today i woke up at 7.35am.
then i just have some chocolate jam with bread as my breakfast after getting myself prepared.
around 8.30am i make a move from home and walked to Stoddart for attending the Strategic Marketing Management lecture.
well, the thing that i learn was the Herzberg's two factor theory which is hygiene factor and motivators for consumer buying decision.
anyways, i just feel myself seems to be suitable working for the back end office job instead of working in the field that require a lot of communication in the future.
after the class end, we went to Saintbury's to look around some snacks and it seems that there is no longer promotion for the cookies.
then i just followed some friends walking around there while some other went to Costa coffee and i just took some picture around the surroundings as below.
around 10.50am we walk back to the Stoddart to attend the SMM seminar.
well, the seminar teach about competitive analysis using the customer choice factors (CCFs) to perceive a company strengths and it's weakness that would result a critical impact on consumer's buying decisions.
somehow i don't find it is useful because the data for the company was based on our perceived assumption without any actual fact.
after the class end, we walked back home and just saw a Chinese buffet that seems to be quite worth to eat for £6.99 as shown below.
anyways, we went to Mc Donalds to buy our lunch as we heard there was a promotion for student.
well, the ways to get Buy 1 Free 1 was to need to buy the set meal for £3.99 and you can choose either cheeseburger, hamburger or Mc flurry ice cream.
during that moment, i don't know that cheeseburger was actually have the beef meat inside but when i discover it, a friend say that i should cope with the local culture as it was my first time to eat at there.
honestly, the reason i feel angry at that moment was because myself seems to be so easy influence by other people as the friend say i am not "open minded enough" and should eat the cheeseburger beef meat despite i had "devoted to Guan Yin" (观音菩萨做契子) where their follower should not eat cow/beef meat just like Muslim is prohibited to eat pork.
sometime i just feel that it is no use to "help" people save money as i just can order the Mayo chicken burger without listening to others people opinion.
in fact, the final decision still on my hand whether want to eat or not and i ended up feeling guilty with hypocrites thought but just keep told myself don't blame others since i was lack of general knowledge about cheeseburger although i feel that someone should tell me when at the cashier counter in this scenario.
besides, the another thing i don't really like from the conversation that how can it link with the "prostitution story" because the friend say that those guy who never go "happy" (find prostitute) before marriage will definitely go for prostitution after marriage.
seriously this is just like simply accusing people and i feel that this might be the reason why our society changing so fast and ended up so many divorce case partly because of other's people sayings.
after that, we went to the ask for the money changer in front of Primark because some friend say that they had changed 1£ for RM4.50+ as i don't believe it was true.
well, it was not true when i asked it myself and the exchange rate was RM5.40+ for £1 which is so expensive than in Malaysia that is just RM4.90+ for now.
after that, we went to castle market and i just bought some microwave food as below.
finally i arrived back home around 1.30pm.
during the afternoon, i just have Oriental express Chinese chicken curry flavour rice as my lunch in order to "cover out the beef taste" as below.
then i continue with some research and eventually fall asleep.
the moment i woke up again was 6pm and just saw my brother Skype me but i had sleep during that time while the time in Malaysia was already 1am midnight.
somehow i can sense that he seems to be not very happy as i seldom call back home.
in addition, i just saw a "ghost within myself" while looking the Skype webcam when my "emos face" was so ugly but luckily only myself see it.
somehow i might start to understand why i seldom got good networking skills due to my "face problem" although i wish i can use a paper to wrap my face when going out.
during the night, i take out the chicken and learned how to defrost using microwave oven and used another oven to grill/cook it.
well, my dinner is ready around 8pm and i just eat it while watching the "Shingeki No Kyojin" (Attack on Titan 進撃の巨人) anime as below.
besides, some friends had went to the church for free dinner food and i do have a "don't know how to say feeling" (only myself know/ don't feel like saying) due to "something".
however, i still waiting him to come back for the clothes washing powder.
anyways, the token for washing machine require 40 minute to wash with another 50 minute to dry and i finally settle all my clothes laundry stuff around 12.30am.
on the other hand, i still listening to the Chan Fong (大城心事) story sharing and below was the recording podcast from the program.
1) 第一位:谢先生(买鸡蛋的小贩)~和一个交往7 年的女朋友分手了(分手的原因是因为对方的舅舅嫌弃他的工作没有前途),现在又有了新的对象;但是因为之前留下的阴影导致他怕之前的问题会重复再一次的发生在他身上。【陈峰大哥在听完的诉说的故事后,整体来说还是认为觉得他是一个好人,只是因为之前的阴影照成的伤害需要时间慢慢的去疗伤复原】
2) 第二位:阿珍(22岁)~刚刚才结束了一段大约一年半的小三式恋情,对方是个有家室的人而且那个之前还是她的的老板,分手的原因是因为她不喜欢被对方管得太紧而选择放弃以结束这段感情。【陈峰大哥认为她的性格属于任性野蛮而且也是个不会去听别人劝告的人,凡做任何事从来都不顾及前因后果就马马虎虎行事】Part 1 +2 >>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿Moi~她打电话进来988@《大城心事》纯粹只是要问候陈峰大哥而且顺便闲聊做个小小的“家访”。【--】
4) 第四位:Crystly~她和家人在一起住在同一个屋檐下觉得很不开心,就因为她的父母叫她把她养的一缸鱼将之从一楼搬去三楼。【陈峰大哥劝告她要和父亲和睦共处,不要因为一缸鱼和父亲闹变扭,陈峰大哥最后也提醒她在父亲节更要懂得如何对父亲表示关怀和尊重】Part 3 + 4 >>> Here.
5) 第五位:陈小姐~她说自己会时常和男朋友吵架,曾经还因为骂了对方一句:“贱格”而搞得男朋友对她很生气。【陈峰大哥告诉她,凡事应该都要检讨一下自己是否也有不对的地方,不能一直把问题一面倒向对方的错误甚至说自身室外;还有必须注意自己表达的语气和态度】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:Ivry(有孩子的)~老公的问题,因为家里的私人理由而选择分开住最后导致关系变质,老公甚至也因此经常去夜店喝酒到凌晨两点才回家,他们现在还无法从冷淡的关系中改善过来。【陈峰大哥叫她试着尝试最后一次的机会,用尽方法去和老公改善关系,如果到最后还是没有进展才打算是否要走离婚这步棋】>>> Here.
7) 第七位:Even~她想通过988的空中说:“父亲节快乐”。【---】
8) 第八位:阿纲(育有两个孩子)~他说他老婆之前在网络上交友一年多,最近甚至还开始和那个传说中的男人(“网友”)有过几度单独出去约会到半夜回家,他们双方也曾经因为这件事而吵架,但是始终没有结果也一直得不到妥善的解决方案;现在重复循环发生问题。【陈峰大哥认为说他老婆可能是因为和他之前得不到爱,所以在外面寻找新的机会和寄托】Part 7 + 8 >>> Here.
9) 第九位:阿Sam(34岁)~他目前属于适婚年龄,他和交往半年的女朋友(大约二十四/ 五岁左右),他心目中在挣扎着到底这段感情会不会有结果和将来;他也开始慌张害怕自己结不成婚。【陈峰大哥觉得他的心态观念和出发点都不正确,可能年轻时喜欢寻求拍拖的新鲜感照成的恶性循环的“报应”】>>> Here.
10) 第十位(最后一位):小甜(育有两个女儿)~七年前和丈夫分居理由是对方在外面有外遇,那时候他的女儿才出世半年左右过后虽然复合了但是丈夫过后还是几度重复的连续搞上了多个外遇令她觉得彻底地绝望,决心和对方离婚;她坦言这一生做的最大决定就是替他生了两个孩子,搞得自己为了两个孩子左右为难;她更不明白为什么老公拖了好多年才答应签她字离婚的要求。最后在法庭里推翻了私下和她的承诺包括抚养权和赡养费等等。>>> Here.
somehow i do learned some lesson from the No.5 girl sharing and feel the DJ was quite right that we seldom admit our own mistake and often put the blame on others.
in fact, i just feel myself tends to be the "Lan Hao Ren" (滥好人) and it is quite "disgusting" in some ways.
in conclusion, i realized it is so true that "the most stupid person is to be angry and unhappy about life that bring no benefits to himself/herself" because other's people would not feel the pain you feel.
furthermore, i still need to use this blogging platform to express myself again because i don't have much people can talk about especially in so far country because it is quite expensive to phone back my sister or one of my best friend in Malaysia.
however, there is still "something" i can't really express out and writing in blog seems to be just not enough to release all my "unnecessary stress" that keep "haunting" me. (keep asking myself worth or not to spend so much effort to express my feelings?)
perhaps this is true that why sometime it is good to have a girlfriend to talk about because you will be more devoted to talk about yourself rather than someone who just so call as "friends".
at last, i just can comfort myself to have a positive feeling as tomorrow i will be travel to Manchester United for the University trip as i had bought all the tickets as below.
moreover, it seems that studying in foreign country tends to be more enjoy because can travel.
(Self Expenses note: Today £4.50, Yesterday total £248.90, Total up to date £253.40)
then i just have some chocolate jam with bread as my breakfast after getting myself prepared.
around 8.30am i make a move from home and walked to Stoddart for attending the Strategic Marketing Management lecture.
well, the thing that i learn was the Herzberg's two factor theory which is hygiene factor and motivators for consumer buying decision.
anyways, i just feel myself seems to be suitable working for the back end office job instead of working in the field that require a lot of communication in the future.
after the class end, we went to Saintbury's to look around some snacks and it seems that there is no longer promotion for the cookies.
then i just followed some friends walking around there while some other went to Costa coffee and i just took some picture around the surroundings as below.
around 10.50am we walk back to the Stoddart to attend the SMM seminar.
well, the seminar teach about competitive analysis using the customer choice factors (CCFs) to perceive a company strengths and it's weakness that would result a critical impact on consumer's buying decisions.
somehow i don't find it is useful because the data for the company was based on our perceived assumption without any actual fact.
after the class end, we walked back home and just saw a Chinese buffet that seems to be quite worth to eat for £6.99 as shown below.
anyways, we went to Mc Donalds to buy our lunch as we heard there was a promotion for student.
well, the ways to get Buy 1 Free 1 was to need to buy the set meal for £3.99 and you can choose either cheeseburger, hamburger or Mc flurry ice cream.
during that moment, i don't know that cheeseburger was actually have the beef meat inside but when i discover it, a friend say that i should cope with the local culture as it was my first time to eat at there.
honestly, the reason i feel angry at that moment was because myself seems to be so easy influence by other people as the friend say i am not "open minded enough" and should eat the cheeseburger beef meat despite i had "devoted to Guan Yin" (观音菩萨做契子) where their follower should not eat cow/beef meat just like Muslim is prohibited to eat pork.
sometime i just feel that it is no use to "help" people save money as i just can order the Mayo chicken burger without listening to others people opinion.
in fact, the final decision still on my hand whether want to eat or not and i ended up feeling guilty with hypocrites thought but just keep told myself don't blame others since i was lack of general knowledge about cheeseburger although i feel that someone should tell me when at the cashier counter in this scenario.
besides, the another thing i don't really like from the conversation that how can it link with the "prostitution story" because the friend say that those guy who never go "happy" (find prostitute) before marriage will definitely go for prostitution after marriage.
seriously this is just like simply accusing people and i feel that this might be the reason why our society changing so fast and ended up so many divorce case partly because of other's people sayings.
after that, we went to the ask for the money changer in front of Primark because some friend say that they had changed 1£ for RM4.50+ as i don't believe it was true.
well, it was not true when i asked it myself and the exchange rate was RM5.40+ for £1 which is so expensive than in Malaysia that is just RM4.90+ for now.
after that, we went to castle market and i just bought some microwave food as below.
finally i arrived back home around 1.30pm.
during the afternoon, i just have Oriental express Chinese chicken curry flavour rice as my lunch in order to "cover out the beef taste" as below.
then i continue with some research and eventually fall asleep.
the moment i woke up again was 6pm and just saw my brother Skype me but i had sleep during that time while the time in Malaysia was already 1am midnight.
somehow i can sense that he seems to be not very happy as i seldom call back home.
in addition, i just saw a "ghost within myself" while looking the Skype webcam when my "emos face" was so ugly but luckily only myself see it.
somehow i might start to understand why i seldom got good networking skills due to my "face problem" although i wish i can use a paper to wrap my face when going out.
during the night, i take out the chicken and learned how to defrost using microwave oven and used another oven to grill/cook it.
well, my dinner is ready around 8pm and i just eat it while watching the "Shingeki No Kyojin" (Attack on Titan 進撃の巨人) anime as below.
besides, some friends had went to the church for free dinner food and i do have a "don't know how to say feeling" (only myself know/ don't feel like saying) due to "something".
however, i still waiting him to come back for the clothes washing powder.
anyways, the token for washing machine require 40 minute to wash with another 50 minute to dry and i finally settle all my clothes laundry stuff around 12.30am.
on the other hand, i still listening to the Chan Fong (大城心事) story sharing and below was the recording podcast from the program.
1) 第一位:谢先生(买鸡蛋的小贩)~和一个交往7 年的女朋友分手了(分手的原因是因为对方的舅舅嫌弃他的工作没有前途),现在又有了新的对象;但是因为之前留下的阴影导致他怕之前的问题会重复再一次的发生在他身上。【陈峰大哥在听完的诉说的故事后,整体来说还是认为觉得他是一个好人,只是因为之前的阴影照成的伤害需要时间慢慢的去疗伤复原】
2) 第二位:阿珍(22岁)~刚刚才结束了一段大约一年半的小三式恋情,对方是个有家室的人而且那个之前还是她的的老板,分手的原因是因为她不喜欢被对方管得太紧而选择放弃以结束这段感情。【陈峰大哥认为她的性格属于任性野蛮而且也是个不会去听别人劝告的人,凡做任何事从来都不顾及前因后果就马马虎虎行事】Part 1 +2 >>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿Moi~她打电话进来988@《大城心事》纯粹只是要问候陈峰大哥而且顺便闲聊做个小小的“家访”。【--】
4) 第四位:Crystly~她和家人在一起住在同一个屋檐下觉得很不开心,就因为她的父母叫她把她养的一缸鱼将之从一楼搬去三楼。【陈峰大哥劝告她要和父亲和睦共处,不要因为一缸鱼和父亲闹变扭,陈峰大哥最后也提醒她在父亲节更要懂得如何对父亲表示关怀和尊重】Part 3 + 4 >>> Here.
5) 第五位:陈小姐~她说自己会时常和男朋友吵架,曾经还因为骂了对方一句:“贱格”而搞得男朋友对她很生气。【陈峰大哥告诉她,凡事应该都要检讨一下自己是否也有不对的地方,不能一直把问题一面倒向对方的错误甚至说自身室外;还有必须注意自己表达的语气和态度】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:Ivry(有孩子的)~老公的问题,因为家里的私人理由而选择分开住最后导致关系变质,老公甚至也因此经常去夜店喝酒到凌晨两点才回家,他们现在还无法从冷淡的关系中改善过来。【陈峰大哥叫她试着尝试最后一次的机会,用尽方法去和老公改善关系,如果到最后还是没有进展才打算是否要走离婚这步棋】>>> Here.
7) 第七位:Even~她想通过988的空中说:“父亲节快乐”。【---】
8) 第八位:阿纲(育有两个孩子)~他说他老婆之前在网络上交友一年多,最近甚至还开始和那个传说中的男人(“网友”)有过几度单独出去约会到半夜回家,他们双方也曾经因为这件事而吵架,但是始终没有结果也一直得不到妥善的解决方案;现在重复循环发生问题。【陈峰大哥认为说他老婆可能是因为和他之前得不到爱,所以在外面寻找新的机会和寄托】Part 7 + 8 >>> Here.
9) 第九位:阿Sam(34岁)~他目前属于适婚年龄,他和交往半年的女朋友(大约二十四/ 五岁左右),他心目中在挣扎着到底这段感情会不会有结果和将来;他也开始慌张害怕自己结不成婚。【陈峰大哥觉得他的心态观念和出发点都不正确,可能年轻时喜欢寻求拍拖的新鲜感照成的恶性循环的“报应”】>>> Here.
10) 第十位(最后一位):小甜(育有两个女儿)~七年前和丈夫分居理由是对方在外面有外遇,那时候他的女儿才出世半年左右过后虽然复合了但是丈夫过后还是几度重复的连续搞上了多个外遇令她觉得彻底地绝望,决心和对方离婚;她坦言这一生做的最大决定就是替他生了两个孩子,搞得自己为了两个孩子左右为难;她更不明白为什么老公拖了好多年才答应签她字离婚的要求。最后在法庭里推翻了私下和她的承诺包括抚养权和赡养费等等。>>> Here.
somehow i do learned some lesson from the No.5 girl sharing and feel the DJ was quite right that we seldom admit our own mistake and often put the blame on others.
in fact, i just feel myself tends to be the "Lan Hao Ren" (滥好人) and it is quite "disgusting" in some ways.
in conclusion, i realized it is so true that "the most stupid person is to be angry and unhappy about life that bring no benefits to himself/herself" because other's people would not feel the pain you feel.
furthermore, i still need to use this blogging platform to express myself again because i don't have much people can talk about especially in so far country because it is quite expensive to phone back my sister or one of my best friend in Malaysia.
however, there is still "something" i can't really express out and writing in blog seems to be just not enough to release all my "unnecessary stress" that keep "haunting" me. (keep asking myself worth or not to spend so much effort to express my feelings?)
perhaps this is true that why sometime it is good to have a girlfriend to talk about because you will be more devoted to talk about yourself rather than someone who just so call as "friends".
at last, i just can comfort myself to have a positive feeling as tomorrow i will be travel to Manchester United for the University trip as i had bought all the tickets as below.
moreover, it seems that studying in foreign country tends to be more enjoy because can travel.
(Self Expenses note: Today £4.50, Yesterday total £248.90, Total up to date £253.40)