with me.
around 12.20pm i arrived Wangsa Maju and took taxi back KL house.
after some moment pass, one of my friend arrived my house and i was planning to go to Tarc Marrybrown to have our lunch while i need to go to SBS office to take something.
somehow i saw one of my lecturer and have a little conversation.
besides, my friend told me that in order to get a degree certification after graduate as advance diploma, you need to take one more year study at Tarc College since it had become a Tarc University College.
anyways, i feel grateful to able to go UK this year as it might be the last year to go for this short semester.
after that, we walked to the Marrybrown (MB) Tarc college and i just took some picture as shown below.
somehow i do feel not very worth for the "Chick a licious" meal set as it cost about RM12+ and there is no student discount.
well, i don't think they can "survive" in the long term with such a high price or nowadays Tarcucian had become very rich already?
anyways, i think i had almost blog every food corner at my college from Tarc Papparich Express, Tarc Red Bricks cafe, Tarc RT Pastry House, Tarc Library, Tarc Toastmaster, Tarc Counseling, Tarc Mushroom Cultivation and so much more until i can't recall all of it.
perhaps this is why Tarc is such a great school which left me so much of memories although i ended up with a quite "sad" story as i know it was my own problem at first.
besides, i do feel a little "emos" when saw so many new Tarc beautiful junior girls because i don't really know why last time i so easily "emo for a girl" and abandon the "whole forest" like no any girl remains.
so my little advice for any Tarc junior is don't keep think on the past (although i am) especially if the problem is about relationship because if a girl really like you, she will eventually come for you and don't be too concerned about others people and just go with the flow as there more you care, it might become no value for others people when they know you're so obsesses with something.
anyways, what i am trying to said here is if there's anyone facing the "lonely sickness" like i did, i think the best way is to find someone in real life to talk about it, if you really really find no one, you can trust the Tarc counseling department as it is a great experience to express your feelings although some people might say you must be having "crazy" or having psychology problem if you see the help from there.
after that, i walk to the Tarc Cyber Center to print something and went back home after that.
during the night, i played some games with my friend and search some information online.
around 10.20pm is the Chan Fong "大城心事" sharing program and below was the podcast recording.
1) 第一位:心瑜~打電話進來純粹聊天。
2) 第二位:阿Wai(之前未婚先孕)~目前問題嚴重到要離婚了,動不動就吵架老公還會出手打她。【陳峰大哥聽完故事之後因為考慮到她老公因為有過多次的打老婆記錄,并勸她離婚會比較理想以趁年輕脫離苦海】Part 1 + 2 >>> Here.
3) 第三位:BB~她說她媽媽多年前就開始很喜歡買東西和收東西回家,因為家裡的空間有限,令她們覺得在生活上帶來許多不便和困擾。【陳峰大哥建議她帶母親去找個心理醫生或者輔導員開導一番】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:小宇~一直抱怨她班上的同學(泰國人)讀書成績優異然後就吃醋不爽。【陳峰大哥覺得她的問題比較大,打電話進來純屬發洩;該檢討的人應該是她本身是否太小氣】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:林先生(上個星期五才打電話進來的)~他說今天又和女朋友吵架了,他打算要放棄這段關係分手了,但是自己心裡又放不下。【陳峰大哥認為他本人有點性格固執,有些東西是時候該放手的時候也必須學著放下】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:來自大山腳的阿B~三年前中風惡劣情況相當嚴重到嘴巴歪一邊的那種,他想通過空中告訴大家,他是以中醫的針灸方式來醫治病情的;不過現在已經好得七七八八並無大礙了。【陳峰大哥對於他的求生意志感到敬佩】
7) 第七位:Steven~他自小就看爸爸打媽媽這種暴力傾向,他非常討厭這種打女人的男人,他更因為害怕自己會步入父親的後塵而幾度看心理醫生接受輔導和治療。
8) 第八位(最後一位):阿木~他喜歡上一個女人,問題是對方目前有個已經拍拖六年的男朋友感情也算穩定,他很掙扎不知道要怎樣決定但是內心有很不捨得。【陳峰大哥勸他要儘早抽身而出離開這段三角關係,畢竟那個女的目前可能只是因為貪新鮮而跟他嘗試偷偷發展地下情】
somehow i was quite agree with the DJ saying that a guy that beat his wife is definitely not a good guy.
besides, i do feel myself having the personality of a girl when i always have the "unwilling" (不舍得) attitude.
anyways, i managed to record until number 5 as i went to have my "dinner" at midnight.
however, it seems like i was still having those unhealthy food such as Mali's Nasi Lemak, Satay, chicken pie and others all in once because it was my last day to stay at this KL house.
before i end my post, i would like to share an interesting picture as below.
well, i would like to wish all people who came into my life to be happy although i am still trying my way to become one of it.