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Attended St Andrew's URC Church Jesus Christian Sharing Experiences

today i woke up at 8am.
then i just get myself prepared and make a move around 8.45am to attend the Strategic Marketing Management (SMM) lecture at Adsett Centre.
somehow this lecture class was replaced by another new lecturer that is different from last week and would be the same until the end of my semester.
well, the lecturer teaches about the concept of competitive/differential advantage, total product concept, positioning the offer using different kind of re-positioning method to create a long term sustainable competitive advantage.
anyways, i just recorded the lecture class again as i afraid i might miss out something as below.
moreover, i feel that it would be "worth a little" to listen back again as i had spend so much $$ studying here.

after that, we walked around Sainsbury's shop while waiting for the next seminar class.
during the SMM seminar class, the tutor teach about the writing the market re-positioning statement or known as value preposition, adopting a price leadership strategy and showing a case study video about the Ryanair case study from Michael O'Leary and compare with the British Airways airline industry.
well, we are require to make notes of the techniques used by Ryanair to minimise their operational cost and i just feel that this case study seems to be similar with the comparison between Airasia and Malaysia Airlines (MAS) in my country.
somehow i was wondering whether Tony Fernandes was inspired by other's country success story of airline industry for creating a low cost budget airline and bring back this business model to Malaysia which had become so successful now.

therefore it might be true that "Company don't invent new product, but copy successful product" shared by the morning lecturer in order to be successful.
another example of "copy ideas" was the Groupon case whereby Joel might saw an opportunity of Groupon start up business model and created "Groupsmore" last time and become so successful now.
well, what i really means here was maybe the secret to be successful was to take other's people success business model and bring back to your own country to start up instead of thinking new idea. (maybe i was "jellying" about other's people success story while looking at myself for having none other than whining?)
seriously i really wanted to get a new opportunity when "copy others country successful business ideas" and bring back to Malaysia while i still studying at foreign country but i couldn't found any good ideas until this moment of writing.

after the class end, we went to Fulton's food market and i just buy some honey roast ham to be cook with my instant noodle as my lunch at 2pm.
around 2.30pm i make a move with my friend to Aldi supermarket in order to exchange our Saturday tickets to Sunday for the upcoming Leeds weekend trip from university.
after change the tickets, we went to buy something in Aldi and others places.
somehow i do listened some "gossip story" about others people again and just feel that it is not very good to know so much while i can't really express it out here that even make me doubt about myself.
finally i arrived back home at 4.50pm and just feel quite tired.
besides, my friend had invited me to attend the "church sharing" and i just promised to go since i had rejected him a few time as my point of view was quite skeptical in religion as i was a Buddhism.

around 5.50pm i went to top up my Lebara mobile network for £5 and we gathered at below of the hostel waiting people to fetch us to the church.
upon arrived to the St Andrew's United Reformed Church (URC), i just took some picture around the surrounding as shown below.
well, there was a group of people practicing some music while we was waiting others people to come.
the events started with the "prayer/blessing related words with Amen" to be feel appreciate while we was being served food as our dinner that is free of charge.
moreover, i really enjoyed the food because it is Chinese cuisine and the taste was like home cook food that is prepared by Malaysian community.
the event started with "ice breaking" by introduce the person behind you for the following six person.

after the introducing, we gathered in the middle with singing of holy song and i saw most of the lyrics was related with praising the God which is Jesus Christ.
frankly speaking, my feelings at that moment was quite "weird" because it is like i was having a strong believe and support the Christian religion although my religion was Buddhism.
however, i just told myself that shall look it with a more open minded instead of being a "typical traditional mindset" person although i did have some "struggling thought" within myself.
after the singing event, there was a priest came in front to share some story about life that related with marriage, couple, love and others.
somehow i was agreed with what the priest said that everyone would have a motive of doing something and wish to be looked up as no one wish to be looked down.

while he continue to say that Jesus (God) was the only person that is so perfect, i did think a lot of question flow inside my mind but it is quite hard to say out as the God's love for people is unconditionally.
for example, the God will help the human to cover all their sins but is that means that if i trust "the god", any bad things i do throughout my life would be totally wipe off?
anyways, i don't really want to comment much about it due to afraid of getting offended when talking about religion issue as it was quite contradict because "if you say you don't trust god, then the evil is controlling you" and others stuff. (own assumption? no idea)
however, i would like to accept the good moral value that being shared in the talk such as human is imperfect and there is no way to find a perfect relationship about your future husband or wife.
seriously i also don't know why i can be so "obsessed" with someone last and no idea about what is love.

in fact, i start to realized that actually we can easily fall for anyone as long as it suite with our own preference and nothing seems to be permanent.
around 9.30pm the church events ended and we do have some apple pie as our dessert.
on the other hand, i do recall back one of the movie i saw which title "The Passion of the Christ" that might be able to related with what i heard today as below or the link >>> Here.
overall i would like to say that this experience of attended the St Andrew's URC Church to know more about the God's sharing related things seems to be okay and no harm to listen although i am not a Christian.
however, i still not sure want to go or not for next week as every Friday have the same events with Free food where my friends have attended it since the first week of college life.
after all, i guess most of us don't really want to end up in "Hell" if there is when we die right?

after some moment, we make a move around 9.50pm to walk back home while passing by the city view.
somehow i had joined some friends with their others classmate playing games guessing words.
during that moment, i do wondering again how it would be if i have came here last year with a group of my "past college friends" as i don't really have much sense of belongings in the new group.
anyways, i just keep telling myself don't think about it since it would just make me feel demotivated as it is useless to think about now. (talking to myself to live in the present please "lonely reload")
before arrived home, i went to buy the Mc Donald's meals as my "supper" and do get a minions as below.
finally i arrived back home at 11.20pm and just continue to watch the 3rd episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) Hong Kong drama as shown below.

once again the movie just make me think about my uncle again who was a pilot.

moreover, the Brooklea duo crunch yogurt split pots with vanilla choco balls that i bought during afternoon in Aldi seems to be not very nice to eat as below.
before i end my post, i would like to share the Chan Fong radio program (大城心事) as the recording podcast was shown below.
1) 第一位:May~她和丈夫都很反对二十岁的儿子拍拖,认为他们的儿子目前根本还无法自力更生性格像个小孩子,担心他有一天会出事。【陈峰大哥觉得二十岁年轻不轻了,必须要尽早开始准备出来社会接受磨练甚至包括学习如何独立生活以及照顾女朋友各方面等等,不能太过保护和纵容让他养成一种过于依赖性的习惯继续下去】>>> Here.

2) 第二位:阿May~她和男朋友已订婚,但是分隔两地的相处,她男朋友要她过去陪他一起生活但是她。【陈峰大哥认为她在还没正式结婚之前还是绝对有自己的选择权,那就要看她认为自己心目中最重要的东西是什么,另外一点就是也要看这个男人是否是她心里的理想对象或是终身伴侣(其实差别是这段关系的距离)】>>> Here.

3) 第三位:阿May(已离婚)~他和前夫离婚的原因是性格不合,而且会动手打她,问题是她很不服气又不甘心的是她前夫到最后不打算付她孩子的赡养费。【通常像这类型的案例,陈峰大哥多数都是会劝她不能阻止孩子见父亲的权利即使双方的关系已经变质,也不能因此就把孩子父亲的形象说得那么烂透无能又糟糕】>>> Here.

4) 第四位:叶女士~她和丈夫及孩子都有看心理医生,经过心理医生的分析是孩子过于叛逆而且还有些行为完全超越好动的迹象。话说她丈夫重复两度搞上外遇而且还是同一个女人,现在她的处境是在很彷徨;不知道要怎样去面对自己将来的日子。【陈峰大哥劝她要学着放开,祝福她的丈夫重新获得自己的幸福并且分房睡成全他们】【孩子方面,要尽量和孩子加强互动亲子关系,为之前对孩子的伤害道歉】>>> Here.

5) 第五位:小美(已离婚)~她十八岁那年(大约是十多年前)曾经未婚先孕而且堕过胎,话说是因为父亲的暴君式家教施压,只是现在回想起当时候的决定令自己现在感到非常内疚和后悔甚至为当时前夫所说过的一句话而耿耿于却怀无法释怀。【陈峰大哥劝她放下过去的一切,原谅她爸爸曾经的家暴所带给她的影响和伤害;学着如何孝顺父母也是一种累积功德的好心事】>>> Here.

6) 第六位:Sandy~她身为人母,女儿不听她的话在外面玩弄感情,她很伤心,虽然她女儿大致上也是孝顺着她的。【陈峰大哥最后只是告诉她一句就是:必须让她的女儿接受社会大学的教训和磨练】>>> Here.

7) 第七位(最后一位):石头(今晚的唯一一位男听众)~他喜欢上一个同事,但是对方不喜欢他,他还声称有一次他们之间的关系不小心超越了一些界限,现在“她”一直逃避他。【陈峰大哥最后只是叫他自己去证实,假如对方不是个玩弄感情的人就尽管去试着对她展开追求,如果心里还有一些犹豫不决就干脆什么都不要做以免自己三分钟热度来不及刹车后悔,这也可能是自己其实也不怎么确定内心真实的感受】>>> Here.
sometime i do wondering whether having a "simple life" such as working in the "Heeley City Farm" seems to be more relaxing.
in conclusion, i just hope that i will not have so much thought running in my mind just in a day although i know it might be due to "lonely" or "own imaginative assumption to make things complicated" when i seems to be not having a clear focus of what to do in my life other than "whining" in some ways.
at last, the meaningful word that i would like to share was "When you fully trust a person without any doubt, you get one of these two result which is a person for life or a lesson for life" which is quite true.
(Self Expenses note: Today £11.20, Yesterday total £915.70, Total up to date £926.90)

Zing Vaa Dim Sum Restaurant Sheffield

today i woke up at 7.55am.
somehow my whole body has been sweating throughout the whole night as i was awaken in a "naked" mode and just can say the weather was quite hot as there was no fan in the room.
after that, i just have the Fox's crunch cream choco fudge as my breakfast and surf some information online as i get myself prepared.
around 9.45am i went to do my clothes laundry and finished at 11.30am.
then i get myself prepared again as i would follow some friends to the Zing Vaa Dim Sum restaurant near Sheffield to try out the food there.
after waiting all other friend to arrive, we make a move around 12.40pm and the walking journey took about 25 minutes to reach the destination.

upon arrived there, i just took some picture and there was a buffet promotion cost £5.80 start from 12pm to 5pm as shown below.
anyways, we just ordered some one plate Dim Sum for each person from the menu as shown below.
somehow i do recall back the senior who joined us eating and did wonder about is it worth to invest RM100,000 just to study for a year at UK to get the master certificate program in SHU.
below was the detailed info about the Zing Vaa Dim Sum and Szechuanese Specialists restaurant.
Address : 55 The Moor, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 4PF, United Kingdom.
Phone : +44 114 275 6633
Business Hours : Monday to Sunday from 12:00pm to 12:00 am
Website : http://www.zingvaa.co.uk/

well, i would like to try again the Zing Vaa restaurant for the buffet lunch since we just eat little just now.
after that, we went to walk around the city area and there was a lot of events happening and one of it was the street art performance that is similar to the Cambridge weekend trip where a guy standing in a tall bicycle as you can see picture below.
furthermore, there was also having other events happening such as the fun fair, the international peace gardens, vintage fair, wedding party as shown below.
finally i arrived back home at 2.50pm and just phoned my brother using Viber to chat for a long time.
somehow i still "like" to listen the advice from my brother in order to be positive as there is no need to keep compare myself with others.
overall i just can say that family is still the best to express our feelings for sometime.

during the evening, i just make the burrito wrap as my "lunch" as shown below.
maybe it is because i still feel hungry as i did not eat much during the afternoon since we just able to eat few bite when we ordered few plate but it is still worth for just £2 each person.
after finish all the cooking and washing at 6.15pm, i just watch some anime online.
later on, i decided to cook all the food that leftover by our previous housemate since the "guailou" (foreigner) left us the food and another Hong Kong foreigner no longer stay our house today which only left me and another friend for our apartment.
then i just "play cook game" and we just have steam egg bacon, salmon, potato fries and rice as our dinner as shown below.
frankly speaking, the steam egg seems to be overcooked as there was some smell inside.

however, my friend told me that it might probably the sauce that i put inside that caused the smell and the temperature should be put in lower mode instead of higher mode.
in addition, i just hope that i would not get "stomachache" since the egg had expire but my friend say it can still be eaten.
finally i finish "playing cook and eat" at 9.40pm and went to take a bath as the weather was so hot.
during the night, i just continue watch the 4th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) Hong Kong drama as shown below.

well, it seems that i am able to control myself to just watch an episode by episode rather than fast forward it.
somehow i also feel that i can be easily think a lot of stuff whenever i have a little "free time" just like recalling back the Church's sharing story yesterday.
anyways, i shall be looking forward on tomorrow Leeds weekend trip as there was some great place to go shared by my friend who went there today.
seriously i just keep told myself to be happy and be grateful of what i have rather than keep comparing although i know it takes time to change this "bad thought" within myself.
(Self Expenses note: Today £2, Yesterday total £926.90, Total up to date £928.90)

Leeds City Weekend Trip From The Hubs Sheffield

today i woke up at 6.50am.
then i just get myself prepared as i will be going for the Leeds City weekend trip from the Hubs Sheffield which is also quite similar to last week's Cambridge UK trip.
frankly speaking, i was feeling quite "exhausted" and a bit "frustrated" when i start to write this post as it seems to be a "duty to complete my 365th blog post" for this year instead of just expressing my feelings to be able to have more happy feelings when i voice out my dissatisfaction about life.
moreover, it would prove that i did not feel "ashamed" (不知丑) about myself for remember so much things and whining like a "kid" as i write more and more since i was already 23 years old this year but the mindset seems to be "stuck" forever in my own childish way.
however, i still continue to write this post as usual and just feel "speechless" about myself. (=.=)

around 7.35pm we make a move to the Hubs student union to wait for the bus and i still recall back someone the Leeds ticket for a very cheap price as shown below.
upon arrived there, it seems that the bus came late and it finally depart at 8.20am.
well, we have been given the tourist attraction guide again as usual as shown below.
the journey to the Leeds took less than 1 hour from Sheffield and the bus drop us near the Royal Armouries Museum as we reached there at 9.20am shown below.
after that, we waited until 10am inside the museum to open which is totally FREE to enter and i just took some picture at there as shown below. (no detailed description due to cut down the time spend on blogging).
somehow i would like to say that the Leeds Royal Armouries Museum is definitely worth to visits when compared with Leeds City Art Gallery and Leeds City Museum.

after spending almost 1 hour+ in the museum, we went to the next destination which is Leeds City Art Gallery and i buy the Saintbury's cookies for £1 as my "lunch" as shown picture below although i heard some others friend went to "OBM Restaurant" (为食居) to have Chinese buffet lunch for around £8.
while on the way walking to the Leeds City Art Gallery, we was distracted by others places such as Leeds Corns Exchange and Leeds Victoria Quarter as shown below.
the Leeds Victoria Quarter lane sold a lot of branded stuff such as Republic, GAP, Marks and Spencer, H&M, River Island and others shop.
somehow i was in a "impulse purchase" feeling to buy a "XS" size of River Island casual shirt for £12 after discount price as the original price was £30 and just used 5 minute to decide.
perhaps i was "influence" by others people that the items sold was very cheap.

around 2pm we arrived Leeds City Art Gallery and the staff there keep told us it is forbidden to take picture but i still manage to take some as i did feel quite "embarrassing" as shown below.
anyways, i don't really understand much about "art" (艺术) since i haven reach those artistic level.
after that, we went to Leeds City Museum at 3pm and i just continue took some picture as shown below.
well, this museum don't really have much to see but they allow us to take picture and it is still better than the Leeds City Art Gallery.
after walked for some time, we went to Mc Donalds to rest at 4pm while i ordered the Happy Meal for just £2.20 that include Minions toys as below, a drink, a food and fries for my "lunch" because it is much more worth than eating at the food stall outside which usually cost around £3~£6+ just for food.
then we continue to walk around the area but most of the shop had closed at 5pm.

after that, we walked back to the Royal Armouries Museum to wait for the bus and below was the surrounding picture that i walked pass along the way.
the bus arrived at 5.35pm and it started to make a move at 5.50pm.
during the moment at bus, i just sleep throughout the way and i do feel satisfied when the bus direct fetch us to our hostel instead of dropping us at the hubs as we arrived at 6.45pm.
during the night, i went to friend house to have my dinner and it was a wonderful meal prepared by friends.
finally i arrived back home at 8.10pm and just watch some latest episode of Naruto, Attack on Titan, Hunter X Hunter anime and the 5th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) drama as below.

on the other hand, i still believe that having a DSLR camera plays an important role to have a good quality picture since what i have was my "noob" phone and "noob" compact camera.

besides, maybe Twilight was right too that i was just want to sheer my laziness by quickly upload it.
later on, i still wondering whether where to go for next week "study week" since it was a free 1 week holiday before continue 2 more weeks of study, then finally exam as most of my friend went to London or other place during the study week.
before i end my post, i would like to share an interesting video about "Sense of Security Short Movie" (反正爱一下,又不会怀孕的) as shown below or the link >>> Here.
basically the video talk about Xun who collected "condoms" as her eccentricity become habits, habits become the hobby, the hobby eventually become the secrets.
moreover, i also feel it was true that Life is too short as no one will mind that the happiness is too much although there are many ways to be happy.

overall the short film was nice to watch and i seems to be "so free" again.
however, i start to have my own "imaginary lonely" feelings again when listening to "Ding Dang Yi Ban" (丁当一半) song especially the Chinese sentence such as "没有想法,有想法又能怎样?只能写部落格整晚" which means i only can express my thought by blogging the whole night.
furthermore, some "not very good" thought came back again when i questioned myself that "why want to tell the whole world about how lonely i am" and the answer seems to be hoping someone to "care about me" in some way since i did not interact much in real life.
in addition, i tends to spend too much time on writing my feeling again but still continue to do it just like yesterday. (i am such an "attention seeker? blog whore? cared too much other's people opinion?)
after all, i might be just wasting my effort and time for doing nothing literally.
totally speechless again...
(Self Expenses note: Today £15.20, Yesterday total £928.90, Total up to date £944.10)

Chino's Chicken Meal And Kebabs London Road Sheffield

today i woke up at 9.50am.
somehow i tends to be doing almost the similar thing again such as reading some news and information.
after that, i just cook some instant noodles as my "breakfast" around 11.25am.
around 12.35pm we make a move from hostel as i had followed my friend to Aldi supermarket because i want to buy something.
upon arrived there, we went to Chino's London Road  to have our lunch as they offers variety of food such as curries, pizzas, kebabs, grilled burgers, doners and others food.
well, i just ordered the chicken meal and kebabs set for £3 from the menu as below.
besides, there was quite a lot of orders at the shop when i saw they was packing few pack and just do wonder whether this business will be successful or not when bring back to Malaysia.

somehow the portion was big as our chicken meal set come with 1 pc chicken, fries, potato wedges, chicken meat, lamb meat with optional salad, sauces served in a box but i don't know why they gave us a can of Pepsi for free as shown below.
anyways, below was the detailed information about the Chino's London Road take away food shops as it was just located opposite of Tin Tin (羯子王) traditional Chinese restaurant.
Address : 19, London Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S2 4LA, United Kingdom.
Contact : 0114 273 7777 / 0114 281 3436
Business Hour : 24 hours per day.
overall i can say that this restaurant was quite worth to eat as you can share with another friend (£1.50) each person) other than going for Kebabish Express since i already tried that before.

moreover, they do offer some variety of choices such as curries, pizzas, kebabs, grilled burgers and doners.
on the other hand, i was enjoying listening to a friend's sharing about his working time at Genting Highland last time while waiting for college semester to start.
well, i feel that there i no need feel "less capabilities" when compare myself to other people skills as everyone came from different background of working experience and unique skills.
after that, we walked to KH Oriental (广兴东方) to buy something as most of the product available was related to Chinese food as shown below.
well, i do feel that the "durian" selling there seems to be "overpriced" as it cost about £7.50 per KG as shown below if compared to Malaysia that only cost few ringgit for 1 piece.
next, we went to Aldi supermarket to buy something as i think my "food supplier" is depleting soon.

around 3pm we went to take the Freebee bus to back home after we had finished bought our thing in Aldi.
finally i arrived my room at 3.40pm and just have the Desira Luxrious double chocolate with cream dessert as my tea break time as shown below.
however, the taste of it was not very good and i did feel a little regret for buying unnecessary food.
during the evening, i just went to watch the 6th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) drama as shown below.

well, this episode seems to be not very nice as there will be having more conflict soon.
after that, i went to my friend's house to prepare our dinner around 6.35pm.
somehow i managed to cook a little but just feel that i don't really have much skills in term of cooking other than instant noodles, eggs, hams and other simple food.

after listening to some "gossiping" story, i make a move around 9pm to back my room.
later on, i also tried the Kit Kat Vanilla yogurt as shown below and feel that it is not worth to buy.
besides, i was interest with the Fossil Mechanical Twist Stainless Steel (ME1097), Leather Watch Brown (ME1098) and Black (ME1098) watches that cost around £145 as shown below after listening to some other friend's sharing when buying watches.
perhaps i was "influence" by other's again as i saw other people had bought some branded items with a cheaper price at Bicester Village.
however, i think i should monitor more on my budget when i go for the upcoming Cheshire Oaks designer outlets weekend trip for this Sunday.
in fact, i already used almost £1300 (last month £333.80 and £946.50 so far) for this past 2 month.

furthermore, i still haven do any planning for next week "study week" time as i might just staying in Sheffield for the whole week instead of going to somewhere after looking the map as below.
in addition, i just saw a news about Prince William, Duchess of Cambridge welcome their new baby boy when the article mentioned "It's a boy! Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and husband Prince William on Monday welcomed their first child. ‪#‎RoyalBaby‬" as shown below.
besides, i would like to share an email that i received from Genting Highland's Public Relations & Communicat​ions department as i feel myself seems to be an "online promoter" for them as shown below.
Good day!
We cordially invite you to attend the Announcement of Resorts World Genting Brand New World Class Theme Park, MOA Signing Ceremony & Press Conference on 26 July 2013 (Monday), 9:30am at Wisma Genting, Kuala Lumpur.

35 years since the opening of the Genting Theme Park, Resorts World Genting is planning a major transformation of the park to offer our visitors an unprecedented and amazing experience.
Thus, we would love to invite you to join us for our press conference and help to share about the Resorts World Genting Brand New World Class Theme Park to the public. Press conference details as below:

Event   : Announcement of Resorts World Genting Brand New World Class Theme Park.
Date    : 26 July 2013 (Friday)
Time    : 9:30am
Venue  : 25th Floor, Wisma Genting, 28 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur
VIP In Attendance: Tan Sri Dato Lim Kok Thay, Chairman & CEO, Genting Malaysia Berhad

Program Rundown
9:30am   : Arrival of guests & media
10:00am : Welcome note by emcee
10.05am -10.20 am : Speeches by VIPs
10:35am  : Video presentation
10:40am  : Memorandum of Agreement signing ceremony, Group photo session
10:50am : Q & A session
11:10am : End

After the press conference, you will be required to share at least one blog post on the Announcement of Resorts World Genting Brand New World Class Theme Press Conference by 9 August 2013. Live updates on your Facebook or Twitter account are also encouraged.
If you are interested in joining this event, kindly confirm your attendance by 24 July 2013, 5pm and send us your details as below:
1) Full Name as per IC
3) Contact Number

Kindly note that this is a single-invite. If you have other blogger friends interested to attend the event, kindly provide us with their details as below:
1) Full name as per IC
3) Contact Number
4) Blog URL
5) Email Address
If you have any queries, do call 03-6105 9411 / 012-639 5132‏ and email publicrelations@genting.com
therefore if any "Malaysian blogger" want to attend this event, you can just email them by mentioning "Lonely Reload" and i think there will be some "Free things to get" if you attend. (LOL)

honestly, i start to feel that i was having too much information and feelings in just a single day, yet i still want to write every single part of it as i was afraid that i might "lost memories" one day although i know it is not necessary to write everything down.
for example, i still haven explore much about staying in Malaysian Hall London (MHL) for paying a deposit of £10 per night if you're a Malaysian by applying the form through Education Malaysia online form.
anyways, below was the detailed rules and regulation for room rental information of (MHL) United Kingdom and Ireland.
1) Rental is only allowed to Malaysians only.
2) Accommodation services provided are not on par with other hotels. Accommodation in Malaysia is based on the concept of education hostel.
3) Preference is given to hire student Malaysia in the United Kingdom & Ireland only.

4) Accommodation is limited to the purpose transit only.
5) Accommodation bookings made too early is not recommended. Booking can only be considered if the item in paragraph (3) are met.
6) The maximum period of consecutive rental is for two night only. Accommodation for the next night is based on priority (Malaysian students) and availability. **
7) Double room is not available and the management do not accept children under 13 years of age.
8) The rooms on the 3rd floor accommodation is limited to female students while at 4th floor is for boys. Men are not allowed to be on the 3rd floor and vice versa.
9) The check will start at 1400 to 1800. For check-in after 1800 hours, the house should be informed.
10) Any cancellations must be notified in advance to management.

11) Room rates are as follows:
a) Undergraduate students: 
    - £9.11 including vat for a double bed.  
    - £10.78 including vat for a single bed room .
b) Postgraduate student and Non-students:
    - £16.57 include vat for a double bed.
    - £21.54 including vat for a single bed room.
c) The key deposit of £ 10.00 per person.

12) For more information, Malaysian education management may be contacted through telephone line 7985 020 1262. (please dial 00 44 20 7985 1262 if the call is made from Malaysia).
13) All guests must follow the rules set by the management education commission (please read the application form when registering). No exit allowed in the hostel after 10.00 pm.
** non-students will be allowed to stay only if there is a vacancy. (if no orders from students)
well, i was not sure whether this "benefits" would be more easy for "Non-Local-Earth" (if you know what i means) to apply since the majority is from the "other side".
anyways, i did not apply since it is kinda late to plan something for next week.
somehow i should be grateful that at least i still can go those trip organized by university every week just like yesterday's Leeds trip although it is not very "worth" in some ways.
in deed having too much "feeeeeelings" seems to be
seriously time passed so fast and just feel that if you did not treasure or appreciate the moment you had today's, you would be continue to regret or unhappy when the time flies away tomorrow.
in fact, having too much "feeeeeelings" or thought tends to be just make myself suffer.
perhaps i shall do something "special" in order to "cheer" up my life just like the video shared yesterday as below.
(Self Expenses note: Today £2.40, Yesterday total £944.10, Total up to date £946.50)

Individual Result Released For Product Innovation And Creativity Coursework Feelings

today i woke up at 7.35am.
after getting myself prepared, i just realized that i had missed the academic study skills tutorial at 1.30pm yesterday's after checking my personal timetable as i thought it would be same every weekend.
around 8.45am i make a move from hostel and went to attend the Product Innovation and Creativity (PIC) lecture at Stoddart building.
well, there were not much people attend the lecture class this morning and the teaches about market diffusion process, product life cycle (PLC), marketing trends, perils of poor co-ordination from different people point of view as shown below.
overall the summary was making the product happens through launching plan by offering a unique and superior product that delivers excellent benefits and value to customers.

anyways, i just feel that it seems to be not very useful in real life but just told myself that i should see it in different point of view although we had already learn it during advance diploma year in Tarc College.
after that, i went to the seminar class after the lecture ends since i don't feel like going anywhere.
during the seminar class, the tutor showed the Coolhunters launching a new food products video from two different company which is the Marks and Spencer and Selfridges.
besides, the tutor told us that actually most of the "British Food" were came from "Fusion food" which is the combination of different food culture across the world since would take a longer time to prepare it.
moreover, i was agreed with the tutor saying that we would like to have something that can be kept as memory such as taking photos, getting certificate, experience the British studying culture and others as our evidence while we stay in UK.

after that, the tutor distribute our individual result for Product Innovation and Creativity coursework and i did feeling quite "down" when i saw my marks was only 51% together with some "demotivate" feedback as shown below.
somehow the tutor just "comforted" us for not to "commit suicide" or treat it like the end of the world if result too bad.
while looking at the result and it's comment, i did asked myself whether i had try my best (尽力) or not and i was "speechless" within myself.
therefore i might be ended up as a "lower second class" for my degree certificate assessment on a scale from 0 to 100 because 1st class was 70 to 100, upper 2nd class was 60 to 69, lower 2nd class was 50 to 59, 3rd class 45 was 49, pass rate was 40 to 44 while fail rate was 1 to 39 marks.

well, the tutor advice us to do better for the next 50% PIC group assignment and it is better to read more academic marketing reference such as the Everett Rogers book.
after the class end, i still having the "down" feelings especially when friends comparing result marks among each others and it seems that another class average marks tends to be higher.
anyways, i just followed some friend to Castle Market, Fultons Markets, B&M Stores and others to see anything that can buy.
somehow i bought the fish, iceberg lettuce and Pringles chip while on the way back home.
upon arrived home at 2.30pm, i just cook some Burrito tortilla wraps with the vegetable as my lunch and finally finish cook, wash and eat at 3.10pm.
besides, one of my friend just told me that he get 72% marks for the PIC individual assignment.

frankly speaking, i do feel quite "sucks" within myself for scoring such a low marks as i seems to be not putting much effort in study.
somehow i did have a "blaming" feeling about the "C" tutor for giving us low marks after i heard more and more people from another tutor gets higher marks.
seriously after the individual result released and heard others friend marks, my feelings at that moment was totally "down" and "emo" because i feel that i was wasting money to study and did feel to back Malaysia.
in fact, there was much more smart student and over qualified A++ student back in Malaysia who deserve a better education than me if they was have the money to further study overseas if really want to compare.
while writing this post, i just feel that the reason i blogging seems to be giving advice to other weak Tarcian student like me for not falling the "trap" to spend RM40,000 in SHU 3 month degree summer program.

therefore this blog would be treat as a reference guide for next year 2014 Tarc advance diploma student to decide whether it is worth or not to spend such money studying overseas as i also start understand something related to "long term SEO effect" as not much people would understand it since i am the only one who having such experience from different kind of analytics tools in my blogging journey after so many years.
anyways, i just feel "emo tired" and went to take a nap during the evening.
the moment i woke up again was 6.50pm and i went to my friend house to have our dinner.
well, their cooking skills was quite nice to eat and i was appreciate it.
besides, i realized that it is better for not being calculative too much in term of sharing cooking money for food as it would be better if you can contribute more although you would encounter "lost" (rugi) or "money pain" for having a better friendship.

however, it would be still varies because different people have different personalities just like the "Source of Depression" (压抑的来源) video that i shared before about being particular in something.
finally i arrived back home at 8.30pm and just feel that the time passed so fast again when i read some article such as "Why It Is Impossible For Entrepreneurs To Have Girlfriends" by Elite Daily or watch the 7th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) drama as shown below.

perhaps this might the reason how i am not able to get good marks in academic and ended up "speechless" within myself for wasting the time and wrong effort for doing some "useless" thing such as writing my feeling in blog although the value/benefits i get was only "memory" but it is quite contradict in some ways.
at once i really feel that i was doing nothing much literally about my life as i tends to be "so free" to write so much things in just a single post like the Chino's London Road Sheffield that is totally out of food topic.

on the other hand, i still keep track on my expenses as i still left £1000 from £2300 total after paying quite a lot of money to "Tong Hang Tour" and the remaining money would be used to "survive" for 2 month+ more as i would be back to Malaysia during October month.
honestly, i don't really have much "mood" to travel during the reading/study week after looking my result as i feel that i was not "deserve" to travel. (身在福中不知福?)
before i end my post, i would like to share a meaningful video about "How to Resolve Conflicts In Life" as shown below or the link >>> Here.
according to the video, a third party must be present and unknown in every quarrel for a conflict to exists while it is commonly believed to take two to make a fight, a third party must exist and must develop it for actual conflict to occur and for a quarrel to occur, an unknown third party must be active in producing it between two potential opponents.
in fact, i start to realize more and more things about the reason and why it happens around me.
anyways, it is true that "Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere" as shown below.
Be positive!
(Self Expenses note: Today £2.90, Yesterday total £946.50, Total up to date £949.40)

Individual Result Released For E-Business Management Coursework Feelings

today i woke up at 6.35am.
somehow i had automatically awakened by some weird dream such as making a cool wishing card box and something related to Facebook urinate dispenser product according to my phone note.
in fact, i was having different type of emotions especially the "down side" while writing this post based on the noted that i had written while i was feeling despair after something happened.
after that, i just have some chocolate biscuit as my breakfast although my sore throat haven fully cure yet.
around 8.50am i make a move to Adsett building to attend the E-Business Management (EBM) lecture.
the morning lecture teaches about the electronic marketplaces, management issues in e-market with the reality, private industrial network (PIN), hubs and portals definition.
however, i don't really pay much attention on it since it was something that i heard before.

besides, i start to feel "excited" when the lecturer say that they will distribute our EBM coursework marks during seminar class the seminar class as i have some high expectation about my result.
after the class end, i went to Castle market a while with some friend and arrived home at 10.55am.
then i just cook the instant noodles with different type of ingredient as my lunch as shown below.
around 1pm we make a move to Stoddart building as we will discussing the group assignment before the seminar class start.
well, the EBM seminar class was replaced with a new tutor who named "Arun" and i can sense he was a knowledgeable person while teaching us.
after explaining the supply chain management related things, it is continued with the Elemica chemical company case study.

after some moment, we was eager to know our EBM individual coursework result and he start to distribute our paper with marks.
when i received my coursework marks, i was having "shocked" feelings because my expectation was to get at least 50 to 65 marks but the result came out was only 40% that is the passing rate and i just feel totally despair during that moment because i did put my effort on doing this assignment especially it is related to social media question since i have a lot of experience of using it.
somehow i do asked the tutor about it and the feedback from him was i did not include much of my own opinion for analysis after reading so much of information although he was not the person who marks it.
moreover, i still remember that i did submit the EBM draft before the final submission date of assignment and the tutor say my works was quite okay, just that need to further elaborate during that moment.

according to the personalized comments that i received from the tutor, it says that "Your submission was not really produced in an essay format. The content was very historical and didn't really address the question posted. It was descriptive and lacked supportive academic theories. There was no evidence of research into any of the seminar/module material. (and no mention of core text!)" with the 40% marks that make me feel so "down" again as shown below.
seriously i did do a lot research and adding a lot of Harvard Referencing to support my evidence but it seems that it was different with the Product Innovation and Creativity Coursework when the tutor say answering this question for "English examiner" is more focus on personal opinion and analysis after evaluate the fact.
therefore this might be the reason why i get such low marks as i tends to be misunderstand  by answering it in a wrong way and was totally "speechless+helpless" feelings as i can't redo it since it had become a fact.

frankly speaking, i don't really have any mood to answer the Elemica chemical company case study after receiving my result as i just hope the class faster ends.
after the class end at 3.30pm, i just walked alone back home and here come all the "negativity thought" started to haunt me down as i had written this note in my phone on the way back home.
well, my thought at that moment was "I seems to be wasting my parents effort to send me study overseas as i might just be wasting the money" and if someone say money is not important or main factor, would you mind to give me back the RM40,000 as this would solve my problem once and for all.
moreover, i also felt that i seems to make a wrong decision to continue further study my degree certification in Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) while looking at my personalities and financial situation because the education money can be used in a more better way right?

furthermore, i don't think i am able to save RM40K within 2 years time to buy property or open business when i back to work in Malaysia and start to feel that "paid education system" was just a "rich people game" in reality because as a student, you might not face as much stress as working adult.
in fact, i admit that the reason why i decided to get my degree certificate was to "show off" to those company company who looked down on my "Tarc advance diploma" qualification as it just looks like diploma certificate in their point of view although the degree cert is consider quite common nowadays.
somehow i couldn't really find the exact answer to be successful because some people came out to work as young as 18 years old after SPM also can earn 5 figure salary in the sales, insurance, property, car and a lot of ways to earn money as i was just have the "reconciled" (不甘心) feelings to "lose" (Kiasu) when we compare our working salary in future.

finally i arrived back home at 4pm but still continue to "dwell" around with my bad results feelings.
maybe the reason i feel so was due to my problem is a real life experience that is totally not a fiction or being dramatic about my life and i do feel that how great if i am able to read through someone real life experience about studying in SHU is worth or not.
however, there is no people who write as detailed as i did partly because they seems to be more enjoy and my opinion can't be a conclusion of everything since different people have different opinion.
somehow i do have an "evil thought" about whether i should tell lies/cheat my parents that i having a good result such as upper 2nd class instead of having 3rd class degree which is quite "dying feelings" to think about it now.
besides, i just rejected a friend invitation to some park as i don't have mood to go anywhere.

after some moment, i just cooked some burrito wraps as together with the Pringles Margherita pizza flavour as my teatime to distract "something" as below.
besides, i also watched the 8th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama to distract my "down feelings" as shown below.

somehow this episode might explain why pilot can be so attractive to girl and it does make me think about my uncle's sharing about his lifetime of flying career.
maybe i still feel repentant (遗憾) with myself that i did not have any actual goal or objective about what i want to be in my life other than keep grumbling in some ways.
on the other hand, i do saw a news about the Pentagon US is short of Air Force fighter pilots and offering a good salary package to make the job more enticing.

during the night, i just cook the remaining noodles added hams with some sauce and shared with a friend as shown below.
honestly, i did feel "down" when mentioning about the afternoon EBM coursework marks as he gets about 60% while i was on the only pass categories.
anyways, he was right that there is no use to feel bad for it since it was the fact and the only things i can do was to do better for the final exam.
somehow i do read about the past year's question and some of the format seems to be changed a little and i also write down the examination time for E-Business Management (25-6T17-00C) and Strategic Marketing Management (25-6T58-00C) venue at Hallam Hall, Level 6, Owen Building, City Campus as below.
in fact, the detailed exam date would be 3th September for EBM and 5th September for SMM.

besides, i would like to share an interesting video about the "Emotional Tone Scale" in life as shown below or the link >>> Here.
according the video, the chart of human evaluation starting with enthusiasm, cheerfulness, conservatism, boredom, antagonism, anger, covert hostility, fear, grief and apathy where this skills might enables one to both predict and understand human behavior in all its manifestations because chronic tone to predict people behavior about others.
however, the most dangerous tone of all is covert hostility, here is the person who smile at your face and stab you at your back, because they are secretly destroy you without you being notice about it.
somehow i did feel myself tends to fall on the grief mode for "emoing" too long and i did understand that life still go on no matter how sad you're as it is useless to cry over a split milk.

later on, my friend just came to tell me about after Europe plan trip related things while looking on the map but i still feel don't have much mood due to the poor result as shown below.
well, i think i might be going to either Hull, Leicester, Birmingham, Coventry or Stoke on Trent during the study week in Sheffield since it is quite near while others friends probably went to London, Spain, Portugal, Barcelona or others places.
furthermore, i don't have the "unlimited budget" like him and therefore i can't really go much place in order to save some money when back to Malaysia.
one thing for sure was i will be visiting Europe and Germany country again when i become rich.
at last, i tends to be easily "struggle" with my current feelings because i don't really have good mood to write this post but ended up writing again.
(Self Expenses note: Today £0, Yesterday total £949.40, Total up to date £949.40)

Malaysian Culture Night Nasi Lemak Mini Party Gathering Sheffield

today i woke up at 8.05am.
after having some chocolate biscuit as my breakfast, i make a move around 8.55am to attend the academic study skills.
as i arrived to the Stoddart class, it seems that there is no class after i asked the student help and information point (SHIP) department.
anyways, i took Freebee bus to Aldi supermarket with a friend to buy some groceries such as tortilla wrap, chocolate, garlic sausage hams, hot dog and seafood stick for £3.70 in total.
then we decided to walk back home and i reached my room at 10.45am.
during the afternoon, i just make the bigger burrito wrap around 12.40pm as my lunch as shown below.
anyways, it took me around 40 minutes to cook, eat and wash the dishes when i finished at 1.20pm.

somehow i do feel that preparing food tends to be quite time consuming but no choice due to save cost as i don't wish to keep eating outside.
after that, i just search some related information regarding the next week trip, "blog walking" and feel that what Peter said was quite right about "Beside formal things like English spelling and grammar, what European students are asked for in their papers is to express well argumented OWN opinions and not to just repeat what was said in courses or written in books, which is boring to the reader" that eventually made me get a very low marks (just pass) for my E-Business Management individual coursework result.
seriously if i was able to write it again, i would definitely write a lot of my own opinion rather than keep focusing too much to prove the facts as i was somehow influence by the Product Innovation and Creativity tutor although i know it is useless to blame or say such things now since it had become a reality.

during the afternoon, i was feeling quite tired and went to take a nap.
the moment i woke up again was 4.40pm and i went to Tesco Extra with a friend around 5pm as we wanted to buy some rice and other things for the "Malaysian Culture Night" mini party where the theme food was related to "Nasi Lemak" (A fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk and "pandan" leaf commonly found in Malaysia) organized by others friends.
as we reach Tesco, it seems that they did not sell "pandan" leaf (Pandanus amaryllifolius) after we asked the staff and searched for quite some time.
upon arrived back home at 6.25pm, my friend cooked the rice with coconut milk and we went to the "Malaysian Culture Night Nasi Lemak" mini party gathering at outside Sheffield hostel around 7.45pm with different kind of food prepared.

well, the "Nasi Lemak" was quite nice to eat especially the curry cooked by my friend and i just took a picture of the food i ate although it cost about £1.60 per person as shown below.
besides, i realized that it is important to talk anything no matter it is no a "no point topic" and try not to be a passive person in order to build a better friendship with other friends.
next, we celebrated a friend birthday and packed the stuff to bring back home.
overall the mini gathering party was quite good as there was some soft drinks with grapes to eat and the most important thing was the moment of gathering with a group of people although i don't really know much things about others people.
after that, i just went to my friend house for some chit chat session and heard about his sharing about his past working experience.

frankly speaking, i feel that "sometime life is linked and related with each other" because if you can't find the answer now, you might be able to find it in future which is just a matter of time.
for example, i just get to know the robot cleaner such as "Picabot" cost price can be so cheap but being mark up in a very high price in Malaysia last time.
moreover, i also feel that sometime it is not very good to share every information such the Senheng home appliances trade secret and it's business model strategy from my friend's sharing.
perhaps the secret to be successful in life was to "cheat water fish" people and who is less educated than us and have a strong confident to persuade people to buy things in order to earn a lot of money from consumer.
furthermore, i also feel that "networking" tends to be every important as i heard some friend who study in UK came from rich background and this might explain why people go to Harvard University just for connection.

on the other hand, i still having some "contradict thought" again after listening to my friend sharing about whether came out to work after secondary school (Form 5 SPM) education at 18 years old would be having a higher chance to become more successful than those people who spend years to study at University.
seriously this topic is quite subjective because i realized that there is no exact way to judge this issues because different people have different capabilities with fate of life.
however, one things for sure that would happen on myself that i will definitely working for others people when i back to Malaysia which seems to be quite late in to compete with others people. (kiasu liao? LOL)
perhaps i was just "jelly" and comply (不服) with those people who came out work at 18 years old already started to earn 5 figure salary in the sales related field and others.
finally i arrived back home at 11.10pm and do feel quite tried.

after taken my bath, i just continue watch the 9th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.

well, this watching drama and reading information tends to be a way of how i procrastinate in my life.
before i end my post, i would like to share an interesting video about the "8 Reason To Survive in Life" as shown below or the link >>> Here.
somehow it is true that setting a primary goal, your basic motivation and everything you do was just to SURVIVE in life with the 8 main urges as shown below.
1) Self Dynamic - Survive as an individual including his body, mind and immediate possessions.
2) Sex and Children Dynamic - Survive through future generation of family and children.
3) Group Dynamic - Survive as a part of a group no matter it is temporary or permanent, political or social.

4) Mankind Dynamic - Survive as mankind is a species as one race would be considered as a third dynamic.
5) Plant and Animal Dynamic - Survive include all life form of plant and animal life.
6) Physical Universe Dynamic - Survive where peace keepers try to promote the survival of physical universe with its four components of matter, energy, space and time.
7) Spiritual Dynamic - Survive as source of life itself and anything spiritual with or without identity.
8) Infinity or God Dynamic - Survive as toward existence of infinity which is also commonly called God, the supreme being or creator of life.
in fact, i did asked myself about the reason why i want to earn so much money and the answers seems to be just for "showing off" to other people that i am capability working worth for "something" and trying to convince myself that as long as i have a lot of money, i would be definitely be a very happy person in my life.

however, it was quite contradict again after i recall back Dr Richard Teo sharing about Life, Wealth, Success & Happiness video which has no definitely answer as different individual have different point of view.
at the end of the day, it seems that only ourselves can analysis whether what other people say is true or not and only yourself can decide what you want to do in future about your life.
besides, i still not sure whether want to go for the St Andrew's URC Church tomorrow or not because i feel like a "cheapskate" to go there to have FREE delicious dinner while listening to the Bible related things.
later on, a friend just asked me to go London for next week reading week but i had rejected since i will going there during September.
honestly, the main reason that i don't want to go was due to "budget problem" as i don't wish to spend so much money although i "kena lansi" (being show off) by a friend who had unlimited budget from parents financial support. (anyone here want to donate some $£ to me? LOL)
moreover, if i "travel and played" too much in UK, my parents would think that this is the reason why i get such low marks in my academic study.
therefore i had ended up with a "totally speechless" feelings at this moment.
(Self Expenses note: Today £5.30, Yesterday total £949.40, Total up to date £954.70)

What To Do In Sheffield Yorkshire?

today i woke up at 8.10am.
then i just quickly get myself prepared and have some biscuit as my breakfast.
around 8.50am we make a move to Adsett centre to attend the Strategic Marketing Management lecture.
somehow there was not much people attended the lecture which might probably wake up late.
well, the lecture teaches about the total product concept,characteristic of services such as intangibility, inseparability, variability and perishability, the other extra 3P marketing mix of people, process and physical evidence, accessing service quality in term of customer expectation, perceived service quality and customer experiences.
besides, i was agree with what the tutor say about "treasure the current precious moment" because you will never experience the same things when time past.

anyways, i just recorded a bit the lecture podcast for my own reference in future as i would able to listen it back again as shown below.
after that, i went to Owen building resting a while before going to the next (SMM) seminar class at Stoddart centre building.
well, the seminar class start with the presentation of Cupco drinks vending industry case study from other friends and i just write down some notes from there.
then it is continued with the "Marketing a service" video from three different type of organisation such as the co-operative bank, AA patrol force and Amnesty International.
around 1.05pm i make a move from there and went to 99p stores to buy the AAA battery for my computer's mouse.

next, i went to Fultons Foods market to buy some turkey hams and Heinz tomato sauce.
finally i arrived back home at 2pm and start to cook the buritto with tortilla wrap as my lunch.
somehow i just feel quite offended and annoyed when a friend say something about my decision for not following him to London during the reading week on next week.
well, i already said that i don't wish to spend much $$ travel and what i really dislike was during the time he said "酱你就不应该来UK,也不要怪我Lansi(烂粪)你" which means i shouldn't come to UK and don't blame him for showing off to me.
frankly speaking, the reason why i easily get "hurt" might probably caused by the action or words said by other people just like the "Source of Depression" (压抑的来源) video as shown below.
it is because there was people who never think much before speaking that they think it is normal.

anyways, i just feel that it is better to have less interaction with that kind of people as this somehow linked back to the "X and Y friends" issues that happened during Manchester United weekend trip and what Mrs Anonymous and Peter feedback was quite right.
therefore this might explain why some others AEM group "boycott" the friend as i myself also don't like really like much about the boycott related keyword.
however, he might be true that if i did not go anywhere during reading week, there would be not much things to do in Sheffield Yorkshire as i also wondering what to do at that time.
besides, i also discover myself that i was having a little "口是心非" (says one thing but means another) such as the chicken that i bought had been eaten by the friend although i was just saying that you can eat but he really go eat the all remaining of it.

anyways, i just told myself don't be so calculative and should be generous although i was "rugi" (lost) in term of money because it would make myself not happy if i am being too particular on small little issues.
during the evening, i watched Naruto anime and the 10th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.

around 6.40pm i went to my friend house and cooked the dinner by contributing the fish, potatoes as i had ate at their house last time.
well, i did not go to the St Andrew's URC Church tonight as i feel embarrass go for eat the FREE dinner.
finally i arrived back home at 9.05pm and just went to research some information about the place i might be visiting tomorrow such as the Baslow, Bakewell, Chatsworth and Matlock which shared by a friend about the fare bus price tends to be very cheap for student to travel from Sheffield.

frankly speaking, it is quite challenging because i would be going there all by myself which is quite "lonely".
moreover, i can't really find much information about it because the guide was to sit the TM Travel 215 or 214 from Sheffield Interchange for only 60 pence by flashing your NUS student card to the bus driver.
in fact, i was still in a very "blur" mode when planning this "solo trip" just like the cartoon below.
somehow i do hope it would be as easy as taking the Wangsa Maju bus to Genting Klang bus route back in Malaysia since i don't really know much about Sheffield map.
later on, i just cook some chicken nugget and fish chip as my snack as below.
guess i was "too free" to "play cook game" and would like to try to cook "Nasi Lemak" since there is no others people in the apartment until next week.
therefore i still wandering around thinking what to do as it seems to be quite boring.

actually there was a Traffic light rave party (clubbing) at the plug tonight where people who go would be dressing different type of color codes such as Red (means taken, in a relationship), Yellow (maybe in a relationship) and Green (Single and available) that seems to be quite interesting event.
anyways, i would like to share a meaningful picture about "No one is too busy in this world, it's all about priorities" as shown below.
sometime i just feel that i seems to be focusing on the wrong things again and probably over thinking.
before i end my post, below was the Chan Fong (大城心事) recording podcast as shown every Friday.
1) 第一位:曉玉~她打電話進來是想幫她的朋友問問題。據說,他有一位朋友在自己爸爸的餐館裡頭打工,但是因為受到很多限制而做得很不開心而且還時常父親發生摩擦。【陳峰大哥建議她的朋友辭職,或者叫當事人去跟他爸爸坐下來好好地談合作條件或者出去外面另找發展出路】>>> Here.

2) 第二位:李先生~他說他公司的推銷員很難管,他發現公司的 Sale Man 在執勤辦公時間的時候竟然可以拿著其他公事包做自己私人的工作和事情。【陳峰大哥認為這是她的領導方式過於放鬆和包容,手法和立場不夠強硬所致。這也很有可能和他自己個人的性格有關】>>> Here.

3) 沈小嵐在香港看完巫啟賢大哥演唱會之後,跟直播室裡頭的陳峰大哥所做的現場直擊報導及連線訪問(巫啟賢本尊也在現場)>>> Here.

4) 第三位:林小姐~她說她的嫂嫂的女兒開始要進入叛逆期,時常會跟父母講騙話。【陳峰大哥建議她不要再參與跟嫂嫂的罵人行動,免得侄女也會因此對她產生不必要的誤會和反感】>>> Here.

5) 第四位:欣怡~她說她在公司四年了,想了很久不知道要不要辭職好。【陳峰大哥在聽完她的說法后,認為她不要轉行;而是應該換一間條件和待遇比較理想的公司】>>> Here.

6) 第五位:Miss Yeap~她本身家庭問題而且患有輕微的精神病(有吃藥的),她打電話進來純屬和陳峰大哥傾解和聊天。【陳峰大哥最後告訴她:凡事記得笑一笑】>>> Here.

7) 第六位:陳女士(最後一位)~她自稱是個失明者,話說自己是自小也是被自己的母親無賴到大的。【陳峰大哥勸她不要一直埋怨自己的母親太多,凡事盡力以正面和積極的角度去想;更不要再去計較過去的不愉快經歷就能活得更幸福】>>> Here.
at last, i hope that everything will be run smoothly for my "solo trip" as would be a totally new experience for me to explore a new place without any accompany as it sounds challenging with a bit "dangerous" in some way.
(Self Expenses note: Today £3, Yesterday total £954.70, Total up to date £957.70)

Chatsworth House and Garden Self Planned "Solo" Trip Experiences From Sheffield Interchange

today i woke up at 8.05am.
well, i had decided to go to the Chatsworth House and Garden as a part of my self planned "Solo" trip experiences as i said that i would go to explore some new places instead of thinking about what to do in Sheffield from my yesterday post.
after that, i just make the burrito tortilla wrap to bring along there as my lunch as shown below.
around 9.50am i make a move from house and walked to the Sheffield Interchange bus station after i checked the departure time of the TM Travel 214/215 as shown below.
however, they said that the TM Travel 214 is no longer available and now left TM Travel 215 with TM Travel 218 when i asked the customer service as shown below.
moreover, i just asked some people around there and i was fortunate to meet a group of China student.

well, the guy told me that he went to Chatsworth House and now bring all his friend together to there.
somehow we need to buy the "Yo Yo day rider adult tickets" that cost for £6 instead of £0.60 said by others people for one day unlimited travel bus fare as we need to go and return traveling from Sheffield to Baslow, Bakewell, Chatsworth, Matlock on TM Travel 215 and 218 bus as shown below.
during the moment at bus, i was fortunate enough to be friend with the group of China student who studied in University of Sheffield.
then we played some "detective game" and i also start to understand more about the culture of China through their sharing as i was happy to know some girls.
besides, they had praised us (people came from Malaysia) for being able to speak so much language such as the English, Chinese, Cantonese, Hokkien, Bahasa Malaysia and others languages. (proud to be Malaysian?)

anyways, the bus seems to be keep drop by at various place such as the Bakewell and Matlock but i did not go down since i had followed the China group student and just took the picture along the way as below.
around 11.30am we arrived Chatsworth House and i continue to took some picture as shown below.
well, we are require to put our bag at the entrance of the door before going in to pay the £14 entrance fees when you show your student ID for House and Gardens pass as shown below.
honestly, i don't feel like going in at first as i feel it is quite expensive for the tickets but i was invited to join them to go together as the girl's say "一起走呗,一个人玩没意思" which is quite true.
then i just continue took some picture about the house gallery with different kind of art and i heard that the Pride & Prejudice (2005 film,Mr Darcy) was being filmed here as shown below.
somehow i do just feel a bit disappointed with my camera as the picture quality was not very good.

well, the whole visiting journey inside the house took about 1 hour+ and i do feel a little regret for not able to slowly see instead of just glancing through it.
at the end of the visiting time, there was some souvenir sold after that and i just took some picture around the outside environment as shown below.
after that, we went to Carriage House restaurant and it seems that the price was quite expensive as below.
anyways, we head to the outside garden, some traditional performance, water fall view as i continue to take some picture as below.
then we continue to walk the garden view although we did not go the Georgian Summer Garden Tours  as shown below.
before going out, we are require to "stamp" our hand for re-enter purpose.

after walked through the coal hole and coal tunnel, i just took some picture around the surrounding.
there is one unique attraction at there which is the "Maze Garden" as i had lost inside the maze that i could find the middle point of it as below.
on the other hand, i just get to know more and more better about them as it was a great opportunity and experience to know more about international student.
at the end of our walking journey, we stop by at the river and took some picture as shown below.
around 4.20pm we make a move from there as the bus arrived at 4.40pm.
however, the TM Travel 218 bus drop us at Matlock around 5.05pm as we just seek for the bus schedule time to back Sheffield as shown below.
then the bus arrived again at 5.20pm but he seems to go another round of Chatsworld house before back.

during the moment at bus, i just take a rest as i feel quite tiring and we reached the Sheffield Interchange around 6.50pm.
finally i arrived back home at 7pm and just cook some instant noodle with crab stick as my dinner.
anyways, below was the detailed information about Chatsworth House and Garden.
Chatsworth House
Address: Chatswroth, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1PP, United Kingdom
Phone : 01246 565300
Email : info@chatsworth.org
Website : http://www.chatsworth.org
later on, i just went to do my clothes laundry around 9.10pm and finished wash with dry it at 10.55pm.

overall today can be consider as a good experience to meet out new people because i never expected to know anyone since i thought it would be a "lonely+alone" for my self planned "solo" walking trip although i do have a feeling of "wasted" £20 (RM100+) in just a single day. (who want compensate/donate RM100 to poor boy like me?
sometime i just wondering whether does "God" had "pity my loneliness" and trying to send some people to accompany me when i feel down.
anyways, tomorrow would be going to Cheshire Oaks designer outlet and i just bring extra £100 just in case there is something very cheap that i can buy.
at last, i just told myself to be grateful to be able to travel nearby and should be grateful although "travel" sounds to be my current job other than studying in UK.
(Self Expenses note: Today £20, Yesterday total £957.70, Total up to date £977.70)

Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet Weekend Trip From The Hubs Sheffield

today i woke up at 6.40am.
then i just get myself prepared and have some biscuit as my breakfast before walking to the Hubs around 7.40am with other friends.
well, this was the continued part of last week's Leeds City weekend trip and there is left 2 more weekend trip to go which is Newcastle and Nottingham by the university.
in fact, it was quite "exhausted and frustrated" feelings just like last week and only left speechless within myself when i still continue to write this post whether it is necessary or not.
somehow the bus ticket to Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet seems to be more valuable than any other trip as i heard someone would buy it for £15~£17 than the normal price as below.
guess Tarc College student seems to be very rich nowadays when compared to the olden days right?

anyways, we had been given a guide of Cheshire Oaks as shown below.
around 8.25am the bus make a move and i just sleep throughout the journey.
the travel journey took around 2 hours+ as we arrived there at 10.15am and we has been given a privilege card for getting an extra 10% discount as shown below.
then i just starting to walk to those brand that i know and visited some such as Adidas, Armani, Bench, Billabong, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Crocs, Diesel, Fossil, Fred Perry, Gap Outlet, Guess, Henri Lloyd, Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Levi's, Mark's and Spencer outlet, Next Clearance, Nike Factory Store, O'Neil, Petroleum, Polo Ralph Lauren, Sports Direct, Superdry, Tag Hueur and Timberland.
besides, there was a special event that show some owl and eagles as shown below.
however, i had forgotten to take picture with those birds as i had gone somewhere else after that.

below was some picture about the shop i visited and just barely took some as there was nothing much to see other than more branded shop.
somehow i just feel that a brands seems to be the major factor to determine a price such as a normal polo t-shirt without the brand logo can be cost as cheap as £6 from M&S but if there is Burberry, Polo Ralph Lauren, Hugo Boss and others branded logo, it cost easily cost up to £40~£80 per pieces.
during the afternoon around 12pm, i just have Mc Donald's Happy Meal as my lunch since it was the cheapest as it would be more value in term of food quantity and the toys given was Smurf instead of Despicable Me which is overrated back in Malaysia as below.
after that, i just chat with my sister via Viber using Mc Donald's wifi as there was some problem with my data plan while checking the Trip Advisor place to visits tips.

frankly speaking, i really like to chat with my sister since she understand me the most and i just told her that i did feel a bit down for not going much place during the reading week.
anyways, she just asked me to be grateful that at least i can study at foreign country and can spend some time to do the father's website related things if i really have nothing to do.
after checking the Trip Advisor, i decided to go to the Ellesmere Port (formerly the Boat Museum) which is the recommended place without thinking much and just took the Stagecoach bus for £1.90 around 1.25pm as shown below.
actually i plan to walk there but the weather start to rain and i reached the bus station as below.
however, my phone's network start to have problem as the cellular data did not have any internet connection that would cause me a trouble.

anyways, i just asked some people for guide and they was helpful to show me the direction.
upon reach the Ellesmere Port, it seems that there is nothing to see beside than the train station as below.
therefore i just feel disappointed for wasting the bus fare traveling there and took some picture with visiting around the Poundstretcher, Port Arcades, Asda and Aldi shopping center near Ellesmere port as below.
then i just took the Deebee bus for £2 by Taith back to Cheshire Oaks around 2.45pm as below.
during the bus traveling journey, i just wondering how the bus can earn money because there is only me in the bus but he still continue to go instead of waiting like the Metrobus back in Malaysia as below.
besides, i just saw the Blue Planet Aquarium and Chester Zoo was not far away although i feel to go to the National Waterways Museum and just took some picture along the way as below.
upon arrived the Cheshire Oaks at 3pm, i just feel not worth and wasted $$ to simply walk alone.

then i just continue to shopping and visited the Dairy Milk chocolate, Fossil and saw Tag Heuer watches was so expensive that could up to few thousand as below.
in addition, i also buy the CK One by Calvin Klein 200ml perfume for £27 pound although i was struggling whether want to buy the Hugo Boss perfume as shown below.
after that, i spend my time on the Gap outlet and bought a formal shirt that cost £10 for myself together with my brother and his girlfriend shirt for another £30.
anyways, below was the details information about McArthurGlen Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet.
Address: Kinsey Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 9JJ, United Kingdom.
Business Hour : Monday - Friday(10am - 8pm), Saturday9am - 7pm (Sunday10am - 5pm), Bank Holiday Mondays (9am - 6pm)

Phone: 0151 348 5600
Email : cheshireoaksfacebook@mcarthurglen.com
Website : http://www.cheshireoaksdesigneroutlet.com
around 5.45pm the bus make a move from Cheshire and i continue to sleep throughout the journey.
finally we arrived back home at 7.45pm and the bus driver was good to fetch us back to hostel instead of walking back from the Hubs.
during the night, i just cook some instant noodles as my dinner.
somehow i just feel happy to finish collect the "UK Shield Coins" after almost 2 month staying here as below.
later on, i seems to be having a lot of thought running on my mind which probably due to "too free" and too care about what other's people say.

for example, sometimes i would think about "someone" when i listened to those emo song such as "Sometimes When We Touch" song sang by Olivia Ong as below.
in fact, i do asked myself whether i was feeling "dry or being alone in my own imaginary world" after so long?
on the other hand, the thing i care about what other people was somehow related to "What To Do In Sheffield" post as i was did not have any plan to go anywhere during this reading week.
honestly, i did asked myself whether i am the one who "small gas" for recalling back although the meaning seems to be like "if don't have money to spend on travel, then better don't come UK to study" during that day as i did not follow go London.
anyways, the thing i can do was mostly go to try out some new restaurant in Sheffield other then further explore such as going to Chatsworth House yesterday if i don't wish to spend much money.

besides, i just look into my brother's picture about his SHU journey last time but it can't be compare since he go with his girlfriend 4 years ago back in 2009.
perhaps i was "superdry" (not clothes) in someway and just ended up blogging to express my "lonely" feelings and read others people blog or reading information news to keep myself occupied.
seriously i do feel that the reason i keep writing everyday seems to be just hoping someone will listen to my grumbling, whining and ranting feelings about life.
however, i do know that it would be not worth to continue blogging if it bring more disadvantage than the advantage in term of psychology, health, energy and money when others thought i earn a lot from writing.
in fact, i did understand very well that one day i would be leaving this whole blog without much notice as it is quite sad to see every effort i do tends to be just wasting time.

furthermore, my intention to help some Tarcian junior who still deciding whether it is worth or not to study at UK summer degree program next year seems to be not very useful just like what being said in the "Awfully Lawful" (熟男有惑) drama that "同一件事,发生在不同时间,地点和人身上,你都会有不同的看法。也就是事情本身没有所谓对或错,等到你将来回顾的时候,你可能会后悔,又或者会庆幸。但是在你眼前这一刻,你不可能知道将来会怎样,你唯一能做的,就是做你当下能做的事。如果你只是顾着不停盘算将来会怎样,在你最惊慌和担心的时候,你已经浪费了你当下的时刻,接着下一分钟你又会觉得自己已经失去了最好的时刻。这样下去,你只会越来越害怕,越来越担心,最后的结果,你什么也没做过" which is quite true.
overall today outings to Cheshire Oaks designer outlet was consider quite okay although i do feel a little "jelly" when saw others seems to have unlimited budget when buying things as it sounds like the buying more branded stuff seem to be just for showing off about how rich you are.
before i end my post, i would like to share a meaningful sentences that is "The loneliest people are the kindest, The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do" as shown below.
therefore i am still consider as kindest although i did have my own negative personality and attitude.
(Self Expenses note: Today £43.60, Yesterday total £977.70, Total up to date £1021.30)

First Time Cook Chicken Rice In Sheffield Hostel

today i woke up at 10.20am.
somehow i did have a not very good feeling as i awakens which might probably due to some dream that i had forgotten.
anyways, i just have some biscuit as my breakfast and search some information since this there is no school throughout the reading week.
well, i feel that it is quite time consuming to find and research those Sheffield restaurant from Trip Advisor website as there is not much detailed information about the price.
when i almost decide to go for the Jumbo's Chinese buffet which cost around £5~£7 near the university, i start to wonder whether is it worth or not to eat as i saw some negative review about it and it would be great if can eat together with friends but most of them went to London and other places.

moreover, there was so much Chinese and buffet restaurant choice to choose such as Candy Town, Yummy's Noodle Bar, Huiwei, Harmony Cafe, Wong Ting, Golden Lee, P J Taste, Toby Carvery at Parkhead and others more when i find each of their restaurant review.
after research for quite some time, i decided to make burrito tortilla wrap again as my lunch at 1pm.
in fact, i do know that the food i was ate did not bring much nutritional value because most of the ingredient such as hams slice, turkey slice, hotdog and fried food is consider as artificial or known as "cancer caused" food as i know it would be "harmful" to my health in someways.
somehow it just took me about 40 minutes to finish cook, eat and wash at 1.40pm.
during the afternoon, i just watch the latest 90th episode of Hunter x Hunter (2011) and 16th episode of Shingeki no Kyojin anime.

after that, i just look into the things to do in Sheffield from Trip Advisor again as i was feeling quite bored.
well, there was a lot of place that i can visits such as Weston Park Museum, Millennium Gallery, Graves Park, Rivelin Valley Nature Trail, Kelham Island Museum, Endcliffe Park, Fire & Police Museum Gallery, Tropical Butterfly House, Wildlife and Falconry Centre but not sure about the entrance fees as there is no much information even though at their official website.
besides, i still haven go to Peak District National Park and Mayfield Alpacas to see the Alpaca Farm.
anyways, i decided to go to Weston Park Museum tomorrow as it is FREE entry and open everyday.
it is because every single moment here consume $$ no matter whether i had go out explore or not.
seriously a "low budget self planning trip" really don't have much things to say (sien) and i just sleep a while during the evening as it can make me don't think so much.

around 5.20pm i make a move to Tesco Extra to buy some food ingredient because i had decided to cook chicken rice in Sheffield hostel and it was also my first time to cook such food.
it is because 90% of the restaurant and shop had closed at 5pm and this might be the reason why a lot of people cook their dinner at home.
after shopping for almost 1 hour at Tesco, i make a move around 6.35pm and it cost me about £4.90 for buying those ingredient as shown below.
finally i reached home at 6.50pm just prepared the ingredient to cook chicken rice such as rice, ginger ground powder, pepper, chicken stock cube, egg and soya sauce as below.
well, i have used 3 pot to cook rice, egg, boil the soup and put the chicken as below.
in fact, i did not really follow the guide i read from the internet source as i was lack of few ingredient.

after "struggling" for some time in "playing cooking", my first time experience of cooking chicken rice has finally finished as i use the soya sauce added with pepper powder as shown below.
however, the rice seems to be "scorch" (烧焦) at it's bottom as below.
maybe it is because i use the pot to cook since there is no rice cooker and it was my first time to cook rice using this "equipment" in hostel.
anyways, i used about 20 minutes to scrub the stain as but it is still have some scorch in it as below.
somehow i shall treat it as a great experience to encounter some special moment like this as i finished settle all the related things at 8.10pm.
then i just continue to look into some news and information as well as those London placed to visits picture shared by my friends.

during the night, i just watch the 11th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.

frankly speaking, i just feel that my time is so limited as every minutes count but i just lay down in my bed as i don't feel like doing anything beside than busybody "facebooking" those status updates.
before i end my post, i would like to share a meaningful article about "15 Things Happy People Don’t Do" from Elite Daily as shown below.
Happiness: something everyone hopes to achieve in his or her lifetime. Such a simple concept, yet many have trouble realizing how to obtain it. Sometimes we unintentionally create our own obstacles that prevent us from achieving this goal. It is ever so important to realize the ways we are limiting ourselves so we can fully reach happiness.

Happy people and unhappy people see the world through two completely opposing views. Let’s look at the ways happy people stay happy, while the unhappy remain miserable.

1) Gossip
The only people who gossip are people whose personal lives are not fulfilling enough. If you are happy and content with your life, why do you even care what is going on in someone else’s? There is no reason to engage in this petty behavior — all it does is make you look pathetic and jealous.

2) Concern Themselves With Other People’s Problems
People who are unable to mind their own business are most likely internally miserable. They seek to find faults within others just to make themselves feel better. They tend to lead boring lives and have no excitement in their own, so they act in this manner to create something out of nothing. They seek to fill the gap in their lives by discussing the lives of others and judging them harshly, so that they can feel better about their own miserable existences.

3) Think Negatively
There are the miserable people, who are always complaining about anything and everything, while on the other side, we have the optimistic people who always look at the glass as half full and are constantly looking for more out of life. Thinking positively will directly affect your happiness since you are focusing on the good as opposed to the bad.

4) Act Jealous
There is no reason for a happy person to act jealous towards others. They recognize the good fortune they possess and relish in it. They do not compare themselves to others since they are more than likely content with themselves. Instead of acting jealous towards others, they take pleasure in their success and celebrate their accomplishments with them.

5) Seek Validation From Others
Happy people do not look to others to confirm their self-worth. They recognize their value on their own and don’t live up to anyone’s expectations. They do things for themselves that they believe will advance them in life. By not concerning themselves with the opinions of others, they can focus on personal growth.

6) Seek Revenge
There is no reason to actively seek revenge against another person. Leave that up to karma and just continue living your life accordingly. Instead of focusing on revenge, happy people try to make peace with the issue. The only way to stop revenge is to give up and to accept it. Replace the evil feelings with opposite thinking. This is the only way; rise above it and let it be.

7) Hold Onto Resentment
By holding onto resentment, all you are doing is continuing and intensifying your own sadness. Learn to let things go, especially those which are unchangeable and that are in the past. This feeling will eat at you from the inside and cause stress. There is a unique sense of freedom once you let your anger go.

8) Argue For The Sake Of Being Right
It’d be easy to voice my thoughts rationally, but quite as easy to do it condescendingly as well. Many people will have a belief and will hold onto it even when contrary facts are presented to them. If it is a topic that you know they won’t listen to with open ears, don’t open your mouth just so you can appear wiser in the eyes of those around you. You’re only boosting your ego. Do not force your opinions on others or think you know best, as everyone is coming from somewhere. State your point calmly and listen to others. At the very least, you can always agree to disagree.

9) Have Expectations
One of the biggest challenges we face in life is learning to accept people for who they truly are. Once you realize that your expectations cannot change people, the better off you will be. The problem will arise when the expectations do not materialize. Unrealistic expectations will, can, and most often do lead to disappointment. Do not expect things out of situations; just go into them with an open mind. This will allow you to fully immerse yourself without the pressure of living up to preconceived notions.

10) Avoid Personal Problems
When a problem arises, it is the unhappy people who tend to ignore it. This is an awful way to handle situations as the longer you let a problem linger, the greater it will become. You need to tackle issues head on and as soon as possible in hopes of rectifying the circumstances. The stress and anxiety of ignoring such things can and will make you miserable and consumed with worry.

11) Look For Happiness Externally
Your happiness is contingent upon your outlook and not the actual situation. You have the power to view things in certain ways, so it is crucial to try and remain positive. Look within yourself to create your own happiness. Do not look at others to fulfill you, you are more than capable on your own. No relationship or material possession can bring you true happiness until you are happy on your own, first and foremost. This is a fatal error far too many people make in their lives.

12) Over Think Things
Over thinking is what creates problems from nothing and is probably the leading cause for arguments between two people. Many people falsely believe that by over thinking certain things, they can garner a better result. There are actually little to no benefits to overanalyzing any given situation. All this will do is cause a person stress and anxiety. The more time a person analyzes a decision, the more time this person makes themselves susceptible to negative thinking. Rational decisions can become clouded when a person lingers on them for too long. The motivation and drive behind the initial idea can and will start to obscure.

13) Live In The Past
The past is the past for a reason — it has already happened. There is no reason to linger there since it cannot be changed. Happy people tend to make peace with their past and focus on the future. They actively seek out different opportunities in order to make the most out of their lives.

14) Follow The Crowd
Confidence is a crucial aspect of any happy person, just like this is a critical characteristic for a leader. Happy people tend to be secure in their values and beliefs and, as a result, have a propensity to be leaders as opposed to followers.

15) Take Things Personally
When you hear a comment that you think is directed at you, take a moment and think. Do not over analyze the situation at hand, just let the other person speak freely. Listen completely to what this person is saying – selective hearing is the cause of these misinterpretations. People tend to get caught up in petty drama, which typically occurs when one person takes something the wrong way. When it comes down to it, you’re in control of how you interpret things. Think of how much more you could achieve with a new perspective, one seen only through your eyes.
seriously i just feel totally "speechless" within myself again because i had hit few of the point as shown above.
in fact, i realized that the more i express my opinion in my blog, i would find out more about my own "ugly truth" and bad sides of myself and i believe no one would like to tell other's people although i am anonymous.

honestly, time really passed so fast and i just feel that i was like counting my remaining days of life as those memories had been broken into pieces.
somehow i was trying my best to write every single details about my life in order to keep those "pieces of memory" into a complete one although it was quite subjective in term of time matters.
in fact, time has always make the environment changes although i would think about "someone" again especially when i don't have much "others people to think about" during "lonely" moment.
perhaps some days in future, "we" will be meet again but "you" will never truly understand that there was "a stupid guy" who still finding the answer about "love" whenever he think about "you" until this moment.
in fact, no people would be really know what will happen in future and "that time" feelings would be different.
on the other hand, i just feel quite "down" when my blogging story would certainly come to an end which is just a matter of time after discover more and more fact about the secret to be happy was to let go of something.
furthermore, no people would really care your feelings whether you got updates or even know how much time you used to write the blog post such as my Cheshire Oaks and Chatsworth House review.
(Self Expenses note: Today £4.90, Yesterday total £1021.30, Total up to date £1026.20)

Weston Park City Museum Sheffield Self Planned "Solo" Trip Experiences

today i woke up at 9.40am.
in fact, it was great to sleep until automatically wake up (睡到自然醒) as i did not set any alarm during yesterday since there i no class for this whole reading week.
then i just have some biscuit as my breakfast and just realized that my "food storage" was in a shortage.
somehow i seems to be not feeling well as myself also not sure which might due to "感冒" (common cold/flu) and still having a very minor cough.
however, there was 2 decision to be made which is either sit home reading books/study or go out explore anywhere if i want my "time" to be consider as worth to stay in UK.
anyways, i decided to go to Weston Park City Museum near Sheffield as i part of my self planned "Solo" trip experiences journey just like the Chatsworth House.

after that, i just cook the "Jia Jang Men" korean noodles as my lunch before going out as i finished cook, eat and wash around 11.55am as shown below.
around 12.45pm i start to make a move from home and followed the GPS guide from my phone since i was not familiar as i just took some picture along the way that i pass by to Weston Museum as below.
moreover, the walking journey from my hostel to there had took almost 1 hour from my hostel when i reach the museum around 1.45pm.
actually i do know that there is another way to go there such as taking the 51 (Lodge Moor direction) or the 52 (Crookes direction) buses from Arundel Gate, High Street or West Street.
besides, i just realized that the museum was actually near to St Andrew's URC Church as below.
maybe this is what we call as so close yet so far.

anyways, i just took some picture outside the Weston City Museum and it is divided into few category such as Sheffield life and times, what on earth, arctic world, treasures, about art and Harold Cantor gallery inside the floor plan as shown below.
well, the museum seems to be consider quite small when i used about 40 minutes to finish walk and see most of the stuff inside.
then i just open the Trip Advisor and saw the next attraction around me was the Arts tower and Crookesmoor valley park as i just took some picture while walking to there as shown below.
the feelings that i have toward Crookes park was it would be great place to hang out with your partner rather than walking alone.
moreover, there was people fishing at the river pond but i did not saw any fish in it.

next, i walk to the Ponderosa park as it was quite near but it seems that there is nothing much to see as shown below.
around 3.40pm i make a move from Ponderosa park walking back home but seems to be stuck at somewhere using my phone's GPS as i stopped at the church as below.
somehow i do feel quite grateful as i found my way to back especially when i saw those familiar building such as Orient Express, Huiwei chinese restaurant, Maveli, Oriental Foods, Akbars buffect promotion and Holly Street as my landmark other than Bloo88 with Embrace nightclub below.
anyways, i went to Fultons Foods market to see any good deals that i can buy for my dinner and ended up spend about £3.50 for the items below.
finally i arrived back home at 5.20pm and feel so tired again.

in fact, i had been walking for almost 5 hour+ non stop and my leg start to have some pain again.
overall the experience in Weston Park City Museum was quite good and below was the details information about it.
Address: Weston Park Museum, Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TP, United Kingdom.
Open Hours: Mon - Saturday from 10am to 5pm, Sunday from 11am to 4pm.
Admission / Entrance Fee :  FREE !
Phone : 0114 278 2600
Email : info@museums-sheffield.org.uk
Website : http://www.museums-sheffield.org.uk
as for now, i am very confident to say that i know the roads in Sheffield after today's outing.

after 6.40pm i finished prepared my dinner with rice, hotdog beans, pork burger and potato harsh brown as below.
somehow i was regret to buy the "Pork Q Pounders" from Fultons Foods market just now because the taste was awful to eat and i ended up throwing it to the dustbin. (feeling guilty for wasting food)
on the other hand, i do feel quite "alone" in some way as 95% of Tarc student went to travel quite far away during this reading week as i did not saw much familiar people while walking throughout this morning.
anyways, i just continue to watch the 12th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.

well, i was wondering whether the "PPP" (pre-pilot project) available or not in real life because i do wish i am able fly an aeroplane one day just like my uncle as a part of "promise" for "something" when i was young.

during the night, i start to feel more not feeling well as i might have some "diarrhea" with a bit fever and i don't even know whether it is the chicken rice that i eat yesterday, instant noodle this morning or the dinner that resulted me to "do big business" in toilet for almost 5 time.
anyways, i just take the "Bao Ji Wan" (保济丸) chinese medicine that i bring from Malaysia and hope it would be better soon.
later on, my friend just arrived back from London and shared some imformation together with the map as shown below.
somehow i just feel that maybe i have made a wrong decision for not following them because i believe the most precious moment for every student in UK is to hang out with friends instead of doing things alone.
in addition, i do doubt about how i am able to take my own picture if i travel to London during September.

besides, i also saw Simonhar went to London too as i just asked him about the travel expenses and it cost about £200 for 4 days 3 nights total expenses at there according to him.
frankly speaking, i was feeling quite contradict about the yesterday's sharing for "Act Jealous" whereby there is no reason for a happy person to act jealous towards others because they recognize the good fortune they possess and relish in it as they do not compare themselves to others since they are more than likely content with themselves and they take pleasure in their success and celebrate their accomplishments with them.
sometime i do wondering whether myself is a "over-dramatic" person or not as i can think so much question that being flown through my mind and ended up writing all my thought in blog.
before i end my post, i would like to share a touching "Ah Boy" short film as below or the link >>> Here.
seriously i just keep telling myself to be grateful and be happy about the life i have.
however, my "stomach pain diarrhea" tends to be getting not very good and i think it might probably due to the food that i ate during my stay in UK.
in fact, i still not sure whether want to go to see doctor tomorrow or not and certainly not having a good feeling that i can explore more places.
(Self Expenses note: Today £3.50, Yesterday total £1026.20, Total up to date £1029.70)

Planning To See Doctor For Sheffield Hallam University Student

today i woke up at 9.10am.
somehow i just feeling not very well when i having a severe "diarrhea" yesterday and start to have some minor fewer as i awakens.
moreover, i don't know why i don't have any appetite to eat and really feel something wrong within myself.
anyways, i just have some instant noodles as my breakfast and took some Panadol when i am headache.
then i just search some related information about the Sheffield City GP Health Centre (NHS Walk In Centre) from the college website because i was planning to see doctor at Sheffield Hallam University as it was free of charge using student ID.
however, i start to feel sleepy after some moment and went to take a nap.
the moment i woke up again was 3.10pm.

well, i was quite worry about my health status when i sleep so long and decided to walk to the university to seek for doctor around 3.30pm.
upon arrived there, i went to the information counter and the staff asked me to go to level 1 floor of Owen building to find the student health at SHU medical centre as shown below.
when i reach the reception counter, the staff told me that there is current no doctor for consultation available as i might need to pre-book the appointment and the open time was 1.30pm to 3.30pm as shown below.
somehow i do wondering why seeking for a doctor seems to be quite complicated as i heard some friend say that consultation and taking medicine from pharmacy is two different things.
anyways, i just went to Tai Sun oriental, Poundland and Fultons foods market to buy some food supply as i was lack of food to eat.

finally i arrived back home at 5.25pm.
then i just cook my dinner since i had skipped my lunch from the food i bought as shown below.
somehow i had spend about £9.80 in total as £4.90 in Tai Sun oriental, £2 in Poundland and £2.90 in Fultons foods market.
well, i had choose to cook the noodles with clams paste soup and seaweed soup as below because it might get worst if i eat those fries food during my "sick" condition.
frankly speaking, this kind of "sick" feelings is not good because without having a good health, i am not able to go anywhere or having the mood to do anything.
anyways, i just went to search some related information about the medical things and still thinking whether want to go to see the doctor for tomorrow or not.

later on, i just continue to watch the 13th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama and ate some canned pineapple as shown below.

on the other hand, i do have a feeling of going back to Malaysia as i miss a lot of stuff there such as "durian" when my brother shared the picture of it.
during the night, a friend came to my place and we do have some chat since most of the people had either went to London, Ireland, Barcelona, Spain and others places.
overall today feelings was not very good as i was in a "sick" condition and the most bad things is i keep having stomach pain but "could not release it" in the toilet.
honestly, i feel bad because i couldn't explore more places just like going to Weston museum yesterday because it might not "worth" to keep staying home during reading week but no choice since i was "sick".
(Self Expenses note: Today £9.80, Yesterday total £1029.70, Total up to date £1039.50)
[Total June expenses (£333.80) + Total July expenses (£1039.50) = Total two month (£1373.30) and will reset to £0 for August expenses]

Happy Yorkshire Day And Visited Millennium Gallery Museum While Infected With Gastroenteritis Stomach Flu Disease

today i woke up at 9.05am.
then i just have some bread with chocolate jam as my breakfast.
during the morning, i was doing nothing much literally as i spend most of my time "starring" in front of the computer while looking through friend's picture posting about their travel journey.
somehow some of my "not very good thought" running through my mind again as i did asked myself why i have such feelings about my life seems to be not as interesting as others people that can travel so much places although i know it is stupid to have such thought.
moreover, i do have some "guilty feelings" again if i travel or play too much.
guess i shouldn't have that kind of thought thinking that my whole week in Sheffield seems to be like nothing much happen as it sound like a waste and not worth for my stay in UK.

actually it was due to "someone voices" telling me that "i really don't know why you come UK" which is quite bothering and annoyed me in some way since it was true that i don't have much plan for my trip during the reading week.
well, i just can say that it really takes a lot of effort to cure my own "weakness" although i know it was a bad habits for me to concern about what others people said to me after living so long.
anyways, today was consider as a special because it was a Yorkshire day that is celebrated on 1 August to promote the historic English county of Yorkshire since 1975 by the Yorkshire Ridings Society, initially in Beverley, as "protest movement against the Local Government re-organisation of 1974.
in addition, this date alludes to the Battle of Minden and the anniversary of the emancipation of slaves in the British Empire in 1834, for which a Yorkshire MP, William Wilberforce, had campaigned according to Wiki.

therefore i would like to wish anyone to have a Happy Yorkshire Day as there was few celebration happening in the city.
after that, i just cook some seaweed noodles as my lunch before going to the student health department as i had planned to see doctor yesterday at SHU Medical centre.
around 1.55pm i make a move to from hostel to there and waited at the reception's waiting room after registered with my ID as shown below.
somehow i just read some brochures books when it took about 40 minutes to reach my turn.
well, i explained my situation to the doctor and she checked my stomach and blood pressure.
then she told me that i was infected with "Gastroenteritis" disease and i just wrote the scientific name before i left when she advice me to drinks more water for this few day without need to take any medicine.

frankly speaking, i do feel doubt about her medical skill when she told me that i do not need to take any medicine because normally 80% of the doctor in Malaysia will give medicine whenever we visited the clinic. 
anyways, i just make a move from there around 2.50pm and just search some information regarding the "Gastroenteritis" infection (inflammation of the stomach and small and large intestines that results in diarrhea or vomiting) from my phone.
well, it seems that she was right according to NHS Choices website stated that "Gastroenteritis does not need to be diagnosed because your symptoms should improve without treatment" where i don't need to take any medicine to cure this disease.
however, there are several ways you can do to ease or treat your symptoms if you believe you have contracted gastroenteritis (stomach flu) disease from Wikihow website.

somehow i do wondering whether the reason i had infected with such disease was probably because the "Pork Q Pounder" (will not buy anymore) from Fultons Foods market or drinking the tap water in our hostel as we were told it is safe to drink it and any tap water in UK. (Buy Evian water to drink?)
after that, i decided to go pay a visits to Millennium Gallery Museum as it was just in front of Sheffield Hallam University as shown below.
well, the museum seems to be quite small when i saw saw the upper and lower floor map as it is divided from Ruskin Collection, Craft and Design, Metalwork collection as shown below.
then i just took some picture around the art gallery places and watched the how to make a silver spoon video as shown below.
overall it took me about 30 minutes to finish walk and see through most of the information.

anyways, the detailed information about Millennium Gallery (Art, Craft & Design in the heart of Sheffield) was shown as below.
Address: Millennium Gallery, Arundel Gate, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2PP, United Kingdom
Open Hours: Mon - Saturday from 10am to 5pm, Sunday from 11am to 4pm.
Admission / Entrance Fee :  FREE !
Phone : 0114 278 2600
Email : info@museums-sheffield.org.uk
after that, i walked to the Graves Gallery Museum which is just beside of it as shown below.
somehow there was not many people around when i walked in.

however, it seems that the Graves gallery museum has been closed at 3pm when i reach the 3rd floor using the lift as shown below.
besides, i do visits the central library at 1st floor and there was quite a lot of books to read.
anyways, i make a move around 3.25pm when i finished walk the place and took the FeeBee bus to Aldi supermarket at 3.50pm.
upon reach at Aldi supermarket, i just buy some biscuits, orange juices, chips and chocolate that cost about £2 total where i can say that they sell the cheapest groceries when compared to others shop.
along the way walking back, it seems there was some activities happening on the Town Hall as below.
finally i arrived back home at 5.10pm and i just lay down on bed to rest a while but eventually fall asleep.
the moment i woke up again was 8.05pm.

somehow i just feel so "funny" to have a weird and childish dream that i dreaming because i was picnic in a river lake with current classmate and don't know how i get a golden key which allow me to run from a Pokemon world, to a Kamen Rider, then Ultraman monster appeared, followed by Alien bug monster world as i almost get killed inside which is totally full of imaginary and eventually wake up after that.
after that, i just continue to watch the 14th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.

around 9.25pm i just cook the clam soup noodles with prawn crab stick as my dinner.
later on, i just see some ex-classmate picture about last year Europe trip while locating the map below of my next planning.
seriously i feel that i seems to be only know how to treasure the "moment" when it is missing or lost.

perhaps the decision that i make wrong at this moment was not following my friends to travel together.
somehow i also feel that the 2 month time of my staying in UK seems to be passes so fast and now seems to be left 2 more month if i am going back to Malaysia during October.
on the other hand, i still wondering why i still "waste time" writing this blog everyday and it seems to be a way to feel more worth about the RM40K total expenditure in UK when i feel myself tends to be wasting parents effort for sending me here while i did not get good results for my assignment.
besides, i just stumble upon back the "Shui Zhi Dao" (Who Knows 谁知道) song by Evan Yo as below.
before i end my post, i would like to share an meaningful picture about "The worst loneliness is to be uncomfortable within yourself" as shown below.
therefore it might be true that when no people care much about you, the need to take care yourself is the most important in life.
(Self Expenses note for new month August in UK: Today £2, Yesterday total £0, Total up to date £2)

Graves Gallery Museum Sheffield Experiences

today i woke up at 9.45am.
well, another day seems to be pass so fast again and it is quite "scary" to realize 1 week time tends to be passed in a blink of eyes.
somehow i still don't really do much thing partly because of procrastination with my so call "Gastroenteritis sickness" where i spend most of my time seeking for information from the internet.
anyways, i do have a feeling of "die die also must go out somewhere today" other than keep staying home and had decided to pay a visits to Graves Art Gallery Museum Sheffield as it had been closed at 3pm when i arrived late yesterday.
around 12.40pm i cooked curry flavour instant noodle as my lunch and make a move around 1.55pm from hostel to the museum.

upon arrived Graves museum at 2.10pm, it seems that there was not much people and i just took some picture of the art gallery displayed at there as shown below.
one sentences that i like from there was the description of telling tales mentioning that "A picture is worth a thousand words, people have always used images to tell stories, from cave paintings to children's books, paintings are often used to illustrate a myth, a religious story, a tale from a book or a historical event" as shown below.
somehow i don't think i really understand much of the paintings as i haven reach that kind of "artistic" level.
around 2.40pm i finished walk the museum as it is quite small and just bought a pencil printed with the museum name as my souvenir for £0.50 before leaving there.
overall it can be consider quite good experience to explore although it might sounds boring.

anyways, below was the details of the Graves art gallery museum that combined with Central Library.
Address: Graves Gallery, Surrey Street, Sheffield, S1 1XZ, United Kingdom
Open Hours: Wednesday - Friday from 10am to 3pm, Sunday from 11am to 4pm.
Admission / Entrance Fee :  FREE !
Phone : 0114 278 2600
Email : info@museums-sheffield.org.uk
Website : http://www.museums-sheffield.org.uk/museums/graves-gallery
in fact, it was just in front of Sheffield Hallam University and it is near to Sheffield Winter Garden together with Crucible Theatre building as shown below.
after that, i just walk to Tai Sun oriental again to see anything to buy.

somehow i do miss "durian" a lot when i saw there sold for £4.50+ but just only few pieces in a pack and just bought the "Le Chu" Shanghai noodle pack for £1 before i left there.
then i just took Freebee bus back to Castle market and i had bought the squid rings where there is a promotion of £2.50 for 2 packs.
besides, i also want to buy some other fruit and ended up bought a pack of kiwi for £0.40 after walking for quite long time at there.
next, i went to B&M bargains stores and just feel to buy something again as i ended up buying Mars chocolate bar (£2) and Weetos cereal (£1) before i left there.
finally i arrived back home at 5pm and went to the reception center to check my mail box and take the clothes laundry token.

frankly speaking, sometime i just feel myself seems to buy some unnecessary things such as chocolate from the things i bought today as below.
maybe it was true that "We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like" as shown below.
besides, i was happy to receive a 4GB shark pendrive from Discovery channel as i had completed their survey as shown below.
after that, i continue to watch the 15th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
well, this episode do make me think about "what if one day you meet a girl that had the same looks with someone you like, but it is not the same girl", would you go to chase her?

anyways, it was just a thought that suddenly pop up in my mind.
during the night, i just cook the clam noodles as my dinner and my housemate had back from his vacation while sharing his trip experiences.
before i end my post, below was the Chan Fong (大城心事) recording podcast story sharing and he would be publish his new book at this coming Sunday, 4th August (海外华文书市) in KLCC at 6pm.
1) 第一位:阿平~他打电话来只是问问陈峰大哥关于他的新书分享会的详情。

2) 第二位:汤小姐~她是柔佛Segamat人。目前在吉隆坡读书生活,可是当一段时间过后她却发现那里的生活费太高似乎令她开始吃不消,这也促使她有考虑重新回去读书的想法浮现。【陈峰大哥建议她可以继续留在当地,等毕业后再回去也不迟,前提是她自己认为到底认为是在哪了读出来的成就比较;最后也提醒她不要太在意别人的眼光和被被人的流言蜚语影响及破坏自己的最终目标和当初的决定】Part 1 + 2 >>> Here.

3) 第三位:阿祖~他也是打电话来问关于陈峰大哥的新书分享及签名会。另外,他想问关于他有个朋友的问题,他说他有一位朋友开始跟他斤斤计较。【陈峰大哥给反问他是是,如果这位朋友在他心目中到底占有多重要的位置】>>> Here.

4) 第四位:阿怡(31岁/ 已婚)~她说做人很矛盾,话说她本身不想要生孩子但是她的丈夫却很希望他们能够生孩子。【陈峰大哥给她提出一个劝告就是:到底要不要小孩子在这两年内决定,话先别说得太早,不然到时候忽然改变主意的时候就很难向自己交代了;最后也要试着理清和想像双方对于将来年老退休生活的时候,那生活方式到底会是怎样的情景】>>> Here.

5) 第五位:阿玲~她朋友的问题,话说她这位朋友自从在打最后一份工之后就变得好像有点陷入接近精神恍惚而错乱的状态。【根据陈峰大哥的分析,她这位朋友不止自尊心强烈而且有点自信过高】>>> Here.

6) 第六位:Jessie(已结婚十五年)~她的婚姻状况开始出现问题和一些小状况,她和丈夫的沟通关系开始越来越糟糕。【陈峰大哥在听完她的说法后发现她的心里有很大的漏洞和不平衡点,甚至有很多问题往往是无中生有的;最后只是劝她凡事应该感到知足和懂得惜福,毕竟世上比起她的婚姻状况还要不美满的还大有人在,更奉劝她能少一点抱怨自己的丈夫有任何不足之处】>>> Here.

7) 第七位:阿俪~她有位七十多岁的亲人患有癌症,有时候看到对方的痛苦也令她感到心酸和心痛和难过;她不知道有什么办法能够尽量帮助到她的这位亲人,希望她能够脱离苦海。【陈峰大哥认为,如果患病的人的态度不积极就很难面对将来】>>> Here.

8) 第八位:Madam Lim~她打电话来只是分享关于她在早前也是有家人和亲戚都曾经有过类似相同的经历。

9) 第九位(最后一位):阿玲~她之前还在读书,但是先因为考虑到工作上的收入还不错因而想暂时放弃学业。【陈峰大哥问她是否有对事业有很大的野心,后者应该思考自己对于人生将来的最大目标是哪一个定位上】Part 8+ 9 >>> Here.
somehow i just feel that it is all about whether you are happy or not in this life is most important other than keep thinking about how others people see you which is related to face problem. (面子重要吗?)
it is because if yourself is not happy, other people can't help you and life tends to be quite short.
in conclusion, today i shall be grateful that i can go out to some places instead of thinking in a way of did not able to go to farther places such as Ireland, Birmingham, Barcelona or others.
perhaps i shall think it in a way that at least i had completed the three free museum in Sheffield such as the Weston Park, Millennium Gallery and today's Graves Gallery museum although there seems to be not much things here although you can choose to go "try your luck" (gambling) at Uncle Lim Genting Casino Sheffield but until now i still haven experience it.
at last, this blog post had been updated on the next day as i had eventually fall asleep after rest a while on yesterday.
however, i was quite sad to see my "lonelyreload@hotmail.com" email seems to be hacked as i receive the message as i login as shown below during the morning.
seriously i don't really know much about how to retrieve it back since most of the information provided is fake and i did not do have the security code as i don't have any backup for it.
guess this is the disadvantage of being anonymous and show your email in public.
in fact, i do think before that what if one day my blog had been hacked or deleted, who would really know me since i am just an anonymous guy.
hacker ah hacker, why you want hack me?
(Self Expenses note: Today £7.40, Yesterday total £2, Total up to date £9.40)

Mission Incomplete In My Life

today i woke up at 5.30am.
somehow i was quite "shock" as i had accidentally sleep until next day as i just wish to rest for a while although i had set the alarm previously.
anyways, i just went to sleep back but could sleep long when the moment i woke up again was 6.55am.
then i just went to write my yesterday's "Graves art gallery museum" blog post since i had forgotten it.
after that, i continue to keep finding the way to retrieve back my email as it might be "hacked" by someone.
well, it did took me for quite a long time to search all the related information to find the answer related to lost email account and finally found the way to recover back my email.
therefore i just done some backup but it still require my Malaysia phone number to add in secondary security for my Hotmail email.

at last, i just feel quite satisfied and happy when i found the solution instead of just sitting there thinking about why this kind of thins happens.
after that, i ate some chocolate bread as my breakfast and continue to search some information.
well, one of my friend do invited me to go Meadowhall shopping center as i feel to go but did not go there in the end as i was "lazy" in some way.
during the afternoon, i cooked the seaweed noodles as my lunch and continue to watch some funny Youtube video such as the "10 thousand cold joke" (十万个冷笑话) that only publish 1 video every month.
moreover, i suddenly attracted to a new funny Chinese video such as the "Zombie Brother" (尸兄) starting from 1st episode and watch until the latest 8th episode as shown below or at the link >>> Here.
seriously the video just make me laugh out badly although it brings some creepy scene.

perhaps this is the most budget way to waste use my time instead of spending money to travel around although it sounds boring.
besides, i would like to share a meaningful song that is "Mission Incomplete" from (非常好歌) that sing by " Quek Shio Yee (郭修彧) as shown below or the like >>> Here.
frankly speaking, i discover that "Quek Shio Chuan" was his brother too who was a famous film director in Malaysia that directed one of the touching Autism short film as shown below or the link >>> Here.
guess this is what people say "like brother, like sister" (like father, like son) right?
anyways, below was the lyrics of Mission Incomplete song.

That is what we only have now, 没有了以后。
All that memories we've been through, 随风而掏空。
Our laughter is being freeze in the past, Mission incomplete.
But it's time to say goodbye.

到底我做错什么,why why 你放弃我?

That is what we only have now, 没有了以后。
All that memories we've been through, 随风而掏空。
Our laughter is being freeze in the past, Mission incomplete.
But it's time to say goodbye.

What's the matter now,

That is what we only have now, 没有了以后。
All that memories we've been through, 随风而掏空。
Our laughter is being freeze in the past, Mission incomplete,
Mission incomplete, Mission incomplete,
But it's time to say goodbye.
somehow the words that highlighted in red is something i feel too.
anyways, i just make another "cut short" version of the "Mission Incomplete" video due to the "demand of public" as the video reached 100,000 views at the link >>> Here.
in fact, one of the actor in the video was actually my friend last time and he seems to be quite successful at the "model" career back in Tarc college.

well, i do understand i am just a "copier" in my own Youtube channel since i don't really have any much things to share about.
honestly, sometime i do hope i can be much more creative and having innovative ideas like those "Youtubers" such as JinnyboyTv, Joseph Germani, DanKhoo, Ryan Sylvia, WahBanana and others or being a unique drawing comic skills like Akiraceo, Bro don't like that la, Cheechingy, The Egg Yolks, Bolehland and other more but i couldn't find my own talent in those area other than grumbling/whining/complaining about life.
around 9.05pm i went to do my clothes laundry and make the burrito tortilla wrap as my dinner.
later on, i just search some information about the Nectar card and it was my first time to buy something from Ebay UK online as shown below.
hopefully it would be a great experience as the seller would deliver my thing in time.

around 9.55pm my timer's ring and i just went back to dry my cloth as it finally finished at 10.50pm.
in addition, i just look through the map again for St Michael's Mount, Tintagel, Land's End, Bristol, Perranporth, Newquay, Lancaster, Bournemouth, Warwick, Scotter, Glasgow, Isle of Skye, Lake District, Dublin, Eilean Donan Castle and other places.
over time, i discover myself tends to be having "unrealistic wants" and shouldn't envy others as i did as myself would i be willing to spend £500 for the London+Barcelona trip or not.
guess Peter was right that "i always unhappy about what i do NOT have and never happy about what i DO have" or unwilling to see what i have since human is always greedy right?
therefore this has become a reason i feel there is a "Mission Incomplete" in my life as i keep lack of something.

as i keep writing more, i seems to be "digging own grave" in the end as i keep saw a lot of disadvantage such as my own weakness as i do wondering why i have such "ugly personality" and i believe no one would like others to know their "dark side" and it has also become the reason why i prefer staying anonymous.
anyways, i should be more focusing on study but i seems to be doing nothing much literally when i watch those videos during the afternoon and the time tends to be pass so fast because one month from after today's date (3th August) would be the exact date of my examination for E-Business Management at 3th September.
before i end my post, i would like to share a meaning sentences that is "No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life, someone somewhere else is fighting to survive" which is quite true in those poor country.
at last, i just keep comfort myself to be gratitude about my life and looking forward to Newcastle weekend trip at tomorrow.
(Self Expenses note: Today £3.90, Yesterday total £9.4, Total up to date £13.30)

Newcastle Weekend Trip From The Hubs Sheffield

today i woke up at 6.40am.
before i start my whining writing for this post, i just feel so "funny" about myself again for having the "frustration" feeling to continue write again because every weekend trip from Sheffield Hallam University Student Union seems to be used up a lot of my time as i wish to write every single details about it.
however, this time seems to be different a bit as i have some "motivation to write" from one of the junior compliment on my "Cbox" seems to be appreciate what i done as shown below. (wahlau, wait jor 1 year only got 1 Tarcian junior come? LOL)
frankly speaking, not much people would understand my intention of continue writing and some people even doubt about me thinking that "this guy really got so good or not for providing FREE information and he must be earning $$ from somewhere" but the fact is i no longer able to earn although i wish to from Google Ads.

anyways, i just feel really thankful to the junior's comment as it had become my energy for wasting spending 3 hour time to write this post and i believe everyone like to receive some positive comments right?
well, this was the continued part from last week's Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet weekend trip as this week would be going to Newcastle upon Tyne and there is still left one more Nottingham weekend trip to go for me to complete all my "own attendance record" for supporting the Hub's university student union trip.
after having some chocolate bread as my breakfast, we make a move around 7.40am walking to the Hubs.
well, this time there was some bus driver checking the trip's ticket but not our bus as shown below.
moreover, our seems to be came late it start to make a move around 8.25am and we was given a tourist attraction guide as usual as shown below.
during the moment at bus, my friend just shared his Barcelona, Spain trip experience with me.

somehow there was something bad happening but i can't really explain much here since it is not a good thing.
what i can say and advice to any Tarc SHU student for next year 2014 was please be extra careful with your belonging if you went to Barcelona or others place because there was a lot of professional thief that can "take your thing" without being noticed.
moreover, if you found out who is the thief, please don't catch it alone because they might be having guns or knife that can hurt you because it is legal to have guns in others country. (not worth dying for $$ right?)
anyways, it is up to you to decide whether what i say true or not since i also heard from others sharing as i did not go to Barcelona to experience it myself as it would cost about £300 for the trip.
after some moment, i just fall asleep as the journey to Newcastle would take about 2 and half hour as we arrived there at 10.55am.

well, below was some picture that i took upon arrival.
after that, we start to walk around the place and we were heading to Newcastle United Stadium (St James' Park) as our first destination.
somehow i was quite regret never search properly about the opening time of Discovery Museum after i had checked it online when i back home as i saw it does not open from far view during that time as shown below.
upon arrived to Newcastle United Football Club (NUFC) building, i just continue to take some picture of the surrounding as shown below.
well, i was not sure whether they got open or not since i just following the big group as we was heading to Chinatown as shown below.
when we arrived near Chinatown, it was already 11.20am and we start to find some restaurant.

somehow my friends had decided to have our lunch at Lau's Buffet King Chinese restaurant that cost about £6.95 after compared with No.1 Oriental Buffet as shown below.
while waiting for the opening time at 12pm, we went to the nearby shop and i had bought some instant noodles for about £1.50 since it is cheaper than in Sheffield.
well, the variety of the Lau's buffet seems to be consider as quite a lot and i just take two round as i was having some "pai seh jiak ka ki" (害羞吃自己) feelings if my friend see i ate a lot as shown below.
anyways, i just listened to some friend conversation as it is mostly gossiping about girls and i don't really have much thing to share since i don't really know much things about girls.
around 1.45pm we went to Intu Eldon Square mall and below was the building we walk pass to reach there.
moreover, the shopping mall seems to be quite big just like One Utama back in Malaysia.

well, i just feel that the Hollister shop seems to be quite unique with it's interior design as shown below.
after that, i just took some outside view of the Intu Eldon Square shopping center and Grey's monument as shown below.
next, we walked to the Great North Hancock museum while walking pass the Newcastle Haymarket, Newcastle University and Exhibition Park with its surrounding as shown below.
as we arrived to the Hancock museum at 3.40pm, it seems that we only left a few minutes to quickly visits it because the closing time was 4pm as shown below.
anyways, i just took quickly took some picture about the gallery and it was quite nice to see such as different animal, dinosaur, Egypt and other as shown below.
overall it can be consider quite okay for a Free admission museum and i bought a pencil as a souvenir.

anyways, below was the details of the Great North museum.
Address: Hancock, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4PT, United Kingdom.
Open Hours: Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm, Saturdays from 10am to 4pm, Sundays from 11am to 4pm, Closed at 25, 26 December and 1 January.
Admission / Entrance Fee :  FREE !
Phone : 0191 222 6765
Website : http://www.twmuseums.org.uk/great-north-museum
around 4.05pm we make a move from there and went to our last destination which is the Gateshead Millennium bridge that is not far from Tyne bridge near the Quayside.
in fact, i just feel that it seems like "walk dao siao" (walk quite long) throughout the journey from morning.

anyways, below was the picture of the path that we walk along the way to Tyne and Gateshead Millennium bridge after the museum although i don't really know some of those building as shown below.
besides, i do feel to try the Quayside Lloyds bar food but it seems that not much time left as we was rushing to the coach bus station and below was the path we walk through.
sometime i do wish i can take some nice picture just like the one as shown below but i couldn't due to don't have professional camera.
around 6pm the bus make a move in time and i just sleep throughout the journey.
finally we reach the Hubs at 8.35pm and we continue to walk back our hostel since the bus did not fetch us to home directly this time.
then i went to my friend house as they had cooked some fried rice as our dinner.

somehow i don't really like to become a target of joke for being say that "masturbate/tfk" for the whole week in Sheffield by friends since i did not travel much places.
besides, i feel that listening to "gossip story" tends to make me think a lot.
for example, have you ever wondering how was your future partner (husband/wife) would be because you will never know their past stories.
anyways, i just feel people will be gossiping more often when the girl is "scarce" or it is beautiful.
on the other hand, do you agree that a girl can change to another person just for a guy, but how about the other side? (女人可以为了一个男人而变成另一个人,男人也可以为了一个女人变成另一个人)
anyways, i start to miss the moment in Sheffield since there is not much time left although i still feel there is still some "Mission Incomplete" in my life.

in fact, my 1 week tends in Sheffield was not really that interesting as others people who went to London or any further places.
later on, i just procrastinate again by watching the latest episode of Naruto, Hunter X Hunter and Shingeki No Kyojin animation.
somehow i still like to listen to those "emo" song such as the "Shui Zhi Dao" (Who Knows 谁知道) song by Evan Yo as shown below.
perhaps what i really want was just hope "someone" to listen my voices so that i don't feel so "lonely" in some way as i tends to be always talking to myself in heart.
at last, i think i shall focus more now on the group assignment for the final coursework instead of thinking so many other useless stuff and most important be positive.
(Self Expenses note: Today £9, Yesterday total £13.30, Total up to date £22.30)

Would You Dare To "Cheat" An iPhone 5 For RM300 In United Kingdom?

today i woke up at 10.30am.
well, it was the last day to rest before the college start to resume tomorrow.
after getting myself prepared, i just have some Weetos cereal as my breakfast and it was quite nice to eat since the taste was like chocolate flavour of "Honey Stars" cereal.
anyways, i just continue to surf some related information about the group assignment but still don't really have much "motivation" to do it.
around 1pm i just cook the instant noodles with chicken drumstick that i bought yesterday as my lunch.
somehow i feel to go to library to get more focus about the task and one of my friend phoned that the book that we need to borrow from there was in maintenance.
therefore i ended up did not go although i know it was an excuse for me to procrastinate again.

during the evening, i just watch the 16th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama and really like the "Flying me to the moon" song as shown below.
around 6.30pm i went to my friend's house to have our dinner as they have cook some chicken, beans egg and potatoes meat.
at the end, i still in charge washing the plates and just went back to my room to prepare for the assignment discussion meeting at 8pm.
during the group discussion, we just have a short one since most of us did not prepare much as myself also the same since i was traveling around Sheffield for the whole week.
besides, i did feel "guilty" in for not being responsible to borrow the marketing book from the library as i seems to be quite "free" during last week.

before the end of our dismiss, a friend sharing some information about signing up a iPhone 5 plan for a very cheap price in UK.
well, the question here was whether would you dare to "cheat" an iPhone 5 for RM300 in United Kingdom because this plan is for people that will complete their monthly commitment to pay about £20~£40 for 12~24 month contract.
the reason why i mention "cheat" here was because you need to cheat the mobile operator that you are studying in UK for 3 years+ as you will be more easily to get approved without much issues arise.
however, the things that can you need to face was "spoiled Malaysian image/reputation or get blacklisted" because we as you will be back to Malaysia after the 3~4 month summer program if you had sign up the plan and only pay for the first month without the next following month.

honestly, i did feel to do this kind of "bad things" but i couldn't as i don't want to get "blacklisted" and i still want to maintain my "good guy" image.
in fact, my friend told me that there was quite a number of Tarcian already signed up for it and get the iPhone 5 for FREE without need to pay the retail price cost as they did not plan to travel back to UK or Europe country in a short period of time. (2~5 years+ time as "blacklist name" would be get removed by that time)
anyways, if you really gonna do it, the information i heard was sign up from "Three stores" because the procedure was more simple instead of need to provide passport for some of the store and the upfront payment was just £29 together with the another £29 data plan (£58xRM5 = RM300) total as shown below.
besides, O2 network don't need to pay any upfront payment but £37 per month as shown below.
therefore this is why it is just cost about RM300 to buy the 16GB iPhone 5 if you plan to "runaway" later. 

seriously it was so attractive but once again i only know how to talk since i was "coward" to do such thing.
during the night, i just search some related information about the map in UK as it was cheap to buy the train tickets from Megabus because sometime the fares was only cost for £1 but it is very limited.
frankly speaking, i just feel that traveling alone was not fun at all and it seems to be a wrong way to make such decision because the most precious moment is travelling with a bunch of friends.
moreover, i do feel lack of a lot of things since most of my classmate has came here last year.
therefore i seems to be ended up with a "regret" mode and hopefully my post would bring some "inspiration" for next year Tarc SHU 2014 student for not repeating my mistake.
in fact, i think you should already have those planning about where you want to go when you're still in Malaysia during April before waiting to go UK.

on the other hand, i start to feel that Google Map's street view would be the next trends because you no need to come UK also can view the street that you want to see such as my Newcastle weekend trip post.
for example, you just go to Google Map, type "Newcastle upon Tyne", select street view and you can directly see the street that i walked along during yesterday.
well, the only things that is lack of was just the present of "you" in UK and can't further go in the building if you just view from the internet.
however, internet would be just make a person lack of real life interaction as you can get the information without present in real life just like how i share my experience studying in Sheffield as you can consider whether want to spend the $$ came here to study or not because i do feel myself seems to be "wasting" in some ways.

in addition, i do feel a little unhappy when my housemate said that i don't pay much effort to get what others people want. (没有付出,你怎样想拿到别人得到的东西?)
sometime i just asked myself why so easily get influence by other people words to ruin own feelings.
therefore this might be the reason why i like to be alone because i feel that "if i never interact with people, i would never get influence easily" although i know it was a wrong way to became a more matured person.
it is just like if you never fall, how would you experience how the hurt feelings right?
later on, i just continue to do the assignment draft that need to be show to the tutor tomorrow.
before i end my post, i would like to share the "Ding Dang Yi Ban" (丁当一半) song again although i have shared a few time in my blog as shown below.
in fact, it was the song that accompanied me during my "lonely night" when i was doing my assignment.
(Self Expenses note: Today £0, Yesterday total £22.30, Total up to date £22.30)

Brenda's Traditional Fish And Chips Sheffield

today i woke up at 7.15am.
then i just have the chocolate cereal as my breakfast and continue to check the draft related things.
around 8.45am we make a move from hostel and went to attend the Product Innovation and Creativity (PIC) lecture at Stoddart building.
well, the tutor just show the "World's first lab-grown burger is eaten in London" video before the lecture start which might probably leave us the question about how to market such product since it is still hard for the society to accept such product as it seems like an artificial product.
somehow i just feel that this technology might be able to cut down the slaughtering rate of animals if everyone support to eat such meat.
anyways, the lecture class was all about teaching us the guide for the group's assessment coursework.

after the lecture ends, i went to the seminar class to wait for the next class.
well, the seminar PIC lecture was the continuation part of the 20 minute consultancy of the group business plan for our coursework.
around 1.10pm i arrived back home and went to collect the laundry together while checking my mail box.
it seems that the camera battery where i bought from eBay few days ago was finally arrived and just feel that the service was more efficient as shown below.
besides, i also received the free first Graze box that have the honeycomb crunch, tomato dipinetti, marvellous macaroon and jaffa cake inside as shown below.
somehow i just feel that their "marketing skills" seems to be quite good as their did not mention need to pay for the second box as they only state the fifth box will be Free too in the brochures.

moreover, they also have the affiliate program to let all of your friends try a free graze box and claim rewards for every one that signs up with my "9WF7F33D" code as shown below.
anyways, i just canceled the deliveries option after i received my first box for free since i just want to try out whether it is real or not although it sounds quite "cheapskate" in some ways.
around 1.50pm i make a move from home and went to Brenda's Traditional Fish & Chips restaurant to have my lunch when i heard some friend sharing about the place was quite nice to eat in Sheffield.
besides, my brother just Whatsapp me and i do feel a bit not good when he thought i simply spend $$ in UK as i already decided not go to the extra 3 places such as Scotland, Barcelona and the London with friends as i would go to London during September as shown below.
well, i was influence by him that i would still have the chance to go UK in future.

honestly, i just feel quite contradict and it is very subjective when others people say that you would not come to UK in few years time, then why not spend all the money traveling around UK?
moreover, i did feel a little "frustration" because i understand the fact that when i back to Malaysia, i would be start begging looking for jobs whether which company will hire me to work.
in the end, it is just depend on your own decision about what to do in your life because no one would understand better than yourself.
during the walking journey to Brenda's Traditional Fish and Chips restaurant, i just took some picture along the way and finally reach there at 2.10pm as shown below.
well, there was no people at all when i arrive and just wondering how they can survive when there is so little customer in my first impression.

somehow i just choose the Cod fish with chips cone that cost for £4.20 in total because the Haddock fish is currently out of stock from the menu as shown below.
when the food arrived, it seems that it was quite big portion as you can see picture below.
anyways, it was quite nice to eat with its potato chips and i can say it can compete with the fish and chips restaurant in Whitby that i went to during June.
anyways, below was the details of Brenda's Traditional Fish & Chips shop in Sheffield.
Address: 2 Earl Way, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 4QA, United Kingdom
Phone Contact : +44 114 249 3035
overall i would recommend anyone to try it because the chips is definitely tastier than the Chino's fish and chip that cost for £2.50 although this shop is slightly expensive than Chinos.

around 2.45pm i make a move from there and went to check out the Wong Ting Chinese (金煌庭) restaurant because it was my last month in Sheffield as i wish to eat/try most of the restaurant i here instead of keep eating the noodles/burritos wrap at home.
well, the menu seems to be quite expensive than Hong Kong Wok and Noodle Inn in London Road but i still wondering whether want to try the "Eat as much as you like buffet from over 100 dishes to choose" for £16.95 or not as shown below.
somehow i just wondering myself seems to be like "Sean" who is a food blogger in Malaysia.
after that, i walked to Aldi supermarket to buy the iceberg lettuce and crab stick for £1.30 in total.
then i make a move from there around 3.10pm and waited the Freebee bus to come although there was some delay this time.

finally i arrived back home at 3.50pm and just watched the 17th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
well, there is one sentences that i feel quite meaningful was "how do you really know that next time world be better than this time" during the London eye scene because i feel it was like referring to myself.
during the evening, i just search some information and saw one of my friend's still earning some advertising money from the Reviews Wonderland website.
somehow i do feel a little "sucks" for myself as i did not take the effort to make new website for making Google Ads other than continue whining writing in my blog post.
seriously i still did not have any actual goal in my life at this moment of writing other than "inspiring" Tarcian junior for not following my mistaken footstep.

moreover, i seems to be hinting people to do illegal stuff just like explaining the way to "cheat" an iPhone 5 for RM300 blog post yesterday.
during the night, i went to my friend house and help a little to cook some food as there was some vegetable, tofu, chicken drumstick and fried eggs as our dinner.
then i just pay another £5 for sharing the food ingredient as i don't really much comment about it although having some other thought.
around 8.30pm i arrived back home and just feel that the time passed so fast especially need to balance between the group's coursework and leisure moment when the time seems to be "limited" nowadays.
on the other hand, feel free to check out the "Senior Advice For Sheffield Tarc" and my "Academic Stress" blog because there was some other senior sharing their UK experience with me.

before i end my post, i would like to share a meaningful short film video about "My Shoes" as shown below or the link >>> Here.
well, the question here was do you want to have a nice shoes or a freedom leg that can walk?
anyways, the moral value was you can't really have everything in life although some people may seem to have MOST of it but NOT everything.
in fact, we shall be grateful for all the things that we have and should not compare our life with others because we don't know the story behind and what they are going through.
therefore we should love ourselves more live our life to the fullest as we just live once. (self comforting)
(Self Expenses note: Today £10.50, Yesterday total £22.30, Total up to date £32.80)

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2013

today i woke up at 7.55am.
somehow i do feel "something" wrong going on my body but not sure what is it.
anyways, i just ate the "marvellous macaroon" snack that i received from Graze box yesterday as my breakfast before make a move around 8.40am walking to attend the E-Business management (EBM) lecture at Adsett building.
well, the lecture just shared "The Net (1995)" movie trailer as the class started which might probably related to e-security and cyber crime topic although i felt it seems to be quite outdated.
besides, i was quite agree the statement about "The internet is both anonymous and pervasive, an ideal communication tool for criminal and terrorist group" (Peretti, 2008) according to the slide.
however, i just feel quite sleepy during the lecture after some moment.

frankly speaking, i do feel quite sad about my EBM individual coursework result when the tutor said "don't feel bad if you scored low marks and it is time to move on as you can still catch up the marks during the final exam" in next month. (3th September)
overall the lecture class teaches about the online securities issues, management information system, legislation and prevention guidance, risk management in term of threat and opportunity.
somehow i do agree with her that human nature is lazy and it is all about how you see things of balancing between the risk and opportunity in life.
after the class end, i just following my friend shopping nearby there and finally reach home at 11.30am.
around 12.10pm i make a move from hostel to Tesco Extra with my friend as there was "Share a Coke tour" which can probably get a Coca cola drink printed with your name for free.

upon arrived at Tesco, there was a lot of people queuing up for "Share a Coke in-store kiosks" which allow you to choose the name you would like to be printed on any 500ml bottle of Coke, Coke Zero or Diet Coke that you buy in-store instead of the "Share a Coke vending machines" to get the free 250ml bottle of Coke as shown below.
somehow i decided not to buy when i feel it is not worth to buy the 500ml coke for £1.15 just for having my name printed on because a 2 liter Coke only cost £1 as shown picture below and still need to queue up for almost 1 hour+ according to my friend's experience.
moreover, it is quite subjective again as different people have different opinion about the "needs and wants" just like why some people can be so "crazy" to queue up so long for the Despicable Me 2 minion toys from Mc Donalds happy meal set.

anyways, i just ended up buying the Nutella chocolate spread jam, mango juice and Evian mineral water for £2.90 in total bill when i was influence by my friend that drinking Evian water can help to cure some illness as shown below.
around 1.10pm i arrived back home but make a move at 1.40pm to attend the EBM seminar class.
well, the tutor teaches the MWEB case study that related to hacking and security breach.
somehow i still feel sleepy again but this time i was being noticed by the tutor and she said i was sleeping on her lecture class during this morning and i just feel quite embarrassing during that moment.
guess i should think in a better way that at least i getting more energetic to listen her class after being pointed out as a "sleeper".
in fact, i was not sure whether i am sick or not as i was just feeling something wrong but don't know is what.

when she mention about the motivator of a hacker to hack was not only doing it for money but for reputation using an anonymous identity, i just have an "imaginary feeling" which seems like referring myself of the reason that i blogging everyday anonymously using "Lonely Reload" identity was not because of money although i wish i can but the real reason behind was just to hope someone would notice my existence in life when i wondered whether i am really living in this world or not sometime.
anyways, she was right too that money is always be the main motivation of someone doing something other than the reputation, publicity, political and religion factors.
after the class end, i just went to Aldi supermarket to buy something and here goes another £3.80 for buying the bread, hams, hotdog and Tikka sauce as shown below.
finally i arrived back home at 5pm after took the Freebee bus from somewhere near Aldi.

then i just watch the 18th episode of "Triumph In The Skies 2" (衝上雲霄II) HK drama as shown below.
well, this episodes seems to be leave me for having some thought such as the "surrogate mother" (代母) because i believe most of the guy would not have such "big heart" to allow their future wife to help their friends to born the baby.
in fact, i don't think much people would treasure their friendship to help friends (上刀山,下火海) until that kind of stage in real life.
somehow i just fall asleep upon lay down on the bed and woke up again at 7.05pm when my friend phoned me to have dinner at their house.
well, i just have "Min Hun Ker" (板面) noodles as my dinner although it was not nice to eat and it is better to keep inside heart since myself also not a very good in cooking.

around 9.10pm i reached home and just search some related information while eating another pack of honeycomb crunch from Graze box.
well, it seems that the official day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri was tomorrow (8th August) in Malaysia which is basically a religious holiday celebrated by Muslims that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of dawn-to-sunset fasting.
therefore i would like to wish any reader who celebrate this day a very happy "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2013" although i couldn't experience it while i was in Sheffield UK this year.
furthermore, it sounds like a routine for me to write this topic every year as i would read back my Hari Raya 2012, 2011 and 2010 blog post.
somehow i just miss those Malaysian Hari Raya food so much especially the Satay, chicken curry Rendang, Sambal prawn with Petai, Nasi Briyani, different type of malay's cookies and others more when i visits some of my relatives house every year who marry to Malay races.

before i end my post, i would like to share an interesting article about "Why Our Generation Is F*cking Up Our Parent's Hard Work" from Elite Diary as i feel myself "guilty" in some ways.
guess it was right that "Many of our parents are immigrants that came here on a borrowed dollar and a suitcase full of dreams as they worked because they had to in order to survive. They don't mind working because they knew that if they don't work, they wouldn't able to eat. They had no one to fall back on in term of no safety net. Their only options were to either work as hard and for as long as necessary, starve to death, or go back to their home countries where the living conditions were unbearable. Our parents lived in a different time where everyone was looking out for only themselves and the idea of working towards a better world was not something feasible. Our parents had no choice but to work, so they did. Millennials, on the other hand, generally have it much better (especially those living in more modern countries). If we don’t want to work then we can usually get away without working. We can piggyback our way through life, having our parents sweat and bleed for our benefit. Many, if not most, do just that. We don’t feel a need to put in the work and effort because we are not risking starvation" that is quite true.
seriously i just felt so "speechless" about myself after reading the article.
(Self Expenses note: Today £6.70, Yesterday total £32.80, Total up to date £39.50)
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