today i woke up at 9.45am.
well, another day seems to be pass so fast again and it is quite "scary" to realize 1 week time tends to be passed in a blink of eyes.
somehow i still don't really do much thing partly because of procrastination with my so call "Gastroenteritis sickness" where i spend most of my time seeking for information from the internet.
anyways, i do have a feeling of "die die also must go out somewhere today" other than keep staying home and had decided to pay a visits to Graves Art Gallery Museum Sheffield as it had been closed at 3pm when i arrived late yesterday.
around 12.40pm i cooked curry flavour instant noodle as my lunch and make a move around 1.55pm from hostel to the museum.
upon arrived Graves museum at 2.10pm, it seems that there was not much people and i just took some picture of the art gallery displayed at there as shown below.
one sentences that i like from there was the description of telling tales mentioning that "A picture is worth a thousand words, people have always used images to tell stories, from cave paintings to children's books, paintings are often used to illustrate a myth, a religious story, a tale from a book or a historical event" as shown below.
somehow i don't think i really understand much of the paintings as i haven reach that kind of "artistic" level.
around 2.40pm i finished walk the museum as it is quite small and just bought a pencil printed with the museum name as my souvenir for £0.50 before leaving there.
overall it can be consider quite good experience to explore although it might sounds boring.
anyways, below was the details of the Graves art gallery museum that combined with Central Library.
Address: Graves Gallery, Surrey Street, Sheffield, S1 1XZ, United Kingdom
Open Hours: Wednesday - Friday from 10am to 3pm, Sunday from 11am to 4pm.
Admission / Entrance Fee : FREE !
Phone : 0114 278 2600
Email :
Website :
in fact, it was just in front of Sheffield Hallam University and it is near to Sheffield Winter Garden together with Crucible Theatre building as shown below.
after that, i just walk to Tai Sun oriental again to see anything to buy.
somehow i do miss "durian" a lot when i saw there sold for £4.50+ but just only few pieces in a pack and just bought the "Le Chu" Shanghai noodle pack for £1 before i left there.
then i just took Freebee bus back to Castle market and i had bought the squid rings where there is a promotion of £2.50 for 2 packs.
besides, i also want to buy some other fruit and ended up bought a pack of kiwi for £0.40 after walking for quite long time at there.
next, i went to B&M bargains stores and just feel to buy something again as i ended up buying Mars chocolate bar (£2) and Weetos cereal (£1) before i left there.
finally i arrived back home at 5pm and went to the reception center to check my mail box and take the clothes laundry token.
frankly speaking, sometime i just feel myself seems to buy some unnecessary things such as chocolate from the things i bought today as below.
maybe it was true that "We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like" as shown below.
besides, i was happy to receive a 4GB shark pendrive from Discovery channel as i had completed their survey as shown below.
after that, i continue to watch the 15th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
well, this episode do make me think about "what if one day you meet a girl that had the same looks with someone you like, but it is not the same girl", would you go to chase her?
in conclusion, today i shall be grateful that i can go out to some places instead of thinking in a way of did not able to go to farther places such as Ireland, Birmingham, Barcelona or others.
perhaps i shall think it in a way that at least i had completed the three free museum in Sheffield such as the Weston Park, Millennium Gallery and today's Graves Gallery museum although there seems to be not much things here although you can choose to go "try your luck" (gambling) at Uncle Lim Genting Casino Sheffield but until now i still haven experience it.
at last, this blog post had been updated on the next day as i had eventually fall asleep after rest a while on yesterday.
however, i was quite sad to see my "" email seems to be hacked as i receive the message as i login as shown below during the morning.
seriously i don't really know much about how to retrieve it back since most of the information provided is fake and i did not do have the security code as i don't have any backup for it.
guess this is the disadvantage of being anonymous and show your email in public.
in fact, i do think before that what if one day my blog had been hacked or deleted, who would really know me since i am just an anonymous guy.
hacker ah hacker, why you want hack me?
(Self Expenses note: Today £7.40, Yesterday total £2, Total up to date £9.40)
well, another day seems to be pass so fast again and it is quite "scary" to realize 1 week time tends to be passed in a blink of eyes.
somehow i still don't really do much thing partly because of procrastination with my so call "Gastroenteritis sickness" where i spend most of my time seeking for information from the internet.
anyways, i do have a feeling of "die die also must go out somewhere today" other than keep staying home and had decided to pay a visits to Graves Art Gallery Museum Sheffield as it had been closed at 3pm when i arrived late yesterday.
around 12.40pm i cooked curry flavour instant noodle as my lunch and make a move around 1.55pm from hostel to the museum.
upon arrived Graves museum at 2.10pm, it seems that there was not much people and i just took some picture of the art gallery displayed at there as shown below.
one sentences that i like from there was the description of telling tales mentioning that "A picture is worth a thousand words, people have always used images to tell stories, from cave paintings to children's books, paintings are often used to illustrate a myth, a religious story, a tale from a book or a historical event" as shown below.
somehow i don't think i really understand much of the paintings as i haven reach that kind of "artistic" level.
around 2.40pm i finished walk the museum as it is quite small and just bought a pencil printed with the museum name as my souvenir for £0.50 before leaving there.
overall it can be consider quite good experience to explore although it might sounds boring.
anyways, below was the details of the Graves art gallery museum that combined with Central Library.
Address: Graves Gallery, Surrey Street, Sheffield, S1 1XZ, United Kingdom
Open Hours: Wednesday - Friday from 10am to 3pm, Sunday from 11am to 4pm.
Admission / Entrance Fee : FREE !
Phone : 0114 278 2600
Email :
Website :
in fact, it was just in front of Sheffield Hallam University and it is near to Sheffield Winter Garden together with Crucible Theatre building as shown below.
after that, i just walk to Tai Sun oriental again to see anything to buy.
somehow i do miss "durian" a lot when i saw there sold for £4.50+ but just only few pieces in a pack and just bought the "Le Chu" Shanghai noodle pack for £1 before i left there.
then i just took Freebee bus back to Castle market and i had bought the squid rings where there is a promotion of £2.50 for 2 packs.
besides, i also want to buy some other fruit and ended up bought a pack of kiwi for £0.40 after walking for quite long time at there.
next, i went to B&M bargains stores and just feel to buy something again as i ended up buying Mars chocolate bar (£2) and Weetos cereal (£1) before i left there.
finally i arrived back home at 5pm and went to the reception center to check my mail box and take the clothes laundry token.
frankly speaking, sometime i just feel myself seems to buy some unnecessary things such as chocolate from the things i bought today as below.
maybe it was true that "We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like" as shown below.
besides, i was happy to receive a 4GB shark pendrive from Discovery channel as i had completed their survey as shown below.
after that, i continue to watch the 15th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
well, this episode do make me think about "what if one day you meet a girl that had the same looks with someone you like, but it is not the same girl", would you go to chase her?
anyways, it was just a thought that suddenly pop up in my mind.
during the night, i just cook the clam noodles as my dinner and my housemate had back from his vacation while sharing his trip experiences.
before i end my post, below was the Chan Fong (大城心事) recording podcast story sharing and he would be publish his new book at this coming Sunday, 4th August (海外华文书市) in KLCC at 6pm.
1) 第一位:阿平~他打电话来只是问问陈峰大哥关于他的新书分享会的详情。
2) 第二位:汤小姐~她是柔佛Segamat人。目前在吉隆坡读书生活,可是当一段时间过后她却发现那里的生活费太高似乎令她开始吃不消,这也促使她有考虑重新回去读书的想法浮现。【陈峰大哥建议她可以继续留在当地,等毕业后再回去也不迟,前提是她自己认为到底认为是在哪了读出来的成就比较;最后也提醒她不要太在意别人的眼光和被被人的流言蜚语影响及破坏自己的最终目标和当初的决定】Part 1 + 2 >>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿祖~他也是打电话来问关于陈峰大哥的新书分享及签名会。另外,他想问关于他有个朋友的问题,他说他有一位朋友开始跟他斤斤计较。【陈峰大哥给反问他是是,如果这位朋友在他心目中到底占有多重要的位置】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:阿怡(31岁/ 已婚)~她说做人很矛盾,话说她本身不想要生孩子但是她的丈夫却很希望他们能够生孩子。【陈峰大哥给她提出一个劝告就是:到底要不要小孩子在这两年内决定,话先别说得太早,不然到时候忽然改变主意的时候就很难向自己交代了;最后也要试着理清和想像双方对于将来年老退休生活的时候,那生活方式到底会是怎样的情景】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:阿玲~她朋友的问题,话说她这位朋友自从在打最后一份工之后就变得好像有点陷入接近精神恍惚而错乱的状态。【根据陈峰大哥的分析,她这位朋友不止自尊心强烈而且有点自信过高】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:Jessie(已结婚十五年)~她的婚姻状况开始出现问题和一些小状况,她和丈夫的沟通关系开始越来越糟糕。【陈峰大哥在听完她的说法后发现她的心里有很大的漏洞和不平衡点,甚至有很多问题往往是无中生有的;最后只是劝她凡事应该感到知足和懂得惜福,毕竟世上比起她的婚姻状况还要不美满的还大有人在,更奉劝她能少一点抱怨自己的丈夫有任何不足之处】>>> Here.
7) 第七位:阿俪~她有位七十多岁的亲人患有癌症,有时候看到对方的痛苦也令她感到心酸和心痛和难过;她不知道有什么办法能够尽量帮助到她的这位亲人,希望她能够脱离苦海。【陈峰大哥认为,如果患病的人的态度不积极就很难面对将来】>>> Here.
8) 第八位:Madam Lim~她打电话来只是分享关于她在早前也是有家人和亲戚都曾经有过类似相同的经历。
9) 第九位(最后一位):阿玲~她之前还在读书,但是先因为考虑到工作上的收入还不错因而想暂时放弃学业。【陈峰大哥问她是否有对事业有很大的野心,后者应该思考自己对于人生将来的最大目标是哪一个定位上】Part 8+ 9 >>> Here.
somehow i just feel that it is all about whether you are happy or not in this life is most important other than keep thinking about how others people see you which is related to face problem. (面子重要吗?)
it is because if yourself is not happy, other people can't help you and life tends to be quite conclusion, today i shall be grateful that i can go out to some places instead of thinking in a way of did not able to go to farther places such as Ireland, Birmingham, Barcelona or others.
perhaps i shall think it in a way that at least i had completed the three free museum in Sheffield such as the Weston Park, Millennium Gallery and today's Graves Gallery museum although there seems to be not much things here although you can choose to go "try your luck" (gambling) at Uncle Lim Genting Casino Sheffield but until now i still haven experience it.
at last, this blog post had been updated on the next day as i had eventually fall asleep after rest a while on yesterday.
however, i was quite sad to see my "" email seems to be hacked as i receive the message as i login as shown below during the morning.
seriously i don't really know much about how to retrieve it back since most of the information provided is fake and i did not do have the security code as i don't have any backup for it.
guess this is the disadvantage of being anonymous and show your email in public.
in fact, i do think before that what if one day my blog had been hacked or deleted, who would really know me since i am just an anonymous guy.
hacker ah hacker, why you want hack me?
(Self Expenses note: Today £7.40, Yesterday total £2, Total up to date £9.40)