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Swiss Polo Is Not Ralph Lauren Polo Brands In Malaysia?

 today i woke up at 1.10pm.
then i just have my lunch as mother just prepared some simple dishes.
after that, i just continue my normal lifestyle searching some information and reading online articles.
actually i had a planned to go Putrajaya to buy the Alcatel One Touch Glory 2S phone for RM50 from Digi Festival Belia event.
however, i couldn't retrieve back the RM200 student voucher from Komunikasi Belia SKMM and because it show that i had register earlier.
therefore i just can't find the email from all the Hotmail account i had and just give up of buying this phone unlike the feelings i had for yesterday when finding things. (i feel myself tends to be cheapskate again)
around 5.40pm i asked my father to fetch me to Aeon Jusco Bukit Tinggi to buy something for UK.

when i arrived there, i just buy the things that listed on my phone checklist.
besides, i saw a cold jacket with hood that is quite nice from the Jusco cloth department and just bought it without thinking much.
after that, i went to search for the leather shoes as i wanted to buy a new one.
frankly speaking, i really spend a lot of time wandering around that shoes area to find the leather shoes as the price can range from RM50~RM400+ with 20~50% discount from various kind of brands.
after some moment, i couldn't found any shoes that suite with me as i don't feel like spend much money on it.
therefore i just walk to another stall and feel that others stall is even expensive than the shoes inside Jusco as there was not much discount on it.
then i just walk back to the Jusco shoes department and try to look again.

well, there is a leather shoes that caught my attention was the Swiss Polo brands because they have a 50% discount from the price of RM280 that cost around RM140.
however, i do feel a little confuse when saw the Polo Ralph Lauren brands tends to be different with the Swiss Polo brands regarding the "touching quality", price and others factor.
then i just ask the staff and they said that the Swiss Polo brands is made in Malaysia.
somehow i admit that i have a little bias feelings that i seldom buy thing that made in Malaysia especially when i feel the price is not suite with the quality provided and ended up did not buy the leather shoe.
around 7.20pm we make a move from there and i finally reach home at 7.50pm.
after having my dinner, i continue to use the computer to see some news and information although i know i shall doing something useful right?

somehow i was interest to search the "Swiss Polo" related information because this feelings is just like the "Polo Club Britannia Watch" post that i write long time ago although i did not buy the shoes this time.
well, there is not much information about "Captain Gerald Schneider, GMBH, 1983" when i search those related keyword on Google from their official website as show below.
however, the only related things was "Polo Lieutenant Sherer" from Polo history and Ralph Lauren brands does not have any relation with Swiss Polo.
therefore i can conclude that Swiss Polo is not Ralph Lauren Polo brands in Malaysia and it seems like just a "marketing strategy" to use other's people brands.
honestly speaking, the reason i wanted to find this information was because i was "jelly" with their successful business conspiracy concept that can sell their product in all over Malaysia.

it is because i believe most people who did not know much about Polo brands will eventually think about those product that come with a "Polo" keyword will looks like something very elegant.
anyways, if my assumption is right, i might start to understand what is the meaning of "Marketing" especially in Malaysia because the competition is so high and everyone will try to find the easier way to earn money.
one idea i can think when looking this "Swiss Polo conspiracy plan" was you must find a very famous branded product, then use a foreigner related keyword to "make it looks like very high class" such as "Swiss Hermes, Swiss LV, Gucci" and make it looks like it is a sub brands from their mother brand to sell it.
seriously i do have a feeling that in order to earn a lot of money in Malaysia, the idea was to sell some fake and imitation products that can cheat/scam/deceive others people if want to achieve something in a very fast way as it is so competitive.

somehow this just make me recall about the Longchamp bag that sell in some of the group buying website with a super high discount becuase the hidden secret that most girls don't know was most of the product was came from the China super AAA class imitation that claims to be original.
one thing for sure was the RM100,000 from every 1000pcs Longchamp bag sold, i don't know the clear profit of 100K is in who's pocket but definitely not me and this "marketing concept" seems to be so successful last year although it had been found out as an imitation bag by some people in the end.
on the other hand, this just me recalling back about the Top Ittipat billionaire Thailand movie because if you can sell something to a big supply chain distributor, you no longer need to worry about how to earn a lot of money because the money will eventually come to you if your product did not have any side effect or bring back any bad image.

well, i would like to apologize (sorry) that this blog was just another whining and "jelly" post as i can't really do anything when i see other's people can so easily earn so much money while i just only know how to write my feelings sitting in front of the computer that bring not much value other than complaining about life.
sometimes i did ask myself is it good to find out something that sounds like quite meaningless after i realize it at the very end of my research?
in fact, i might bring some misleading information about Swiss Polo brands just because i couldn't found any information about it but that's was just my opinion about this product which is no right or wrong right?
afterall, i am just a person that will work for some Big Company after getting my UK degree certificate and probably will end up working in Singapore if i am lucky to get some connection.
at last, i keep told myself to stay positive despite those negative motivation force just like picture below. (are you kidding me that you still stress after having so much?)

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