today i woke up at 7.55am.
then i just have some bread with Nutella chocolate jam as my breakfast.
around 8.50am i make a move from hostel and went to attend the last Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) lecture at Adsetts Centre.
well, the morning lecture teaches about the overall module guideline review was to prepare for our final SMM examination next week.
somehow i felt that there was a few quotes that is quite meaningful such as "It is not just a matter of being different, success comes from being different in a way customer want" (Philip Kotler) and "If you can't keep the customer you have, you don't deserve any new one" which sound quite reasonable.
anyways, i think total product concept and Herzberg's hygiene with motivators factors was important.
besides, i just recorded the last lecture on a podcast mode as shown below.
after the class, i followed my friend to few foreign exchange (Forex) money changer shop to check out the rates because we will be using Euro (€) dollar for the Tong Hang Europe trip in next few week time after our final examination ends.
somehow i do feel that this might be the reason why Malaysian currency value keep depreciate when more and more demand for foreign currency such as Great Britain Pound (GBP) and Euro (EUR) keep increase or a lot people changing for it.
at the end, we decided to choose Kanoo Foreign Exchange service that located near to Stoddart Sheffield building because they offered £1 = €1.15 if we exchange a minimum amount of €3500 in total instead of €1.1415+ at the other places.
around 11.20am we went to attend the SMM tutorial and the tutor distributed our group assignment marks.
somehow we just get about 57% and the tutor just briefly explain some exam guidance to us although i feel that there is not much guide especially the exam tips.(有讲等于没有讲)
after the class end, we just waited for some friend to gather for going to the Kanoo shop.
besides, i just saw person who was quite family and realized he was one of my a senior in secondary school as he was studying Master certification now at SHU.
well, he just shared some of his personal experience and i do have a little "butthurt" as he say China people who came to study here is so easy "open minded" to mix around.
actually the "open minded" was referring to those 18++ things such as if you managed to chase a China girl here, you can easily have the "night bed activities" within 2 weeks dating if you know what i means.
however, you need to keep on going to the "night club" and related 18+ club in order to find the "prey" (girl) that is very "wild" in term of "something".
seriously i was totally speechless because my UK experience is totally different as i did not encounter such thing which probably due to my own introvert personality.
in fact, if i am "that kind of guy", i wouldn't probably sitting here writing about my life because "those guy" was too busy oncheating chasing girl where they don't even have the time to online.
on the other hand, he told me that the academic in Sheffield Hallam University was so easy to pass because there was some "exact exam guidance" given but i just wondering why such "good thing" did not happen to me as our tutor did not disclose our exam question.
somehow this just make me wondering whether that education was just a tools to "cheat" people money?
anyways, i still feeling quite worry about my exam and feel pressure because if it is so easy to pass to get a degree, then i would be totally useless if i fail this exam together with my previous lowest coursework mark?
after all friend arrived, we went to Konoo Foreign Exchange and waited for some time to get our money as i had exchanged all the £400 and get the Euro as shown below.
somehow i do heard some friend had lose about £200 when gambling at Genting Casino Sheffield and i do wonder why they can have such "bravery" to risk.
anyways, i just went to the casino and apply the Free Genting Rewards membership card as shown below.
the benefits of getting this card would be getting some free juice even if you did not play and the people around there was quite less when i arrive although i did not play since i have not much $$ left.
therefore i can conclude that those people who have extra money have higher chances to go gambling.
it is because if you don't have money, how would you have the money to gamble? (except borrow from loan shark or anyone that is without own earning power)
furthermore, i do heard that a lot of friend was talking about finding job and it would be great if we can work in Singapore which somehow make me wonder that the objective for all Malaysian who had spend a lot of money on education was to sell "ourselves" to Singapore market in the future?
after that, i decided to have my lunch at the Penny Black Pub Sheffield because there was a promotion of £6.99 for 2 sets of fish and chips meal as shown below.
actually i planned to go to this restaurant when i saw the promotion long time ago since 9th August where we went to the Old Queen's Head restaurant last time as the Penny Black restaurant's fish and chip was not available during that time.
well, the portion of the fish and chips promotion was quite big than Old Queen's Head restaurant as you can see picture below. (each person just need to pay for £3.50)
besides, the price was considered quite okay as you can see from the menu range less than £5 as below.
anyways, below was the detailed information the Penny Black restaurant which just located beside the Royal Mail post office.
Address : Pond Hill, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2BG, United Kingdom
Business Hour : Daily from 12pm to 9pm.
Contact : 0114 2728146
finally i arrived back home at 2.30pm and quickly turn on my Skype to chat with my parents and sibling because it would be late soon in Malaysia time.
somehow i just feel a little "down" when my brother say that "You got opportunity to go UK study and travel to Europe trip already consider very good liao, why you want keep compare with people who went to other nicer place such as Scotland, Barcelona and other more" which left me speechless.
moreover, he also asked me whether i got count my own budget or not and i was speechless again because i can't disclose my blog to him as it was too private in some ways.
therefore his perception was i might be simply spending money in UK and don't even count the money i spend out but the fact was i had written every single details of the money that i had spend everyday.
anyways, we just continue to have some chat for about almost 1 hour and i was speechless in a lot of stuff because i seems to be not very happy studying in UK after spending so much $$ here.
in fact, i believe everyone life objective was to be happy right as i just comfort myself to be happy more.
guess i didn't change my mindset after all the things that i encounter?
during the evening, i just spend a little time to watch the Naruto anime and the 35th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
well, i don't really watch much for this episode because i watched in a "skip mode" due to my limited time.
regarding the Sheffield Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Strip Club experiences, i do get some criticize when i say that "guy who go for prostitution" is bad guy.
there was a person replied to me that "Come, let me change your perception, lets think the other way round.
If there is only so called good guy in this world, how do those girl going to earn money and feed their family back at their country? You had to understand, not everyone is as fortune as you, many prostitute work to feed empty stomach back home" and i was speechless.
another person that comment also gave me a "butthurt" feelings when he say that i was just a "Foreveralone = wanna get laid = tak mau pergi cheong = see nekkid show = didi naik = kenot pass through his own self dignity = sadding on his own" and i was speechless again.
in addition, they just recommended me to watch a movie that titled "Due West: Our Sex Journey (2012)" as the synopsis was about after breaking up with girlfriend Zeta, Frankie heads north for prostitution where he meets an attractive girl Celia and develops feeling for her as below.
moreover, the trailer of the "3D情色電影《一路向西》全球首創女性專用預告" from Youtube seems to be quite "interesting" in term of sex position and other story as below or the link >>> Here.
therefore i just watched a while the movie with a "fast watch skip" skills.
somehow it just left me a lot of thought again although i just briefly watch it.
it is because the main actor on the movie seems to be having the "good guy image" at first but changed his personality after being influence by his friend for being hypocrite by breaking all the moral values he got throughout her 25 years old living in life.
seriously i do afraid that i would be the hypocrite guy one day just like what being shown in the movie with a "good guy image" but what i can confirm now was at least in this moment, this date, this time, today as i still having my own good guy image without cheating any girl or doing any 18++ night activities.
besides, the movie did reflect some of the real life example such as if you're salesperson and your client was that type of guy who always call for hookers or prostitute, you need to have some knowledge in this field too if you want to do that client business for signing any big contract. (actually this things is based on what i heard at other department when i was working in some company last time)
moreover, the movie seems to be reflecting the ugly truth about the our current generation mindset that as long as you got money, you can get any girls you like but mostly happening in China.
therefore this might explain why some guy preferring going single and prostitution would be their motivation to continue work for more money as i heard from others people voices.
anyways, i can't share the video link in my blog because the video contain 18++ nude image and sex scene but you can "Google it yourself" for the related keyword.
overall i just can say that it might be true that a Guy only got 2 thing to worry about in his mind that is MONEY OR GIRL problem.
honestly, i do admit that i did watch porn but i prefer those 18+ movie with sad story line although i know it is not good things to say about.
perhaps it was true that guy would be tired of "fap/DIY/masturbation" and eventually be less interest about it as he would be wanting some "real stuff" rather than fake feelings?
furthermore, the influence by the people surrounding can also change a person personality as they would keep "persuading you" just like saying "never try never know" or any other luring words.
seriously i was trying so hard to "throw all the negative thought" out from my mind because it would be devour me soon if i did not change.
around 8pm i went to my friend house to cook some spaghetti with noodle as my dinner.
later on, i went to his house again at 9.50pm to copy some SMM notes.
finally i arrived back home at 1am after the copying session.
1) 第一位:陈小姐〜她打电话来只是问问关于明天的慈善活动的详情。
2) 第二位:Alan(30歲)~他在目前的公司已經八年了,想離開但是卻又捨不得。
【陳峰大哥告訴他可以去嘗試轉工,但前提必須要先搞清楚到底是自己個人的條件問題還是公司或制度上的問題】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿偉~和前女友分手后不久又另結新歡,現在心裡還是掛著前度女友的感情還無法完全抽身離開就和新女友開始了這段新戀情。【陳峰大哥大致上就是認為他的前度女友根本就不適合他,他應該認清真相走出過去的狀態活在未來;不需要再繼續猶豫不決纏繞在不必要的問題上】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:阿Chai~他說自己在外面公幹時不小心偷吃然後還意外有了孩子,但是他的太太依然蒙在鼓裡不知事情背後的真相;因為他深怕太太知道后無法接受事實然後導致病發作的可能性。【陳峰大哥提出兩個選擇給他:1) 把小老婆的孩子送給別人領養 or 2) 把太太和家人轉接過去他目前的工作環境那裡一起同住】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:Kelly(她是之前在《早點心事》被陳峰大哥選中回答問題的一位聽眾)~因為上次睡不醒沒聽見陳峰大哥在空中的回到所以這次親自撥電話進來和陳峰大哥溝通。她的情況是自己有過兩段失敗的婚姻然後不懂現在要怎樣處理和前夫的孩子。【陳峰大哥給她的建議就是倒不如把和前夫的孩子交給對方或他的家人照顧,因為說穿了她自己的經濟沒有能力負擔而且也沒有太多的時間能夠去照顧和管教孩子】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:陳小姐~她說自己曾經生了一場大病另外還差點出嚴重車禍,當時她的感受就是親情應該更靠近一些,於是就選擇去吉隆坡和他團聚。怎知道婚後的丈夫因為已經習慣了一個人的精彩而開始呈現行為和思想上出軌的現象;她現在覺得這樣的婚姻關係有點困難甚至很辛苦繼續維持長久。【陳峰大哥聽完她的故事好,覺得她應該可以選擇離婚或許會比較適合,像她目前的婚姻狀況其實問題大多數是出在丈夫根本就已經不在乎配合維持倆者之間的關係而產生的距離;問題早就存在著根本就不是婚後才開始變質的】>>> Here.
7) 第七位:阿平(上個星期才打過電話進來的)~他這次打電話進來是想問陳峰大哥要怎樣做一件事可以堅持到最後。【陳峰大哥覺得他毅力不夠,需要再接受和和嘗試更多的失敗才能迎向成功的機會】
8) 第八位:阿華~她當初因為爲了幫爸爸把屋子拿去銀行抵押套現還債,後來是因為一些狀況持續的發生導致現在自己很辛苦再把屋子重新贖回來。【陳峰大哥認為,如果他還有能量撐下去最好還是堅持把屋子慢慢的贖回來比較好,比較現在雪隆區一帶的屋價不菲,有錢未必買得到。如果經濟能力上還能支持的話就應該要把握機會爭取最後的機會重奪】Part 7 + 8 >>> Here.
9) 第九位:賴先生~他打電話進來是糾正剛才陳峰大哥所提及屋價行情。
10) 第十位(最後一位):Serene~她說自己的男友是個有婦之夫(話說“他”目前正在和老婆辦離婚手續中)可是上個星期他忽然間就這樣無緣無故地就消失了從此就聯絡不上,這事的發生也令她覺得非常難過又很傷心,現在的她很痛苦很失落了、甚至不知道該怎樣去面對和處理(她心裡一直依依不捨很牽掛著對方)。【陳峰大哥告訴她事情會這樣告一個段落而結束是件好的最後結局,如果有一天萬一事情被揭穿了恐怕就天下大亂了;好過將來可能會發生的悲劇一直存在著(難得脫離)】Part 9 + 10 >>> Here.
in conclusion, i do feel myself seems to be so "free" thinking so much again and still can going out to Meadowhall shopping center yesterday although next week is the final examination.
there goes my "guilty" feeling again after procrastinate so much.
(Self Expenses note: Today £3.50, Yesterday total £173.70, Total up to date £177.20)
then i just have some bread with Nutella chocolate jam as my breakfast.
around 8.50am i make a move from hostel and went to attend the last Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) lecture at Adsetts Centre.
well, the morning lecture teaches about the overall module guideline review was to prepare for our final SMM examination next week.
somehow i felt that there was a few quotes that is quite meaningful such as "It is not just a matter of being different, success comes from being different in a way customer want" (Philip Kotler) and "If you can't keep the customer you have, you don't deserve any new one" which sound quite reasonable.
anyways, i think total product concept and Herzberg's hygiene with motivators factors was important.
besides, i just recorded the last lecture on a podcast mode as shown below.
after the class, i followed my friend to few foreign exchange (Forex) money changer shop to check out the rates because we will be using Euro (€) dollar for the Tong Hang Europe trip in next few week time after our final examination ends.
somehow i do feel that this might be the reason why Malaysian currency value keep depreciate when more and more demand for foreign currency such as Great Britain Pound (GBP) and Euro (EUR) keep increase or a lot people changing for it.
at the end, we decided to choose Kanoo Foreign Exchange service that located near to Stoddart Sheffield building because they offered £1 = €1.15 if we exchange a minimum amount of €3500 in total instead of €1.1415+ at the other places.
after that, we went to Barclay's bank to withdraw some money and i seems to forget my ATM password because i never withdraw before from there.
therefore i had entered 3 times invalid PIN number and the staff say they will issue a new card for me that would arrive in 5 days time.
however, i was lucky that i had bring my passport together and they allowed me to withdraw the money without using the ATM as i had withdraw £400 for exchanging the Euro as shown below.
actually i feel that everything was linked in somewhere because at first i was planning to get the get the Free Genting Casino Sheffield membership card as now it is quite coincidence that i had bring my passport together for the Barclay's bank usage.
around 11.20am we went to attend the SMM tutorial and the tutor distributed our group assignment marks.
somehow we just get about 57% and the tutor just briefly explain some exam guidance to us although i feel that there is not much guide especially the exam tips.(有讲等于没有讲)
after the class end, we just waited for some friend to gather for going to the Kanoo shop.
besides, i just saw person who was quite family and realized he was one of my a senior in secondary school as he was studying Master certification now at SHU.
well, he just shared some of his personal experience and i do have a little "butthurt" as he say China people who came to study here is so easy "open minded" to mix around.
actually the "open minded" was referring to those 18++ things such as if you managed to chase a China girl here, you can easily have the "night bed activities" within 2 weeks dating if you know what i means.
however, you need to keep on going to the "night club" and related 18+ club in order to find the "prey" (girl) that is very "wild" in term of "something".
seriously i was totally speechless because my UK experience is totally different as i did not encounter such thing which probably due to my own introvert personality.
in fact, if i am "that kind of guy", i wouldn't probably sitting here writing about my life because "those guy" was too busy on
on the other hand, he told me that the academic in Sheffield Hallam University was so easy to pass because there was some "exact exam guidance" given but i just wondering why such "good thing" did not happen to me as our tutor did not disclose our exam question.
somehow this just make me wondering whether that education was just a tools to "cheat" people money?
anyways, i still feeling quite worry about my exam and feel pressure because if it is so easy to pass to get a degree, then i would be totally useless if i fail this exam together with my previous lowest coursework mark?
after all friend arrived, we went to Konoo Foreign Exchange and waited for some time to get our money as i had exchanged all the £400 and get the Euro as shown below.
somehow i do heard some friend had lose about £200 when gambling at Genting Casino Sheffield and i do wonder why they can have such "bravery" to risk.
anyways, i just went to the casino and apply the Free Genting Rewards membership card as shown below.
the benefits of getting this card would be getting some free juice even if you did not play and the people around there was quite less when i arrive although i did not play since i have not much $$ left.
therefore i can conclude that those people who have extra money have higher chances to go gambling.
it is because if you don't have money, how would you have the money to gamble? (except borrow from loan shark or anyone that is without own earning power)
furthermore, i do heard that a lot of friend was talking about finding job and it would be great if we can work in Singapore which somehow make me wonder that the objective for all Malaysian who had spend a lot of money on education was to sell "ourselves" to Singapore market in the future?
after that, i decided to have my lunch at the Penny Black Pub Sheffield because there was a promotion of £6.99 for 2 sets of fish and chips meal as shown below.
actually i planned to go to this restaurant when i saw the promotion long time ago since 9th August where we went to the Old Queen's Head restaurant last time as the Penny Black restaurant's fish and chip was not available during that time.
well, the portion of the fish and chips promotion was quite big than Old Queen's Head restaurant as you can see picture below. (each person just need to pay for £3.50)
besides, the price was considered quite okay as you can see from the menu range less than £5 as below.
anyways, below was the detailed information the Penny Black restaurant which just located beside the Royal Mail post office.
Address : Pond Hill, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2BG, United Kingdom
Business Hour : Daily from 12pm to 9pm.
Contact : 0114 2728146
finally i arrived back home at 2.30pm and quickly turn on my Skype to chat with my parents and sibling because it would be late soon in Malaysia time.
somehow i just feel a little "down" when my brother say that "You got opportunity to go UK study and travel to Europe trip already consider very good liao, why you want keep compare with people who went to other nicer place such as Scotland, Barcelona and other more" which left me speechless.
moreover, he also asked me whether i got count my own budget or not and i was speechless again because i can't disclose my blog to him as it was too private in some ways.
therefore his perception was i might be simply spending money in UK and don't even count the money i spend out but the fact was i had written every single details of the money that i had spend everyday.
anyways, we just continue to have some chat for about almost 1 hour and i was speechless in a lot of stuff because i seems to be not very happy studying in UK after spending so much $$ here.
in fact, i believe everyone life objective was to be happy right as i just comfort myself to be happy more.
guess i didn't change my mindset after all the things that i encounter?
during the evening, i just spend a little time to watch the Naruto anime and the 35th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
regarding the Sheffield Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Strip Club experiences, i do get some criticize when i say that "guy who go for prostitution" is bad guy.
there was a person replied to me that "Come, let me change your perception, lets think the other way round.
If there is only so called good guy in this world, how do those girl going to earn money and feed their family back at their country? You had to understand, not everyone is as fortune as you, many prostitute work to feed empty stomach back home" and i was speechless.
another person that comment also gave me a "butthurt" feelings when he say that i was just a "Foreveralone = wanna get laid = tak mau pergi cheong = see nekkid show = didi naik = kenot pass through his own self dignity = sadding on his own" and i was speechless again.
in addition, they just recommended me to watch a movie that titled "Due West: Our Sex Journey (2012)" as the synopsis was about after breaking up with girlfriend Zeta, Frankie heads north for prostitution where he meets an attractive girl Celia and develops feeling for her as below.
moreover, the trailer of the "3D情色電影《一路向西》全球首創女性專用預告" from Youtube seems to be quite "interesting" in term of sex position and other story as below or the link >>> Here.
therefore i just watched a while the movie with a "fast watch skip" skills.
somehow it just left me a lot of thought again although i just briefly watch it.
it is because the main actor on the movie seems to be having the "good guy image" at first but changed his personality after being influence by his friend for being hypocrite by breaking all the moral values he got throughout her 25 years old living in life.
seriously i do afraid that i would be the hypocrite guy one day just like what being shown in the movie with a "good guy image" but what i can confirm now was at least in this moment, this date, this time, today as i still having my own good guy image without cheating any girl or doing any 18++ night activities.
besides, the movie did reflect some of the real life example such as if you're salesperson and your client was that type of guy who always call for hookers or prostitute, you need to have some knowledge in this field too if you want to do that client business for signing any big contract. (actually this things is based on what i heard at other department when i was working in some company last time)
moreover, the movie seems to be reflecting the ugly truth about the our current generation mindset that as long as you got money, you can get any girls you like but mostly happening in China.
therefore this might explain why some guy preferring going single and prostitution would be their motivation to continue work for more money as i heard from others people voices.
anyways, i can't share the video link in my blog because the video contain 18++ nude image and sex scene but you can "Google it yourself" for the related keyword.
overall i just can say that it might be true that a Guy only got 2 thing to worry about in his mind that is MONEY OR GIRL problem.
honestly, i do admit that i did watch porn but i prefer those 18+ movie with sad story line although i know it is not good things to say about.
perhaps it was true that guy would be tired of "fap/DIY/masturbation" and eventually be less interest about it as he would be wanting some "real stuff" rather than fake feelings?
furthermore, the influence by the people surrounding can also change a person personality as they would keep "persuading you" just like saying "never try never know" or any other luring words.
seriously i was trying so hard to "throw all the negative thought" out from my mind because it would be devour me soon if i did not change.
around 8pm i went to my friend house to cook some spaghetti with noodle as my dinner.
later on, i went to his house again at 9.50pm to copy some SMM notes.
finally i arrived back home at 1am after the copying session.
before end my post, below was the podcast recording of Chan Fong "大城心事" for every Friday.
______________________________________________1) 第一位:陈小姐〜她打电话来只是问问关于明天的慈善活动的详情。
2) 第二位:Alan(30歲)~他在目前的公司已經八年了,想離開但是卻又捨不得。
【陳峰大哥告訴他可以去嘗試轉工,但前提必須要先搞清楚到底是自己個人的條件問題還是公司或制度上的問題】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿偉~和前女友分手后不久又另結新歡,現在心裡還是掛著前度女友的感情還無法完全抽身離開就和新女友開始了這段新戀情。【陳峰大哥大致上就是認為他的前度女友根本就不適合他,他應該認清真相走出過去的狀態活在未來;不需要再繼續猶豫不決纏繞在不必要的問題上】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:阿Chai~他說自己在外面公幹時不小心偷吃然後還意外有了孩子,但是他的太太依然蒙在鼓裡不知事情背後的真相;因為他深怕太太知道后無法接受事實然後導致病發作的可能性。【陳峰大哥提出兩個選擇給他:1) 把小老婆的孩子送給別人領養 or 2) 把太太和家人轉接過去他目前的工作環境那裡一起同住】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:Kelly(她是之前在《早點心事》被陳峰大哥選中回答問題的一位聽眾)~因為上次睡不醒沒聽見陳峰大哥在空中的回到所以這次親自撥電話進來和陳峰大哥溝通。她的情況是自己有過兩段失敗的婚姻然後不懂現在要怎樣處理和前夫的孩子。【陳峰大哥給她的建議就是倒不如把和前夫的孩子交給對方或他的家人照顧,因為說穿了她自己的經濟沒有能力負擔而且也沒有太多的時間能夠去照顧和管教孩子】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:陳小姐~她說自己曾經生了一場大病另外還差點出嚴重車禍,當時她的感受就是親情應該更靠近一些,於是就選擇去吉隆坡和他團聚。怎知道婚後的丈夫因為已經習慣了一個人的精彩而開始呈現行為和思想上出軌的現象;她現在覺得這樣的婚姻關係有點困難甚至很辛苦繼續維持長久。【陳峰大哥聽完她的故事好,覺得她應該可以選擇離婚或許會比較適合,像她目前的婚姻狀況其實問題大多數是出在丈夫根本就已經不在乎配合維持倆者之間的關係而產生的距離;問題早就存在著根本就不是婚後才開始變質的】>>> Here.
7) 第七位:阿平(上個星期才打過電話進來的)~他這次打電話進來是想問陳峰大哥要怎樣做一件事可以堅持到最後。【陳峰大哥覺得他毅力不夠,需要再接受和和嘗試更多的失敗才能迎向成功的機會】
8) 第八位:阿華~她當初因為爲了幫爸爸把屋子拿去銀行抵押套現還債,後來是因為一些狀況持續的發生導致現在自己很辛苦再把屋子重新贖回來。【陳峰大哥認為,如果他還有能量撐下去最好還是堅持把屋子慢慢的贖回來比較好,比較現在雪隆區一帶的屋價不菲,有錢未必買得到。如果經濟能力上還能支持的話就應該要把握機會爭取最後的機會重奪】Part 7 + 8 >>> Here.
9) 第九位:賴先生~他打電話進來是糾正剛才陳峰大哥所提及屋價行情。
10) 第十位(最後一位):Serene~她說自己的男友是個有婦之夫(話說“他”目前正在和老婆辦離婚手續中)可是上個星期他忽然間就這樣無緣無故地就消失了從此就聯絡不上,這事的發生也令她覺得非常難過又很傷心,現在的她很痛苦很失落了、甚至不知道該怎樣去面對和處理(她心裡一直依依不捨很牽掛著對方)。【陳峰大哥告訴她事情會這樣告一個段落而結束是件好的最後結局,如果有一天萬一事情被揭穿了恐怕就天下大亂了;好過將來可能會發生的悲劇一直存在著(難得脫離)】Part 9 + 10 >>> Here.
in conclusion, i do feel myself seems to be so "free" thinking so much again and still can going out to Meadowhall shopping center yesterday although next week is the final examination.
there goes my "guilty" feeling again after procrastinate so much.
(Self Expenses note: Today £3.50, Yesterday total £173.70, Total up to date £177.20)