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Product Innovation And Creativity Lecture Seminar Sheffield

today i woke up at 7.20am.
well, i still not get used to use the tap water to brush my teeth because the feelings was like using ice water to brush my teeth.
after getting myself prepared, i went down to wait some other friend before walking to the school and the weather was quite cold in the morning.
around 8.40am we make a move from home and it took about 15 minutes of walking journey before attending my first lecture class for Product Innovation And Creativity lecture in Stoddart building.
somehow we just manage to reach on time and luckily i was still manage to listen to the Stephanie tutor English ascent.
moreover, it seems that it is important to insert Harvard Referencing about the words you write.

there is some sentences that i like from the lecture class was "If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got, Adcock, 2000" and "The truth of winning strategies are smart, innovative, original and break the rules and most times there is someone somewhere who has seen through conventions and traditional assumption to create a new business idea, Piercy, 2002" that is quite true.
besides, the tutor also shown a video about Future Trends as shown below or the link >>> Here.
after that, we walk around there while waiting the next product innovation and creativity seminar class.
well, the Chris tutor seems to be quite special as we was given a question that is imagine you now faced a dessert storm and only left you with 3 items which is a celebrity, a luggage and a solar powered DVD driver, what would you do and introduce the person besides you to the class.
anyways, i don't really understand the purpose of this activity but it was quite special.

then it is followed by dividing good and it was coincidence to same group with a friend although i want to have a totally new group.
after the class, we went to have some hot dog pork sausage as our lunch for £2 but i still not full and just went to buy a buy a mayo chicken burger ala carte for £99p at Mc Donalds.
after that, we just walk around the area and i bought a shirt for £2.50 in Primark.
around 3.20pm we make a move to the SHU Union to book for the bank appointment for banking the remaining cheque in Barclays bank.
besides, i do get some information from a senior who studied Master in Sheffield.
during the evening, we headed to Genting Club casino as shown picture below.
it is because they say will provide free drinks and nibbles.

however, the drinks and food was very limited as they served some drink and dumpling with other's as shown below.
moreover, i just get to know about the EasyMoshi was a local marketing company and have a feeling that they might get paid for handling Genting's marketing promotion activities.
somehow i couldn't get the Free £5 gaming chip and another £3 for blackjack/roulette because the queue was so long that i can say full of Tarcian student as below.
anyways, we make a move from there and i just took some picture of the Sheffield train station when walking back to home as shown below.
finally i arrived back home around 7pm and cooked instant noodles with ham as my dinner.
then i just continue search some information to get some new idea for the upcoming assignment.

on the other hand, there was a Chinese article from the EasyMoshi magazine that caught my attention about a guy sharing his entrepreneurship journey on creating his own brand "My Organic Diary" which aimed to help consumer to search organic product.
somehow this just make me recall about the Product Innovation And Creativity tutor saying that you must create something that which is possible with your capabilities, not something too imaginary such as the internet refrigerator or a machine that can conquer the world.
another Chinese article was saying about "inner thought about a person who come to study in Uk and i liked the Chinese sentences which is "所有事物,生活还有自己,都是不在乎别人眼里的评论,在乎的是你喜不喜欢,因为每一个物件都是人花心思和时间而设计,每一个人都有一颗自己独一无二的心。不必迎合,不必夸耀" which say's that we should live our life to the fullness.

moreover, i learned that it was so true to just ignore those things that is not true because other's people deserve nothing which i should not "torture myself in this way" as told by Mrs Anonymous in my yesterday blog post.
therefore i just make a decision to be a "mean guy" because the moment i did not care for other's people feelings when saying something out, i will eventually become a "mean" person in other's people view.
somehow i really feel happy when i ignore those statement which is not true about me and "someone" tends to be bored when getting not much response from me and "someone" will start to look for a different person who might be weaker than me to "bully mentally" which is so real although the friendship might get ruined.
besides, i feel that there is no use to "jelly" other's people "rich story" when some people bring £5000 extra to spend in UK while others student keep trying to save money for the Euro trip like me.

honestly, i don't really want to spend all money until zero when i go back to Malaysia and i just canceled my plan to go Scotland trip for £235.
therefore i just can go to the Europe trip for £839 although my current financial was left around £600 cash, £1500 cheque but still haven open in Barclays, £400 from HSBC and another RM6000 which still haven transfer from my Malaysia bank that i don't plan to use it.
therefore it might be true that why some senior claims that they spend around RM40,000+ in total instead of RM30,000 for the whole Tarc SHU degree course.
seriously planning is very important to plan the trip because the final decision still on my hand as i suddenly wondering whether want follow the Europe trip tour or back packing as told by Peter from Munish's advice that backpacking is better in my yesterday blog post feedback.

in fact, Peter was right that i was not really having a very good meal in Sheffield and even one of my relatives stay near London told me that better don't buy thing from 99p stores as the product is not very fresh.
somehow i do feel have a feeling that if i really go for backpacking alone, will it be very dangerous, or it is totally a very new experience for myself?
what i can really say was the world is full of rich people and no use to jelly other's people although myself did "jelly" with those people who have rich father and mother bank support while i am still trying hard to adapt myself to be satisfy or appreciate the things i have.
in fact, no people know some senior expenses sharing in UK was just around £800 and £1500 in total where they did not go to many place.
afterall, the main objective why i at here which is to get my degree certificate.

another thought i have was when you have more money, you will eventually want to spend it.
later on, i continue to search some information about the train to London where i was thinking to seek for some advice from my relatives who live somewhere near there as shown below.
overall until this date of staying in Sheffield, what i feel about UK people was they was polite where i should not think in a way that they was pretending to be good person because i was influence by my typical Malaysian mindset whereby when someone good to you, they must be have motive behind in Malaysia.
moreover, they working time would be until 9am to 5pm while Malaysia people will work from 8am to 8pm or even until midnight.
other than that, i realized the search trend for keyword was totally different and only i will able to know it since i have installed the Google Analytic tools that is very useful for extra e-commerce knowledge.
in conclusion, i feel that this era was about getting information and network connection to be success, or the alternative option was inherit from a very rich family background.
at last, i was exhausted thinking idea for the assignment and shall continue tomorrow again!
(Self Expenses note: Today £5.50, Yesterday total 155£, Total up to date £160.5)

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