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How To Cook Japanese Chawanmushi In College Hostel Sheffield

today i woke up at 7.20am.
then i just get myself prepared and walked to Stoddart to attend the Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) around 8.45am.
well, the lecture teach about the factors influencing market/segment attractiveness and what is limiting the company area of success.
besides, the marketing myopia do make me recall back the SMDM lecturer that teach me last time in Tarc but i had forgotten what's its meaning.
one thing that i found meaningful from the slide was "people don't buy product, they buy solution" (Webster 1997) which is quite true.
it is like why i can keep writing was just hoping to get some solution for my problem from someone advice.

after the lecture end, i followed my friend to buy some breakfast at Proper Pasty Co Hand Made in Cornwall as below.
well, i just choose the Spicy Chicken Cornish Pasty for £2.70 but the taste seems to be like "karipap" that we ate in Malaysia as below. (not very worth the value but at least i tried once)
then we went back Stoddart to attend SMM seminar and my friends presented his Blogg's chocolate case study with others.
after the presentation end, the tutor continue to teach a little about setting strategic and operational marketing strategic which is something similar to SMDM subject that we learn at Tarc last time.
besides, i was quite agree with what the tutor said about we should set our goal in life as everyone in this room also have their own objective to achieve.

well, when thinking back why i am here, i just have feeling that i don't really know how to express out because why i so keen to get this degree certification was just hoping that i will get achieve RM3,000+ salary  when i back to Malaysia for working.
honestly, i don't really like marketing since i don't know how to communicate much with people and still feel like a "blow water" (talking skills) that don't have much value when compared to those people who study engineering or other technical skills.
actually i did know that if you have a strong "sweet mouth" skills, you can earn a lot of money by influencing and convincing other's people into buying your product that is related to management skills.
anyways, i don't wish to think so much again because there is still a long way to go although i was feeling a little "sad" in myself for still having some "childish" mentality than having the mature man thought.

after the seminar end, i walked back home to take my Blackpool ticket to exchange with another stranger for Sunday venue as i shall follow back my current group with a lot of people.
moreover, i realized that it is important to join back your own group no matter what although i was quite "sensitive" with the boycott keyword for some others things.
around 2pm we arrived Opal 1 hostel that is near to Victoria hall and i just took some picture while waiting the people come meet us as below.
then we walked to Aldi supermarket as i wanted to buy some groceries as some of my "food stock" was almost finished.
finally i arrived back home at 3.45pm but the hostel's internet connection was currently being offline as i wanted to do some research for my assignment.

somehow i just do my "power nap" skills to get myself energized after having my lunch as below.
unfortunately i can't wake up again although i had set 15 minute alarm and i woke up again at 6.15pm.
during the night, i had decided to cook the Japanese Chawanmushi based on the guide that i read from RasaMalaysia recipe website on my phone as the internet connection still down.
according to the website, it says the ingredients needed was 4 medium shrimp, 4 gingko nuts (optional), 2 inch carrot, 3 oz chicken breast, 1 teaspoon sake, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 2 fresh shiitake mushrooms (thinly sliced, stalks discarded) and for the custard was 3 extra large beaten eggs, 2 cups water, 1/2 teaspoon dashi-no-moto (or equal amount of dashi stock), 1 tablespoon sake, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon salt, water and the ratio of eggs to dashi stock/water is 1:3.
however, i start to have some problem when i start to cook it.

anyways, i just followed my "own feelings" to cook the Japanese Chawanmushi as my ingredient was 2 pieces of prawn, 1 pieces of ham, 1 beaten egg, 1 pack of instant noodle seasoning, a plastic transparent food wrapper and a cup of water as shown below.
first of all, i put a little instant noodles seasoning to the ratio of 1:3 from the 1 beaten egg cup and mixed it all together as shown below.
then i just use a plates to cover it but later found another cover while cooking another instant noodles as shown below.
however, the egg seems to be not cooked yet after 30 minutes although the guide say 15 minutes and i decided to change to another smaller boiling pot as below.
seriously it require a lot of effort to cook a simple egg dish and i should not put so much water.

finally i manage to cook it and was satisfy because i learn a lot on how to improve next time although it had used up almost 1 hour+ of my time as below.
well, cooking the Japanese Chawanmushi in college's hostel Sheffield was totally different because i don't have good equipment such as the steamer, the temperature is unpredictable and the tap water was actually like a ice water which resulted need a long time to cook.
around 9pm i make a move to Adsett Library centre because there is still no internet connection for my hostel and going there can get more focus but it seems that the door did not open as i just took a picture of it as below.
along the way back home, i do feel a little "lonely" again while walking alone and finally reach back hostel at 9.40pm.

since the internet connection still down, i decided to wash my clothes although knowing it would take almost two hour of my time.
somehow i just watch other friends playing ping pong while waiting my clothes to dry.
besides, i do have a little "down" feeling when walk pass outside hostel where i heard a lot of people having great fun with laugh with their big group of friends in the hostel.
frankly speaking, it do make me have some thought about how my ex-college classmate going on last year but it seems to be useless to think back as i was not there at that time.
what my advice was it is better to follow a big gang of group people rather than being alone despite i do understand my own personality.
finally i finish settle all my laundry stuff at 12.20am.

then i just watch the "不速之约" TVB drama that stored in my external hard disk since the internet connection still haven came back as i feel my life seems to be more boring without internet when in alone.
through the drama, i feel that there is a lot of things i seems to take it seriously despite it was just a small normal matter and did feel it seems to be useless to keep continue writing my feeling although not much people will understand my intention behind when don't have much people to talk about my problem.
anyways, below was the Chan Fong (大城心事) podcast recording story.
1) 第一位:阿平(烘焙業麵包師傅)~他想問陳峰大哥該怎麼做才能做到零上司滿意他的工作表現顯得理想一些,他自稱本身在工作時經常被老闆嘮叨念。【陳峰大哥提醒他記得要對目前這位老闆感恩,畢竟他教會他很多做人做事的經驗和道理。另外,陳峰大哥認為他還年輕不需要急著這麼快就跳出來自己開店創業賣麵包;何況還有很多機會和時間需要在社會在累積經驗然後再慢慢熟悉整個市場的大環境】>>> Here.

2) 第二位:(女士)~她今年 90 歲的家公勸她不要再繼續照顧他了,因為家公心疼她自己有腰骨酸痛的問題,希望她能多多修養;或說她也是負責這個重擔十多年了。【陳峰大哥建議她可以找家公的孩子們和家人一起坐下來商量到底要怎樣處理這位老人家的住宿去留問題,不能說自己全權一併負責】>>> Here.

3) 第三位:黃女士~老公爛賭成災而且又成天喝醉酒,這二十多年來從來沒有改變過,據說目前她丈夫在柔佛還有另一個小老婆;她想跟他離婚但是需要聽聽陳峰大哥的意見。【陳峰大哥認為如果她要單方面選擇離婚這也是無所謂,因為她也算是一個毫無負擔和牽掛的人】>>> Here.

4) 第四位:Annie(上個月曾經撥過電話來的)~這一次就是續上次的故事,話說他的男朋友是有婦之夫,而且對方還是個新加坡人。【陳峰大哥這次的意見和上次毫無分別,而這次唯一有不同的解釋就是她被陳峰大哥狠狠地痛駡一頓】>>> Here.

5) 第五位:Jessie(育有三名子女)~她丈夫有外遇,而她目前很想離婚但是又擔心對方不肯支付她贍養費和律師費甚至是分家産等等財務。【陳峰大哥建議她一切交給律師全權處理,何況她是帶著足夠的證據和理由入稟法庭申請離婚,這更是支持著打官司的最佳條件;勝算也不算太低】>>> Here.

6) 第六位:阿Jack~(沒有說到話就斷線了)。【------】

7) 第七位:(無名氏 / 從新加坡打電話來的女生)~她想問問關於新加坡方面能否買得到他的書。【---】

8) 第八位:林先生(之前曾經撥過電話兩次來的 / 話說他的女友今年才十九歲)~他說這次他和那個女生分手了。【陳峰大哥很驚訝,關於這次又再一次懷孕墮胎的事情再度上演,並且奉勸和提醒他要儘快走出悲傷也不要再和那位女生藕斷絲連了】Part 6 + 7 + 8 >>> Here.

9) 第九位:阿May(已婚 / 有孩子)~她很想出去外頭工作幫打發自己多餘的的時間,但是又害怕丈夫不高興;雖然她丈夫也沒有強烈阻止和反對他有這樣的想法和舉動。【陳峰大哥建議她可以嘗試去找一家比較小間的公司上班(最好是有 Part Time 或者是其他的散工的那種),工作量比較少而且很輕鬆的那種;何況她丈夫的經濟能力足以維持應付整個家庭生活和開銷也不需要她的收入支援和介入】>>> Here.

10) 第十位(最後一位):阿健~九個月之前剛和女朋友分手了,他覺得對方動不動就會鬧情緒,雙方之間互相提出分手也有過好幾次,最後他驚覺她想分手的理由是因為對方有個女兒已經九歲大了。【陳峰大哥告訴他說應該值得慶倖過程中他並未陷入太深,並且提醒他下次要看清楚對方的背景和生活習慣才來給承諾;而且做事不要太過於婆媽和拖泥帶水】>>> Here.
well, i will listen it back whenever i free and shall treat it as a guidance when listening to others people story.
before i end my post, i would like to share the "Mami China Movie Review 2013 (妈咪)" post again because it is something worth to watch and not a porn movie as shown below.
for example, most of us keep thought is that money is the most important thing that we want in life but did you ever think before whether it is just to impress others people that you're rich as many people say before that you will eventually happy as long as you got a lot of money?

based on a true story, i had a very rich friend ask me before that "what if the both of you and the girl came from a very rich background, do you think the girl want your money, how can you chase someone who don't need a lot of money than a love" that is quite worth to think about.
furthermore, how can you "buy back" those lost friendship or previous moment hanging out with friends if you say money can buy most of the things?
perhaps i was just "jelly" about other's people success story when i am "poor" now and just can say no people can predict the future as myself would be just another hypocrite?
at last, i just told myself that i should be grateful that at least i have the chance to come UK to get my degree certification and shouldn't think so much other's problem that haven arise.
(Self Expenses note: Today £8.1, Yesterday total £307.50, Total up to date £315.60)

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