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The Howard Pub Sheffield Restaurant Experiences

today i woke up at 8.30am.
well, there was no class for today and i was happy that i can sleep until automatically wake up.
then i just have the last Tomato Dipinetti snack from Graze box as my breakfast.
after that, i continue to search some related information for some task
anyways, i would like to wish all Muslim to have a Happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri as today was the official day celebration day in Malaysia.
somehow i do feel the time passed so fast again when the time reach 1pm and i did ask myself what i actually doing throughout the morning besides than "kepoing" (busybodying) some others story.
however, i had planned to go out somewhere eat instead of having instant noodle during the afternoon since it was my last month in Sheffield and i would like to try out most of the food/restaurant available in here.

around 1.40pm i make a move from hostel with one of my friend as i plan to eat at noodle inn centro but changed my mind in the end.
well, we took the Freebee bus to somewhere near Poundland to meet some people and walked pass the Brenda's traditional fish and chips restaurant but changed mind again.
somehow i think i was wrong as i thought about how they can "survive" when they have so little customer during my visits on that day because today there was a lot of people visiting it while most of the seat was full.
after that, i accompany my friend to cut his hair at the saloon that cost £5 for promotion price near the Moor Sheffield around 2.20pm.
at last, i decided to have my lunch at The Howard Pub Sheffield restaurant as i walked pass there to college everyday and still haven try it yet until now.

somehow the interior design of the restaurant was quite nice as shown below.
well, there was a promotion everyday for one course that cost for £3.25 from the menu below.
then i just choose the "New York BBQ Melt" that include half a chicken breast topped with bacon, BBQ sauce and melted cheddar cheese, served with chips with a salad garnish as shown below.
besides, the sauce was Free to use without any extra charges as below.
anyways, below was the detailed information about the Howard restaurant with free Wifi connection.
Address: 57 Howard Street, South Yorkshire S1 2LW, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Phone: 0114 278 0183
Opening: Mon - Sat: 11:00 am - 11:00 pm, Sun: 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

overall it is quite recommended to try it although i wish their food portion would be bigger.
after that, we went to walk around the city to while shopping around while passing by the Lyceum Theatre just beside Crucible cinema as shown below.
next, we went to Adsett library to borrow some book such as the Principle of Marketing 3rd edition by Frances Brassington and Stephen Pettitt for our last PIC group assignment.
during the moment walking back home, i decided to buy some sweet from Granelli's sweet shop South Yorkshire Sheffield and bought the sweet sour apple candy for £0.75 per 100grams as shown below.
actually the staff seems to be not very happy as i wanted to try some sweet as she say "this is not a place to try sweet" which probably because my "face problem" that looks like not buying thing.
finally i arrived back home at 4.15pm.

then i continue watch 19th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
somehow i just realized that my uncle was also 4 star grade captain pilot through the drama sharing.
honestly, i do feel myself seems to be "useless" after i read his latest sharing about "the glass cockpit" because the reason his experience of aviation and blogging intention his website was to inspire and help young pilot by answering their question while my blogging ways seems to be "demotivating" people when i write some negative feelings although i wish some "Tarcian junior" will not following my mistaken footstep.
besides, i do wondered maybe my interest was to become a pilot as my dream but it seems everything i do was not related with the path to become a pilot as i did not have a strong determination during my childhood.
anyways, i just went to take a nap when i feel tired and the moment i woke up again was 7.10pm when my friend phoned me to have dinner at their house.

well, the dinner was just okay as i know i shouldn't grumble inside my heart.
on the other hand, there is something quite interesting to think about when some friend asked me whether "which girl do you like or having feelings among the group of girls that you see" as i just answered don't have any although i did have some "emo" feeling within myself.
it is because if i did not even love myself, how would i have the heart to love others people right and it would be the best option for ruining other girl life as a "good guy" image as i do understand why some girls preferring choosing some "bad guys" (男人不坏,女人不爱) rather than those "good" guys.
moreover, i know that i shouldn't keep say/advice any girls who visited my blog for choosing rich guys as their partner of life during last time because it is quite subjective again when it comes to money.
what i can say was just if you get "something", you would be sacrificing some other thing as an exchange.

however, money still become the major motivation of people doing things and i would like to share the "10 Things You Can Only Buy in China" as below or the link >>> Here.
seriously i just felt "speechless" because the power of money can even help criminal people to get away when extremely wealthy people are believed to hire body doubles to stand in at court and serve out prison sentences in China.
in fact, you can even buy a "human life" with money but that was another story that i heard before.
around 9pm i went to the discussion after the Europe trip as we would be stop by at Dubai for one day before going back to Malaysia.
frankly speaking, i believe a lot of people would not want to go back Malaysia if they was given a chance to work in UK or Europe country because of the currency exchange rate to repay back their borrowed debt.

furthermore, the money you earn in UK for one year would equal to the money you earn in Malaysia for 5 years and it is harder for younger generation to able to buy property with the same effort.
for example, let's say you earn £1,800 per month in UK and the same RM1,800 in Malaysia, you can buy a second hand Audi, BMW or even Mercedes car for below £20,000 but you couldn't buy the same second hand car for RM20,000 in Malaysia.
let's not talk about car but property in Sheffield as they was only cost about £50,000 to £150,000 for a double story free hold landed property but you couldn't buy the same house with RM50,000 to RM150,000 as it ranged from RM250,000 to RM500,000 back in Malaysia.
anyways, i know i shall not compare "apple to orange" as the rule of this "life game" was all about the survival or the fittest and poor people would continue to whine/blame/complain how hard life it is.

later on, i just went online shopping at Ebay and bought the Universal digital camera camcorder adjustable tripod stand for £5.90 as shown below.
it is because during my "travel alone" journey at 7th September before the Europe trip start, i would be able to take photo with myself since i did not join the Scotland trip.
besides, i did feel appreciate when Peter shared some information and advice to me because when you are in "outside world", it is all about how you can take care about yourself and the you will be responsible for the decision you made and i was grateful to have an international friend when i feel helpless in some ways. 
before i end my post, i would like to share the "12 Stupid Things People Care Way Too Much About" at the link >>> Here.
one of it was about buying a bunch of "Nice" stuff seems to be just to impress other people and to feel better about yourself because it would concurrently inspiring jealousy from other people that might turns nice people into "bad" although buying luxury items can be cool and enjoyable.
well, if you've got the money to throw around, there's nothing wrong with it but based on your identity and self-worth about the quality of your possessions and how those possessions stack up to others is a losing battle, even if you win and have the biggest toys, you lose.
at last, i just feel it is true that in order to be happy, be yourself, if others don't like it, then let them be, happiness is a choice, life isn't about pleasing everybody.
(Self Expenses note: Today £9.90, Yesterday total £39.50, Total up to date £49.40)

The Old Queen's Head Restaurant Sheffield Review Experiences

today i woke up 7.50am.
then i just have chocolate bread as my breakfast before make a move around 8.45am to college to attend the Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) lecture at Adsetts centre.
well, the morning lectures teaches about the corporate social responsibilities which related whether is there a need to be ethical and having moral values when doing business.
one simple question that is quite worth to think about when the lecture shared about "Is is wrong to eat bananas?" from the slide as the answer was quite obvious that it is not wrong to eat bananas from most of the people point of view.
however, if you think deeper, who would really know that somebody is underpaid or working long hour when picking bananas and if people stop eating bananas, those labor worker would lose their jobs.

another example from the slide was "If you're buying a T-shirt for £2, someone's not being paid much to make it" which might probably refers to Primark which explain why they can sell those clothes for so cheap start from £2.50 to £7 per pieces from normal shirt to formal shirt.
anyways, it is hard to determine whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) will bring more good than harm because behind everything happened has it very own pros and cons.
after the morning lecture end, we went to the seminar class to wait and somehow i quite like the "Wedding Dress by Tae Yang" song when friend open it which recall me back some memories.
well, the SMM seminar class started with friend's presenting the Icicle Works case study.
then it is continued with the "Fair Trade in Action Business Fashion" as the tutor shared the video as below.
the video shown above was just a preview as i couldn't find the full 29 minute length source on the internet.

well, i was quite agree with what being shared that the easier way to be success in life was by exploiting people who less educated than us for producing cheap product such as paying a low wages to poor country places or hiring labor child for the Nike case study in order to maximize profit.
moreover, i feel that it might be true that most of the people would not really care or support the company who had done CSR or not which probably related to "human selfish" attitude.
however, it says that there was one company who would do it which is "People Tree" through the video sharing but the clothes that they sell was quite expensive when i view their website.
besides, i agreed that the advancement of technology can lead to more people lost jobs and i start to understand why there is a need for creating more jobs in the world instead of keep depending on machinery although it is quite contradict in some ways again.

anyways, i do learned a new word which is "corporate philanthropy" that is giving out money without having any expectation or return by being kind and nice when compared with the "CSR" because company doing it for a benefits that it hope will increase it's own brand that might help their business in future.
overall i just can say that the moment we having something "good or cheap", some people might get hurt in some ways.
in fact, sometimes i do feel myself quite "hypocrite" in some ways and did not appreciate much the life i have when i did not think about those poor people country who don't even have a basic needs to survive just like the Bangladesh factory collapse incident happened not long ago.
after the seminar class, we went to the Penny Black restaurant around 1pm as there was some promotion during Friday but it is not really available at that moment.

therefore we went to the Old Queen's Head restaurant when the was a lunch promotion of 2 main meals for £6 chosen from the menu below. (£3 each person)
anyways, i just took some picture about the surrounding while some is adapted from the website as below.
well, i just ordered the fish and chips and the portion was quite small as you can see picture below.
maybe it would be bigger if order from another menu that range from £6~£10+ as shown below.
well, below was the detailed information about The Old Queen's Head Restaurant as my Sheffield review.
Address: 40 Pond Hill, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2BG, United Kingdom.
Opening: Mon - Sun from 10:00 am to 11:00 pm
Phone: 07983 559073
Website: http://www.theoldqueenshead.co.uk

finally i arrived back home at 2.30pm and went to take the eggs from the group as they bought in a big bulks for a cheaper price as i just paid £1.20 for 20pcs eggs.
after some moment, i just watch the 20th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
once again i do really enjoy watching it although it might sounds like "wasting time" or procrastinate for not doing a more productive works.
around 4.50pm i did set an alarm to rest 15 minutes for my "power nap" skills but failed when the moment i woke up again was 7.05pm.
then i just went to my friend's house and cook instant noodles as my dinner when other friends had went to St Andrew's URC Church since i don't feel like going to get the free food.

around 8.10pm i reach back home and continue to search some related information.
well, it seems that today was the National Day of Singapore that is celebrated every year on 9 August and i saw a quite funny "Happy Birthday message from Malaysia to Singapore" at BFM page as shown below.
around 10.30pm (Malaysia time) is the Chan Fong "大城心事" story sharing and below was the content but there is no recording since i had missed it at UK time.
1) 第一位:阿平~他打电话来只是和陈峰大哥聊关于新书的事宜。

2) 第二位:黄太太~她想谈关于那天星期二的话题,是说孩子不应该对父母大小声。

3) 第三位:钟女士(已离婚)~她想谈关于亲情。她之前在外国跳飞机12年,是为了让孩子将来的生活费,但是自从她女儿大学毕业出来了之后,开始工作了一段时间甚至也自己买了屋子,怎知道现在她的女儿搬家后却说不能长时间和她同住;她很伤心。【陈峰大哥希望她不要先和自己的女儿计较过去,把当时供养她读书的责任要求任何回报】

4) 第四位:Sky(已婚/育有一个孩子)~他说他和他的太太时常时常吵架,原因是他的坏脾性所致,直到四个月前他们正式的分居了。【陈峰大哥劝他,如果还想挽回这段婚姻就必须尽全力向太太认错和沟通,并且将她重新接回家】

5) 第五位:Miss Yap~她是之前陈峰大哥的“常客”,话说她每次跟人讲话都很容易紧张。【陈峰大哥对于她这次再度的来电分享表示慰问】

6) 第六位:阿力(同志)~他是有感情问题,话说他的另一半已经染上了毒瘾成了习惯,他很想帮他戒毒但是却有心无力。【陈峰大哥认为他需要放手,离开他或许是种解脱】

7) 第七位:Sharon(32岁)~失恋单身了五年,在过后那段期间也是一直不断有男生的出现想要追求她的机会但是都被她拒绝了,现在她很怀疑到底是自己的问题还是其他因素所照成。【陈峰大哥整天来说认为她算是蛮清楚自己本身在想什么,所以没教他怎样找男朋友;只是告诉她需要加把劲多努力和给有机会发展成为伴侣的男生多交流和沟通的空间,多给别人机会才是最终的关键;最后把心情调整对了就立刻重新出发】

8) 第八位:邱小姐~她打电话进来是想问陈峰大哥民宿的生意到底能不能做。【陈峰大哥所想的是两个问题:1-地点适不适合的问题2-她的民宿内有什么特色】

9) 第九位(最后一位):阿兴~刚转行不久,他很不习惯这间所谓的大公司里头的同事和上司都很冷漠无情,还时常搞办公室政治在人背后打毒针放箭。【陈峰大哥建议他以后别再轻易地尝试转行(尤其是自己没有经验和把握的),还有教他搞清楚公司的文化背景是否能够容得下他继续在那里生存】

before i end my post, i would like to share an article from Elite Diary about "The 50 Life Lessons New York City Has Taught Me" although it is not applicable to Malaysia but i had found 10 life lesson that similar to what i feel when i live in city area as shown below.
1) Most people won’t think twice about taking advantage of you.
I’d like to believe that most people are good people at their cores. However, many people have skewed ideas of what is ethically permissible and what is not. Life teaches us all the same lessons, but we interpret them differently. What it comes down to is that everyone is looking out for themselves first. If someone feels that they can benefit from you and can somehow justify doing so, then they will.

2) You’re not alone.
Whenever you are feeling lonely, you can simply look out your window and see dozens of people walking around and living their lives. If you wanted to, you could go over and introduce yourself to any one of them.

3) If someone does you a favor, they expect something in return.
No one is so nice that they’ll do you favors simply because they feel like being nice. They will always expect either a favor in return or are looking for a way to connect with you. If someone interacts with you, then take it as an opening; if it’s someone who you think you’d like to get to know, then do so. But be on guard for those that are going to ask for favors.

4) Having friends is important and sometimes difficult.
Having good friends is important in a city like this. With all the stress and the craziness that is every day, you need someone to talk to and to blow some steam off with. However, friends can become a bit of a headache. They can also be too busy with their own lives to be a part of yours. Making real friends in the city is difficult and keeping them can be even more difficult.

5) If you want to make money, then you can make money.
You always hear people complaining that they can’t find a job and can’t make money. I think that’s bullsh*t. If there is a will, there is a way — it may not be the way you want it to be, but still: there is always a way.

6) Having our faithfulness tested is not something that goes away.
Some people start to worry when they find their imaginations wandering from their lovers to other attractive people they meet. The fact is that human beings are attracted to those they find beautiful. If you find other people beautiful, then you will be attracted to them and the thought of sleeping with them will cross your mind. This never changes. You just have to know what you want and not allow yourself to veer off track.

7) If you don’t ask, you won’t receive.
People don’t give handouts, but if you ask, then you may very well receive. Ask; it won’t kill you.

8) Getting off track happens.
Staying focused is essential, but difficult. You will get distracted and fall off track from time to time. What’s important is being able to get back on it as quickly as possible.

9) Losing yourself happens.
There are moments in life when you think you know yourself and then the next, you realize that you and the person looking back at you in the mirror have never met. Life is one long journey of losing yourself and then finding yourself again.

10) No one really gives a sh*t.
They really don’t. They may say they do. They may even make fun of you for it, but at the end of the day, they care more about their own problems and will forget about yours shortly.
later on, i just get "shoot" (criticized) from forum by "defuser" gaving me some feedback as shown below.
Simple question, how many job applications have you submitted since you landed in UK ? 

I got a lot of friends that came with me same batch to the UK, all also say want to find job here! But what they do everyday in the room? Play Dota, watch movie and go trips every weekend. When they are not doing that, they will be searching to trips to Spain ler, France ler, Italy and Swiss and will go when long holiday. At the end no job and go back complain say cannot find job here ler, too hard ler, but in actual fact they didn't even look for jobs, so how the hell do you think they can find job?
well, i couldn't argue much back but one thing for sure was we was not allowed to work during our summer degree program.
moreover, he might be right too as you can see i seems to be so "free" wasting doing nothing much such as blogging the Howard pub restaurant or some others weekend trip experiences.
in fact, he was right that other friend keep searching trips to other places instead of studying.

anyways, i just feel that the reason i writing this blog seems to be a confession of a boy who regret for making the decision to study at UK.
frankly speaking, if someone can blog about the whole experience for studying the continued program for Tarc SHU summer degree program, i don't think i would make the decision to spend the RM40K to come UK because i seems to be not really gain much knowledge in term of extra academic knowledge skills that can help in working environment other than the "open mind" feelings because most of the subject was related to what we study at Tarc advance diploma.
honestly, i do asked myself that "is this all UK experience was worth or not just for want to know about what is the feelings of "someone" (ex-classmate) who came here study last year although i know it is also for my own good to get a degree certification.

furthermore, no people would "compensate" me back the $$ that spend here after i feel "not worth" in some ways or i shall "jump aeroplane" (跳飞机) working in UK to earn money?
seriously every second moment here was so limited now and somehow it does remind me about the my very own "RM10 story" although i know i should not think about the past.
over time, i tends to be discover more and more "ugly truth" about myself and it just make me demotivated to continue blog about it although i was just using an anonymous identity.
perhaps it would be true that i will not longer update after i had completed this 90 days summer degree program and the Europe trip since it might be just a waste of time for doing nothing from the beginning of my blogging experience.
in fact, i still depend on those motivational quotes such as "Don't waste your time looking back for what you've lost, move on for life wasn't meant to be traveled backwards" to get myself cheered up for having a happy emotions.
(Self Expenses note: Today £4.20, Yesterday total £49.40, Total up to date £53.60)

Yates's Restaurant Sheffield Review Experiences

today i woke up at 8.50am.
after having the chocolate bread as my breakfast again, i just search some information.
somehow i don't really know how to say about my life again as it might sounds "boring" in some ways as it just look like i am so "free" for doing nothing while looking the time passed so fast.
around 12.30pm i went to my friend house as we planned to walk around the Sheffield city as i wish to have my lunch at outside again instead of eating instant noodle.
during the moment finding for food with friends, i seems to be quite picky because there is not much place that attracted me and i do know i was quite "wrong" in someway for deciding my final destination.
at the end, i decided to go to Yates's Restaurant Sheffield with friends because there was a promotion of 2 meals for just £7.95 in the selected menu.

then i just took some picture around of the front view gates, Yates's building with it's environment and the promotion menu such as the fish and chips special deal for £4.95.
after looking at the menu, i finally decided to choose the British wholetail scampi, chips and peas while another was chicken and bacon melt served with chips, tomato and peas with cheese smoky BBQ sauce but the portion was quite small as shown below.
well, the taste of British wholetail scampi was quite nice to eat than the chicken and bacon melt as my food review at there.
frankly speaking, i just feel myself seems to be like "very rich" to keep eat outside but i am not and sometime i faced a contradict feeling about balancing the "inner thought" about saving money or enjoying food because it is quite subjective sometime.

anyways, below was the detailed information about the Yates's pub and bar Sheffield restaurant.
Address : 2-6 Cambridge Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire S1 4HP, United Kingdom
Opening : Mon–Wed from 10am–11pm, Thu–Sat from 10am–2am, Sun from 11am–10:30
Phone : +44 114 275 5152
Email : yates.sheffield@stonegatepubs.com
Website : http://www.weareyates.co.uk/sheffield
overall i can conclude that if you ate at those cafe restaurant that offering promotion price ranged from £3~£5 per meal, the portion of the food will be definitely very small because the normal food price range cost around £6 to £10+ just like when i go to theOld Queen's Heador theHoward Pub Sheffieldrestaurant recently which explain what other's people means by you pay for what you get.

after that, we continue to walk around the city and i just guided my friend's to the Weston Park Museum although i had went there before.
besides, there is something quite worth to think about when my friend say that "why would you want to take picture just for prove that you had visited the place" because memory is better to stored in the mind instead of posting picture in social networking site that might be true in some ways.
moreover, i think i might make a wrong decision for not following to the Barcelona during the study week as i was struggling between "some inner thought being contradict about balancing $$ related" things last time.
anyways, i just took some picture that i the path we walk to the Weston park museum and some other river view, gallery and the igloo puzzle that placed up as shown below.
well, i feel that it is better to go with friend instead of going alone as you can talk something about.

furthermore, i would like to share the "Cute Miniature Hammering Steel" from the gallery as shown below or the link >>> Here.
somehow i do feel that i shall record my travel journey other than just took picture but i was afraid that i might accidentally took my own picture inside.
after that, i went to Castle market to help buy something since he went to Whitby today.
finally i arrived back home at 5.05pm and reload another £5 for my Lebara network.
then i went to do some clothes laundry that would take up to two hour and there was a China guy approached me for help to setup/installation of Ask4u wireless since he just arrived at the hostel today.
during the moment when helping him to fix his laptop wireless related setup things, i do have some conversation with him and get to know some new information.

honestly, i do have a feelings that people who came from China to study in UK tends to be came from a very rich background.
around 7.40pm i finished do the clothes laundry and continue to search some useful information such as the "80p Student Single" bus fare available in Student First Group package but the ticket is only available for travel on specific Sheffield bus services such as number 40, 44, 52, 81, 82, 84 and 85 from the driver.
after waited some friends back from their trip, i went to their house around 9.30pm to prepare some food for our dinner party and it is consider quite okay although the food is not very healthy since most of it was fried.
then we just continue with some card games and i finally reach home at 12.15pm.
well, my friend just left the Nottingham trips related information to me when i open the door as shown below.
guess i shall looking forward for my last weekend trip to Nottingham tomorrow.

at last, there is something for me to think when i received Peter comment about whether i should continue to blog/write or not because it might affect my later studies result.
after that, i just back up my whole blog and felt that my few years writing seems to be having a value of 32.8 MB in total size if being measured in a computer way as shown below.
moreover, i do received a feedback from "Defuser" which make me having some contradict feelings again as the details message was shown below.
I know blogging might be a type of therapy for you but i really really think you should not just only blog about things you want to do and actually do it. Its not healthy if you keep this up. Self pity is ok for awhile but at some point you have to suck it up and grab life by its balls. No one owes you a living, you have only got 1 chance in life and its up you to make the best thing ever or hell. 

Always have 1 goal in your life and then focus all your effort into making it happen. Say you want to have a million dollars by 30, keep that goal in your mind, do everything in your power to get there, don't get side track and don't let other people tell you otherwise, you are the captain of your ship.
maybe it was true that balancing the time between the blogging and studying time was quite complicated.
overall i just can say the truth of my current feeling seems to be keep worrying about a lot of stuff and i just had so many mixed up feelings together.
seriously i did ask about myself why so "stress" in life and the answer seems to be "blur" and left as an unknown in the end.
(Self Expenses note: Today £13, Yesterday total £53.60, Total up to date £66.60)

Nottingham Last Weekend Trip From The Hubs Sheffield

today i woke up at 7.05am.
well, this blog post seems to be my last "frustration" whining that i would wrote for the whole 10 weekend trip (York£10, Manchester United£18, Whitby£12, Blackpool£12, Liverpool£10, Cambridge£15, Leeds City£10, Cheshire Oaks£12, Newcastle £12 and Nottingham £10, total £121) and another 2 party (James Bond Party£5, Disney Party£5, total £10) organized by the Hubs student Union from Sheffield Hallam University which i bought during the first week of college as a Tarc SHU student.
the reason why i said it is "frustration" was probably because it is quite time consuming to write every weekend trip but i still do it since i hope it would last as a memory for myself and hope wish some "Tarcian junior" will not followed the mistaken footstep that i had made in future you can still decide whether it is worth to spend the $$ to continue study degree at UK or not after complete the advance diploma in Tarc.

anyways, this would be the continued part of last week's Newcastle weekend trip to and we would be no more trip after today's Nottingham trip.
around 7.40am we make a move from hostel to the hubs and i just heard that some friend did not go even though they had bought the ticket earlier as below.
well, i just feel that it is better to go to experience yourself although it sounds "boring" from others people review because different people have different opinion.
in fact, i do feel a bit "not worth" (不甘心) when i bought it at the original price while some people can buy it at lower than half price or even free as there will be people don't want to go at last minute.
therefore the "evil guide" was probably don't buy any ticket during thefirst week orientation daythat can save you some $$ or if you "thick face" enough, you can directly go since they did not check your ticket.

as usual we would be given a tourist attraction guide from the bus coach as shown below.
around 8.15am the bus make a move from Hubs and i just sleep inside the bus throughout the journey.
the travel journey from SHU to Nottingham took about 1 hour+ when we arrived there at 9.25am but we waited for each bus to drop off from the Broadmarsh bus station as shown below.
after that, we start to walk from there and i just took some picture along the way as below.
the first stop would be Museum of Nottingham Life at Brewhouse Yard and the oldest Inn in England Jerusalem as shown below.
then we went to Nottingham Castle Museum and took the Robin Hood statue along the way as below.
however, there was a admission charge of £5.50 to the castle and art gallery but we did not go in as below.
somehow i think it would be a waste for not going in when most of the people decide not to go.

moreover, i do feel that the whether was cold but i forget to bring along my jacket and we make a move to our next destination Playhouse Nottingham.
well, there seems to be nothing much to see when we arrived there other than the big mirror and i think it might because most of the shop was closed at Sunday as shown below.
anyways, we continue to walk to Nottingham Old Market Square while passing by St. Barbanas RC Cathedral and not very sure about the Albert Hall as below.
furthermore, i do saw Yates's restaurant was opened at there too and below some picture i took along the way to old market square after bought some instant noodle for £0.80 at Zhong Yin Oriental product shop.
in addition, i just record a video around the surrounding as shown below or the link >>> Here.
after walking for some time, we start to feel hungry and finding some restaurant to eat.

then we decided to have have our lunch at May Sum Chinese and Asian buffet Nottingham restaurant because there was a 10% promotion off for student that cost £6.25 from £6.95 price as shown below.
somehow i just feel that i don't really able to eat as much as i can after the second plate and below was some picture of the restaurant surrounding.
around 1.50pm we make a move from May Sum restaurant and walk to the nearby places such as Theatre Royal and Victoria Centre shopping mall as below.
next, we continue to walk to Contemporary museum and it was free to enter but i couldn't take the picture inside since it is prohibited as shown below.
after that, we walked to Gallery of Justice Museum but it require charges to enter as below.
somehow i start to feel that most of the tourist attraction require to pay for entrance fee.

around 3.30pm we went to the National Ice Centre and Capital FM Arena Nottingham but it seems that there is nothing much to see and below was some picture taken along the way.
our last destination would be Broadmarsh shopping centre and City of Cave was located inside but there is not much people at there as shown below.
at the end we decided to wait for our bus at Broadmarsh bus station since we had almost finish walk most of the places as below.
well, the bus make a move around 5.25pm when it reached the seat limits and i just sleep at the bus again.
finally we arrived to the Hubs at 6.25pm which was the earliest time i ever reach back hostel at 6.40pm among all the weekend trip experiences.
after that, i went to my friend house as he had prepared chicken rice as our dinner.

honestly, i still have some "afraid girls feelings" (女人恐惧症) whenever there was quite a lot of girls around and sometime still think about my past until this moment.
in fact, i do understand well that i keep carry this kind of "past story", i would never ever able to face it although a lot people said that time can cure everything.
after that, we just played some games while discuss a bit assignment and i finally reach home at 10.50pm.
anyways, i just get to know that Lee Chong Wei had lost to Lin Dan after suffering leg cramps and the final score is 16-21, 21-13, 20-17 as shown below.
another news was about the DOTA 2 championship whereby Swedish team had won $1.4 million as shown below.
sometime i do wondering whether what the skills i have other than just thinking so much of things.
anyways, i just feel that it is useless to think whether "worth or not" for "something" because it would just show that i am just a calculative or "small gas" person.
in conclusion, i shall be appreciate and be gratitude that at least i have the opportunity to come UK although i did feel a bit not worth for me to come after know my capabilities writing for university academic result.
Be positive!
(Self Expenses note: Today £7.10, Yesterday total £66.60, Total up to date £73.70)

Waiting Perseid Meteor Shower In Sheffield Hostel Alone?

today i woke up at 4.30am.
however, i just continue to sleep back and woke up again at 6.55am.
somehow i was awakened by some horror dream as i remember it is related to cow that hunting and eat human related story.
after that, i ate some chocolate breakfast and started to write the Nottingham last weekend trip blog pot since i had accidentally slept yesterday although i had set the alarm earlier.
once again i did feel that writing the details was quite time consuming as it had almost used up my morning time just for updating it.
around 12.30pm i cooked some instant noodle with eggs, crab stick, hams, squid rings and iceberg lettuce as my lunch.

well, the tripod stand that i bought from eBay website few day ago was arrived in time.
during the afternoon, i do procrastinate again by watching the latest episode of Shingeki No Kyojin, Hunter-X hunter, One Piece anime and 21st episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
somehow i do have some thought about the London city while looking at the Drama because what would you want to do if you know you can go to London anytime for about £2~20+ go and return ticket if you're lucky enough to get it cheap price from Megabus.
besides, i do read a quite meaningful blog post from Peekashu about "I don't know how I'm going to pay for my fees next year" and i just feel a bit self guilty for "whining + wasting time + money" that is related to "First world problem" while someone out there is struggling their life just to get into University.

therefore "my time" has passed quite fast as it reached the night as i was research some information and this week will be a rushing one for our assignment coursework mark again.
around 8pm i went to my friend's house and this time our dinner was prepared by a group of girls.
well, the food was quite nice since it has been a long time i did not ate the home cook food that prepared by girl besides than my mother in Malaysia.
moreover, there was some cake and cheesecake shared after the dinner.
finally i arrived back home at 9.30pm and try to look out for some assignment information.
on the other hand, it seems that Perseid Meteor Shower has become a hot topic in social networking sites.
according to Wiki, Perseids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle because the point from which they appear to come, called the radiant, lies in the constellation Perseus.

the peak hour of the Perseid meteor shower would be started from 11th to 12th August where the rate of meteors would reaches 60 or more per hour.
around 11pm i just try to record the meteor instead of waiting from my hostel's window alone in Sheffield UK with the camera tripod stand as shown below or the link >>> Here.
well, i was quite unlucky because there was no meteor shown up after i view back the video.
anyways, below was some meteor shower picture that i take from the internet.
later on, i just continue to do my assignment after finish "DDLY" (procrastinate) when doing things.
seriously my current feeling was "stress" again and i seem to "enjoy" this kind of feelings in some ways.
before i end my post, i would like to share a touching Cantonese video about family bonds as below or the link >>> Here.
basically the video talk about a father who missed her daughter that had pass away 3 years ago but still continue to pay for the phone's bill just to listen the voice mail message and below was the Chinese's description of the video.
somehow i just wish to go back to meet my parents and miss Malaysia too.
(Self Expenses note: Today £0, Yesterday total £73.70, Total up to date £73.70)

Happy Chinese Valentine's Day 2013 (七夕情人节快乐)

today i woke up at 6.40am.
after having my last few pieces of chocolate bread that is going to expire as my breakfast, i continue to do the a draft and research for the draft assignment.
somehow i couldn't finish it and decided to skip the last lecture of Product Innovation and Creativity (PIC) as it might not important which is about a guest lecture from the working industry.
around 10.55am i make a move from hostel to attend the PIC seminar class at Stoddart centre.
well, the tutor explained about the price quality strategy by Philip Kotler and discussed the financial evidence part of our group assignment.
besides, the tutor said it is no need to include the ATAR model (Awareness, Trial, Availability, Repeat) concept and i just feel that it was a waste for me to do it during the morning when i skipped the lecture.

then my friend just told me that this morning lecture was only very few people came (10++) and the guest lecture seems to be not very happy.
anyways, he said the lecture was about teaching you how to be entrepreneur, why use nature to do business, how a tiger protect its family, why it can dominant the forest and others since i did not get much details.
what i can say was i had make a wrong decision to skip the morning lecture but no use to regret now.
after the class end, i followed my friend to Hong Kong Wok (香港茶餐厅) restaurant to have our lunch.
well, this time we shared the seafood noodles but it was not very nice and i did feel a bit not worth for the price this time as it would be more worth to order the duck rice.
somehow i do feel to try other place since i went here before but just followed the majority decision as it cost around £4+ after shared with 2 people.

after that, we went to Aldi supermarket to see anything to buy and i just bought the Grapevine Merlot wine for £3.20 as shown below. (picture taken after arrived home)
nowadays i do feel that i seems to be "rich" for keep spending money without thinking much.
frankly speaking, if you really want to save the most money for food cost when living in Sheffield, the suggestion was not going to eat at any restaurant outside because you can just buy the spaghetti (£0.19 for 1 pack that can eat at least 3 time),  the Bolognese or Carbonara sauce (£1 for one bottle that can cook for at least 9 time), which means you only need to spend £15.70 [(£0.19 x 30 packs = £5.70, 1 day eat 1 packs for 3 meals, 30 days = 30 packs)+(£1 x 10 Bolognese/Carbonara sauce bottle = £10, used 9 time for 3 days so 30 days need 10 bottle)] total for just one month food cost while drinking the tap water but the problem here is can you do it?

however, i don't think anyone would do it although you can "show off" by telling others where you just use below £50 total expenses in food for 3 month of the Tarc SHU Degree summer program.
finally i arrived back  hostel at 3.55pm and received a parcel from the mail box which contain the FREE Kellogg's Special K Red Berries and Special K Chewy Delight milk choc bars as shown below.
then i just search some information and watched the 22nd episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
somehow i just wonder that maybe "love" can just happen in just few days and do liked the "La vie en rose" song played by Louis Armstrong inside the drama.
on the other hand, i think i had learned something from Nuffnang UK about some tools and did feel although they was just 2 month old of new start up company in London which might related to Nuffnang MY.

moreover, i just feel that every things that you encounter might be able to learn something because it is depend on how you see the matters.
anyways, i was quite agree with what they said about finding balance between writing for yourself and writing for your audience as the etiquette was "don't say anything that you would not say in a room full of people" which is quite true and also the reason i shall be continue stay as anonymous.
furthermore, until now i still not very clear about my future but i do know that i would be begging finding job when back to Malaysia. (or wash dishes in UK? @.@)
around 7.15pm i went to cook my dinner and this was my first time to cook the curry Tikka sauce mixed with sausage and turkey ham as shown below.
well, it was quite nice to eat that taste like "Roti Canai dipped in curry" and i was totally satisfied with it.

besides, today's was Chinese Valentine's Day (七夕情人节) and it is known as Qixi Festival or Magpie Festival that falls on the seventh day of the 7th lunar month in Chinese calendar.
therefore i would like to wish anyone who see this post a very Happy Chinese Valentine's Day (七夕情人节快乐) and Google do have their own doodles as shown below.
anyways, below was some nice Chinese Valentine's Day wallpaper that i taken from Google Image.
honestly, i did feel a bit "down" when looking back my last year Chinese Valentine's Day 2012 blog post and this would be the disadvantage of blogging in a diary way because you can't delete your past story if i still want to continue write about my life.
somehow i just drank the Grapewine and just "emoing" for some time while looking at the sky of my window wondering whether is there any Perseid meteor shower tonight.

furthermore, there is a thing that is quite worth to think about when a friend say that how would you able to have feelings towards a very ugly/fat girl if those "good guy" claims that they only see "heart" or good personality/attitude of girls instead of looking their appearance at their first impression.
in the end, i just feel that it is very subjective matters and a little hypocrite but why so care about other's opinion again? (talking with myself again due to loneliness)
before i end my post, there is a song that quite suite my currently feelings which is "Ding Dang Yi Ban" (丁当一半) as shown below.
later on, i continue rushing for my assignment after finish write this post.
anyways, i just can cheer myself up with some positive words again such as "Never ever frown, even if you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile" (就算你不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永不知道谁会爱上你的笑容) that might be true.
(Self Expenses note: Today £7.40, Yesterday total £73.70, Total up to date £81.10)

Rushing SMM Assignment

today i woke up at 7am.
then i just ate the Kellogg's Special K red berries cereal that i get yesterday as my breakfast.
around 8.45am i make a move from hostel to attend the E-Business Management lecture at Adsett Centre.
somehow the lecture class was teach by our seminar tutor's as it was about social, legal, economic, political and technological (SLEPT) factors with ethical issues and data protection sharing.
there is one sentences that i feel meaningful was "it is impossible to quantify everything whether it is right or wrong because the number of variable is so huge" told by the lecture.
for example, it is wrong to steal but we feel it is okay to download or copy mp3 music from the internet without having any guilty feeling for not paying to listen it. (referring to myself too as i often download images, music, videos)

anyways, i just recorded a bit of the lecture class for my own reference in future where i can try to experience and recall that moment when i back to Malaysia as below or the link >>> Here.
around 10.40am i reached back home because there was a strategic marketing management (SMM) assignment that need to be rush.
after that, i cooked some instant noodles with hams as my lunch around 11.50am.
besides, i just feel that it might not easy to get job in future when saw a friend talked about the issues after had been graduated with the same degree certification last year that i am going through now.
suddenly i do have a thought where i was wondering about the final objective of our life is to find a high paid job by showing off bragging or telling other's that we're successful in life with more luxury goods that we bought in order to be happy?

around 1.40pm i make a move from home again to attend the SMM seminar class.
the tutor just shared some robots related video such as "Day in the life with my bionic body""Self Driving Robot Car", "Cheetah Robot" and "Robot Killer Big Dog" that shows about the disadvantage of advancement technology as it might use in the military defense to kill people.
somehow it just make me recall a video about "A Creepy Robots that loves too much" as below or the link >>> Here.
moreover, i do feel demotivated to continue blogging about my life when the tutor mention about the privacy issues because most of the older generation people don't want to let other's know about their life but generation Y like us seems to be an "attention seeker" for keep telling others what we are doing by updating our Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare status and others social networking sites.

somehow the lecture's sharing about his life back in 20 years ago was far more happy than what we having now because that time don't have mobile phones and internet during his childhood.
in fact, it was also true that there is some sad case happened when someone had commit suicide when being bullied online.
perhaps this was the best time to stop all this blogging things and totally opt out all the internet and mobile connection in order to have a happy real life?
seriously i do understand that no people would really care or interest about the life you're having at the end of the day especially i am just an anonymous person.
moreover, there seems to be no reason for telling any stranger about how sad your life because they wouldn't even bother about it. (再怎么痛,再怎么难过,人家也看不到,也不会心疼你,你难过给谁看?)

finally i arrived back home at 4.10pm and i was "programmed" to watch the 23rd episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
somehow i do feel myself seems to be one of the character inside the movie where i keep "cheating" myself that i had totally forgotten and letting go about my past.
anyways, he was right that actually every journey would be a new journey of our life if we think positively.
after finished watch the drama, i just take a rest and the moment i woke up again was 7pm when a friend asked me to try some food.
around 8.30pm i just cooked instant noodles again as my dinner.
later on, i continue to rush my SMM assignment after i had finished written this post when i was out of idea.
anyways, i told myself to try to finish do it by tonight as tomorrow i would have the time to do a double checking before the presentation day.
at last, be positive and i can do it!
(Self Expenses note: Today £0, Yesterday total £81.10, Total up to date £81.10)

Blogging Does Not Help To Improve My English Level?

today i woke up at 7.20am.
after having the Kellogg's cereal as my breakfast, i just continue to rush my Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) group assignment.
during the afternoon, i just have some chocolate biscuit as my lunch as i still haven finish done it.
around 3.30pm i make a move from hostel to Adsett library with my group of friend to continue do my part of the assignment.
somehow i do feel that my English level still on the secondary school level when my friend does not understand some of my writings.
frankly speaking, i do have some thought again asking myself that "why blogging does not help to improve my English level" and wondering what i had done for trying to improve my English writing on the past?

seriously i don't really know whether blogging can helps to improve on my English level or not until now as it seems like i still "stuck" on the same level after so many years.
however, if i don't write or do anything, what would i be at this moment?
in fact, Peter do mention before that writing for UK people is different from Malaysia although i know there is not use to think about it now.
anyways, we finally settle and print our SMM group assignment and just feel a little relief about it.
around 7.15pm we make a move from the library and i reach back hostel at 7.35pm.
then i went to my friend's house and have some instant noodle as my dinner.
finally i arrived back home at 8.35pm and the only thing need to do was memorize with some understanding about the presentation for tomorrow.

honestly, i do watch the 24th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama but that was "skip watch" for only 5 minute peak as shown below.
anyways, today i don't really have much thing to update since there is not much thing happening.
in fact, this blog post was updated on tomorrow's after my presentation had finished.
before i end my post, i would like a meaningful video about "Life Is Too Short, Wake Up!" as below or the link >>> Here.
well, what would you do if you woke up one morning and you were 30 years younger?
somehow i was agree with what message the video trying to say was "I would laugh more, dance more, play more and love more" during my younger age moment.
therefore we should live each day with laughter before you wake up old and the greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation, grasp each second for that is all that matters.
(Self Expenses note: Today £0, Yesterday total £81.10, Total up to date £81.10)

Noodle Inn Centro Westfield Sheffield Restaurant Review

today i woke up at 5.15am.
then i just continue practice my Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) presentation slide after having some cereal as my breakfast.
around 8.45am i make a move from hostel and attend the SMM lecture.
well, the lecturer talks about "Branding" which is also our last chapter and shared the "1970 Sunkist Oranges TV commercial" to us for this subject.
somehow i was quite agree with what she said that we often looks about branding first before other thing.
for example, there was a case about Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola where the a group of respondent is being tied with a black cloth in their eye where need to test the both drink whether which one is more nice to drink in order to prevent bias towards brands.

the result was 51% people prefer Pepsi Cola, 44% people prefer Coca Cola and 5% unknown while being tied with black cloth in their eye but when the respondent being tested with open eyes, the result shown was 66% prefer Coca Cola and you can see how "Brands" decide buyer's decision.
moreover, i do feel quite meaningful about the marketing decommoditising your offer because "What you offer the market can never be product, any company can make a product, it has to represent a personality, a value, an attitude, in short, a brand" (Kunde, 2002) that might be true.
besides, she was quite right saying that every organization would have people who like and dislike, what they was trying to do was to minimize the people who dislike the product/brand/company/organization just like there would be people who talks bad about their experience in Sheffield Hallam University although i feel a little "guilty" in some ways.

perhaps it is because my mindset was not really that "positive/open" before came to UK to study as i keep counting whether worth or not for the RM40K investment until this moment.
after the lecture class end, i went to the seminar class to prepare for the presentation.
during my turn to present SMM assignment, i seems to be still having the "shaky" and not confident voice as i keep see with reading the slide when i forgot some points.
anyways, i just feel relief after our group presentation is over although i know it is useless to worry about the marks since it was already become the fact.
after that, we went to the Graduate Sheffield restaurant to see the menu but the price was quite expensive.
in the end, i decided to have our lunch at Noodle Inn Centro Westfield Sheffield although i had previously try the Noodle Inn in London Road.

well, we ordered the duck rice when i quite like to eat duck meat from the menu as shown below.
the portion of the duck meat with rice was quite big that cost £7 (shared with a friend £3.50) as below.
anyways, below was the detailed information about the Noodle Inn Centro that is located up on Westfield Terrace, between West Street and Division Street.
Address : 15 Westfield Terrace, Sheffield S1 4GH, United Kingdom.
Business Hour : Monday to Sunday from 11am to 10pm.
Contact Number : +44 114 270 0735
Website : http://www.noodleinncentro.co.uk
overall the experience Noodle Inn Centro was quite okay and their business seems to be so good when most of the seat was fully seated upon our arrival especially there was a lot of China (PRC) people around.

after that, we went to Simmonite Sheffield meat shop as they just opened there as i had read the article before about why they moved there from Castle Market which is located beside the Yates's restaurant.
next, we went to walk around the Heron frozen food market and i just bought some spicy fried chicken for £1.25 recommended by friend.
finally i arrived back home at 3pm and chat a while with my sister via Skype.
somehow my sister do asked my current moment in UK and i just say "okay" only so far but she just said "Aiyoh, at least you can go mah, some people want go also cannot lo" which make me feel "guilty" in some ways since i seems to be not fully enjoy my staying in Sheffield.
moreover, she might true that i should choose programming instead of "e-commerce and marketing" course back in Tarc College (TARCUC now) based on my introvert personality.

anyways, there is no use to regret and the only thing i can do was faster get my UK degree certificate and try to apply Bank's IT field job when i back to Malaysia although i don't have much IT related field knowledge but the most important for company employ staff was finding candidates who is willing to learn.
besides, she also shared some Buddha's KARMA related thing and the "suicide hell story" where there was a person who have "Heavenly Eye" (天眼) that can saw "the unseen" things as he had traveled to the hell and watched the punishment of those people who commit suicide need to repeat the process of how their die for 8000+ times everyday.
seriously it is quite subjective to talk about religion things because i do afraid "something" from it.
around 4pm i went to my friend house to discuss the PIC group assignment and arrived back home again at 5.30pm after it had end.

upon arrive to home, i just write my yesterday's "Blogging does not help to improve my English" blog post although i wish to watch the 25th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama but still haven watch it as shown below.
on the other hand, i think i had gain some valueble information about the "SEO related thing" through my blogging experience such as the "Iron Man 3 USB Malaysia" and other product review as i found out about the reason why those blogger who just focus blogging about IT related product can gain so high traffic.
in fact, the reason to get high traffic was to earn advertising money from Google in the end but that's was not my case since i had been banned long time ago and continue to "whine+write" for no reason. (LOL)
during the night, i went to my friend's house for dinner and it was quite nice to eat although i need to wash plate in the end since i did know much cooking and not contribute in cooking.

finally i arrived back home at 9pm and i had spend almost an hour watching the "卢军宏台长看图腾" video shared by my sister about the guy who have the Heavenly Eye as below or the link >>> Here.
seriously i don't really have much comment about it as i was afraid to "KARMA" although there was so many doubt when i watch the video.
for example, he just need to know the date of birth, name and other small info and he can directly search through all the information and explain for it no matter the person is alive or die from the Heaven or Hell about their current soul situation.
moreover, it can be "cure" if you have faith the "小房子" Mantra related thing as shown below.
anyways, it was about how the goods deed that you had done in this life in order to return (还债) your bad deeds that you done on your past life.

honestly, i really afraid to a lot of things as i had also done some "bad things" in my life although i was not a superstition person who believe in "fortune telling prediction" (算命) related things but do believe in Buddha KARMA.
furthermore, do you believe that your life have been fixed from the first day you born to this earth?
besides, we already know and very clear that we need to die at the end of our life but the things that important was do you feel happy or a done good deeds in this life?
overall i do feel quite afraid when writing this blog post when it related to "God" and religion things because if i bring wrong message or cause misunderstood, i might be end up in "Hell" after i had die.
sometime i do wonder about what would really happen for those people who did not have any religion in the end of their final day of life?
before i end my post, below was the Chan Fong "大城心事" sharing but there was only 2 recording podcast with the transcript for every Friday.
1) 第一位:Ken(35岁/ 餐厅助理)~他对于目前的工作感到很彷徨,不知道自己未来十年后的前景会如何,他打算转行做直销或保险不知道会不会有机会走出危机的困境。【陈峰大哥听完他的情况之后,觉得他需要更脚踏实地点、勤劳点还有认真去规划和想想自己目前的行业最终到底有没有可能赚到心目中所想要的那个数目;他也补充不是每个人必须考转行才能够赚取更多的收入(视个人的本事和能力基础到什么程度)】>>> Here.

2) 第二位:阿平(21岁/ 面包店助手)~他很想买车,但是因为目前自己的收入太低无法应付承担。【陈峰大哥问他想买车的目的究竟是为何,如果买了车之后造成经济严重负担就必须慎重的考虑,最后告诉他该趁着年轻时候赶快学会和学好所有老板的手艺经验然后再找机会跳槽】>>> Here.

3) 第三位:阿Leong(单身爸爸/ 太太已过世/ 育有两名6岁& 12岁的孩子)~上两个星期因为一场意外导致他单眼失明,现在他的孩子不敢让他负责载送他们上学;他想问有什么办法可管教他们使得他们更努力和用功读书。【陈峰大哥劝他不要用太粗俗和暴力方式去管教孩子,以免造成孩子的心理阴影和叛逆强烈反弹;最后可以接着宗教的力量去舒缓自己心里的压抑】

4) 第四位:阿Ken(22岁)~他很想出车,但是经济状况不稳定的他不知道该买新车还是二手车。【陈峰大哥建议他应该买一部便宜又经济的二手车,然后把钱存着让以后自己有经济能力买屋子】

5) 第五位:阿俪~她打电话进来传达了一个信息就是希望跟大家分享一个感受就是记得要珍惜和爱惜自己的亲生父母。

6) 第六位:Michelle(28岁)~他和拍拖两年的前男友分手后发现怀孕了,故事的来龙去脉结尾很长;没完没了。【陈峰大哥叫她首先把自己的身子调理好,戒掉每天吃药控制情绪的习惯白天心魔】

7) 第七位:Miss Yap~她打电话来给了之前那位单亲爸爸一个社会协助热线号码:04-588 6689(槟城分行)。

8) 第八位(最后一位):阿怡~她想问陈峰大哥怎样才能称得上是一位好的太太,她说自己本身跟家婆不能和睦共处,她更因为接受不了家婆的唠叨爱念因此选择回娘家住最后和丈夫“分居”。【陈峰大哥劝她不要再和丈夫长时间分开住了,免得日子久了有可能会出事闹家变甚至婚变导致家庭破碎,最后陈峰大哥希望她会懂得珍惜自己的老公而且可以赶快一家重新团圆(如果有可能就夫妻俩人一起买间屋子搬出去住)而避免吵架的最好方式就是尽量少回应】
in conclusion, i shall be happy after all things happened for a reason.
(Self Expenses note: Today £4.80, Yesterday total £81.10, Total up to date £85.90)

Speechless Within Myself

today i woke up at 7.45am.
after having the cereal as my breakfast, i continue to research the information for PIC group assignment.
around 10.50am i went to do the clothes laundry and collected it back at 12.40pm.
somehow i did do some other thing like update back my yesterday post during that laundry moment.
during the afternoon, i just cook some noodles as my lunch.
around 3pm i went to friend's house to do the assignment.
while searching through the shipping cost for our company outsourcing part, i do learn something about the 20/40'GP shipping container but couldn't know much about the exact information.
besides, the role play writing does remind me about my future when i search through the job related information for writing that part because it was so real that sooner i would face all those realistic stuff.

around 4.40pm my parent phoned and just have a very strong feeling after heard "something" (self reference) that almost make my tears drop where i start to questioned a lot stuff within myself.
on the other hand, i was get scolded by one of my friend about the assignment as i don't write much after all the research which end up i was like doing nothing.
seriously it was quite down to get scolded by team mate especially someone who know me for so many years and i just feel speechless during that moment.
honestly, it does recall me back about my past in Tarc College about those memories especially "that day" (don't feel like link it although it was few years ago but that only would show that i am not a forgetful person), which is about financial statement part that is also my weakest point.
during that evening at his house, i tends to be not writing much too.

somehow i do feel despair when i asked myself why i can gave so much opinion in blog but not in real life academic assignment where i seems to be no idea to write anything.
therefore i would "give the blame" to blogging which make me "lose" in some ways and this might be the side effect or disadvantage of writing so much own assumption opinion as i don't really have much knowledge in writing for academic assignment.
perhaps i was just an "empty shell" in myself after acted/trying to be strong that i am capable although i did know is my own problem.
around 7.05pm i reached home and cooked some instant noodle as my dinner.
during the night, i continue to find those information and went to my friend house at 11pm.
here goes my second round of get scolded for the assignment and i just feel speechless again with stress.

finally i arrived back home at 2.05am and just feel so tired after all things happens.
in conclusion, i just feel speechless within myself for the whole day as i seems to be look like a "free rider" in this group and ended up do the marketing mix part when my friend helped me to do some financial part after get scolded badly.
if really want to explain for "something" like this happen, maybe it was my KARMA to encounter such problem after so many years of "DDLY" (procrastinate) and my own weakness.
actually if all things finished, i would be at land's end trip now when a friend offered me a very good discount deal that cost £100 for 3 day 2 night.
overall today's did not have a very good feeling as i can't really utter any words back when being scolded.
tomorrow would be a hard day for me as most of my friend went to Chatsworth House and Garden while i would be stressing up myself for complete the assignment as our presentation would be on this coming Tuesday. (20th August 2013)
(Self Expenses note: Today £0, Yesterday total £85.90, Total up to date £85.90)

Rushing PIC Group Assignment

today i woke up at 9.40am.
well, there was no weekend trip anymore like last's week Nottingham trip from the university.
therefore i just focus on rushing for the product innovation and creativity (PIC) group assignment after having chocolate bar as my breakfast.
somehow my current feeling was stress and the time seems to be passed so far as i trying to re-write those information available on the internet using my own words.
around 12.20pm i cooked some instant noodle as my lunch. (might "die" soon for eating unhealthy food)
then i just continue do the PIC assignment and sent to my friend at night as i wouldn't feel speechless again.
seriously it was true that if you stress and use a lot "brain juice" to think for assignment, you would easily felt tired although you try to stay energetic.

during the night, i went to my friend's house to cook instant noodle (zzz) as my dinner again when they were just back from the Chatsworth House and Garden.
well, i just get to know that you can get a great discount where you just need to pay £9 instead of £14 for the student ticket if you buy in a large group through my friend's sharing.
therefore i can conclude that it is better to go in a big group to Chatworth instead of going alone (solo trip) like i did last time.
in fact, i do understand that the world is all about collaboration between people instead of doing things alone as those people who like to do thing alone might "die" (lost a lot) at the end.
moreover, my friend just say that he not really want to scold during yesterday but it due to the unfinished task given to us.

actually i do understand that the full report of PIC group assignment need to be submitted by next week (27th August 2013) and the presentation for this coming Tuesday was to refer it.
finally i arrived back home at 9.10pm and trying my best to sleep after 10 minutes at 9.20pm.
unfortunately i can't really sleep although i had close my eyes and lay down in bed for quite sometime.
therefore i woke up again at 10.10pm and read some news such as the "泰國的傳奇人物─白龍王" and it does caused me to have some superstition feeling in some ways.
later on, i just hope that i would faster fall asleep and i decided to drink some Merlot's grapevine (wine with 13.5% alcohol) but it seems not bring much effect to sleep.
it is because my plan was to sleep before 12am and work up at 5am in order to continue the PIC.
anyways, i just drink more wine around 11.35pm in order to make myself fall asleep fast.
(Self Expenses note: Today £0, Yesterday total £85.90, Total up to date £85.90)

First Time Cut Hair In Sheffield At Mirror Talk Hair and Beauty Salon

today i woke up at 6.45am.
before i continue to write this post, i just feel myself seems to be "abnormal/crazy" in someway as i was in a "frustration+despair" feeling after the PIC presentation was over today (Tuesday) while still writing my yesterday's (Monday) feeling and all content was based note's in my phone.
seriously i discover a lot of my own "personal ugly stuff" whenever i keep writing more that would affect my real life but i seems to be still doing it. (=.=)
anyways, after having some cereal as my breakfast yesterday, i do procrastinate by waiting the One Piece anime during the morning.
around 10.45am i went to my friend to continue rush for the Product Innovation and Creativity (PIC) group assignment that we will be presenting tomorrow.

after some discussion at my friend house, i make a move from there around 1.50pm because want to buy something and get my hair cut.
well, i went to Castle Market and bought the "出前一丁" (instant noodle) as i can say they provide the cheapest noodle that cost £1.50 for 4 packets after compared with all other Chinese oriental shop nearby as shown below.
after that, i took Freebee bus to reach The Moor as i would go to Aldi supermarket later.
then i decided to cut my at Mirror Talk Hair and Beauty Salon as there was a £5 promotion for gent's as shown below.
somehow i do face some difficulties when communicating with the hair stylist because her English ascent was quite hard to listen but she can guess i am from Malaysia from my appearance.

at the end, i couldn't tell her properly about trimming my hair's sideburns when it was in a "---" shape instead of a "V" shape like the normal Asian Chinese haircut after search some related picture but couldn't found in my mobile partly because of wrong keyword used.
anyways, the overall cutting experience at there was quite good for £5 and below was some surrounding that i walk through.
then i just went to Aldi supermarket and spend another £2.80 to buy some food as it was my first time to buy the spaghetti that only cost for £0.19 per pack as shown below.
around 3.10pm i reached back home and try to cook the spaghetti by putting some hotdog, hams and crab stick with Tikka sauce as shown below.
the taste was quite nice to eat and it might be true that eating spaghetti is healthier than instant noodles.

after that, i went to friend house again for rushing PIC group assignment.
around 8.30pm i just ate some fried rice and wedges at my friend's house as my dinner.
then it is all about the assignment things again and i finally arrived back home at 1.40am midnight after all the presentation slide has been settled.
somehow i had missed the 26th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as i don't have much time as shown below.
besides, i also just bought a 8GB SanDisk memory card for £5.20 from eBay for my camera as below.
overall today's feeling was just "okay" only as it is quite contradict/weird to update something that happened from yesterday's with the next day feeling.
honestly, not much people would understand my intention of keep writing as Henry thought i blog for earning money and i just ended up "butthurt" when there is no $$ earned other than Nuffnang giving me RM0.20 cent per day if you had ever read my first Nuffnang payment after 4 years. (LOL, not even worth)
seriously i really need a place to express myself but over time, blogging seems to be not very helpful as it can affect my real life in someway after so many year of continuous writing, yet i still do it again after all, funny isn't?
in fact, i was just an anonymous person and who would care it anyways?
(Self Expenses note: Today £14.50, Yesterday total £85.90, Total up to date £100.40)

Feeling Of Last Assignment Group Presentation In Sheffield

today i woke up at 7.20am.
then i continue to practice my PIC presentation after having some chocolate bar as my breakfast.
around 9.40am from hostel and walked to Stoddart centre.
well, the tutor came at 10.40am and there was another 2 people joined to monitor the overall presentation.
frankly speaking, i do feel quite stress when get know that there is 3 tutor to monitor our presentation instead two person.
moreover, i start to feel worry when listen to other friend's presentation as i saw there seems to be a lot mistake for my part.
during my turn to present my part, i seems to be have some "panic" moment again as i was "blanked" in some ways that suddenly me make me feel "haunted" about my past.

in the end, i end up reading the slide as i had forgotten something when my stress came especially when i saw the tutor face seems to be not very happy.
seriously i totally feel very bad about myself because i might ruin my team mates marks.
in fact, i start to dwell again and having some negative thought such as "All of my ugly face expression has been showed up to my current classmate" as i just feel to "hide inside a hole now" during the moment i walk back home.
somehow i just feel despair and speechless because after so many years, i seems to be not improving much although keep saying want to change to another person.
furthermore, i would find something to blame such as "blogging" that caused me to having some "disability" to communicate with REAL people.

sometime i don't really mean to have such "over-dramatic" or self pity thought but that my real thought after the presentation instead of keep hiding or pretend it doesn't happen inside my heart.
another thought that keep pop up in my mind was "Wow, just a presentation also can make me think until like the end of the world, how would i able to face my future working challenge" in real life.
on the other hand, i did asked myself what would i really can do after graduate other than whining about life?
in addition, i would even start to be superstitious about the "KARMA" thing because if those things that happened to me now couldn't be explained well, it must be my bad Karma finding me now.
finally i arrived back home at 1.40pm and cooked instant noodle as my lunch.
actually i was planning to go some nice place to eat but looking at my current mood, how would i able to "reward" myself after the presentation although it was the last assignment group presentation in Sheffield.

seriously i just hope that time could pass fast especially "my ugly face expression" has been seen by people and i hope they would forget it fast because i know myself well about my own "ugly face expression" when i look in the mirror.
besides, i do hope to seek for some counseling about my psychology mindset if possible as i start to feel something really "wrong" within myself when i update my yesterday post. (我心里不平衡?)
moreover, have anyone ever heard before about a saying's that "if you spend X time to do something and you want to cure it, you need to spend 3 times of the X time to correct it back" in life.
for example, if i want to quit my blog after writing for almost 6 years, i would need 18 years to train my real life communication skill with people.
therefore this might be the reason why until now i still remain single after so long.

it is because i think that if i can't able to take care about myself, how would i able to take care for other's people and what would a girl think about me if they saw that i had such a negative thought as this would be a reason why i prefer to stay as an anonymous person to express my feelings.
in deed i do admit that i felt lonely when think about "someone" some time.
during the evening, i just saw a video about "The Innovation of Loneliness" as below or the link >>> Here.
seriously i just feel totally demotivated when i saw the video when it say's "Instead of building true friendships, we are obsessed with endless personal promotion, investing hours on building our profile, pursuing an optimal order of words in our next message, choosing the pictures in which we look our best, all of which is meant to serve a desirable image of who we are. We are expecting more from technology, and less from each other" which seems to be referring to myself.

maybe we just want to find someone to "Like" us in the end of our day?
honestly, i do feel "down" after writing for so many years as this might be what people say that you will not continue to blog about your life in long term because it might "devour" yourself in the end.
anyways, i just feel so tired to think about it and went to take a nap.
the moment i woke up again was 7.40pm and went to my friend house to cook instant noodle as my dinner again while watching the Lord of the Ring movie from the television.
actually my friend was going to Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Club Sheffield tonight after saying for so long but i was not joining since i feel like not getting any invitation or i should ask that i want to go?
however, my "self torturing" thought that i shouldn't be keep going out after having bad presentation had prevented me from even asking about it.

after i reached home, i just continue to watch the previous and the latest 27th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
somehow i start to like one of the song played that named "Maybe You'll Change Your Mind" by Peter Marsh in the drama as shown below or the link >>> Here.
seriously i really like the lyrics especially those that highlighted in purple as shown below.
Memories, never die.
Our faces just can't lie.
People they changes as time, goes by.

Valentine and Christmas eve,
Time just seems to fly.
People they changes as time, goes by.

We could get old, with memories of gold,
Sitting at our rocking chair.
I can see, you and me living without again.
So my dear, now it's clear,
Your faces just can't lie.

Some people say I've been blind.
You have to be cruel to be kind.
Maybe you'll change your mind, one day.

I look at myself in the mirror,
Try to raise a smile,
I wish I could see you and me together for a while.

So my dear, now it's clear,
Your faces just can't lie.
Some people say I've been blind.
You have to be cruel to be kind.
Maybe you'll change your mind, one day.
well, i just can say that i am not trying to be an "overly-drama-king" here when placing the lyrics here but that's is what i feel about "someone" although i know it shall be over long time ago.
before i end my post, i would like to share something positive about "7 Rules of Life" as shown below.
1) Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
2) What others think of you is none of your business.
3) Time heals almost everything, give it time.
4) Don’t compare your life to others and don’t judge them. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
5) Stop thinking too much, it’s alright not to know the answers. They will come to you when you least expect it.
6) No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.
7) Smile. You don’t own all the problems in the world.
(Self Expenses note: Today £0, Yesterday total £100.40, Total up to date £100.40)

Oriental Bites Chinese Food Restaurant Sheffield

today i woke up at 7am.
after having some biscuit as my breakfast, i make a move around 8.45am and went to attend the E-Business Management (EBM) lecture at Adsetts centre.
well, the morning EBM lecture was teaches the last chapter that is about E-Business initiatives and implementation to the future.
somehow there was a question shared that is quite worth to think about which is "Are you imaginative or clever enough to fully utilize all the advantages of technology" in order get a competitive advantage.
moreover, i think it is true that our generation would be a very competitive world since the availability of information is overload in the internet when compared to older generation day's where the information is scarce and the fundamental of business is just about making profit, profit and profit.

for example, when you read a bad review a certain product, food, movies and other review, would you be consider to go for it when a lot of people say it is bad and i believe most of us would be get influence in some ways as this had proved that's why it is hard to do business nowadays when compared to olden days.
moreover, this concept is like you had opened a "Char Kuay Teow" van's stall and you don't really know how to cook well, then your customer complain it is not delicious and you just need to move on to another place until you found those customer that taste okay with your food which is similar to "cheat customer's first time" experience from all over the states.
anyways, i just recorded the EBM lecture for my future reference as below or the link >>> Here.
after that, we went to Owen building to get our Europe trip letter get signed from the guide as below.
somehow there was not many people queue up since we did not follow the schedule time.

besides, my friend's just shared the Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Club experience yesterday's since i did not go and it is about the "strip girl" thing where the girl will take off her clothes in the top but not all and if you would like to see a totally naked body with her dancing, you need to pay £10 as she would take you to a private room and dance inside and there would no "hanky panky" happening.
somehow i just feel that this scenario seems to be a prove that "you can buy a person's dignity with money" although it sound quite sarcastic to treat a girl like a product in some way. (i don't mean to get anyone offended as it is just based on my personal opinion when i see other's people)
anyways, i shall be happy for not going to experience it although it sounds quite horny right?
around 11.30am i arrived back home and cooked the spaghetti with Tikka sauce as my lunch as i am trying to cut down my consumption of instant noodle.

on the other hand, i just read some news and saw there was a bus crash in Genting Highland as there was some people get killed.
somehow i have a superstitious thought again because this accident happened during Hungry Ghost festival where all the ghost would come out from hell to "eat" in Chinese tradition believes.
honestly, i still feel "down" thinking back my yesterday's last assignment group presentation because my weak presentation skills has been shown to my classmate although i know it is no use to think about since it has been over now but it just driving me "crazy" in some way when someone keep mention about it.
around 1.35pm i make a move from hostel to attend the EBM seminar class.
well, the tutor teaches about "Running the business from the palm of your hand" case study and i think i have learned something from there although it sound quite common.

for example, "What kinds of application are described in the case; what business functions do they support; how do they improve operational efficiency and decision making" and the answer would be "communication application, collaborative application, location based application and others for application; interaction, illuminate wastage, increase productivity, filter information data for business function; get real time information, speed up process for improving operational efficiency" as i thought other things but this seems to be quite important for the upcoming final examination at 3th September.
after the class end, we went to walk around the area and i decided to buy the chicken chop fried rice recommended by one of my friend at Oriental Bites Chinese food restaurant that near to Barclay's bank.
well, i just took some picture and there was have other choices for £2.80 food from the menu as below.
in fact, i think this shop would be the cheapest Chinese food stall available among all others shop.

anyways, below was the detailed information about the Oriental Bites restaurant in Sheffield.
Address : 94 Pinstone Street, S1 2HQ Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Contact Number: +44 7552 537289
overall the chicken chop rice with curry gravy was quite worth to eat although the appearance of it looks was not that good as shown below.
around 4.30pm i reached home and just watched the 28th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
somehow i still like the song "Maybe You'll Change Your Mind" by Peter Marsh because the lyrics was quite meaningful although it sound quite "emo" in some ways.
frankly speaking, i do feel quite tired to think so much things again later on at the night.

around 8pm i went to my friend's house to have dinner and the chicken curry was nice to eat although i was quite full.
then we just have some chat and paid £5 as the weekly food sharing cost for our dinner.
upon arrived back home, i just search some related information and the extra weekends trip to Stratford Upon Avon (£15) from University has been canceled due to the lack of interest from student.
moreover, i do saw some friends has went to London again for this week since there was not much class and final exam coming soon.
in fact, the journey to London is just like going to Johor Bahru from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia if you want.
however, i still haven plan for my London trip after exam and start to feel quite worry in some ways.
before i end my post, i would like to share a video about "Letter to my neighbor woman" as shown below or the link >>> Here.
somehow it does make me feel a little "goosebumps" especially this month was the Hungry Ghost festival.
in conclusion, today's i am trying to be happy by not to think about yesterday's incident as it just make me feel down when saw my very own "ugly" personality.
(Self Expenses note: Today £7.80, Yesterday total £100.40, Total up to date £108.20)

Patisserie Valerie Cafe Sheffield Experience

today i woke up at 6.40am.
then i just have some chocolate Mars bar and cereal as my breakfast before going anything.
nowadays i seems to be not very free to updates my post as i would delay it until next morning to write it back just like my yesterday's Oriental Bites Chinese restaurant post.
however, i can sense that i would be no longer able to update soon especially during the 15 days Europe trip although i understand that there is no longer a need or necessary to update my life in future after experience the advantage and disadvantage of blogging as not much people would really understand.
sometime i do feel myself quite "funny" to give up/let go of some effort where i had spend about one to few hour a day to write my life.
in fact, i really hope that i could able to complete my 365 post for this year with my last post on the final day.

anyways, the future is so uncertain and no one would really predict what would happen tomorrow just like the Genting Highland bus incident that there was a 37 people death and the survivor shared their story for being alive at >>> Here.
during the morning, i just spend my time procrastinate by watching some Youtube video as there was no class for today.
besides, i would like to share an interesting video about "The Stolen Happiness" (谁偷走了快乐) as shown below or the link >>> Here.
actually i had watch that video long time ago but it seems to be quite nice to watch back again now.
somehow i do have the similar feelings that "things that are too good, are not mean for everyone" (那些太美好的, 不见得每个人能够拥有) as i felt before last time.

moreover, i do questioned myself that "i seems to own a lot of precious thing in my life, but i still feel the emptiness in my heart, why i can't still possess happiness" (我生命里拥有那么多美好的事物,为什么心还是感觉空荡荡的,为什么我还是拥有不了快乐) just like what being shown in the short film.
in fact, i do understand that secret to happiness was no one can take away your happiness because it is all about a person's mindset as if you try to change your state of mind, you might found the happiness" (谁也没办法偷走快乐,也许,换个心境, 就能够拥有,快乐) which is quite true.
around 1.30pm i make a move to Patisserie Valerie Cafe Sheffield with some friends as there was a promotion discount of £10 for four pieces of different flavor of cake.
well, it is quite easy to go there since the shop just beside Barclay's bank as shown below.
somehow i do have a "so close, yet so far" feeling when know it was just so near.

well, i just ordered the Chocolate Mousse cake with some friend choosing other flavor as shown below.
furthermore, below was the menu and some picture that i took from the internet.
actually the reason we did not dine in was because there was a surcharge of service tax that cost almost 1/3 of the cake price.
therefore we just buy it and went to other place to eat although the environment inside the cafe was nice.
below was the detailed information about the Patisserie Valerie Cafe in Sheffield.
Address : 11, Barkers Pool, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2HB, United Kingdom.
Opening Times : Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm, Sunday from 10am to 6pm
Phone : 0114 2756987
Website : http://www.patisserie-valerie.co.uk

overall the cake was nice to it but it seems to lose to RT Pastry House and Secret Recipe cake back in Malaysia for my past experience.
after that, we went to shopping around that area and i just realized Tkmaxx do sell quite worth to buy clothes as it was match with their slogan of "Big labels, Small prices" but with limited stock.
around 4.50pm i arrived home and quickly get myself prepared as i would follow my friend to Norfolk Heritage park to play some football after "missing" for so long.
frankly speaking, at first i do have some not satisfied thought but feel okay and released some stress in some way after finished playing football.
around 7.15pm we make a move from there and i reached home at 7.40pm.
then i went to my friend house to cook some noodle as my dinner but they wanted to go out.

however, i insist cook my own stuff as i don't feel like going anywhere at night.
honestly, i did feel not happy in toward "something" but just feel that it is better to keep inside heart rather than express it out by writing in.
over time, i seems to be lost the capability to express much the "real me" and i feel that there is no longer a purpose to write anymore if doesn't represent the reality about myself.
in fact, not everything can really said out because it might "haunt me" in future no matter how anonymous i am and this would be the reason why i feel insincere within myself that is quite "disgusting" in some ways.
seriously i really want to express it out here but that thought was too negative and no use to say as it would just "hurt" myself in the end.
after that, we just have some fried food and playing some games.
finally i arrived back home at 12.05am and watched the 29th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
overall today mood just seems to be "okay okay" only and do feel a little "suck" within myself for being a "fake" person in something.
sooner or later, i can sense i would get devour by my own self as it was quite tiring to still writing this post but i do it again. (hypocrite +sarcastic?)
(Self Expenses note: Today £5.50, Yesterday total £108.20, Total up to date £113.70)

Happy Cook London Road Sheffield Experience (喜洋洋伦敦路)

today i woke up at 8.15am.
before i continue to write this post, suddenly i just felt "speechless" about my today's happening after overloading with various type of information when i was not "productive" by doing something useful.
after having some cereal as my breakfast, i make a move from hostel to attend the Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) lecture at Adsetts center.
well, i was wrong to think that last week was the last chapter for "Branding" because there was one more chapter to go after today's topic was about Relationship Marketing.
somehow i was agree that the secret to a successful business is to giving or contribute more to the customer and also beyond their expectation just like the wine bottle story shared about a customer accidentally broke the wine bottle when she arrived home but the shop refund her with the same amount of broken wine bottle.

however, it was "irony" to understand that how people judge others was based on a person's value (materialistic?) as the objective of business is to identify "Very Important Person" (VIP) and treat them differently by giving more because they was the main contribution of company's profit.
well, i just feel that actually this is the same theory about why employee will "brush their boss shoes" or why beautiful girl would be more interest to entertain or marry rich guy because it might be true that what people want was to hope to get some "value" in return. (sorry if anyone get offended since it was purely my very own "imaginative thought" and i might be wrong for saying that, who know i would end up doing it in future?)
after the lecture end, we went to attend the SMM seminar class early and the lecture explain about the pass year examination with "Borderline, 3rd/2nd" and first class student answer.
seriously i was feeling afraid to think about it since there is 11 more days to go for our final examination.

actually my major concern for the final examination was i might not be able to write the essential key point to answer the question with different kind of strategic marketing concept model.
after that, we make a move around 12.45pm and went to Happy Cook restaurant that near to London Road Sheffield to try out the stone bowl meal dishes as there was a promotion discount.
upon arrived there, there was quite a lot of people which partly because of the lunch special promotion for Hot Chinese Buffet that cost £4.95 as shown below.
well, i just ordered the mixed seafood stone bowl meal and my friends orders other thing from the menu as shown below.
when my mixed seafood meal arrived, it seems that there is not much different from website as shown below.
guess the only different was the egg and color from their page is more attractive than the real one.

anyways, below was the detailed information about Happy Cook Indoor BBQ, Chinese Hot Pot, Korean BBQ, Stone Bowl Meal restaurant in Sheffield. (喜洋洋伦敦路中西式自助火锅和韩国烧烤餐馆)
Address: 169-171 London Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S2 4LH, United Kingdom.
Phone: +0114 258 8866
Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday from 12:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Website: http://www.happy-cook.co.uk
overall the the stone bowl meal there was nice to eat with a free ice-cream for £4.90 (after £2 discount promotion) but it is quite expensive to eat there if convert back to Malaysian ringgit.
somehow i just feel myself seems to be so "rich" to keep eating outside although i was planning to save some money for my upcoming days. (guess this is call as hypocrite?)

on the other hand, i feel it was true that how others people can earn so much money by playing currency exchange (FOREX) because if you had look of the Great Britain Pound (GBP) currency, the exchange rate was for Malaysia Ringgit was £1 to RM4.70 back in month of May 2013 but now it had cost RM5.20+ (Website statistic is RM5.13772) for the local currency exchange shop in UK.
for example, if you able to persuade people to borrow you RM1,000,000 and buy it all at RM4.70 per GBP during May, you would probably earn RM106,000 if you sell it back now at RM5.20+ right?
therefore this can prove that why some people can so easily earn money in Forex although it is quite subjective because who would really be able to predict the future.
however, you can observe and get some common sense to understand why the currency rates increased when a lot people spend money in UK or the new birth of the new prince Royal baby rumors.

finally i arrived back home at 3.10pm and received the 8GB SD card that i bought from eBay as below.
besides, i was procrastinate again by watching the Naruto anime and 30th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
after some moment, i felt quite tired and went to take a quick nap.
the moment i woke up again was 7.30pm and went to my friend's house to cook some noodle as my dinner.
upon reach home, i just see some news as it was quite sad to read the "Syrian chemical strike" news and if you understand Chinese, you can watch the video as below or the link >>> Here.
honestly, i do feel "guilty" about myself again in some ways because their problem was about whether can continue to stay alive or not for tomorrow while myself seems to be keep "self pity/emo" about how hard life is as i seems to be not appreciate much that i am still living despite all the problem that arise.

besides, i was quite "down" when read the "20 Things You Need to Stop Doing" when the first one about "Stop Doubting Yourself" seems to be referring to myself because "If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody will. Success starts in your mind, and if all you’re doing is putting yourself down and predicting failure, it’ll become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of doubting yourself, think positively. Not only will you be happier and more successful, you’ll spread it to everyone around you" that is quite true.
before i end my post, i would like to share the Chan Fong "大城心事" sharing story again with the recording podcast link as shown below.
1) 第一位:May~她自从生了女儿之后就一直很想自杀,又经常和丈夫吵架,原因是因为丈夫希望她能把从远在外坡和外婆(既她母亲)同住的孩子接送回来一起住,其实她很担心自己的孩子将来的身心发展。【陈峰建议她,可以紧接着有学校假期的时候安排过去和孩子见见面相处,另外是应该尝试多学习如何跟老人家相处】>>> Here.

2) 第二位:黄先生~不知道是谁一直苦苦哀求他家人他的公司两年了,他不知道对方这样做的目的到底是为了照顾大家的利益还是纯粹为了个人的好处。【陈峰大哥听完他之前的说明后,觉得他在很多方面都是处理很得很好,而且很脚踏实地】>>> Here.

3) 第三位:阿平(上个星期打过电话进来的)~他想告诉陈峰大哥,他决定在家里自己做了一些新口味的面包或蛋糕然后摆在老板的店里卖,老板没有拒绝他的要求但是也没有答应,可能是双方的利益和条件方面还没完全达成共识;他想问陈峰大哥有什么更好的应对措施。【陈峰大哥建议他应该试着把自己所要求的利益稍微再降低一点,以符合目前的环境和大家的利益考量和需求】

4) 第四位:Jessie~她说她弟弟患有强迫症,曾经看过好几个心理医生但是情况也没有什么改善甚至做任何事情也都无法坚持太长久。【陈峰大哥觉得还有某个部份或许是这个病患的自信心太低,需要接着更强大的辅导才能够渐渐获得加以改善,陈峰大哥也不能太确定是否回答完整,比较这是涉及关系到心里医生的专业部份】Part 3 + 4 >>> Here.

5) 第五位:Jannice(28岁/ 单亲妈妈/ 育有一名女儿)~目前已注签名册结婚但是未行华人婚礼,但是老公却在这个时候信息她说很想离婚(对方想离婚的理由是想和初恋情人重新复合),甚至还直言说离婚后连女儿都不要了。【陈峰大哥和她做了一个一个对比之后,已经很显然她的这位丈夫并不是一位好男的人。离婚得早其实并不是一件坏事;怪只怪自己当时没有戴眼镜识人(但是也奉劝她不要在女儿面前说她爸爸的坏话以避免制造下一代的怨恨)】>>> Here.

6) 第六位:单亲妈妈分享的经验 >>> Here.

7) 第七位:阿宏(32岁/ 装修工头)~他是在新加坡工作的大马人大约是两年多,但是已经换了三份工作,他想知道是他自己个人的问题还是公司的问题。【陈峰大哥对于他的问题的回答:是他个人对于工作的态度问题,并且叫他需要认真检讨一下】>>> Here.

8) 第八位(最后一位):Apple(22岁)~她也是一个已经和先生注册结婚将近两年了,但是拖到现在还未正式行华人婚礼。>>> Here.
after spending my "precious time" listening to all those story, i just can comfort about myself that "it is just my time haven arrive yet" in term of relationship but the "love" seems to be fade away in our generation as there will be nothing call as "eternal love" because you can be in a relationship with any girl just in a timing, place and other related factors.
in addition, life is full of possibilities and the girl that you like might be having a great time with her new partner now while you're just "sadding" alone there that is totally useless to think about.
over time, i had saw my own blogging intention has been changing from time to time as i was trying to tell the whole world that there is a guy who "emo" for "something" if you ever saw my top page views stat as below.
moreover, i just asked myself about what i am trying to "prove" or gain after all this years besides than keep whining like a kid going in a darker way and guess my "dark secret" would be forever bury inside my heart.
frankly speaking, i do wish someone can share about their whole SHU experience in UK so that i would save the $$ but i had found none over time.

however, this concept is just like watching a movie without paying $$ by downloading it as i believe most of the people who had downloaded a movie will not watch the same movie in cinema right?
in the end, judging whether worth or not to come UK was quite subjective because different people have different experience.
later on, we just celebrate a friend birthday as it does recall me back some memories when we celebrate at Wow Box Sungai Wang last year.
then i just continue to edit some report and would be sleep late tonight.
in conclusion, i realized that knowing or analyze too much information seems to be just making a person feel more stress as there was no exact answer for certain things.
(Self Expenses note: Today £6, Yesterday total £113.70, Total up to date £119.70)

Ji Mo Lai Le Zen Me Ban Kenji Wu (寂寞来了怎么办 吴克群)

today i woke up at 7.30am.
somehow my morning day's tend to be "wasted" in some ways as i did not do much productive things again after having cereal as my breakfast.
frankly speaking, i was having the "afraid" feeling most of my time in UK because i was keep judging whether it is worth or not with the limited time i had.
around 12.40pm i just cooked a "fusion style" of instant noodle combining with spaghetti as my lunch.
during the afternoon, i have some chat with my sister back in Malaysia via Skype.
sometime i don't really able to control the "water inside my eyes" as it would "flow out" after expressing myself about "something".
anyways, i think the reason for getting "stress+not happy" was probably being too "calculative" about life.

around 2.45pm i make a move from house to the city and Aldi supermarket as i would be accompany my friend to buy something for the birthday party.
finally i arrived back home at 4.10pm and time flies so fast again.
besides, it seems that there would be a fine of £70 if we lost our Sheffield's hostel key that is very expensive if convert to Malaysian Ringgit.
during the evening, i helped my friend to fried some wedges and prepare some other things for the party.
later on at night, there was a China friend that i get to know last time asked me for some help to buy something in eBay as his Barclay's debit card having some error when doing the transaction.
somehow i was not able to solve his problem in the end and there might be a charges of £1 deduction in Barclay's bank for every failed transaction due to various kind of reason such as insufficient funds.

on the other hand, i realize it was so true that pursing master certification in UK need to have at least RM100,000+ for a duration for 1 year as i saw his Barclay's account was having the similar money as it was a 6 digits of $$ if convert to Malaysian currency.
somehow it would be my first time to see so much money from others people with my own eye instead of those picture that available at internet.
in fact, it is true that most of the people came from China was very rich especially those who can afford to study for 1 years and above in UK. (but not me, really, sad liao when mention this kind of things as i have my own problem too)
around 9.30pm i went to my friend house and celebrated his birthday.
well, we does have a great time celebrating the birthday with nice food and played some card games.

moreover, the Monopoly Deal card game was quite nice to play and it would be more fun if can have more players instead of just 5 person for the maximum limit.
finally i arrived back home at 1am and feel quite tired.
honestly, today's feeling was not very good especially during the morning time as i spend my time keep listening to the "Ji Mo Lai Le Zen Me Ban" by Kenji Wu (寂寞来了怎么办 吴克群) song.
well, the meaning of the Chinese word was "What should i do when loneliness came" as it is quite related to me when i keep listening to it even though when i arrive back home at the midnight.
anyways, below was the lyrics of the song.





the sentences that highlighted in red was something meaningful that i feel too.
furthermore, you can listen to the "吳克羣《寂寞來了怎麼辦》Official 完整版 MV [HD]" song as below or at the link >>> Here.
actually this song was recommended by a friend in my FB page as i had listened it few days ago and started to like it recently.
besides, it has been for some time i did not update about the song i heard as i written more about my "food experience" recently.
somehow i feel that the "loneliness" feelings would be easily came especially you're in alone middle of the night.
(Self Expenses note: Today £0, Yesterday total £119.70, Total up to date £119.70)

Edale Peak District National Park Kinder Scout Hiking Experiences

today i woke up at 6.35am.
well, i was quite surprise that i am able to wake up automatically without setting alarm although i had slept late yesterday due to some "emo+lonely song" feelings.
frankly speaking, i did feel a bit "frustrated" before writing this "Edale Peak District National Park Kinder Scout Hiking Experiences" blog post because it has been delayed as i just depend on my phone's note when i start to write at Tuesday (27th August 2013) in the morning.
however, when i think about that i am writing for myself as i would like to "store" it as a memory so that i can view back in future, it just make me feel to write again.
in fact, there was so much of question running in my head when deciding to write or not to write such as "does it really necessary to continue expressing yourself using blog" but yet i still end up writing again. (=.=)

actually i had been influence by my sister's advice when she say that "only a free person that don't have anything better to do can be so FREE thinking so much and spend time on blogging" because it was a waste of time and i did really feel "butthurt" as i knew what she say was quite right and myself do understand that it is hard to keep the keep up the pace and i will let go this all things one day. (so why i still doing it?)
anyways, there is a latest solution to solve this problem which is Google Glass that can store everything that you see from your eyes.
after i woke up, i just have my last cereal cornflake as my breakfast and cook some tortilla warp with hot dog sausage to bring to the Kinder Scout hiking mountain as my lunch.
around 8.40am we make a move from hostel and walked to the Sheffield Railway station after all people had gathered at downstair.

besides, the information that i get was from our friend which is also the organizer from this trip together with the schedule planned as shown below.
Kinder Scout is a high windswept upland gritstone plateau, most of which stands at around 600 metres above sea level. This is the largest and grandest of the great upland areas of the so-called 'Dark Peak' and it forms an imposing and fascinating area.
8.15am - Gather in Downstair
8.30am - Go to Sheffield Train Station
9.15am - Depart from Sheffield
9.50am - Arrive Edale and Start the long walk journey

12.00pm - Rest and enjoy picnic lunch.
12.30pm - Continue journey
4.00pm - Get down from the peak
6.20pm - Depart from Edale
7.00pm - Arrive Sheffield.
**Reminder - Travel fare will be 7.90 pound for return train.
1) Must wear sport/hiking shoe and long pants.
2) Bring jacket as there will be cold at the peak.
3) Food and Drinks
4) Camera

at first we went to buy the train ticket for £7.90 from the railway station machine but it couldn't be process and we just buy from the counter as shown below.
somehow i don't really know about the Manchester Piccadilly travel to Edale as we just see from the board and just know we need to wait at platform 2C as below.
well, the train was very punctual when it make a move at the exact departure time which is 9.20am and it would took about 34 minutes to reach Edale, Derbyshire S33 from Sheffield station as below.
during the moment at the train, there was a ticket inspector to check our train ticket and below was some picture i took along the way when we pass by Hope staion, Castleton and Caverns and finally reach Edale, Kinder Scout, The Pennine Way and The Moorland Centre at 10am.
moreover, the weather was quite cold when we arrive there before start to climb the mountain.

after that, we walk to the Edale's Peak District National Park visitor centre to get some information since we don't know much thing as shown below.
then i bought a fridge magnet souvenir for £1.50 from the shop there.
somehow we had spend about 1 hour for all person to finish go to the toilet because there was only 1 toilet for both male and female before we start our hiking journey to Kinder Scout mountain.
well, we seems to walk the wrong way at first but manage to walk from the Grindsbook starting point after passing the Old Nags Head hikers bars and below was some picture i took along the way.
 seriously the road was full of goat, sheep, horse and other animal "shxt" (animal dispose material) and i can guarantee you will definitely step into one of those "shxt" along the way.
in fact, i was not feeling comfortable throughout the whole trip when i keep avoiding those "shxt".

as i walked more, my leg's started to pain because i seldom exercise.
somehow i don't really remember what time we arrived to the peak of the Kinder Scout mountain and we just rest there while having our lunch near the huge stone rock as shown below.
after taking some pictures, we start to make a move again and reach the stone statue together with some picture i took along the way as shown below.
moreover, i don't know what is the "black brown substance" that we step on because it just feel like stepping "shxt" all over the place as below.
around 4.30pm we start to make a move walk down back from the mountain and there was 3 ways to go back but we had chosen a path from few of the foreigner that pass by.
in the end, we had split into three group that walk different path.

as for the middle route that we had chosen, it seems that there was full of rocks and very dangerous.
in fact, i was slipped a few time when my leg keep "shaking" since we had been walking for almost 8 hours+ from the morning.
however, it would be my "once in a lifetime" journey to walk so much and below was some picture i took along the way for our dangerous route.
well, there was a plant that having a "needle" had injured a friend's finger when she accidentally holding and we just stack it with some rock to prevent other's people from getting hurt as shown below.
finally i arrived the ending point at 6.40pm and below was the journey i walk through before reaching there.
moreover, i do feel that i had achieved something quite special although most of the scenery was just like plant, flower, rocks and other nature views.

then i just walk up to the meet up point which is Peak District National Park centre to wait for other friend.
somehow we just realized that there was a toilet behind the building and no need wait 1 hour+ like what we faced this morning as below.
on the other hand, i do have some "recalling back memory feelings" when saw some new friend that having the similar personality and looks like my last year college classmate.
well, i just can say no one would really understand this kind of "gap" feeling because it can't be explained into words if you did not encounter the similar things that i faced on my past.
besides, i do feel that people who is beautiful or handsome would be getting more attention from others people as human nature was to look for something nice right?
seriously i don't really know why i having such a low confidence about my own "face problem" look.

anyways, we waited at the Rambler Inn as below because our train would be arrive at 8.30pm.
overall my advice for this journey would be don't bring so much water unless you want to "pee" in the mountain, try to walk in a group of people, rest a while if feel tired, take care of your return railway train ticket well and enjoy every single moment.
the reason i said take care of your return train ticket well because i had lost in the middle on my way.
in addition, i just make a short video for each small part of my journey as shown below or the link >>> Here.
around the 8.35pm the train arrived and i was lucky that there is no one check our ticket because i had lost although a friend had gave me one of his ticket since we had a two ticket for go and return this morning.
finally i arrived back Sheffield train station at 9.10pm as shown below.
then we walked back home and i reach my hostel at 9.30pm.

after taken my bath, i went to my friend house to have dinner since we had ordered some Chino's Kebab.
suddenly an "argument incident" happened and i was totally stunned in the middle of there because of a very very small problem that can really "laugh die me" if being said out here.
well, i think it was probably because everyone is tired and suddenly "human anger fire" had came out suddenly as both party also got their wrong in my honest opinion.
after they walk away, i just have some chat with a friend about something.
honestly, i do feel a little not happy when being "backstab" in some ways and dislike people who know me talk about my past to other new friend i met.
somehow i start to wonder whether the "two headed personality" (两头蛇) thing is true or not.
besides, i feel it was right that we should do the thing we like most and pursue from there onwards but i seems to be having not much skill other than whining writing.
finally i arrived back home at 12.05am and the night incident of our dinner really spoil my mood for today as i was standing in the neutral position.
however, if we always talk about positive thing or happy thing and less use bad vulgar word, i think it would help to have better attitude and personality in some ways.
(Self Expenses note: Today £11.40, Yesterday total £119.70, Total up to date £131.10)

Sheffield Fayre Norfolk Heritage Park, Barracuda, Buy National Express Bus Ticket To London Experiences

today i woke up at 8.25am.
first of all, this post was written on Wednesday (28th August 2013) as i had been delayed my blog posting time since i need to finish my PIC group assignment first.
anyways, i finally can relief a bit after we had submit our coursework assignment to the university today.
therefore everything written after this was based on my Monday's feelings that i wrote in my phone's note.
honestly, i really want to record every single moment for my stay in Sheffield before i leave UK because it would be something valuable for myself after spend so much $$ studying abroad although i know it is hard to keep up the pace in a very soon time.
in fact, i was racing against the time because it is so limited when i need to balance between my real life and the "online world" that i have.

during the morning, i don't really recall what i had been doing but the two hour just passed so fast and i went to wash my clothes laundry at 10.25am.
as usual it would require about two hour to finish wash and dry the clothes while i spend my time searching some related information about Sheffield Fayre events at Norfolk Heritage Park.
well, Sheffield Fayre event was a two-day event features historical living history, re-enactment, craft tent, trade stands, Sheffield Horticulture Show, market stalls and traditional fairground attractions which is organised by Sheffield City Council in partnership with The Friends of Norfolk Heritage Park and supported by The University of Sheffield, National Fairground Archive and the entrance fee was totally FREE entry.
after i get myself prepared, i walked to Norfolk Heritage Park with my friends around 12.50pm and it took about 20 minutes walking journey to there.

upon arrived there, i just took some picture around the area such as the tenants, flower, bonzai, craft, urban army and others as shown picture below.
somehow there was full of people and the tenants was quite hot.
there was one burger that caught my attention was the Zebra burger cost for £5 because i never thought that Zebra meat can be eaten as it sound like a Horse meat to me although i had eaten Kangaroo burger from York and Ostrich burger from Cambridge before as shown below.
anyways, i did not try the Zebra burger because it was quite "weird" and i don't know the other two Kudu Hickory and Springbok is what animal other than Wagyu beef burger.
besides, i do participate the local cultural dance show and took picture with people who wear those urban costume as i say the experience was quite nice.

around 2.50pm we make a move from there and went to buy the curry fish and chips for £4.40 shared half with my friend at Barracuda Traditional Fish and Chips Kebab restaurant as our lunch as shown below.
when we reach home at 3.30pm, the taste of the fishcake was quite awful to eat and i would not buy it next time although the price was quite cheap as below.
during the evening, i spend some time to watch the last year Europe Trip senior experiences video (欧洲乱乱讲) shared by friend as shown below or the link >>> Here.
then i just continue to watch the 31st episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
well, this episode was quite "disgusting" because the Roy pilot was having affair with the Heather which is old divorced lady. (not bias but i was speechless when watching it)

after that, i finally decided to buy the bus ticket to London for £6 from National Express bus service and the process of the payment was quite fast as shown below.
around 6.30pm i went to my friend house and cooked some dinner while waiting others to come back.
somehow i was feeling happy because i finally success cook a very delicious steam egg with "Lala" (clam) soup base because the appearance is nice, smooth shape, texture and taste like Chawanmushi.
after finish having our dinner, i went to my friend house to do the PIC group assignment and finally arrived home at 1.25am after it was 95% complete.
then i start to feel tired because yesterday had been walked for a very long hiking journey at Peak District National Park in Edale.
overall today's feeling was quite happy partly because of the steam egg that i cook was success although i know it was just a small matter but at least i am happy to achieve something small.
(Self Expenses note: Today £8.20, Yesterday total £131.10, Total up to date £137.30)

Sheffield Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Strip Club and Hong Kong Harmony Cafe Experiences

today i woke up at 8.35am.
well, there was no class for today because the time table has been rescheduled.
after having some Nutella chocolate as my breakfast, i just update back my delayed post which is the hiking experiences at Peak District National Park Kinder Scout mountain in Edale few day ago.
somehow i do questioned myself whether blogging was a "task" or just "wasting time" expressing myself because it seems that i still haven totally let go of it as i still continue writing again. (=.=)
in fact, i do get "criticize" on the forum saying that "If the objective of blogging is to make money is consider good, other than that is really damn waste of time" from some people.
besides, there was some positive comment too such as "Having a hobby is not wasting time, doing something you like and happy to do is not consider waste of time too" from some people.

however, if blogging intention was doing something you don't like and curse yourself or other people everyday is consider a waste of time said by some people too as i do doubt about myself.
anyways, it is very subjective again when debating the blogging issues.
after that, i just search some information and saw a video that is quite interesting to share which titled "莫陌, 微电影 一天私会一个男人!食色男女徘徊性与欲的边缘" as shown below or the link >>> Here.
basically the story line of the short film talk about a girl who used "Momo" social media tools to date with every single rich guy that she could with her beautiful faces.
somehow i do have a thought that it might be true that why rich guy tends to be more attractive because they do have their own high confident level to earn a lot of money and also the "chasing girl" skills.
therefore if i am a girl, i would rather choose a guy that is capable rather than those weak guys right?

during the afternoon, i waited for some friend and we went to have our lunch at Hong Kong Harmony Cafe which is just located beside the Noodle Inn Westfield restaurant if you saw the picture on that post.
well, the reason we wanted to try there was probably of the special lunch set promotion for £4.80 from the menu outside and 10% off for student as shown below.
then we just ordered the crispy chicken in Peking sauce (£4.80), sweet and sour chicken Cantonese style (£4.80) and a bowl of fried rice (£2) by sharing with my friends.
somehow the taste was quite nice but the portion was quite small just like the single plate of chicken rice that we ate in Malaysia with a little more.
at the end of the bill, we just realize that there is no 10% discount promotion for the special lunch set because it has already discounted while the 10% off for student only applicable if you had spend £25 and above.

well, i couldn't really "blame" anything because i did not see properly and guess i should expect that we will get a small portion when paying such price. (so true about you pay peanut, you get monkey?)
around 3.40pm we walked to Aldi supermarket because i wanted to buy something and i had spend another £4 to buy some groceries.
frankly speaking, i don't really like "something" because some people keep say no $$ but had bring more money to UK while keep telling other people that very poor and just bring very little $$. (£3100 not many?)
in fact, i was the 20% of the people who bring less $$ without transfer to UK because i don't really want to spend so much $$ here.
somehow i don't really want to talk about this because it is useless to keep compare and it just make myself feeling worst if keep "argue" about this matter.

next, i just went to Heron Frozen Foods Store to buy some crispy chicken fillets for £1.25 while spending another £0.75 for some sweets at Granelli's sweet shop.
upon arrived home, i watched the 32nd episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
well, i was quite interest with the "Airline Transport Pilot Licence" (ATPL) when the drama said you need to pass the 7 subject such as radio navigation aids, instrument flight, flight planning, radio telephony, navigation, meteorology and met prac although i did not know true or not.
however, it might be true that after passing the exam, you will get a Frozen ATPL license but need to accumulate a 1,500 total flight time in order to qualify as a ATPL pilot although you manage to get "Commercial pilot license" (CPL) based on some information i found on the internet.

actually the reason why i having such interest about aviation was probably influence by my uncle and the salary of a pilot in Malaysia.
however, the study cost to become a pilot is extremely expensive and the pilot job might be retrenched if the "Pilotless Airliners" (an aeroplane can fly without a pilot) has come into effect in the future.
somehow i was "speechless" in someways because my uncle blog is to aspire young teenager to become a successful pilot as he still writing nowadays and will be publish his first aviation book with Airasia while my blog seems to make people demotivated or become more "sad+emo" if he found out one day.
around 8pm i went to my friend house to cook the spaghetti with pineapple, crabstick, hotdog sausage and ham as our dinner as shown below.
well, the taste was quite nice and i realize it is better to cook with pineapple in spaghetti.

after that, i just do some edit in the PIC group assignment and finished it at last.
later on, my friend asked me to go to the Sheffield Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Club as shown below.
at first i don't really want to go but my friend had asked me few time already and another friend had came as i had no reason to reject since it is all about having "one time" experience about this UK strip club.
around 11.30pm we make a move from there and we need to show our student ID because the admission is only FREE to enter in every Tuesday for student night and outsider need to pay £10 for entrance fee.
as i enter to the club, i saw some of my friend and just feeling quite awkward when there was some Tarc College girls around too because it might reflect an image that i am a "pervert" guy.
after that, we just ordered some Budweiser beer that cost £5 for four bottle because my friend said the "watcher" will scold if we did not buy anything.

well, the "performance stage" started with a girl dancing with her seductive move in front of a pole that look similar something like the picture below. (no take real picture because it is prohibited)
after the first song for the pole dancing, the girl start to strip off her bra and eventually show her breast while continue to dancing topless for the next song.
seriously it was my first time to see a girl's breast in real life other than those porn/XXX movie experience that available on the internet.
however, i was feeling shy and just can "see a little" (看一点,不看一点) because i was busying thinking how other's people (Tarc girl) will see me as i keep having the awkward feelings.
in fact, i do get "a little scold" by friend for keep distracting by chatting rather than "enjoying" the strip show.
anyways, the performance was continued with 5 different girl go up dance and strip for two song.

after that, the girl will come down ask you whether want to see her totally nude performance with seductive move for £10 in a private room.
well, we wouldn't go that far because it might be too "over" although a friend keep say want to treat me for free since i did not have such experience before.
therefore from the outside of the private room, i just can see the strip girl was "playing/fondling/touching" with her seductive move to the foreigner guy but he cannot touch their breast or make any move which explain why it is call as gentleman's club because prostitution is illegal across the UK.
anyways, the guard blocked the view when he say us watching towards the private room.
moreover, my friend seems to be so "pro" who can differentiate whether which girl is having a real or fake breast by just looking at it and i was "speechless" in some way.

somehow i was having so many thought again thinking about "what is those strip girl's feeling" when they perform at the stage because it seems like a humiliation to girl who went there watching it.
honestly, i did feel a little horny when watching it but also feeling sad in some ways. (hypocrite?)
around 1.20am we make a move from there and i had spend £2.50 for the beer fee.
finally i arrived back home at 1.40am although in a "drunk" mode.
however, i was "spotted" by girl upon arrived to the hostel and just feel totally "shy+guilty" feeling as i done something wrong when my friend said we went to the Spearmint Rhino gentlemen's strip club.
well, i believe that 51% of the guys of Tarc College student who come to SHU UK summer program to study will definitely go to Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Strip Club that just located beside Sheffield Hallam Union (SHU Union) partly because want to experience what it is all about as it would be once in a lifetime.

therefore this might be the reason why i prefer staying anonymous because no one would really care for you whenever what you do or the place you go.
frankly speaking, i feel that it was my personal problem for keep "thinking too much" such as if you said that you never had a sex experience with real people or whether got buy a condom or not before throughout the age of 23 years old as a guy, not much people will believe it because they might think "you want cheat who o" (骗鬼吃豆腐) besides than those watching porn, masturbation (TFK) or any "own" sexual activity.
therefore i think this might be the reason why i feel "emo" and Twilight might be true that i might probably possessed by a "sad ghost" because watch a girl strip off their clothes also seems to be not very happy.
in fact, there was so many question again arise in my head such as "What you want oh lonely reload? love? sex? money? happy?" and it sound quite "gay" if you say you have no feeling towards girl at this moment.

moreover, it was irony to understand the reality of the materialistic world that money still plays an important role if you every read on my "prostitution in Malaysia story" that how a guys can "play a girl" if they are rich enough or being born as "second rich generation" (富二代) inherit with family wealth.
seriously if there was a girl who have a similar face or look with the girl that you really really like until "cry father cry mother" last time, would you pay the money just for a one night stand or sex experiences?
somehow i really scare that i would become "that guy" one day or end up being hypocrite for keep saying those "guy who go for prostitution" is bad guy.
perhaps my "lonely reload" journey would really ends if i lost my dignity as a "good guy image" one day.
in conclusion, today's i was quite tired after the yesterday's Sheffield Fayre event and the night time Spearmint Rhino gentlemen's club experiences seems to be making me think more based on own assumption about life. (self pity? dramatic?)
(Self Expenses note: Today £12.50, Yesterday total £137.30, Total up to date £149.80)
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