today i woke up at 10.10am.
after getting myself prepared, i just do my online stuff as usual such as update my links and reading some blogs since i was quite free nowadays.
around 12.20pm i went to have chicken rice as my lunch because it is a public holiday at Kuala Lumpur area and there is not much food stall opened at Setapak.
when i arrived back home, i just watched the latest episode of Naruto Anime and enjoyed it very much when Naruto was battling with Nagato (Pein) while Gyuki is battling with Itachi.
seriously it had make me quite addicted to it and i eventually went to read the Naruto Manga version at the Animea website from 551th to 618th episode.
therefore here goes my 2 hour+ time spend on reading the manga.
around 5.40pm i get myself prepared again to back Klang hometown by sitting my brother car.
after waited for 20 minutes, the bus finally arrived and i reached Wangsa Maju station at 6pm.
then i took the LRT train to Taman Paramount as i will meet my brother there.
when i reach there around 6.45pm, i waited for some time again for my brother to arrived.
finally i arrived back to my Klang hometown at 8.20pm because the road's traffic was so congested but i just sleep inside the car throughout the journey back home.
mother have prepared quite a wonderful dinner for us and i do enjoyed it very much.
somehow i just told myself that it is all depend on how i think my life was instead of having the feeling of "Lifeless and Lonely" thought that i have yesterday.
then i just surf the internet to see some news and information online again.
well, i would like to share the "Reason Why Girls Like Older Man" and below was my detail explanation about this issue.
1) Older man are more maturity.
Well, i know that there are few younger guys that is around my age (23) seems to be more mature but what i talking here was about the guy who is aged from 28 ~ 35 or above. It is because they have been go through their broken hearts moments, played with a girls emotions already or having one night stands experiences. When they have go through such stages of life, they're left with a nurturing maturity that is beyond sexy and no longer think of girls are "disposable" but to cherish them.
2) Older man are more stable in many areas.
Most of the older man by their 30+ age have a steady job and living on their own that will eventually create a financial security to those girls as they don't need to worry to pay their meals as your older guy has got any thing you need taken care of. Moreover, older man has move likely been through a lot of crap in his life that he was willing to make your relationship works. In term of creating a long lasting relationships, they are more forgiving, willing to quit living in the past and tend to be more mentally stable too.
3) Older man have less "drama".
As you can see, a younger boys tends to have a lot "drama" (high school style/street drama) happening but older men have found a way to eliminate those drama. For an example, when a younger guy see's a SMS text send to his girlfriend from another guy, his jealousy spirit gone high. Besides, older man do no cares much if those girls go out by themselves or hanging around with a bunch of boys as he trust you and knows that you won't stray. If the girls do, he won't end things on a bad note as he know the relationship wasn't meant to be.
4) Older man have more confidence.
An older guys that over 30 years old will be having a strong confidence on themselves where they know the way to satisfy a girl or make them happy. Besides, he would be stop caring about how others think as he isn't rude or anything like that, but he know that what he doing is not just to please others. Moreover, he will take the initiative to approach girls as he will not worry of getting rejection. They appeared in a way their past point of emotion such as fear or intimidation will not stop them for keeping up in their tracks.
5) Older man know what they want.
When the guy reach 30 years old, he is most likely know what he want to achieve in his life. It can be either inside or outside of the bedroom. As for the inside, he has no longer interest much with those "banging" experience but is more onto worship his partner to make her feel like the luckiest woman on the earth. As for the outsides, he is strong in making decision and have a lesser uncertainty. For an example, he is able to make any decision when going on a date such as deciding what's to eat instead of spending half and hour to decide what to do later as the girl will think "You're the one who ask me out and still want me to decide?" which might be true.
6) Older man have already made a few mistakes and learned from past experiences.
It took years to make a person into shape after being "kicked" around by failure. Based on their past experiences, older man tend to know what is their mistake and improve it. In terms of creating conversation, they will have more topic to share or talk about with girls as they know more topics. Besides, older man will not act "rough" when compared with a young men to protect his girl. For an example, the first thought of a younger guy's mind would be "punching" someone face when he gets into argument/fight but an older guy is less worried about being beaten up as he is more concern about getting his girl out from that situation.
anyways, i don't think i am able to be a "mature guy" now as my mindset was still full of different kind of childish thought.
besides, i do have a little "babyface" look as it is like a secondary's boy face although i am already 23 years old and feel what's other people say was quite true that if i hang out with a girl that same age with me, she would be feel dating with her little brother.
sometime looking at myself, i seems to be still on my own fantasy world that i will think "I wish you would love me" as shown picture below.
however, the fact is everything has been past now and i am trying my best to improve.
honestly, without my "love energy" towards the girl that i like, this blog would be dying long time ago because there is no reason or passion for me to update my blog as my GA has been banned long time ago.
in fact, my blog has been penalized by Google recently and i still not sure what is the reason but most of my organic traffic has been dropped tremendously.
moreover, i don't think it will affect me from keeping up blogging as i do asked myself "get so much traffic for what?" since it is my diary, and a diary should just keep for own usage instead of being a "blog whore aka attention whore" in the public right?
around 10.30pm is the Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing program and below was the recording podcast.
1) 第一位:阿May~家庭問題,因為同住一個屋簷下的大家庭所以人多口雜,她很想和丈夫拔出去外面住但是目前的經濟能力有限,她對於那種是非流言感到氣憤。【*陳峰大哥認為問題不大,叫她凡事別太計較還有把事情想得過於複雜;陳峰大哥也勸她就把問題當做是一種修行*】>>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿德(運動用品銷售員)~工作的事,關於新店的掌門人的事宜,因為他知道酬勞方面不會有太大的變動令他對於工作的責任和壓力有點不成正比。【*陳峰大哥說他日夜都在做工甚至是擺攤做 Pasar Malam會太勞又累吃力不討好,他應該集中火力集中去衝刺還有附上完整的一份工作規劃表*】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿玲~婆媳問題,她對於丈夫的家人對她的閒言閒語和批評很不服氣,她純粹只是打電話進來發個牢騷罷了。【*陳峰大哥覺得最感歎的就是因為她丈夫本身就跟自己兄弟姐妹相處都不怎麼融洽而導致太太時常遭一些在背後的抹黑和指點,但值得慶倖的是至少倆老還是很疼愛他們的*】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:肥媽~她想問孫女如果被政府抽中去國民服務,有什麽辦法可以申請豁免,因為她覺得國民服務營裡面的環境很惡劣怕她不能適應環境,很想保護她的安危。【*陳峰大哥覺得他們一家人已經太過份於保護這個孩子了,家人們應該是時候讓這個孫女出來接受社會的磨練;至於如果說意外的事情或許就另當別論*】
5) 第五位:曉娟~沒有說話就掛掉電話了。
6) 第六位:Ken(設計師)~目前人在北京,他說他今年回不來大馬了,因為買不到機票,他打電話進來給陳峰大哥只是閒聊和問候。Part 4 + 5 + 6 >>> Here.
7) 第七位:Amy~她在不久之前有在面子書上轉載自己老公和孩子的照片,因為她不明白為何老公當時要帶著兒子離家出走棄她而去。【*陳峰大哥建議,兩者之間有個好聚好散的解決方式免得兩敗俱傷*】>>> Here.
8) 第八位(最後一位):Jowsh~他剛加入一家新公司不久現在很想離開,理由是因為他覺得公司的領導層做事出事方式很不人道和沒標準,他覺得此地不宜久留。【*陳峰大哥覺得他應該多培養自己的耐心再花點時間觀察公司的背景和多多向身邊的同事們學習公司的基本操作模式,從基本的開始吸收經驗*】>>> Here.
somehow i do feel that listening this kind of story is for own reference to be aware about the problem and not fall to the same mistake if we encounter the similar things.
on the other hand, i would like to share a meaningful Chinese sentence but i lazy to translate to English which is "这个世界上,房子有价格,车子有价格,面子有价格,甚至连伴侣也有价格。然而,一切能用钱买到的东西,都不是最值钱的。唯有感情,始终只能物物交换,若你想得到一颗真心,唯有用你自己的真心来换。" that is quite true.
overall i just feel that sometime we can't blame why those older men can get those young's girl heart because we don't know they have meet a lot of failure before he learned the "chasing girls tricks" right?
therefore i think if a old guy can "cheat" a young girl heart until can get her body, he deserved it because when he is young and being good, no one give a damn about him.
anyways, it is just my simply thought again and there is no right or wrong about this.
besides, i suddenly remember about the "dried meat" (肉干) business when my brother said his boss also got do this business during Chinese New Year and you will be shock about the profit of it.
for example, how do you feel if you know the cost of the ingredient was only RM10 and can sell for RM40+ per 500 grams, would you want to sell it?
at last, it's the first day of February and i would like to ask you guys what's came on your mind?
for myself, it is just the month that make me remind of Valentine day coming soon.
moreover, "Love" to me is quite a valuable stuff which might probably because i haven experience it before in terms of relationship especially those pure love feelings.
anyways, i would like to wish all couple to have a happy day throughout this whole month.
after getting myself prepared, i just do my online stuff as usual such as update my links and reading some blogs since i was quite free nowadays.
around 12.20pm i went to have chicken rice as my lunch because it is a public holiday at Kuala Lumpur area and there is not much food stall opened at Setapak.
when i arrived back home, i just watched the latest episode of Naruto Anime and enjoyed it very much when Naruto was battling with Nagato (Pein) while Gyuki is battling with Itachi.
seriously it had make me quite addicted to it and i eventually went to read the Naruto Manga version at the Animea website from 551th to 618th episode.
therefore here goes my 2 hour+ time spend on reading the manga.
around 5.40pm i get myself prepared again to back Klang hometown by sitting my brother car.
after waited for 20 minutes, the bus finally arrived and i reached Wangsa Maju station at 6pm.
then i took the LRT train to Taman Paramount as i will meet my brother there.
when i reach there around 6.45pm, i waited for some time again for my brother to arrived.
finally i arrived back to my Klang hometown at 8.20pm because the road's traffic was so congested but i just sleep inside the car throughout the journey back home.
mother have prepared quite a wonderful dinner for us and i do enjoyed it very much.
somehow i just told myself that it is all depend on how i think my life was instead of having the feeling of "Lifeless and Lonely" thought that i have yesterday.
then i just surf the internet to see some news and information online again.
well, i would like to share the "Reason Why Girls Like Older Man" and below was my detail explanation about this issue.
1) Older man are more maturity.
Well, i know that there are few younger guys that is around my age (23) seems to be more mature but what i talking here was about the guy who is aged from 28 ~ 35 or above. It is because they have been go through their broken hearts moments, played with a girls emotions already or having one night stands experiences. When they have go through such stages of life, they're left with a nurturing maturity that is beyond sexy and no longer think of girls are "disposable" but to cherish them.
2) Older man are more stable in many areas.
Most of the older man by their 30+ age have a steady job and living on their own that will eventually create a financial security to those girls as they don't need to worry to pay their meals as your older guy has got any thing you need taken care of. Moreover, older man has move likely been through a lot of crap in his life that he was willing to make your relationship works. In term of creating a long lasting relationships, they are more forgiving, willing to quit living in the past and tend to be more mentally stable too.
3) Older man have less "drama".
As you can see, a younger boys tends to have a lot "drama" (high school style/street drama) happening but older men have found a way to eliminate those drama. For an example, when a younger guy see's a SMS text send to his girlfriend from another guy, his jealousy spirit gone high. Besides, older man do no cares much if those girls go out by themselves or hanging around with a bunch of boys as he trust you and knows that you won't stray. If the girls do, he won't end things on a bad note as he know the relationship wasn't meant to be.
4) Older man have more confidence.
An older guys that over 30 years old will be having a strong confidence on themselves where they know the way to satisfy a girl or make them happy. Besides, he would be stop caring about how others think as he isn't rude or anything like that, but he know that what he doing is not just to please others. Moreover, he will take the initiative to approach girls as he will not worry of getting rejection. They appeared in a way their past point of emotion such as fear or intimidation will not stop them for keeping up in their tracks.
5) Older man know what they want.
When the guy reach 30 years old, he is most likely know what he want to achieve in his life. It can be either inside or outside of the bedroom. As for the inside, he has no longer interest much with those "banging" experience but is more onto worship his partner to make her feel like the luckiest woman on the earth. As for the outsides, he is strong in making decision and have a lesser uncertainty. For an example, he is able to make any decision when going on a date such as deciding what's to eat instead of spending half and hour to decide what to do later as the girl will think "You're the one who ask me out and still want me to decide?" which might be true.
6) Older man have already made a few mistakes and learned from past experiences.
It took years to make a person into shape after being "kicked" around by failure. Based on their past experiences, older man tend to know what is their mistake and improve it. In terms of creating conversation, they will have more topic to share or talk about with girls as they know more topics. Besides, older man will not act "rough" when compared with a young men to protect his girl. For an example, the first thought of a younger guy's mind would be "punching" someone face when he gets into argument/fight but an older guy is less worried about being beaten up as he is more concern about getting his girl out from that situation.
anyways, i don't think i am able to be a "mature guy" now as my mindset was still full of different kind of childish thought.
besides, i do have a little "babyface" look as it is like a secondary's boy face although i am already 23 years old and feel what's other people say was quite true that if i hang out with a girl that same age with me, she would be feel dating with her little brother.
sometime looking at myself, i seems to be still on my own fantasy world that i will think "I wish you would love me" as shown picture below.
however, the fact is everything has been past now and i am trying my best to improve.
honestly, without my "love energy" towards the girl that i like, this blog would be dying long time ago because there is no reason or passion for me to update my blog as my GA has been banned long time ago.
in fact, my blog has been penalized by Google recently and i still not sure what is the reason but most of my organic traffic has been dropped tremendously.
moreover, i don't think it will affect me from keeping up blogging as i do asked myself "get so much traffic for what?" since it is my diary, and a diary should just keep for own usage instead of being a "blog whore aka attention whore" in the public right?
around 10.30pm is the Chan Fong (大城心事) sharing program and below was the recording podcast.
1) 第一位:阿May~家庭問題,因為同住一個屋簷下的大家庭所以人多口雜,她很想和丈夫拔出去外面住但是目前的經濟能力有限,她對於那種是非流言感到氣憤。【*陳峰大哥認為問題不大,叫她凡事別太計較還有把事情想得過於複雜;陳峰大哥也勸她就把問題當做是一種修行*】>>> Here.
2) 第二位:阿德(運動用品銷售員)~工作的事,關於新店的掌門人的事宜,因為他知道酬勞方面不會有太大的變動令他對於工作的責任和壓力有點不成正比。【*陳峰大哥說他日夜都在做工甚至是擺攤做 Pasar Malam會太勞又累吃力不討好,他應該集中火力集中去衝刺還有附上完整的一份工作規劃表*】>>> Here.
3) 第三位:阿玲~婆媳問題,她對於丈夫的家人對她的閒言閒語和批評很不服氣,她純粹只是打電話進來發個牢騷罷了。【*陳峰大哥覺得最感歎的就是因為她丈夫本身就跟自己兄弟姐妹相處都不怎麼融洽而導致太太時常遭一些在背後的抹黑和指點,但值得慶倖的是至少倆老還是很疼愛他們的*】>>> Here.
4) 第四位:肥媽~她想問孫女如果被政府抽中去國民服務,有什麽辦法可以申請豁免,因為她覺得國民服務營裡面的環境很惡劣怕她不能適應環境,很想保護她的安危。【*陳峰大哥覺得他們一家人已經太過份於保護這個孩子了,家人們應該是時候讓這個孫女出來接受社會的磨練;至於如果說意外的事情或許就另當別論*】
5) 第五位:曉娟~沒有說話就掛掉電話了。
6) 第六位:Ken(設計師)~目前人在北京,他說他今年回不來大馬了,因為買不到機票,他打電話進來給陳峰大哥只是閒聊和問候。Part 4 + 5 + 6 >>> Here.
7) 第七位:Amy~她在不久之前有在面子書上轉載自己老公和孩子的照片,因為她不明白為何老公當時要帶著兒子離家出走棄她而去。【*陳峰大哥建議,兩者之間有個好聚好散的解決方式免得兩敗俱傷*】>>> Here.
8) 第八位(最後一位):Jowsh~他剛加入一家新公司不久現在很想離開,理由是因為他覺得公司的領導層做事出事方式很不人道和沒標準,他覺得此地不宜久留。【*陳峰大哥覺得他應該多培養自己的耐心再花點時間觀察公司的背景和多多向身邊的同事們學習公司的基本操作模式,從基本的開始吸收經驗*】>>> Here.
somehow i do feel that listening this kind of story is for own reference to be aware about the problem and not fall to the same mistake if we encounter the similar things.
on the other hand, i would like to share a meaningful Chinese sentence but i lazy to translate to English which is "这个世界上,房子有价格,车子有价格,面子有价格,甚至连伴侣也有价格。然而,一切能用钱买到的东西,都不是最值钱的。唯有感情,始终只能物物交换,若你想得到一颗真心,唯有用你自己的真心来换。" that is quite true.
overall i just feel that sometime we can't blame why those older men can get those young's girl heart because we don't know they have meet a lot of failure before he learned the "chasing girls tricks" right?
therefore i think if a old guy can "cheat" a young girl heart until can get her body, he deserved it because when he is young and being good, no one give a damn about him.
anyways, it is just my simply thought again and there is no right or wrong about this.
besides, i suddenly remember about the "dried meat" (肉干) business when my brother said his boss also got do this business during Chinese New Year and you will be shock about the profit of it.
for example, how do you feel if you know the cost of the ingredient was only RM10 and can sell for RM40+ per 500 grams, would you want to sell it?
at last, it's the first day of February and i would like to ask you guys what's came on your mind?
for myself, it is just the month that make me remind of Valentine day coming soon.
moreover, "Love" to me is quite a valuable stuff which might probably because i haven experience it before in terms of relationship especially those pure love feelings.
anyways, i would like to wish all couple to have a happy day throughout this whole month.