today i woke up at 8am.
then i just quickly get myself prepared to work.
somehow i saw my ex-housemate pass by and i he fetched me to Wangsa Maju with his motorcycle.
around 9.25am i reach office and continue to do my stuff.
after that, i went for a meeting with some "cyber cafe related advertising" company as they have the centralized system that can connect most of the cyber cafe computer.
well, through his sharing, i seems to learn a lot about the current cyber cafe market and understand more about the typical Chinese businessman in Malaysia.
according to him, "Player" of cyber cafe is always "Dai Sai" (biggest) as some of them don't like to see banner advertisement being popup when starting game.
moreover, Malaysia game market is different with those Western or China company because most of the Malaysian gamer don't willing/like to spend money to play game and the biggest market was actually the Malay community instead of Chinese market due to they was the most dominate races. (not racist)
furthermore, the gamer's market is just also related with "probability" whereby it is just a "number game" to find super rich (VVIP) user or those "Bai Ga Zai" (prodigal) son to spend a lot of money top up the reload card in game. (which eventually explain how a game company can earn money)
as for the "typical Chinese businessman" part, it is also happen due to typical Chinese mindset whereby when we see other's people earn so much money from an industry, they will come out be boss to work out themselves and keep cutting the price which eventually explain why so many group buying website that existed in our country have so much lousy price and product.
somehow they keep smoking while meeting and i was the one who keep inhaling second hand smoke.
on the other hand, i do understand how other's people "wash black money" to make it illegal and it was true that not everything can be expresses out even thought blogging anonymously.
one thing for sure that you need to keep find "people" who willing to spend money on your although you know they're "washing money" but in the same time you need to spend money back to them. (mutual benefit)
in addition, the older generation people (age 35~50 years old) seems to be not very know about how to gamble online and that's why they still stick on to those local illegal gamble slot machine and etc.
anyways, the feelings quite "sucks" again whereby if you understand how other's can make millions of money, yet yourself still end up doing nothing.
perhaps it is true that you need to do something "illegal" first, then only "legalized" it at the end.
overall i think my understanding for marketing is like this whereby after all meeting, yourself need to decide which channel can bring the best to result when promoting your product.
so far after all the meeting experience from "Frxxxdsxxr", "Mxl", "Mxxsxxxxd", "Mxxhxxxxxf", i think i should decide to choose most of the "M" company as they have the a very strong database that cover most of the cyber cafe in Malaysia.
somehow it is quite hard to reach "Garxnx" as they had dominate most of the gaming industry with their own platform and "small fries" like my company would not attract their interest.
well, i was grateful to learn something everyday when i working in this company although i might leave soon.
it is because if i never come out work, how can i write those gay topic, food places, sponsored movies or even some events if compared with "sitting home" while waiting to go UK right?
around 1pm i went to have my lunch at "Xin Dong Ting Hunan Cuisine" (新洞庭湖南) in Sooka Sentral and enjoyed the "Ramen" noodles that cost around RM9 as shown below.
upon back office, i continue to do some research and being "busybody" to search for the guy that we had the meeting this morning as i saw his name card written was "Chief Executive Officer" (CEO) position.
it seems that he had went to the WeChat Malaysia launch party and bought an expensive condominium which is quite nice. (sweat for being a busybody)
around 6.35pm i make a move from office to take LRT back KL house instead of following my sister back because i forget to take something.
while walking pass Sooka Sentral, it seems that there will always have some salesman/girl will stop people to promote their product/credit card and etc service.
well, i just feel that maybe that's is the life of salesman whereby you need face a lot rejection before you can be successful no matter what product you're selling.
when i reach Wangsa Maju at 7.10pm, i went to have economy rice as my dinner again.
finally i reach home at 7.50pm and get myself prepared before doing any other things.
somehow i had received the Pre-arrival guide to Sheffield Hallam University emails and it looks great that you can travel to York, Manchester, Whitby, Blackpool, Liverpool, Cambridge, Leeds/Royal Amouries Museum, Cheshire oaks, Newcastle and Nottingham with just 12~20 GBP as shown below.
frankly speaking, it is quite exciting although i just looking through it and hopefully everything will get smoothly until next month.
guess it would be my most special journey although i am trying to forget anything from my past.
besides, i would like to share some interesting Chinese content as "It is hard to be a Man" (做个男人也挺难为的) as shown below. (sorry no English Translation due to poor grammer)
anyways, i just feel that the objective of every Man/Guy is to keep find $$, more $$ and $$ which is the things that i have been keep thinking although did not take much action now.
around 10.30pm it is the Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing program and below was the podcast recording.
1) 第一位:阿(妹)媚~和男朋友相識五年還沒結婚,因為她覺得這個男人很大男人注意而且脾氣不好。【陳峰大哥建議她應該試著想像如果自己沒有遷就他的時候會不會更快樂一些,但是為何凡事都千依百順】>>> Here.
2) 第二位:雯雯(已婚 13 年 / 育有三名子女)~老公有外遇時常遲遲不回家,他告訴她決定兩個都要;她很想離婚。【陳峰大哥有兩個建議:1:開心點,別理會他 2:就讓他繼續,最重要的就是能維持目前的生活狀況】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿文~他家姐最近有些問題(關於她孩子),問題是宗教信仰問題。【陳峰大哥認為可能是在外國常住會比較理想,但是希望他們看開一點同時別過於宗教歧視】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:Ah Shu / 阿淑~她老公說有足夠的證據證明她有外遇,還要她發毒誓以表清白,其實是她的老公先有外遇在先而她根本是被冤枉的;現在甚至還要和她離婚。【陳峰大哥建議她要有心理準備,萬一真的是要和這個男人離婚會有何打算】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:阿桑~四年前已離婚也沒有第三者,主要的原因是溝通不良,另一方面也是破產的因素;(他)前一陣子甚至還鬧情緒搞自殺令大家覺得措手不及。>>> Here.
6) 第六位:阿妮~孩子的問題,話說他兒子補習不敢去小便然後小便在地上。>>> Here.
7) 第七位:阿May~老公染上毒癮欠下卡債。
8) 第八位:莫先生~他希望節目能夠提前結束,他擔心家裡的孩子會因為沉迷于追聽而遲遲不睡覺。
9) 第九位(最後一位):Lina~夫妻感情的事,已經十年了,搞得互不信任。【陳峰大哥建議她如果能夠就和平相處,好好地坐下來談也不要一直搬問題出來吵】Part 7 + 8 + 9 >>> Here.
overall there's so much story and some of it i just afraid i might end up be like those guys because the world is so big, so many unpredictable and there is no right and wrong.
later on, i went to refill my water, buy a burger although it was already midnight.
besides, i was distracted with the "Prostitute blogger sharing" as the content that he write was so seductive and horny. (Do you know who is Meguru Kosaka? OMG? LOL! talking to myself~ =.=)
before i end my post, i would like to share the "Petman Tests Camo" video as below or the link >>> Here.
basically the video was about a robot which developed by Boston Dynamics that is used to test the performance of protective clothing designed for hazardous environments with chemical protection suit and gas mask.
well, it might looks quite scary but i think if this technology success, our future will mostly depend on robots to do our stuff right?
anyways, this blog post was finish written at the next day (Saturday 8.10pm) because i was so tired yesterday and eventually fall asleep.
then i just quickly get myself prepared to work.
somehow i saw my ex-housemate pass by and i he fetched me to Wangsa Maju with his motorcycle.
around 9.25am i reach office and continue to do my stuff.
after that, i went for a meeting with some "cyber cafe related advertising" company as they have the centralized system that can connect most of the cyber cafe computer.
well, through his sharing, i seems to learn a lot about the current cyber cafe market and understand more about the typical Chinese businessman in Malaysia.
according to him, "Player" of cyber cafe is always "Dai Sai" (biggest) as some of them don't like to see banner advertisement being popup when starting game.
moreover, Malaysia game market is different with those Western or China company because most of the Malaysian gamer don't willing/like to spend money to play game and the biggest market was actually the Malay community instead of Chinese market due to they was the most dominate races. (not racist)
furthermore, the gamer's market is just also related with "probability" whereby it is just a "number game" to find super rich (VVIP) user or those "Bai Ga Zai" (prodigal) son to spend a lot of money top up the reload card in game. (which eventually explain how a game company can earn money)
as for the "typical Chinese businessman" part, it is also happen due to typical Chinese mindset whereby when we see other's people earn so much money from an industry, they will come out be boss to work out themselves and keep cutting the price which eventually explain why so many group buying website that existed in our country have so much lousy price and product.
somehow they keep smoking while meeting and i was the one who keep inhaling second hand smoke.
on the other hand, i do understand how other's people "wash black money" to make it illegal and it was true that not everything can be expresses out even thought blogging anonymously.
one thing for sure that you need to keep find "people" who willing to spend money on your although you know they're "washing money" but in the same time you need to spend money back to them. (mutual benefit)
in addition, the older generation people (age 35~50 years old) seems to be not very know about how to gamble online and that's why they still stick on to those local illegal gamble slot machine and etc.
anyways, the feelings quite "sucks" again whereby if you understand how other's can make millions of money, yet yourself still end up doing nothing.
perhaps it is true that you need to do something "illegal" first, then only "legalized" it at the end.
overall i think my understanding for marketing is like this whereby after all meeting, yourself need to decide which channel can bring the best to result when promoting your product.
so far after all the meeting experience from "Frxxxdsxxr", "Mxl", "Mxxsxxxxd", "Mxxhxxxxxf", i think i should decide to choose most of the "M" company as they have the a very strong database that cover most of the cyber cafe in Malaysia.
somehow it is quite hard to reach "Garxnx" as they had dominate most of the gaming industry with their own platform and "small fries" like my company would not attract their interest.
well, i was grateful to learn something everyday when i working in this company although i might leave soon.
it is because if i never come out work, how can i write those gay topic, food places, sponsored movies or even some events if compared with "sitting home" while waiting to go UK right?
around 1pm i went to have my lunch at "Xin Dong Ting Hunan Cuisine" (新洞庭湖南) in Sooka Sentral and enjoyed the "Ramen" noodles that cost around RM9 as shown below.
upon back office, i continue to do some research and being "busybody" to search for the guy that we had the meeting this morning as i saw his name card written was "Chief Executive Officer" (CEO) position.
it seems that he had went to the WeChat Malaysia launch party and bought an expensive condominium which is quite nice. (sweat for being a busybody)
around 6.35pm i make a move from office to take LRT back KL house instead of following my sister back because i forget to take something.
while walking pass Sooka Sentral, it seems that there will always have some salesman/girl will stop people to promote their product/credit card and etc service.
well, i just feel that maybe that's is the life of salesman whereby you need face a lot rejection before you can be successful no matter what product you're selling.
when i reach Wangsa Maju at 7.10pm, i went to have economy rice as my dinner again.
finally i reach home at 7.50pm and get myself prepared before doing any other things.
somehow i had received the Pre-arrival guide to Sheffield Hallam University emails and it looks great that you can travel to York, Manchester, Whitby, Blackpool, Liverpool, Cambridge, Leeds/Royal Amouries Museum, Cheshire oaks, Newcastle and Nottingham with just 12~20 GBP as shown below.
frankly speaking, it is quite exciting although i just looking through it and hopefully everything will get smoothly until next month.
guess it would be my most special journey although i am trying to forget anything from my past.
besides, i would like to share some interesting Chinese content as "It is hard to be a Man" (做个男人也挺难为的) as shown below. (sorry no English Translation due to poor grammer)
anyways, i just feel that the objective of every Man/Guy is to keep find $$, more $$ and $$ which is the things that i have been keep thinking although did not take much action now.
around 10.30pm it is the Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing program and below was the podcast recording.
1) 第一位:阿(妹)媚~和男朋友相識五年還沒結婚,因為她覺得這個男人很大男人注意而且脾氣不好。【陳峰大哥建議她應該試著想像如果自己沒有遷就他的時候會不會更快樂一些,但是為何凡事都千依百順】>>> Here.
2) 第二位:雯雯(已婚 13 年 / 育有三名子女)~老公有外遇時常遲遲不回家,他告訴她決定兩個都要;她很想離婚。【陳峰大哥有兩個建議:1:開心點,別理會他 2:就讓他繼續,最重要的就是能維持目前的生活狀況】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿文~他家姐最近有些問題(關於她孩子),問題是宗教信仰問題。【陳峰大哥認為可能是在外國常住會比較理想,但是希望他們看開一點同時別過於宗教歧視】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:Ah Shu / 阿淑~她老公說有足夠的證據證明她有外遇,還要她發毒誓以表清白,其實是她的老公先有外遇在先而她根本是被冤枉的;現在甚至還要和她離婚。【陳峰大哥建議她要有心理準備,萬一真的是要和這個男人離婚會有何打算】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:阿桑~四年前已離婚也沒有第三者,主要的原因是溝通不良,另一方面也是破產的因素;(他)前一陣子甚至還鬧情緒搞自殺令大家覺得措手不及。>>> Here.
6) 第六位:阿妮~孩子的問題,話說他兒子補習不敢去小便然後小便在地上。>>> Here.
7) 第七位:阿May~老公染上毒癮欠下卡債。
8) 第八位:莫先生~他希望節目能夠提前結束,他擔心家裡的孩子會因為沉迷于追聽而遲遲不睡覺。
9) 第九位(最後一位):Lina~夫妻感情的事,已經十年了,搞得互不信任。【陳峰大哥建議她如果能夠就和平相處,好好地坐下來談也不要一直搬問題出來吵】Part 7 + 8 + 9 >>> Here.
overall there's so much story and some of it i just afraid i might end up be like those guys because the world is so big, so many unpredictable and there is no right and wrong.
later on, i went to refill my water, buy a burger although it was already midnight.
besides, i was distracted with the "Prostitute blogger sharing" as the content that he write was so seductive and horny. (Do you know who is Meguru Kosaka? OMG? LOL! talking to myself~ =.=)
before i end my post, i would like to share the "Petman Tests Camo" video as below or the link >>> Here.
basically the video was about a robot which developed by Boston Dynamics that is used to test the performance of protective clothing designed for hazardous environments with chemical protection suit and gas mask.
well, it might looks quite scary but i think if this technology success, our future will mostly depend on robots to do our stuff right?
anyways, this blog post was finish written at the next day (Saturday 8.10pm) because i was so tired yesterday and eventually fall asleep.