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No Money No Talk Society

today i woke 9.20am.
first of all, i would like to thanks anyone who wishes me yesterday for my advance diploma result status.
frankly speaking, i start to feel myself like a "weird guy" because i have two different feeling that is sad and happy for getting this result.
the reason i feel happy for it was i finally can graduate as a advance diploma student after waited for a year and the sad things is i still not sure the SHU will accept my application or not if they see my precious failed record. (regret never study well last time but it no use to regret now)
moreover, the 40% of my current CGPA will be carried to add in with the 60% UK result and i "die die" also must pass my degree at there because it would totally waste of money if i can't make it.
in fact, i do asked myself why i want to get the degree certification so badly?

when thinking deeply, i start to feel myself like a "kiasu" (scare lose) guy because getting a good certificate is just like buying an insurance for job secure.
it is because the Tarc advance diploma certificate is still consider as diploma certificate instead of treated like "a higher status" when i go for interview as the job market still not recognize the advance diploma status.
therefore if i did not get my degree, the 2 years of advance diploma would be totally a waste and if i like, i shall came out to work when i get my diploma cert 3 years ago.
in the end, does that means that our objective in life is just to earn money no matter what path we choose?
somehow i think i have got clear that why some SPM leaver tends to be more successful because they might have a more fixed goal which is earn money as young as 18 years old since they might know they have lesser educational background, but they are more hardworking.

furthermore, i think that college is just will teach you basic things just like "what is in the fruits" and the answer is orange, watermelon, apple and others.
so if you want to know more what vitamins have in the fruits, you need to research for yourself and therefore we can't blame our tutor or lecture for not teaching us.
therefore i can conclude it is just the same in the working environment that we need to research ourselves when our boss give us some task and i do feel lucky that i still can refer to Tarc Library as my resources.
anyways, i just feel so sleepy after having so much "weird though" in the morning.
the moment i woke up again was 2.25pm and have my "lunch" at 3.20pm as my mother had cooked "chicken bah kut teh" for our meal.
then i just watch latest Naruto Anime and Inbound Troubles (老表,你好嘢) HK drama last episode.

besides, i received a phone call from my one of my close friend and he told me that he just bought a brand new Vios car.
honestly, i do feel happy for him but also feel myself quite "ugly" as i still have the envy feeling because i did not achieve much thing after 1 year have passed.
for now, my two close friend from secondary classmate were driving brand new Honda City while two close friend from college classmate were driving brand new Vios.
so as for myself, i seems to be just doing nothing and still whining about no money buy car.
around 7.30pm i just have my dinner and then went out accompany my mother to buy some things.
somehow my mind had start to think some "funny" thought again when my mother was buying something from the praying shop.

as an example, when i see there is so many "hell paper/hell items design" to burn for death people as a prayer contribution in Chinese ritual, i can think that the person who do this print this kind of thing must be rich as everyday also got people die. (choi choi !!! it was a taboo to talk about "die die" sound during CNY)
until now i seems to be just know how to talk again as i say i want to print death people money to sell because there is a huge potential to earn money from it but it is still an "empty talk".
around 9pm i reach back home and have some dried meat (肉干) which is the food i enjoyed most again.
among the three brands from Wing Heong (永香) Eng Hock Hiong (永福香) and Bee Chen Hiang (美珍香) for dried meat, i think Wing Heong is still the most tasty.
during the night, i finally finish read my first book that i borrowed from the library few day ago and just have the "No Money No Talk Society" feelings out of sudden.

it is because the books was related to "online marketing" which is the job that i will do soon and feel a little "butthurt" as i read the contents as it sounds so right but i am lazy as shown below.
I hope you have gained a lot of ideas and information from what you have read. Before you step into the unknown world of online marketing, make sure you get your business mindset and positive attitude ready.
Real business owners and winners don't quit, they don't while and blame others when things get though, they just get better and take another step forward.Whatever you promoting online, your main focus is to solve others people's problem since that is what they will be motivated to pay for. Building a profitable online business is not a one time thingy, I have seen marketers come and go like nobody business in this industry. It takes a real understanding of business and discipline to make you become the best if what you are capable which explain why long term profitability kicks in.

There is two things that you need to clear about when comes to online marketing. First, you won't make any single cent online if you don't apply what you read. The second thing is it is definitely an ongoing education when comes to online marketing. The guidance alone that i show you will not give you all the information you need. As a matter of fact, I am still learning! I think I spend more money more now learning compared to before i started making money online. This sound ironic, doesn't it? Not really. Here is why: because I already know how to create income from the internet, I would make more each time I approve my knowledge and apply new internet marketing techniques I have never use before.
somehow i also not very sure why i have the "Money isn't everything, its just most everything" feelings when read the book just like the picture below.
maybe i have misunderstand the message behind the book as different people have different opinion.

however, one thing i feel it is quite right that "you must always ask yourself what's is your final objective goal that you want to achieve in life" and the first answer that came to my mind is just how to earn more money.
on the other hand, when i asked myself that "what is my final objective of keep writing this blog?" and the answer seems to be just purely express feeling at first, but over time when i saw they can earn some income from writing blog, my heart seems to move a bit as i have the thought of "why they got money but not me?" which ended up quite contradict.
perhaps i should stop this kind of online things or maybe just become a normal "Char Kuaw Teow" guy that sell food? (even myself also feel why i am so "funny" to have such thought)
around 10.30pm is the Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing program as usual for every Friday and below was the recording podcast for it.
1) 第一位:阿英姐(檳城人)~打電話進來首先要祝賀陳峰大哥新年快樂,話說她最近爲了和孩子一起同住就搬到大山腳去了(聊著自己的生活狀況)。>>> Here.

2) 第二位:Michelle(育有2名孩子)~老公有外遇,而且【(“他 / 丈夫”)】已經離家出走不回家大概已有七個多月左右了,她想離婚但是老公不肯答應跟她拉扯不斷。【*陳峰大哥認為這位聽眾的丈夫那個外遇是不可能會和對方長久,但是同時覺得她本身太貪心和太多的“可是”的理由*】>>> Here.

3) 第三位:Jason(在英國生活的大馬人)~他現在在家鄉吉隆坡一面開車一面打電話進來988和陳峰大哥聊天和問候,順道祝賀陳峰大哥新年快樂之類的祝賀語。>>> Here.

4) 第四位:阿飛~18年前從大馬搬到美國生活和工作(當時988也還沒有創立開台),目前已經是美國公民了(電話聊到這段就斷線了)。

5) 第五位:阿力(檳城人)~他打電話回來的原因是要在此特別感激陳峰大哥在兩年前的提醒,是關於他自己的家庭和工作狀況的問題,現在事情已獲得解決他也終於能夠一家團聚過著幸福美滿的家庭生活。Part 4 + 5 >>> Here.

6) 第六位:新加坡的德士師傅(常客)~他打電話進來這是純粹祝賀陳峰大哥新年快樂和簡單的問候罷了。

7) 第七位:阿飛(剛才的那位美國人)~繼續剛才的話題,他說也很想念那時在大馬的日子,最後他想祝大家新年快樂。Part 6 + 7 >>> Here.

8) 第八位:華姐~她也是其中一個打電話進來問候以及祝賀陳峰大哥新年快樂的一位忠實聽眾。

9) 第九位:阿平(霹靂人 / 21歲 / 蛋糕店師傅)~他想出城工作但是父親不給,因為家裡有老人家需要他的照顧,有想過轉行做修車技術人員但是又不知怎樣做決定。【*陳峰大哥大致上是很支持他趁年輕嘗試去外面闖蕩的決定,並且祝他好運*】Part 8 + 9 >>> Here.

10) 第十位:阿May(上次有打過電話進來的)~剛和老公吵完架說關於工作上的事,當時陳峰大哥建議她說不要和老公一起做工以避免吵架和太多摩擦爭執之類的問題繼續蔓延,現在還是繼續因這個問題一直爭吵令她覺得很辛苦很想離婚。【*陳峰大哥建議她凡事做什麽都稍微低調點,還有控制自己的脾氣和情緒,有可能是她丈夫也是個大男人愛面子的心態不能接受太太比他強導致,並且也勸她儘量用多角度設想對方的立場給予同情*】>>> Part 10a and Part 10b.

11) 第十一位:張BoBo; 阿Heng; Wai Wai & Kelvin~他們是從英國打電話回來的,要在此祝賀所有在大馬的朋友和家人新年快樂 & 身體健康。>>> Here.

12) 第十二位:阿彬~也是一位從英國打電話回來的朋友,他說決定在今年下半年(大概是6月16日前後)回到大馬,已經有打算從此以後不再回去工作了;他在此也要借此機會祝賀陳峰大哥新年快樂。

13) 第十三位:劉先生(又是另一位大老遠從英國打電話回來的朋友,在那裡落地生根了將近14年 / 目前育有2 孩子)他打電話進來是提早向陳峰大哥拜個早年和聊聊他在那裡的生活狀況等等。Part 12 + 13 >>> Here.

14) 第十四位(最後一位):Vincent(26歲)~他很想轉行,因為目前已經沒有任何新的發展空間也很沉悶,想離開目前的工作環境突破自己。。。~~~【*陳峰大哥勸他說搞清楚是現在的公司制度問題還是其他因素所致,畢竟還可以多呆幾年吸收經驗*】只有十三通電話。>>> Here.
somehow i just feel the No.2 lady seems to be so "greedy" and asked "is all the guys is pervert (hamsup)?" the answer is just like "is all the girls like to be pretty?".
therefore there is no exactly answer for this as there is so much of different people.
while talking about this "pervert" thing for guy, i do feel myself can consider as "pervert" as i read on the Chinese prostitution blogger review when i feel "lonely" sometime.
at last, sorry to be mean that if this post seems to be annoying you or too long, i can't do much as i just want to write what had happened on my life since it is my blog.
tomorrow will be father's side reunion dinner (团圆饭) for Chinese New Year and i hope it would be great.

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