today i woke up at 5.15am.
then i just continue practice my Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) presentation slide after having some cereal as my breakfast.
around 8.45am i make a move from hostel and attend the SMM lecture.
well, the lecturer talks about "Branding" which is also our last chapter and shared the "1970 Sunkist Oranges TV commercial" to us for this subject.
somehow i was quite agree with what she said that we often looks about branding first before other thing.
for example, there was a case about Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola where the a group of respondent is being tied with a black cloth in their eye where need to test the both drink whether which one is more nice to drink in order to prevent bias towards brands.
the result was 51% people prefer Pepsi Cola, 44% people prefer Coca Cola and 5% unknown while being tied with black cloth in their eye but when the respondent being tested with open eyes, the result shown was 66% prefer Coca Cola and you can see how "Brands" decide buyer's decision.
moreover, i do feel quite meaningful about the marketing decommoditising your offer because "What you offer the market can never be product, any company can make a product, it has to represent a personality, a value, an attitude, in short, a brand" (Kunde, 2002) that might be true.
besides, she was quite right saying that every organization would have people who like and dislike, what they was trying to do was to minimize the people who dislike the product/brand/company/organization just like there would be people who talks bad about their experience in Sheffield Hallam University although i feel a little "guilty" in some ways.
perhaps it is because my mindset was not really that "positive/open" before came to UK to study as i keep counting whether worth or not for the RM40K investment until this moment.
after the lecture class end, i went to the seminar class to prepare for the presentation.
during my turn to present SMM assignment, i seems to be still having the "shaky" and not confident voice as i keep see with reading the slide when i forgot some points.
anyways, i just feel relief after our group presentation is over although i know it is useless to worry about the marks since it was already become the fact.
after that, we went to the Graduate Sheffield restaurant to see the menu but the price was quite expensive.
in the end, i decided to have our lunch at Noodle Inn Centro Westfield Sheffield although i had previously try the Noodle Inn in London Road.
well, we ordered the duck rice when i quite like to eat duck meat from the menu as shown below.
the portion of the duck meat with rice was quite big that cost £7 (shared with a friend £3.50) as below.
anyways, below was the detailed information about the Noodle Inn Centro that is located up on Westfield Terrace, between West Street and Division Street.
Address : 15 Westfield Terrace, Sheffield S1 4GH, United Kingdom.
Business Hour : Monday to Sunday from 11am to 10pm.
Contact Number : +44 114 270 0735
Website :
overall the experience Noodle Inn Centro was quite okay and their business seems to be so good when most of the seat was fully seated upon our arrival especially there was a lot of China (PRC) people around.
after that, we went to Simmonite Sheffield meat shop as they just opened there as i had read the article before about why they moved there from Castle Market which is located beside the Yates's restaurant.
next, we went to walk around the Heron frozen food market and i just bought some spicy fried chicken for £1.25 recommended by friend.
finally i arrived back home at 3pm and chat a while with my sister via Skype.
somehow my sister do asked my current moment in UK and i just say "okay" only so far but she just said "Aiyoh, at least you can go mah, some people want go also cannot lo" which make me feel "guilty" in some ways since i seems to be not fully enjoy my staying in Sheffield.
moreover, she might true that i should choose programming instead of "e-commerce and marketing" course back in Tarc College (TARCUC now) based on my introvert personality.
anyways, there is no use to regret and the only thing i can do was faster get my UK degree certificate and try to apply Bank's IT field job when i back to Malaysia although i don't have much IT related field knowledge but the most important for company employ staff was finding candidates who is willing to learn.
besides, she also shared some Buddha's KARMA related thing and the "suicide hell story" where there was a person who have "Heavenly Eye" (天眼) that can saw "the unseen" things as he had traveled to the hell and watched the punishment of those people who commit suicide need to repeat the process of how their die for 8000+ times everyday.
seriously it is quite subjective to talk about religion things because i do afraid "something" from it.
around 4pm i went to my friend house to discuss the PIC group assignment and arrived back home again at 5.30pm after it had end.
upon arrive to home, i just write my yesterday's "Blogging does not help to improve my English" blog post although i wish to watch the 25th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama but still haven watch it as shown below.
on the other hand, i think i had gain some valueble information about the "SEO related thing" through my blogging experience such as the "Iron Man 3 USB Malaysia" and other product review as i found out about the reason why those blogger who just focus blogging about IT related product can gain so high traffic.
in fact, the reason to get high traffic was to earn advertising money from Google in the end but that's was not my case since i had been banned long time ago and continue to "whine+write" for no reason. (LOL)
during the night, i went to my friend's house for dinner and it was quite nice to eat although i need to wash plate in the end since i did know much cooking and not contribute in cooking.
finally i arrived back home at 9pm and i had spend almost an hour watching the "卢军宏台长看图腾" video shared by my sister about the guy who have the Heavenly Eye as below or the link >>> Here.
seriously i don't really have much comment about it as i was afraid to "KARMA" although there was so many doubt when i watch the video.
for example, he just need to know the date of birth, name and other small info and he can directly search through all the information and explain for it no matter the person is alive or die from the Heaven or Hell about their current soul situation.
moreover, it can be "cure" if you have faith the "小房子" Mantra related thing as shown below.
anyways, it was about how the goods deed that you had done in this life in order to return (还债) your bad deeds that you done on your past life.
honestly, i really afraid to a lot of things as i had also done some "bad things" in my life although i was not a superstition person who believe in "fortune telling prediction" (算命) related things but do believe in Buddha KARMA.
furthermore, do you believe that your life have been fixed from the first day you born to this earth?
besides, we already know and very clear that we need to die at the end of our life but the things that important was do you feel happy or a done good deeds in this life?
overall i do feel quite afraid when writing this blog post when it related to "God" and religion things because if i bring wrong message or cause misunderstood, i might be end up in "Hell" after i had die.
sometime i do wonder about what would really happen for those people who did not have any religion in the end of their final day of life?
before i end my post, below was the Chan Fong "大城心事" sharing but there was only 2 recording podcast with the transcript for every Friday.
1) 第一位:Ken(35岁/ 餐厅助理)~他对于目前的工作感到很彷徨,不知道自己未来十年后的前景会如何,他打算转行做直销或保险不知道会不会有机会走出危机的困境。【陈峰大哥听完他的情况之后,觉得他需要更脚踏实地点、勤劳点还有认真去规划和想想自己目前的行业最终到底有没有可能赚到心目中所想要的那个数目;他也补充不是每个人必须考转行才能够赚取更多的收入(视个人的本事和能力基础到什么程度)】>>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿平(21岁/ 面包店助手)~他很想买车,但是因为目前自己的收入太低无法应付承担。【陈峰大哥问他想买车的目的究竟是为何,如果买了车之后造成经济严重负担就必须慎重的考虑,最后告诉他该趁着年轻时候赶快学会和学好所有老板的手艺经验然后再找机会跳槽】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿Leong(单身爸爸/ 太太已过世/ 育有两名6岁& 12岁的孩子)~上两个星期因为一场意外导致他单眼失明,现在他的孩子不敢让他负责载送他们上学;他想问有什么办法可管教他们使得他们更努力和用功读书。【陈峰大哥劝他不要用太粗俗和暴力方式去管教孩子,以免造成孩子的心理阴影和叛逆强烈反弹;最后可以接着宗教的力量去舒缓自己心里的压抑】
4) 第四位:阿Ken(22岁)~他很想出车,但是经济状况不稳定的他不知道该买新车还是二手车。【陈峰大哥建议他应该买一部便宜又经济的二手车,然后把钱存着让以后自己有经济能力买屋子】
5) 第五位:阿俪~她打电话进来传达了一个信息就是希望跟大家分享一个感受就是记得要珍惜和爱惜自己的亲生父母。
6) 第六位:Michelle(28岁)~他和拍拖两年的前男友分手后发现怀孕了,故事的来龙去脉结尾很长;没完没了。【陈峰大哥叫她首先把自己的身子调理好,戒掉每天吃药控制情绪的习惯白天心魔】
7) 第七位:Miss Yap~她打电话来给了之前那位单亲爸爸一个社会协助热线号码:04-588 6689(槟城分行)。
8) 第八位(最后一位):阿怡~她想问陈峰大哥怎样才能称得上是一位好的太太,她说自己本身跟家婆不能和睦共处,她更因为接受不了家婆的唠叨爱念因此选择回娘家住最后和丈夫“分居”。【陈峰大哥劝她不要再和丈夫长时间分开住了,免得日子久了有可能会出事闹家变甚至婚变导致家庭破碎,最后陈峰大哥希望她会懂得珍惜自己的老公而且可以赶快一家重新团圆(如果有可能就夫妻俩人一起买间屋子搬出去住)而避免吵架的最好方式就是尽量少回应】
in conclusion, i shall be happy after all things happened for a reason.
(Self Expenses note: Today £4.80, Yesterday total £81.10, Total up to date £85.90)
then i just continue practice my Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) presentation slide after having some cereal as my breakfast.
around 8.45am i make a move from hostel and attend the SMM lecture.
well, the lecturer talks about "Branding" which is also our last chapter and shared the "1970 Sunkist Oranges TV commercial" to us for this subject.
somehow i was quite agree with what she said that we often looks about branding first before other thing.
for example, there was a case about Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola where the a group of respondent is being tied with a black cloth in their eye where need to test the both drink whether which one is more nice to drink in order to prevent bias towards brands.
the result was 51% people prefer Pepsi Cola, 44% people prefer Coca Cola and 5% unknown while being tied with black cloth in their eye but when the respondent being tested with open eyes, the result shown was 66% prefer Coca Cola and you can see how "Brands" decide buyer's decision.
moreover, i do feel quite meaningful about the marketing decommoditising your offer because "What you offer the market can never be product, any company can make a product, it has to represent a personality, a value, an attitude, in short, a brand" (Kunde, 2002) that might be true.
besides, she was quite right saying that every organization would have people who like and dislike, what they was trying to do was to minimize the people who dislike the product/brand/company/organization just like there would be people who talks bad about their experience in Sheffield Hallam University although i feel a little "guilty" in some ways.
perhaps it is because my mindset was not really that "positive/open" before came to UK to study as i keep counting whether worth or not for the RM40K investment until this moment.
after the lecture class end, i went to the seminar class to prepare for the presentation.
during my turn to present SMM assignment, i seems to be still having the "shaky" and not confident voice as i keep see with reading the slide when i forgot some points.
anyways, i just feel relief after our group presentation is over although i know it is useless to worry about the marks since it was already become the fact.
after that, we went to the Graduate Sheffield restaurant to see the menu but the price was quite expensive.
in the end, i decided to have our lunch at Noodle Inn Centro Westfield Sheffield although i had previously try the Noodle Inn in London Road.
well, we ordered the duck rice when i quite like to eat duck meat from the menu as shown below.
the portion of the duck meat with rice was quite big that cost £7 (shared with a friend £3.50) as below.
anyways, below was the detailed information about the Noodle Inn Centro that is located up on Westfield Terrace, between West Street and Division Street.
Address : 15 Westfield Terrace, Sheffield S1 4GH, United Kingdom.
Business Hour : Monday to Sunday from 11am to 10pm.
Contact Number : +44 114 270 0735
Website :
overall the experience Noodle Inn Centro was quite okay and their business seems to be so good when most of the seat was fully seated upon our arrival especially there was a lot of China (PRC) people around.
after that, we went to Simmonite Sheffield meat shop as they just opened there as i had read the article before about why they moved there from Castle Market which is located beside the Yates's restaurant.
next, we went to walk around the Heron frozen food market and i just bought some spicy fried chicken for £1.25 recommended by friend.
finally i arrived back home at 3pm and chat a while with my sister via Skype.
somehow my sister do asked my current moment in UK and i just say "okay" only so far but she just said "Aiyoh, at least you can go mah, some people want go also cannot lo" which make me feel "guilty" in some ways since i seems to be not fully enjoy my staying in Sheffield.
moreover, she might true that i should choose programming instead of "e-commerce and marketing" course back in Tarc College (TARCUC now) based on my introvert personality.
anyways, there is no use to regret and the only thing i can do was faster get my UK degree certificate and try to apply Bank's IT field job when i back to Malaysia although i don't have much IT related field knowledge but the most important for company employ staff was finding candidates who is willing to learn.
besides, she also shared some Buddha's KARMA related thing and the "suicide hell story" where there was a person who have "Heavenly Eye" (天眼) that can saw "the unseen" things as he had traveled to the hell and watched the punishment of those people who commit suicide need to repeat the process of how their die for 8000+ times everyday.
seriously it is quite subjective to talk about religion things because i do afraid "something" from it.
around 4pm i went to my friend house to discuss the PIC group assignment and arrived back home again at 5.30pm after it had end.
upon arrive to home, i just write my yesterday's "Blogging does not help to improve my English" blog post although i wish to watch the 25th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama but still haven watch it as shown below.
on the other hand, i think i had gain some valueble information about the "SEO related thing" through my blogging experience such as the "Iron Man 3 USB Malaysia" and other product review as i found out about the reason why those blogger who just focus blogging about IT related product can gain so high traffic.
in fact, the reason to get high traffic was to earn advertising money from Google in the end but that's was not my case since i had been banned long time ago and continue to "whine+write" for no reason. (LOL)
during the night, i went to my friend's house for dinner and it was quite nice to eat although i need to wash plate in the end since i did know much cooking and not contribute in cooking.
finally i arrived back home at 9pm and i had spend almost an hour watching the "卢军宏台长看图腾" video shared by my sister about the guy who have the Heavenly Eye as below or the link >>> Here.
seriously i don't really have much comment about it as i was afraid to "KARMA" although there was so many doubt when i watch the video.
for example, he just need to know the date of birth, name and other small info and he can directly search through all the information and explain for it no matter the person is alive or die from the Heaven or Hell about their current soul situation.
moreover, it can be "cure" if you have faith the "小房子" Mantra related thing as shown below.
anyways, it was about how the goods deed that you had done in this life in order to return (还债) your bad deeds that you done on your past life.
honestly, i really afraid to a lot of things as i had also done some "bad things" in my life although i was not a superstition person who believe in "fortune telling prediction" (算命) related things but do believe in Buddha KARMA.
furthermore, do you believe that your life have been fixed from the first day you born to this earth?
besides, we already know and very clear that we need to die at the end of our life but the things that important was do you feel happy or a done good deeds in this life?
overall i do feel quite afraid when writing this blog post when it related to "God" and religion things because if i bring wrong message or cause misunderstood, i might be end up in "Hell" after i had die.
sometime i do wonder about what would really happen for those people who did not have any religion in the end of their final day of life?
before i end my post, below was the Chan Fong "大城心事" sharing but there was only 2 recording podcast with the transcript for every Friday.
1) 第一位:Ken(35岁/ 餐厅助理)~他对于目前的工作感到很彷徨,不知道自己未来十年后的前景会如何,他打算转行做直销或保险不知道会不会有机会走出危机的困境。【陈峰大哥听完他的情况之后,觉得他需要更脚踏实地点、勤劳点还有认真去规划和想想自己目前的行业最终到底有没有可能赚到心目中所想要的那个数目;他也补充不是每个人必须考转行才能够赚取更多的收入(视个人的本事和能力基础到什么程度)】>>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿平(21岁/ 面包店助手)~他很想买车,但是因为目前自己的收入太低无法应付承担。【陈峰大哥问他想买车的目的究竟是为何,如果买了车之后造成经济严重负担就必须慎重的考虑,最后告诉他该趁着年轻时候赶快学会和学好所有老板的手艺经验然后再找机会跳槽】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿Leong(单身爸爸/ 太太已过世/ 育有两名6岁& 12岁的孩子)~上两个星期因为一场意外导致他单眼失明,现在他的孩子不敢让他负责载送他们上学;他想问有什么办法可管教他们使得他们更努力和用功读书。【陈峰大哥劝他不要用太粗俗和暴力方式去管教孩子,以免造成孩子的心理阴影和叛逆强烈反弹;最后可以接着宗教的力量去舒缓自己心里的压抑】
4) 第四位:阿Ken(22岁)~他很想出车,但是经济状况不稳定的他不知道该买新车还是二手车。【陈峰大哥建议他应该买一部便宜又经济的二手车,然后把钱存着让以后自己有经济能力买屋子】
5) 第五位:阿俪~她打电话进来传达了一个信息就是希望跟大家分享一个感受就是记得要珍惜和爱惜自己的亲生父母。
6) 第六位:Michelle(28岁)~他和拍拖两年的前男友分手后发现怀孕了,故事的来龙去脉结尾很长;没完没了。【陈峰大哥叫她首先把自己的身子调理好,戒掉每天吃药控制情绪的习惯白天心魔】
7) 第七位:Miss Yap~她打电话来给了之前那位单亲爸爸一个社会协助热线号码:04-588 6689(槟城分行)。
8) 第八位(最后一位):阿怡~她想问陈峰大哥怎样才能称得上是一位好的太太,她说自己本身跟家婆不能和睦共处,她更因为接受不了家婆的唠叨爱念因此选择回娘家住最后和丈夫“分居”。【陈峰大哥劝她不要再和丈夫长时间分开住了,免得日子久了有可能会出事闹家变甚至婚变导致家庭破碎,最后陈峰大哥希望她会懂得珍惜自己的老公而且可以赶快一家重新团圆(如果有可能就夫妻俩人一起买间屋子搬出去住)而避免吵架的最好方式就是尽量少回应】
in conclusion, i shall be happy after all things happened for a reason.
(Self Expenses note: Today £4.80, Yesterday total £81.10, Total up to date £85.90)