today i woke up at 8am.
then i just get myself prepared and make a move around 8.45am to attend the Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) lecture at Adsett Centre.
somehow this lecture class was replaced by another new lecturer that is different from last week and would be the same until the end of my semester.
well, the lecturer teaches about the concept of competitive/differential advantage, total product concept, positioning the offer using different kind of re-positioning method to create a long term sustainable competitive advantage.
anyways, i just recorded the lecture class again as i afraid i might miss out something as below.
moreover, i feel that it would be "worth a little" to listen back again as i had spend so much $$ studying here.
after that, we walked around Sainsbury's shop while waiting for the next seminar class.
during the SMM seminar class, the tutor teach about the writing the market re-positioning statement or known as value preposition, adopting a price leadership strategy and showing a case study video about the Ryanair case study from Michael O'Leary and compare with the British Airways airline industry.
well, we are require to make notes of the techniques used by Ryanair to minimise their operational cost and i just feel that this case study seems to be similar with the comparison between Airasia and Malaysia Airlines (MAS) in my country.
somehow i was wondering whether Tony Fernandes was inspired by other's country success story of airline industry for creating a low cost budget airline and bring back this business model to Malaysia which had become so successful now.
therefore it might be true that "Company don't invent new product, but copy successful product" shared by the morning lecturer in order to be successful.
another example of "copy ideas" was the Groupon case whereby Joel might saw an opportunity of Groupon start up business model and created "Groupsmore" last time and become so successful now.
well, what i really means here was maybe the secret to be successful was to take other's people success business model and bring back to your own country to start up instead of thinking new idea. (maybe i was "jellying" about other's people success story while looking at myself for having none other than whining?)
seriously i really wanted to get a new opportunity when "copy others country successful business ideas" and bring back to Malaysia while i still studying at foreign country but i couldn't found any good ideas until this moment of writing.
after the class end, we went to Fulton's food market and i just buy some honey roast ham to be cook with my instant noodle as my lunch at 2pm.
around 2.30pm i make a move with my friend to Aldi supermarket in order to exchange our Saturday tickets to Sunday for the upcoming Leeds weekend trip from university.
after change the tickets, we went to buy something in Aldi and others places.
somehow i do listened some "gossip story" about others people again and just feel that it is not very good to know so much while i can't really express it out here that even make me doubt about myself.
finally i arrived back home at 4.50pm and just feel quite tired.
besides, my friend had invited me to attend the "church sharing" and i just promised to go since i had rejected him a few time as my point of view was quite skeptical in religion as i was a Buddhism.
around 5.50pm i went to top up my Lebara mobile network for £5 and we gathered at below of the hostel waiting people to fetch us to the church.
upon arrived to the St Andrew's United Reformed Church (URC), i just took some picture around the surrounding as shown below.
well, there was a group of people practicing some music while we was waiting others people to come.
the events started with the "prayer/blessing related words with Amen" to be feel appreciate while we was being served food as our dinner that is free of charge.
moreover, i really enjoyed the food because it is Chinese cuisine and the taste was like home cook food that is prepared by Malaysian community.
the event started with "ice breaking" by introduce the person behind you for the following six person.
after the introducing, we gathered in the middle with singing of holy song and i saw most of the lyrics was related with praising the God which is Jesus Christ.
frankly speaking, my feelings at that moment was quite "weird" because it is like i was having a strong believe and support the Christian religion although my religion was Buddhism.
however, i just told myself that shall look it with a more open minded instead of being a "typical traditional mindset" person although i did have some "struggling thought" within myself.
after the singing event, there was a priest came in front to share some story about life that related with marriage, couple, love and others.
somehow i was agreed with what the priest said that everyone would have a motive of doing something and wish to be looked up as no one wish to be looked down.
while he continue to say that Jesus (God) was the only person that is so perfect, i did think a lot of question flow inside my mind but it is quite hard to say out as the God's love for people is unconditionally.
for example, the God will help the human to cover all their sins but is that means that if i trust "the god", any bad things i do throughout my life would be totally wipe off?
anyways, i don't really want to comment much about it due to afraid of getting offended when talking about religion issue as it was quite contradict because "if you say you don't trust god, then the evil is controlling you" and others stuff. (own assumption? no idea)
however, i would like to accept the good moral value that being shared in the talk such as human is imperfect and there is no way to find a perfect relationship about your future husband or wife.
seriously i also don't know why i can be so "obsessed" with someone last and no idea about what is love.
in fact, i start to realized that actually we can easily fall for anyone as long as it suite with our own preference and nothing seems to be permanent.
around 9.30pm the church events ended and we do have some apple pie as our dessert.
on the other hand, i do recall back one of the movie i saw which title "The Passion of the Christ" that might be able to related with what i heard today as below or the link >>> Here.
overall i would like to say that this experience of attended the St Andrew's URC Church to know more about the God's sharing related things seems to be okay and no harm to listen although i am not a Christian.
however, i still not sure want to go or not for next week as every Friday have the same events with Free food where my friends have attended it since the first week of college life.
after all, i guess most of us don't really want to end up in "Hell" if there is when we die right?
after some moment, we make a move around 9.50pm to walk back home while passing by the city view.
somehow i had joined some friends with their others classmate playing games guessing words.
during that moment, i do wondering again how it would be if i have came here last year with a group of my "past college friends" as i don't really have much sense of belongings in the new group.
anyways, i just keep telling myself don't think about it since it would just make me feel demotivated as it is useless to think about now. (talking to myself to live in the present please "lonely reload")
before arrived home, i went to buy the Mc Donald's meals as my "supper" and do get a minions as below.
finally i arrived back home at 11.20pm and just continue to watch the 3rd episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) Hong Kong drama as shown below.
once again the movie just make me think about my uncle again who was a pilot.
1) 第一位:May~她和丈夫都很反对二十岁的儿子拍拖,认为他们的儿子目前根本还无法自力更生性格像个小孩子,担心他有一天会出事。【陈峰大哥觉得二十岁年轻不轻了,必须要尽早开始准备出来社会接受磨练甚至包括学习如何独立生活以及照顾女朋友各方面等等,不能太过保护和纵容让他养成一种过于依赖性的习惯继续下去】>>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿May~她和男朋友已订婚,但是分隔两地的相处,她男朋友要她过去陪他一起生活但是她。【陈峰大哥认为她在还没正式结婚之前还是绝对有自己的选择权,那就要看她认为自己心目中最重要的东西是什么,另外一点就是也要看这个男人是否是她心里的理想对象或是终身伴侣(其实差别是这段关系的距离)】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿May(已离婚)~他和前夫离婚的原因是性格不合,而且会动手打她,问题是她很不服气又不甘心的是她前夫到最后不打算付她孩子的赡养费。【通常像这类型的案例,陈峰大哥多数都是会劝她不能阻止孩子见父亲的权利即使双方的关系已经变质,也不能因此就把孩子父亲的形象说得那么烂透无能又糟糕】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:叶女士~她和丈夫及孩子都有看心理医生,经过心理医生的分析是孩子过于叛逆而且还有些行为完全超越好动的迹象。话说她丈夫重复两度搞上外遇而且还是同一个女人,现在她的处境是在很彷徨;不知道要怎样去面对自己将来的日子。【陈峰大哥劝她要学着放开,祝福她的丈夫重新获得自己的幸福并且分房睡成全他们】【孩子方面,要尽量和孩子加强互动亲子关系,为之前对孩子的伤害道歉】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:小美(已离婚)~她十八岁那年(大约是十多年前)曾经未婚先孕而且堕过胎,话说是因为父亲的暴君式家教施压,只是现在回想起当时候的决定令自己现在感到非常内疚和后悔甚至为当时前夫所说过的一句话而耿耿于却怀无法释怀。【陈峰大哥劝她放下过去的一切,原谅她爸爸曾经的家暴所带给她的影响和伤害;学着如何孝顺父母也是一种累积功德的好心事】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:Sandy~她身为人母,女儿不听她的话在外面玩弄感情,她很伤心,虽然她女儿大致上也是孝顺着她的。【陈峰大哥最后只是告诉她一句就是:必须让她的女儿接受社会大学的教训和磨练】>>> Here.
7) 第七位(最后一位):石头(今晚的唯一一位男听众)~他喜欢上一个同事,但是对方不喜欢他,他还声称有一次他们之间的关系不小心超越了一些界限,现在“她”一直逃避他。【陈峰大哥最后只是叫他自己去证实,假如对方不是个玩弄感情的人就尽管去试着对她展开追求,如果心里还有一些犹豫不决就干脆什么都不要做以免自己三分钟热度来不及刹车后悔,这也可能是自己其实也不怎么确定内心真实的感受】>>> Here.
sometime i do wondering whether having a "simple life" such as working in the "Heeley City Farm" seems to be more relaxing.
in conclusion, i just hope that i will not have so much thought running in my mind just in a day although i know it might be due to "lonely" or "own imaginative assumption to make things complicated" when i seems to be not having a clear focus of what to do in my life other than "whining" in some ways.
at last, the meaningful word that i would like to share was "When you fully trust a person without any doubt, you get one of these two result which is a person for life or a lesson for life" which is quite true.
(Self Expenses note: Today £11.20, Yesterday total £915.70, Total up to date £926.90)
then i just get myself prepared and make a move around 8.45am to attend the Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) lecture at Adsett Centre.
somehow this lecture class was replaced by another new lecturer that is different from last week and would be the same until the end of my semester.
well, the lecturer teaches about the concept of competitive/differential advantage, total product concept, positioning the offer using different kind of re-positioning method to create a long term sustainable competitive advantage.
anyways, i just recorded the lecture class again as i afraid i might miss out something as below.
moreover, i feel that it would be "worth a little" to listen back again as i had spend so much $$ studying here.
after that, we walked around Sainsbury's shop while waiting for the next seminar class.
during the SMM seminar class, the tutor teach about the writing the market re-positioning statement or known as value preposition, adopting a price leadership strategy and showing a case study video about the Ryanair case study from Michael O'Leary and compare with the British Airways airline industry.
well, we are require to make notes of the techniques used by Ryanair to minimise their operational cost and i just feel that this case study seems to be similar with the comparison between Airasia and Malaysia Airlines (MAS) in my country.
somehow i was wondering whether Tony Fernandes was inspired by other's country success story of airline industry for creating a low cost budget airline and bring back this business model to Malaysia which had become so successful now.
therefore it might be true that "Company don't invent new product, but copy successful product" shared by the morning lecturer in order to be successful.
another example of "copy ideas" was the Groupon case whereby Joel might saw an opportunity of Groupon start up business model and created "Groupsmore" last time and become so successful now.
well, what i really means here was maybe the secret to be successful was to take other's people success business model and bring back to your own country to start up instead of thinking new idea. (maybe i was "jellying" about other's people success story while looking at myself for having none other than whining?)
seriously i really wanted to get a new opportunity when "copy others country successful business ideas" and bring back to Malaysia while i still studying at foreign country but i couldn't found any good ideas until this moment of writing.
after the class end, we went to Fulton's food market and i just buy some honey roast ham to be cook with my instant noodle as my lunch at 2pm.
around 2.30pm i make a move with my friend to Aldi supermarket in order to exchange our Saturday tickets to Sunday for the upcoming Leeds weekend trip from university.
after change the tickets, we went to buy something in Aldi and others places.
somehow i do listened some "gossip story" about others people again and just feel that it is not very good to know so much while i can't really express it out here that even make me doubt about myself.
finally i arrived back home at 4.50pm and just feel quite tired.
besides, my friend had invited me to attend the "church sharing" and i just promised to go since i had rejected him a few time as my point of view was quite skeptical in religion as i was a Buddhism.
around 5.50pm i went to top up my Lebara mobile network for £5 and we gathered at below of the hostel waiting people to fetch us to the church.
upon arrived to the St Andrew's United Reformed Church (URC), i just took some picture around the surrounding as shown below.
well, there was a group of people practicing some music while we was waiting others people to come.
the events started with the "prayer/blessing related words with Amen" to be feel appreciate while we was being served food as our dinner that is free of charge.
moreover, i really enjoyed the food because it is Chinese cuisine and the taste was like home cook food that is prepared by Malaysian community.
the event started with "ice breaking" by introduce the person behind you for the following six person.
after the introducing, we gathered in the middle with singing of holy song and i saw most of the lyrics was related with praising the God which is Jesus Christ.
frankly speaking, my feelings at that moment was quite "weird" because it is like i was having a strong believe and support the Christian religion although my religion was Buddhism.
however, i just told myself that shall look it with a more open minded instead of being a "typical traditional mindset" person although i did have some "struggling thought" within myself.
after the singing event, there was a priest came in front to share some story about life that related with marriage, couple, love and others.
somehow i was agreed with what the priest said that everyone would have a motive of doing something and wish to be looked up as no one wish to be looked down.
while he continue to say that Jesus (God) was the only person that is so perfect, i did think a lot of question flow inside my mind but it is quite hard to say out as the God's love for people is unconditionally.
for example, the God will help the human to cover all their sins but is that means that if i trust "the god", any bad things i do throughout my life would be totally wipe off?
anyways, i don't really want to comment much about it due to afraid of getting offended when talking about religion issue as it was quite contradict because "if you say you don't trust god, then the evil is controlling you" and others stuff. (own assumption? no idea)
however, i would like to accept the good moral value that being shared in the talk such as human is imperfect and there is no way to find a perfect relationship about your future husband or wife.
seriously i also don't know why i can be so "obsessed" with someone last and no idea about what is love.
in fact, i start to realized that actually we can easily fall for anyone as long as it suite with our own preference and nothing seems to be permanent.
around 9.30pm the church events ended and we do have some apple pie as our dessert.
on the other hand, i do recall back one of the movie i saw which title "The Passion of the Christ" that might be able to related with what i heard today as below or the link >>> Here.
overall i would like to say that this experience of attended the St Andrew's URC Church to know more about the God's sharing related things seems to be okay and no harm to listen although i am not a Christian.
however, i still not sure want to go or not for next week as every Friday have the same events with Free food where my friends have attended it since the first week of college life.
after all, i guess most of us don't really want to end up in "Hell" if there is when we die right?
after some moment, we make a move around 9.50pm to walk back home while passing by the city view.
somehow i had joined some friends with their others classmate playing games guessing words.
during that moment, i do wondering again how it would be if i have came here last year with a group of my "past college friends" as i don't really have much sense of belongings in the new group.
anyways, i just keep telling myself don't think about it since it would just make me feel demotivated as it is useless to think about now. (talking to myself to live in the present please "lonely reload")
before arrived home, i went to buy the Mc Donald's meals as my "supper" and do get a minions as below.
finally i arrived back home at 11.20pm and just continue to watch the 3rd episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) Hong Kong drama as shown below.
moreover, the Brooklea duo crunch yogurt split pots with vanilla choco balls that i bought during afternoon in Aldi seems to be not very nice to eat as below.
before i end my post, i would like to share the Chan Fong radio program (大城心事) as the recording podcast was shown below.______________________________________
1) 第一位:May~她和丈夫都很反对二十岁的儿子拍拖,认为他们的儿子目前根本还无法自力更生性格像个小孩子,担心他有一天会出事。【陈峰大哥觉得二十岁年轻不轻了,必须要尽早开始准备出来社会接受磨练甚至包括学习如何独立生活以及照顾女朋友各方面等等,不能太过保护和纵容让他养成一种过于依赖性的习惯继续下去】>>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿May~她和男朋友已订婚,但是分隔两地的相处,她男朋友要她过去陪他一起生活但是她。【陈峰大哥认为她在还没正式结婚之前还是绝对有自己的选择权,那就要看她认为自己心目中最重要的东西是什么,另外一点就是也要看这个男人是否是她心里的理想对象或是终身伴侣(其实差别是这段关系的距离)】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿May(已离婚)~他和前夫离婚的原因是性格不合,而且会动手打她,问题是她很不服气又不甘心的是她前夫到最后不打算付她孩子的赡养费。【通常像这类型的案例,陈峰大哥多数都是会劝她不能阻止孩子见父亲的权利即使双方的关系已经变质,也不能因此就把孩子父亲的形象说得那么烂透无能又糟糕】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:叶女士~她和丈夫及孩子都有看心理医生,经过心理医生的分析是孩子过于叛逆而且还有些行为完全超越好动的迹象。话说她丈夫重复两度搞上外遇而且还是同一个女人,现在她的处境是在很彷徨;不知道要怎样去面对自己将来的日子。【陈峰大哥劝她要学着放开,祝福她的丈夫重新获得自己的幸福并且分房睡成全他们】【孩子方面,要尽量和孩子加强互动亲子关系,为之前对孩子的伤害道歉】>>> Here.
5) 第五位:小美(已离婚)~她十八岁那年(大约是十多年前)曾经未婚先孕而且堕过胎,话说是因为父亲的暴君式家教施压,只是现在回想起当时候的决定令自己现在感到非常内疚和后悔甚至为当时前夫所说过的一句话而耿耿于却怀无法释怀。【陈峰大哥劝她放下过去的一切,原谅她爸爸曾经的家暴所带给她的影响和伤害;学着如何孝顺父母也是一种累积功德的好心事】>>> Here.
6) 第六位:Sandy~她身为人母,女儿不听她的话在外面玩弄感情,她很伤心,虽然她女儿大致上也是孝顺着她的。【陈峰大哥最后只是告诉她一句就是:必须让她的女儿接受社会大学的教训和磨练】>>> Here.
7) 第七位(最后一位):石头(今晚的唯一一位男听众)~他喜欢上一个同事,但是对方不喜欢他,他还声称有一次他们之间的关系不小心超越了一些界限,现在“她”一直逃避他。【陈峰大哥最后只是叫他自己去证实,假如对方不是个玩弄感情的人就尽管去试着对她展开追求,如果心里还有一些犹豫不决就干脆什么都不要做以免自己三分钟热度来不及刹车后悔,这也可能是自己其实也不怎么确定内心真实的感受】>>> Here.
sometime i do wondering whether having a "simple life" such as working in the "Heeley City Farm" seems to be more relaxing.
in conclusion, i just hope that i will not have so much thought running in my mind just in a day although i know it might be due to "lonely" or "own imaginative assumption to make things complicated" when i seems to be not having a clear focus of what to do in my life other than "whining" in some ways.
at last, the meaningful word that i would like to share was "When you fully trust a person without any doubt, you get one of these two result which is a person for life or a lesson for life" which is quite true.
(Self Expenses note: Today £11.20, Yesterday total £915.70, Total up to date £926.90)