today i woke up at 8.35am.
first of all, this blog post has been delayed a day and i do feel frustrated to blog about it as i did not exact goal other than the reason was just hope i can store my "memories" in a more memorable way.
however, it is quite time consuming and over time, i found it does not attract my interest as i write more and sooner it is even more hard to blog about the 15 days Europe trip experiences.
anyways, all the thing written in this post was just based on my phone's note.
during the morning, i just have some Digestive biscuit as my breakfast and continue to see some Anime video since there is nothing much to do other than packing my belongings after the SMM Final Examination has been over yesterday.
moreover, this was my last day in Sheffield as i would be departing to London at tomorrow.
around 12.25pm i make a move from hostel to the city hall center with some friend although the weather was raining as shown below.
then my friend went to Tkmaxx while i go to H&M and Topshop just to find the umbrella as mine was spoilt.
after that, i went to Barclays bank to settle my invalid PIN issue and we decided to have our lunch at The Red Lion pub restaurant as shown below.
well, i just ordered the Thailand's Salmon related food for £4.95 and the taste seems like the "Otak Otak" in Malaysia as shown below.
furthermore, there was a 10% off for student promoter and my meal cost for £4.50.
in addition, i try not to spend much time update this blog post and please "forgive" me if it was too short without much description.
anyways, below was the detailed information about The Red Lion restaurant.
Address: 109 Charles Street, City Centre, S1 2ND, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Business Hour : Mon - Thu, 11:30 am - 11:30 pm, Fri - Sat: 11:30 am - 12am, Sun: 12:00 pm - 11:30 pm
Contact: 0114 2765852
after that, i went to 99p stores to buy an umbrella and as i pass my The Banker Draft restaurant, i do feel a bit disappointed for not to be able to visits there since it was my last day in Sheffield as below.
before going back home, i just spend £0.90 to buy some Yorkshire mixed sweet and another £5 Lebara for top up reload as below.
somehow the sweet just taste like "Sticky" sweet back in Malaysia.
upon arrived back home, i just quickly "Skype" with my parents.
besides, i would like to share a meaningful video about "Stop Human Trafficking Campaign" as shown below or the link >>> Here.
somehow it is quite "touch" during the end of the video when it says that "Every year, thousands of women are promised a dance career in Western Europe. Sadly, they end up here. Stop the traffik, people shouldn't be bought and sold" and i feel it is quite true.
in fact, i do feel myself "ignore a bit" about the statement that money is very important as i was just "fortunate a bit" for less thinking about the ways to find money.
around 5.30pm i went to my friend house as he want to send his luggage to another friend house staying in the Forge hostel.
frankly speaking, i just feel that sometime don't be so trust on what's other people said as my friend "lied" me that he did not go to the drink beer farewell party yesterday when talking to me but say another to a friend stayed at Forge as he finally admitted it although i don't know what is the intention why sometime he always keep say two different things.
anyways, i just took some picture of the Forge as shown below.
honestly, i was trying to get to know more about "someone" experience although i know it was a too high cost to pay for as i want to know something.
moreover, i feel that "UK experience" is just for rich people to come to experience it but not me since i have my very own "dark secret" too.
seriously that kind of feeling is so "sucks" in some way.
after that, we went to buy Chinos Kebab as i shared with a friend for £2 each person as take some picture as shown below.
besides, there was a "Mr Lonely" by Akon song played at there as below or the link >>> Here.
upon arrived back home, i quickly went to pack my clothing and luggage as it is quite messy.
around 11.35pm i went to do my clothes laundry and there was still a lot of people queue up for it.
as i finish my clothes laundry, i went farewell to my friend who going to Scotland as shown below.
honestly, it is quite sad to see farewell happening although i was not close with them but it would make me think about what is the feelings of my ex-college classmate from SHU last year.
finally i arrived back home at 2.40am but still need to pack the little and pieces.
at last, i managed to finish it at 4am and my body was totally exhausted again.
overall today really just feel quite rush to pack the stuff and i there was a few place that i missed to visits in Sheffield that is Mayfield Alpaca farm, Yorkshire Sculpture park, Crucible Theatre trip for Jack Steele and Family, Kelham Island Museum and others more.
before i end my post, below was the 40th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama and Chan Fong "大城心事" story sharing podcast recording.
1) 第一位:阿全/權(單身)~他說自己的哥哥姐姐和爸爸個個都已經離世了,然後自稱自己本身是出生在一個有家暴的環境裡頭長大的(說著說著又承認自己也是個脾性不好的人)他覺得人的本質應該需要有多一點愛心還有懂得讓自己學著如何放下過去所有的不愉快事件。>>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿王/黃~家裡事,他哥哥和女朋友自從懷孕了之後就一走了之很少再回家了,搞得他母親為此事件而感到氣憤(話說他的這位大嫂是個問題是非精攪屎棍,甚至也不怎麼和他家人關係相處融洽)。【陳峰大哥建議他不要和他大嫂有太多正面衝突,以避免連大哥的感情也傷害】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿Jane(已婚)~她說和丈夫的家人很難相處,她也坦承其實是自己有些事情處理不當導致丈夫的家人不諒解和無法包容。【陳峰大哥聽完她的故事之後,認為她有必要檢討自己的行為和性格】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:Lily女士(育有一名女兒)~她的丈夫時常對她發脾氣已經十多年了,也時常在家亂丟東西,但是她的丈夫每次發完脾氣之後都會跟她道歉的。【陳峰大哥認為,他們之間的互動需要在情感的甜蜜上再加強一點以幫助丈夫改善以及控制脾氣不好的病態】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:Joy~她說她的同事都投訴她在工作上的方面很計較,時常不也不會主動去幫其他同事的忙。【陳峰大哥勸她要也是再觀察一段時間后再做決定和打算,凡事都將心比心才能體會和睦相處的重要性。或許有時候需要作出必要的調整及一些新嘗試才會感受體會到大家的處境和難處;甚至也會有所改變和意想不到的收穫】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:Lyn(自雇人士)~她有個員工要辭職,理由是因為她有個合夥人(既大股東兼老闆)的脾氣實在是太壞而且非常難頂;目前根據她的調查所知,她另外兩名員工也是有著相同的情況遭遇和問題令她感到非常棘手。【陳峰大哥建議她可以試著找她談談,單刀直入地坦白從寬說出真相,當然也是可以做些前提的鋪排】>>> Here.
7) 第七位:阿玲(已婚 / 育有四名孩子)~她的婚姻出了問題壞人狀況,曾經有鬧過自殺好幾次,根據她的說法是她的丈夫近期有幾個很要好的女性朋友接觸非常頻密,而且還不間斷地多次與她們經常一起出外用餐;她現在已經忍無可忍甚至無法接受了。【陳峰大哥建議她可以先試著分居半年左右,先別急著要離婚以便給彼此一個冷靜期和更多的時間、空間能夠緩和大家的緊張關係】>>> Here.
8) 第八位:阿倫(最後一位)~他在頭痛煩惱著關於他女朋友堅決反對他親的戚搬過來一起和他們倆人一起同住,他不解為何家裡多一個人的互相照應會換來他的女友的抗拒。【陳峰大哥大致上聽完了過後覺得這不是他的錯,只是最好在婚前事先談好條件再做最後決定和打算,不能因為是多年來想吃已久換來的“不捨得”而嘗試結婚(需要認真看待)】 >>> Here.
(Self Expenses note: Today £12.40, Yesterday total £10.90, Total up to date £23.30)
first of all, this blog post has been delayed a day and i do feel frustrated to blog about it as i did not exact goal other than the reason was just hope i can store my "memories" in a more memorable way.
however, it is quite time consuming and over time, i found it does not attract my interest as i write more and sooner it is even more hard to blog about the 15 days Europe trip experiences.
anyways, all the thing written in this post was just based on my phone's note.
during the morning, i just have some Digestive biscuit as my breakfast and continue to see some Anime video since there is nothing much to do other than packing my belongings after the SMM Final Examination has been over yesterday.
moreover, this was my last day in Sheffield as i would be departing to London at tomorrow.
around 12.25pm i make a move from hostel to the city hall center with some friend although the weather was raining as shown below.
then my friend went to Tkmaxx while i go to H&M and Topshop just to find the umbrella as mine was spoilt.
after that, i went to Barclays bank to settle my invalid PIN issue and we decided to have our lunch at The Red Lion pub restaurant as shown below.
well, i just ordered the Thailand's Salmon related food for £4.95 and the taste seems like the "Otak Otak" in Malaysia as shown below.
furthermore, there was a 10% off for student promoter and my meal cost for £4.50.
in addition, i try not to spend much time update this blog post and please "forgive" me if it was too short without much description.
anyways, below was the detailed information about The Red Lion restaurant.
Address: 109 Charles Street, City Centre, S1 2ND, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Business Hour : Mon - Thu, 11:30 am - 11:30 pm, Fri - Sat: 11:30 am - 12am, Sun: 12:00 pm - 11:30 pm
Contact: 0114 2765852
after that, i went to 99p stores to buy an umbrella and as i pass my The Banker Draft restaurant, i do feel a bit disappointed for not to be able to visits there since it was my last day in Sheffield as below.
before going back home, i just spend £0.90 to buy some Yorkshire mixed sweet and another £5 Lebara for top up reload as below.
somehow the sweet just taste like "Sticky" sweet back in Malaysia.
upon arrived back home, i just quickly "Skype" with my parents.
besides, i would like to share a meaningful video about "Stop Human Trafficking Campaign" as shown below or the link >>> Here.
somehow it is quite "touch" during the end of the video when it says that "Every year, thousands of women are promised a dance career in Western Europe. Sadly, they end up here. Stop the traffik, people shouldn't be bought and sold" and i feel it is quite true.
in fact, i do feel myself "ignore a bit" about the statement that money is very important as i was just "fortunate a bit" for less thinking about the ways to find money.
around 5.30pm i went to my friend house as he want to send his luggage to another friend house staying in the Forge hostel.
frankly speaking, i just feel that sometime don't be so trust on what's other people said as my friend "lied" me that he did not go to the drink beer farewell party yesterday when talking to me but say another to a friend stayed at Forge as he finally admitted it although i don't know what is the intention why sometime he always keep say two different things.
anyways, i just took some picture of the Forge as shown below.
honestly, i was trying to get to know more about "someone" experience although i know it was a too high cost to pay for as i want to know something.
moreover, i feel that "UK experience" is just for rich people to come to experience it but not me since i have my very own "dark secret" too.
seriously that kind of feeling is so "sucks" in some way.
after that, we went to buy Chinos Kebab as i shared with a friend for £2 each person as take some picture as shown below.
besides, there was a "Mr Lonely" by Akon song played at there as below or the link >>> Here.
upon arrived back home, i quickly went to pack my clothing and luggage as it is quite messy.
around 11.35pm i went to do my clothes laundry and there was still a lot of people queue up for it.
as i finish my clothes laundry, i went farewell to my friend who going to Scotland as shown below.
honestly, it is quite sad to see farewell happening although i was not close with them but it would make me think about what is the feelings of my ex-college classmate from SHU last year.
finally i arrived back home at 2.40am but still need to pack the little and pieces.
at last, i managed to finish it at 4am and my body was totally exhausted again.
overall today really just feel quite rush to pack the stuff and i there was a few place that i missed to visits in Sheffield that is Mayfield Alpaca farm, Yorkshire Sculpture park, Crucible Theatre trip for Jack Steele and Family, Kelham Island Museum and others more.
before i end my post, below was the 40th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama and Chan Fong "大城心事" story sharing podcast recording.
1) 第一位:阿全/權(單身)~他說自己的哥哥姐姐和爸爸個個都已經離世了,然後自稱自己本身是出生在一個有家暴的環境裡頭長大的(說著說著又承認自己也是個脾性不好的人)他覺得人的本質應該需要有多一點愛心還有懂得讓自己學著如何放下過去所有的不愉快事件。>>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿王/黃~家裡事,他哥哥和女朋友自從懷孕了之後就一走了之很少再回家了,搞得他母親為此事件而感到氣憤(話說他的這位大嫂是個問題是非精攪屎棍,甚至也不怎麼和他家人關係相處融洽)。【陳峰大哥建議他不要和他大嫂有太多正面衝突,以避免連大哥的感情也傷害】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿Jane(已婚)~她說和丈夫的家人很難相處,她也坦承其實是自己有些事情處理不當導致丈夫的家人不諒解和無法包容。【陳峰大哥聽完她的故事之後,認為她有必要檢討自己的行為和性格】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:Lily女士(育有一名女兒)~她的丈夫時常對她發脾氣已經十多年了,也時常在家亂丟東西,但是她的丈夫每次發完脾氣之後都會跟她道歉的。【陳峰大哥認為,他們之間的互動需要在情感的甜蜜上再加強一點以幫助丈夫改善以及控制脾氣不好的病態】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:Joy~她說她的同事都投訴她在工作上的方面很計較,時常不也不會主動去幫其他同事的忙。【陳峰大哥勸她要也是再觀察一段時間后再做決定和打算,凡事都將心比心才能體會和睦相處的重要性。或許有時候需要作出必要的調整及一些新嘗試才會感受體會到大家的處境和難處;甚至也會有所改變和意想不到的收穫】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:Lyn(自雇人士)~她有個員工要辭職,理由是因為她有個合夥人(既大股東兼老闆)的脾氣實在是太壞而且非常難頂;目前根據她的調查所知,她另外兩名員工也是有著相同的情況遭遇和問題令她感到非常棘手。【陳峰大哥建議她可以試著找她談談,單刀直入地坦白從寬說出真相,當然也是可以做些前提的鋪排】>>> Here.
7) 第七位:阿玲(已婚 / 育有四名孩子)~她的婚姻出了問題壞人狀況,曾經有鬧過自殺好幾次,根據她的說法是她的丈夫近期有幾個很要好的女性朋友接觸非常頻密,而且還不間斷地多次與她們經常一起出外用餐;她現在已經忍無可忍甚至無法接受了。【陳峰大哥建議她可以先試著分居半年左右,先別急著要離婚以便給彼此一個冷靜期和更多的時間、空間能夠緩和大家的緊張關係】>>> Here.
8) 第八位:阿倫(最後一位)~他在頭痛煩惱著關於他女朋友堅決反對他親的戚搬過來一起和他們倆人一起同住,他不解為何家裡多一個人的互相照應會換來他的女友的抗拒。【陳峰大哥大致上聽完了過後覺得這不是他的錯,只是最好在婚前事先談好條件再做最後決定和打算,不能因為是多年來想吃已久換來的“不捨得”而嘗試結婚(需要認真看待)】 >>> Here.
(Self Expenses note: Today £12.40, Yesterday total £10.90, Total up to date £23.30)